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recurs 发音

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英:  美:

recurs 中文意思翻译

v.再发生,复发( recur的第三人称单数 )



recurs 词性/词形变化,recurs变形

动词第三人称单数: recurs |动词过去分词: recurred |动词现在分词: recurring |动词过去式: recurred |名词: recurrence |

recurs 相似词语短语

1、recurves ─── v.向后弯曲,(使)弯曲;n.(箭术)两端反曲弓

2、reincurs ─── 再诅咒

3、recourse ─── n.求援,求助;[经]追索权;依赖;救生索

4、precures ─── n.预固化,预塑化;预硫早熟化;v.预塑化,预硫早熟化

5、precurse ─── n.预示,征兆;v.预示,征兆

6、recure ─── n.再硫化

7、recures ─── 递归

8、recur ─── vi.复发;重现;采用;再来;循环;递归

9、recuts ─── vt.再切

recurs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When most people play poker, they tend to expect that which has recently occurred to recur. ─── 当大多数的人玩扑克牌的时候,他们容易期待那些刚出现的牌再现。

2、He said he guaranteed the attention of server security, similar incidents will not recur. ─── 他说他保证以后注意服务器安全,不再出现类似的事件。

3、The theme recurs several times throughout the book. ─── 这一主题在整部书里出现了好几次.

4、The builder recur to the matter of the cost of remodel our house. ─── 建筑商重新提起改建我们房子的费用问题。

5、The same old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. ─── 一些相同的老嗜好年复一年地以单调的规律重现。

6、Crowd mentality changes slowly, and price patterns recur, albeit with variations. ─── 大众的智力变化慢,价格的模式会反复出现,但有所不同。

7、Click the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) with which the appointment recurs, and then select options for the frequency. ─── 单击约会重复发生的频率(“按天”、“按周”、“按月”、“按年”),然后选定该频率的选项。

8、The school authorities warned the student that he will be expelled if this cheating recurs. ─── 学校当局警告该生说如果这种欺诈行为再次发生,他将被开除。

9、If every second of our lives recurs an infinite number of times, we are nailed to eternity as Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross. ─── 如果我们生命的每一秒钟都有无数次的重复,我们就会像耶稣钉于十字架,被钉死在永恒上。

10、If we do not take such steps, our risk will surely increase, and explosions of rage, manipulated or spontaneous, will recur. ─── 如果我们不采取这些步子,我们的风险肯定会增加,被人操纵或自发的愤怒将会重演。

11、In the larynx, this tumor displays an aggressive biologic behavior, it may recur and metas-tasize to various organs.The treatment of choice is wide resection. ─── 喉部的恶性纤维性组织细胞瘤容易复发,且会转移至身体其他器官,但颈部转移则较少见。

12、Then the dissertation founds the model of integration between urban public transport system and land use, and evaluates the model recur to the method of analytic hierarch process. ─── 在此基础上建立了城市公共交通系统与土地利用的一体化模型,并引入层次分析法对模型进行了评价;

13、Frequently a favourable situation recurs and the initiative is regained as a result of "holding out a little longer". ─── 往往有这种情形,有利的情况和主动的恢复,产生于“再坚持一下”的努力之中。

14、The memory of the days we spent together often recurs to me. ─── 我们当时在一起的情景现在还时常浮上我的心头.

15、The Global Executive Program, which specially focuses on General Management, is designed in an integrative manner, i.e., the modules recur within the course of ... ─── 全球执行计划,该计划特别注重对综合管理,设计是一个综合性的方式,即在程序的课程单元,并发生在不同情况下处理。

16、Appointments and Tasks that will recur outside of these dates will not appear in the export file. ─── 在这些日期外重复的约会和任务不在导出文件中出现。

17、History will not recur, what recur is exactly a human natural instinct constantly. ─── 历史不会重演,不断重演的却正是人类的本性。

18、Therefore there is much instructive significance and practical value for study desertification to achieve man-made desert environment recur to environment simulation technology. ─── 因此,运用环境模拟技术实现沙漠环境的人工再现,对研究和解决沙漠化问题有着重要的指导意义和实用价值。

19、In that case, my original question recurs. ─── 这样,又回了到我最初提出的问题上。

20、Estrus recurs at intervals of approximately six months until late in life. ─── 从一个发情期至第二个发情期之间约为六个月。

21、To recur or visit often, especially as a ghost. ─── 尤指鬼魂重回或常去

22、Right before the inappropriate practice of non-compliance is necessary to resolutely carry out rectification, while taking effective measures to prevent future recur. ─── 对之前不恰当、不合规的做法要坚决进行整改,同时采取有力措施杜绝今后不再发生。

23、Once this disease is contracted, one can never be really carefree again, for the fever without an instant's warning, can recur at any moment. ─── 一旦染上这病,你再也不能无忧无虑了,因为这种高热没有丝毫预兆,任何时候都可能复发。

24、Vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC)is a kind of vulvovaginal inflammation caused by candida infection,which has high incidence and easy to recur. ─── 外阴阴道念珠菌病是由念珠菌感染引起的常见的外阴阴道炎症,发病率很高,且治疗后极易复发。

25、Every so many generations, the scars recur leading to deformity or autism. ─── 如此多代每一代,伤痛复发导致畸形和疯狂。

26、The disease recurs in epidemic cycles at two - to three - year intervals . ─── 本病流行周期为 2-3年.

27、The consequences of this are that this should NOT recur if I prevent interturn shorting or movement. ─── 后果,这是由于这不应该再发生,如果我阻止间短路或运动。

28、TYPICAL USE : Leap year recurs every four years and in that year February has 29 days. ─── 每四年 闰年 一次,而那一年中,二月有二十九天.

29、If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled from school. ─── 如果这样的作弊行为再发生, 你将被开除出校.

30、If pain recurs, reapply cold water. ─── 如果再次疼痛,应再冲凉水。

31、The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices. ─── 国家可能不得不采取控制物价继续上涨的非常措施。

32、The influenza H1N1 virus was begin to recur in March,2005 in Ningbo,and gradually forms the preponderance in the same year in September. ─── H1N1亚型在2005年3月起在宁波市开始活动加强,同年9月起逐渐形成优势成为主要的流行株。

33、Leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February has 29 days. ─── 每四年闰年一次, 而那一年中,二月有29天.

34、What do you want to make it recur? ─── 如果你能选择的话,你希望让什么重现?

35、Once these approaches and techniques are mastered, the original text will recur accurately in the targeted text. ─── 只有掌握词语的互译方法和技巧才能更准确地再现原文。

36、The mid-autumn Festvial recurs year in year out with monotonous regularity. ─── 中秋节有年复一年有规律地到来。

37、If the pain recurs, take this medicine. ─── 如果病痛复发, 就服这种药.

38、According to Freud, this event is not unique but recurs throughout the history of mankind, of every individual. ─── 弗洛伊德认为,这样的事件不是一次性的,它在人类和每个个体的历史中屡屡出现。

39、Unlike most other types of cancer, prostate cancer can recur as many as 10 years later, and sometimes even longer than that. ─── 不像其他大多数类型的癌症,前列腺癌在十年后,或许时间还会更长些仍可能复发。

40、The realization of Chinese political modernization must recur to the impact of outside forces and effective inside conformity". ─── 中国政治现代化的实现,必须借助于外力撞击并进行有效的内部整合。

41、If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled from school. ─── 如果这样的作弊行为再发生,你将被开除出校。

42、The repeated failures of the past cannot and must not be allowed to recur, and they must be turned into victory. ─── 历史上多次失败的情形,不能再继续了,也决不能让它再继续了,而要使它转变为胜利。

43、Two themes recur throughout our discussion of welfare economics. ─── 两个主题再次出现在我们关于福利经济学的讨论中。

44、A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur. ─── 应编制形成文件的程序以规定评价确保不合格不再发生的措施的需求等方面的要求.

45、A stronger framework is needed to ensure that tragedies like the one in Abidjan do not recur. ─── 同时还必须加强国际框架的建设,确保阿比让的悲剧不再发生。

46、His leg is gimpy, so he has to recur to crutch when walking. ─── 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。

47、In Vermeer, the enterprise recurs. ─── 在弗米尔身上, 这一创举重现了.

48、If the swelling should recur, please take this medicine immediately. ─── 如果再出现肿胀症状,请立即服用这种药品。

49、At present, wedge-shoes recurs in fashion top. ─── 如今楔形鞋又重新回到流行前沿,这股风潮将一直持续。

50、After two homestead destroy,Scarlet recur to"Christ" Faramita "homestead",to gain oversee redemption. ─── 当“此岸”的双重家园失去后,斯卡利特回到“基督”的“彼岸”家园,以求得向下的救赎。

51、If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs. ─── 一个有个性的人,也会有他反复经历的独特体验。

52、His illness is likely to recur. ─── 他的病可能复发。

53、We can't create the miracle. But we can only learn to believe that someday the brightness will recur. ─── 奇迹是不能被设定的。但我们该学会相信,相信光明终会重现。

54、Because the intertwining had occurred between energy flows within the sun, it caused a pattern of intertwining to recur between planets and stars outside of the sun's dream. ─── 因为这个缠绕是发生在大中枢太阳里的能量流中,所以,它造成了一个缠绕模式在大中枢太阳梦想外的行星恒星之间再次发生。

55、Inevitably, bugs are fixed in one copy but not the other, leaving you scratching your head when the symptoms of the error recur. ─── 不可避免地,错误在一个副本中被修正了,而在另一个副本中没有被修正,这样在错误症状复发时就会让您很头疼。

56、Our first meeting often recurs to me / my mind. ─── 我们初次见面的情形时常浮现于我的脑海.

57、An episode of major depression my occur only once in a person's lifetime, but more often, it recurs throughout a person's life. ─── 大抑郁症发作对个体患者来说可能一生只发生一次,但通常来说,大抑郁症存在于个体患者的整个生命过程中。

58、This theme recurs several times throughout the book. ─── 这一主题在整部书里出现了好几次。

59、Mid-autumn Festival recurs year in year out with regularity. ─── 中秋节又年复一年有规律地到来。这是个全家团聚的时间。

60、A chance happens, but it never recurs. ─── 只发生过一次,但是没再复发过。

61、Where there is a choice, it is better to err on the side of leniency, but we should be more severe if the problems recur. ─── 对过去的错误,处理可宽可严的,可以从宽;对今后发生的问题,要严些。

62、This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera. ─── 这一主旋律在该歌剧中不断出现.

63、If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled from school. ─── 如果这样的作弊行为再发生,你将被开除出校。

64、Immunosuppressant may provide results comparable to nerve autografts.However, immune response will recur after immunosupressant is withdrawn. ─── 应用免疫抑制剂,效果较理想,但停药后排异反应仍难避免。

65、We can't create the miracle. But we can only learn to believe that someday the brightness will recur... ─── 奇迹是不能被设定的.但我们该学会相信,相信光明终会重现...

66、Any problem as yet unsettled that tends to recur in your thoughts during the day is suitable subject. ─── 当天的任何问题,只要是挥之不去、犹疑不定的,即是最好的应用题材。

67、Your attitude to the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether your nightmare recur or not. ─── 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你的噩梦是否再来。

68、After the specified time elapses, Schtasks does not start the task again until the start time recurs. ─── 再次之后指定时间间隔,Schtasks不启动该任务,必须重复开始时间。

69、These adjectives apply to what is expected or familiar because it occurs frequently or recurs regularly. ─── 这些形容词是指其事是可预见的或熟悉的,因为它是经常发生的或有规律地发生的.

70、After an initial review of the relevant work procedure, the Observatory has modified the computer program to ensure that such incident will not recur in future. ─── 天文台经初步检讨有关工作程序后,现已修改了电脑程式,以确保类似事件不再发生。

71、He did not recur in thought to New York or the flat. ─── 他再也没去想纽约或者他的公寓。

72、The woeful experience of the 1980s, when unemployment kept on rising for so long, is unlikely to recur. ─── 失业率持续长时间上升,这一上世纪80年代的悲惨局面不太可能重演。

73、Nearly all the important concepts and subjects of the poetry owned during this period recur or preview. ─── 几乎明、清两代诗学所有重要的概念、话题都在此重演或预演过。

74、If the pain recurs, take this medicine. ─── 如果病痛复发,就服这种药。

75、If you click Test, the test will be repeated, and the error could recur. ─── 如果您单击“测试”,将重复测试,有可能出现错误。

76、When cancer recurs, a woman may know what to expect, but that does not mean that it is any easier. ─── 当癌症复发时,妇女可能会预料到将会发生什麽事,但是这并不是一件很容易的事。

77、Of course, many problems recur at various periods. ─── 当然,有许多问题会在不同的时期反复提出。

78、The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me. ─── 孔繁森的崇高品质和事迹 经常在我脑海里再现.

79、Other themes seem to follow naturally from that perspective. They recur in almost everything Hayek wrote. ─── 从这一视角出发,自然而然地,哈耶克发出了另类的声音。它们在哈耶克的每一篇著作里都得到了彰显。

80、An episode of major depression may occur only once in a person's lifetime, but more often, it recurs throughout a person's life. ─── 重度抑郁发作可能在一个人的一生中仅出现一次,但更经常的是,它在一个人的一生中反复出现。

81、We must each as a fully conscious species take responsibility for how this came to be, and choose to release the karma so that it recurs not again. ─── 作为一个全意识物种,我们每一位都必须为这如何成其为这样的方式负起责任,并选择去释放业力,以让它不再重演。

82、We have to recur to arms for guarding our national dignity. ─── 为了捍卫国家的尊严,我们不得不诉诸武力。

83、Does history/the past repeat itself? ie Do similar events or situations recur? ─── 历史[过去的事件]还会重演吗? (类似的事情或情况还会发生吗?)

84、After Chinese state-owned higher education existed for nearly half century, private higher education recurs. ─── 在公立高等教育单独存在了近半个世纪之后,民办高等教育在我国又重新出现了。

85、But treatments do not always offer a definitive cure, and injuries can recur. ─── 但这些治疗方法也不一定能最终治好,并且这类损伤还会重复造成。

86、In contrast with Qian Xiyan's stories, it includes more of the elements of the interrupted suicide narrative that recur in the Qianlong era and later. ─── 和钱希言的故事不同,它包含了乾隆朝即此后受阻自杀鬼叙述的更多本质因素。

87、WANG CC,YAN FZ.The analyses of the recur of 46 examples after the surgery of thoracic wall tuberculosis[J].Chinese Journal of Surgery,1986,24:550. ─── [5]王畅春,阎凤珍.胸壁结核术后复发46例分析[J].中华外科杂志,1986,24:550.

88、To insure that this mishap did not recur, I securely mounted the model in its case. ─── 为了确保这一事故没有发生,我安全模式安装在其案件。

89、If this problem recurs ,please call Dell Support with error code #M1004. ─── 不知道为什么会出现突然自动关机的现象,也不知道该如何解决这一问题。

90、Leap year recurs every four years. ─── 每四年闰年一次.

91、Recur to the information of chart and logistics, people will have a flat roof to get the information, and they will know the quantity and the location information of cargo. ─── 借助于海图信息和物流信息以及网络,可以为人们提供更好的平台。

92、It is clear the same difficulties will recur. ─── 很清楚,同样的困难会再次出现。

93、This festival recurs every five years. ─── 这个节庆每五年举行一次.

94、Except for has not get enough course of take medicine, the recur of nephritic syndrome (NS) has also relate with NS' nature and inclined resistance to disease and infection. ─── 小儿肾病综合征复发的原因除服药周期未达到足够的疗程外,还与肾病本身和治疗用药导致的抵抗力下降、并发感染有关。

95、TurnTo recur in cycles or at periodic intervals. ─── 循环往复:在周期中或周期性间隔中重复出现。

96、If the error recurs, reinstall the Visual Basic compiler. ─── 如果错误重复出现,请重新安装Visual Basic编译器。

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