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09-17 投稿


Libyan 发音

英:[?l?bi?n]  美:[?l?bi?n]

英:  美:

Libyan 中文意思翻译




Libyan 短语词组

1、Libyan dinar ─── [网络] 利比亚第纳尔;利比亚迪纳

2、Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ─── [网络] 利比亚伊斯兰战斗组织;利比亚伊斯兰战斗团;利比亚伊斯兰战斗团组织

3、Libyan civil war ─── 利比亚内战

4、Libyan News Agency ─── 利比亚新闻社

5、Libyan Islamic Group ─── [网络] 利比亚伊斯兰集团

6、Libyan Fighting Group ─── [网络] 利比亚战斗集团

7、Libyan monetary unit ─── [网络] 利比亚货币单位

8、Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── [网络] 社会主义人民阿拉伯利比亚民众国

9、Libyan Arab Airlines ─── 阿拉伯利比亚航空公司

10、Libyan Desert ─── 利比亚沙漠(位于 ─── 利比亚东部、埃及西部和苏丹西北部)

11、Libyan dirham ─── [网络] 利比里亚迪拉姆

Libyan 词性/词形变化,Libyan变形


Libyan 相似词语短语

1、liblab ─── 图书馆

2、libant ─── 烈酒

3、Libya ─── n.埃及以西的北非地方古名;利比亚

4、libken ─── 利布肯

5、Minyan ─── n.举行正式礼拜仪式的法定人数(犹太教);米尼安人(相传住在古希腊中部)

6、Libyans ─── n.利比亚人;利比亚语(Libyan的复数形式)

7、Vivyan ─── 维维扬。

8、Lilyan ─── 莉莲

9、Libyan ─── adj.利比亚的;利比亚人的;n.利比亚人;古代利比亚语

Libyan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Following an appeal by Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, 14 Niger soldiers were released safely. ─── 在利比亚领袖格达费的呼吁下,尼日叛军安全释放了十四名尼日军人。

2、But repeated presentation to the courts of the scientific findings were ignored, on the basis that Libyan doctors' conclusions were the opposite. ─── 但是科学家多次向法庭提交这些科学发现都被驳回了,法庭的理由是利比亚医生的结论正好相反。

3、In a talk with reporters, McCormack said Rice still intends to go to Libya but that the timing depends on Libyan actions. ─── 国务院发言人麦科马克在与媒体会面的时候表示,赖斯目前仍然计划前往利比亚,但是具体的时间要看利比亚的表现。

4、The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab ─── 大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国

5、Libyan Foreign Minister Abdel-Rahman Shalgam met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other officials Thursday in a meeting underlining an improving bilateral relationship. ─── 利比亚外长阿卜杜-拉赫曼.沙勒格姆星期四同美国国务卿赖斯和其他美国官员举行了会晤。

6、The Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi, suggested initially this was part of a joint CIA and Mossad plot to undermine his State. ─── 他们被怀疑蓄意把艾滋病病毒感染给近400位儿童。

7、The Libyan man jailed in Scotland for blowing up a US airliner over Lockerbie in 1988 has arrived back in Libya after being set free. ─── 一位利比亚男子1988年因在洛克比炸毁一架美国客机而被囚禁于苏格兰,日前他被释放并返回利比亚。

8、Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ─── 利比亚伊斯兰战斗组织

9、The Libyan is part-way through an appeal against his 2001 conviction, at a trial held in the Netherlands heard under Scottish law. ─── 一次在荷兰举行的参照苏格兰法律的审判中,迈格拉希中途曾上诉反对2001年对他的判决。

10、Libyan officials say hijackers who took over a Sudanese plane and forced it to land in Libya have now surrendered. ─── 利比亚官方说,劫持苏丹飞机并强迫这架飞机降落在利比亚的人现在已经投降。

11、Indeed, in the later half of the 1990s, a major Islamist rebellion broke out in Benghazi and in the other coastal towns.It took the Libyan authorities several years to suppress it. ─── 事实上,在二十世纪九十年代后半期,一场伊斯兰起义在班加西和其他的几个海滨城市爆发,当局用了许多年才将其平息。

12、My Libyan friends are not very excited," said Filippino. ─── 菲利皮诺说:“我的利比亚朋友们并不是特别兴奋”。

13、Libya (official name: Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) ─── 利比亚

14、To the west you can see the Libyan Desert, and to the east you can see the green Nile Valley and the modern city of Cairo. ─── 向西,你可以看到利比亚沙漠,向东,可以看到绿色的尼罗河流域和开罗这座现代化城市。

15、The Libyan intervention feels like a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age. ─── 干预利比亚行动给人的感觉更像是这首老歌的最后一次回放,而非开创一个新时代的大胆宣言。

16、UK-based spokesman for the Libyan opposition group, the Transitional National Council, says Mr Ghanem is on his way to a European country. ─── 利比亚反对派过渡国民委员会驻英国一名发言人表示,加尼姆正在前往一个欧洲国家的途中。

17、If Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's rambling, podium-hogging speech at the United Nations tried the patience of many UN delegates, spare a thought for his simultaneous interpreter. ─── 如果利比亚领袖格达费在联合国上随意漫谈、霸住讲台的演说令许多联合国代表失去耐性,那麽想一想他的同步口译员。

18、Italy would like to see Libya crack down further on the illegal migrants turning up on Italian shores and will fund $500,000,000 worth of electronic monitoring devices on the Libyan coastline. ─── 意大利也希望看到利比亚进一步打击非法偷渡去意大利的移民,并且会资助价值5亿美元的电子监控设备布置在利比亚的海岸线上。

19、Upper Egypt is to the south from the Libyan desert down to just past Abu Simbel. ─── 上埃及在南部,范围自利比亚沙漠起到阿布辛巴附近。

20、Brown said there’d been no deal on oil and that no private assurances were offered to the Libyan leader. ─── 布朗称,没有任何关于石油方面的交易,也未向利比亚领袖提供任何私下保证。

21、Hallums didn’t appeal to American President Bush but did to Libyan president Muammar al-Gaddafi to help earn his release. ─── 哈卢姆斯没有向美国总统布什求救,而是向利比亚领导人扎卡菲要求援救。

22、Pray also for the salvation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi. ─── 为利比亚的领袖穆额玛.艾尔得救祷告。

23、Cathodic Protection Technology for Libyan Western Pipelines ─── 利此亚西部管道阴极保护技术

24、The Libyan government is starting to spend, with bigprojects to revamp airports, roads and ports. ─── 伴随着巨大的开发项目,利比亚政府开始把资金投入到修补机场、公路和港口的工程中。

25、Last September, masked gunmen seized 19 hostages, including 11 tourists, on a safari in a remote desert area of Egypt near the Sudanese and Libyan border.All were released unharmed. ─── 去年9月,在靠近苏丹和利比亚边界的埃及沙漠地区,蒙面持枪者劫持了19名人质,包括11名游客,后来所有人被安全解救。

26、Libyan Council of the Revolutionary Command; ─── 利比亚革命指挥委员会;

27、It's like this: charges were laid against me by their procuratorate here, and our passports were taken.Because of this fire, the bunch of us were locked away in Libyan prison. ─── 就是这样,我就被这里的检察院起诉,把我们的护照扣留了,为了这件事,我们几个人还被关进了利比亚的监狱。

28、The Libyan Dynasties which was found by Libyans, ruled Egypt for more than two hundred years.This period had brought large impact on Egypt's politics, economy, culture and foreign communications. ─── 后来的利比亚王朝(第二十二和第二十三王朝)统治了埃及200多年的时间,对埃及的政治、经济、文化以及对外交流带来了相当大的冲击和影响。

29、ItalyItalian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Saturday signed a " friendship pact" with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in Libya. ─── 星期六在利比亚,意大利首相和利比亚领导人签署了一份友好协议。

30、Praise God for the openness being displayed by the Libyan government, and pray that it will lead a great improvement in true religious freedom and human rights. ─── 为该国政府展现开放心态赞美主,祷告那会在真正的宗教自由及人权方面带来一个极大的改善。

31、Libyan spear ─── 利比亚鱼叉

32、Libyan Air Cargo ─── 利比亚货运,利比亚航空公司

33、Libyan officials, seeking Mr Megrahi's transfer to a prison in their country, claimed to have warned their British counterparts that bilateral relations would suffer were he to die in a Scottish jail. ─── 据称,寻求将迈格拉西转移到自己国家的利比亚官员曾警告他们的英国伙伴,如果迈格拉西在苏格兰的监狱中死亡,这将会有损两国的双边关系。

34、Libyan Movement for Change and Reform: based in London. ─── 利比亚变革运动:总部在伦敦。

35、Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has agreed to mediate between Algeria and Egypt in an increasingly heated row over football, state media say. ─── 利比亚领导人同意充当阿尔及利亚和埃及足球纠纷的调停中间人。

36、A Libyan diplomat declined to comment. ─── 利比亚外交官对此不予置评。

37、Committee of Five on the Dispute between the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the United States of America and the United Kingdom; ─── 关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国、美利坚合众国和联合王国间争端的五国委员会;

38、Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog ─── 利比亚这小国家能左右埃及这样的大国吗?

39、the Libyan Desert ─── n. 利比亚沙漠(非洲)

40、April 5, 1999, two Libyan nationals detained suspects to the Netherlands, the United Nations announced that with immediate effect to stop the sanctions against Libya. ─── 1999年4月5日,两名利比亚籍嫌疑犯被押至荷兰,联合国宣布从即日起停止对利比亚的制裁。

41、Earlier, a Canadian newspaper reported it had discovered Libyan government documents regarding the meeting in a pile of trash in Tripoli. ─── 之前加拿大一家报纸报道说,该报在的黎波里的一堆垃圾中找到了利比亚政府关于这次会谈的文件。

42、A second study by three Libyan experts found that "given the significant number of infected patients, they were deliberately infected with the virus. ─── 另一个由三位利比亚专家进行的研究称,“从受感染病人的巨大数量可以推断,他们是被人蓄意感染上艾滋病毒的。”

43、English: The Green) is a Libyan football club based in Al Bayda', Libya. ─── Al-Akhdar (Arabic: 賳丕丿賷 丕賱兀禺囟乇 丕賱賱賷亘賷听;

44、And Sarkozy said the NATO campaign would continue until "there is no longer any threat to the Libyan people. " ─── 萨科齐表示,北约空袭将继续,直到“不再有任何威胁利比亚人民。”

45、We would have preferred him to be able to face justice at the International Criminal Court or in a Libyan court for his crimes. ─── 我们宁愿看到他在国际刑事法庭上或利比亚法庭上为他的罪行接受审判。

46、The son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi announced the project inside a 2,200-year-old Greek gymnasium. ─── 利比亚首相的儿子在2200年历史的体育馆,宣布了这个消息。

47、He explained that the Libyan aspect hoped used completes the transaction payment process with the Algerian same way. ─── 他解释说,利比亚方面希望采用与阿尔及利亚相同的方式完成交易支付过程。

48、Libyan pound ─── 利比亚镑

49、Libyan War of Resistance against Italy ─── 利比亚抗意战争

50、Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog? ─── 利比亚这小国家能左右埃及这样的大国吗?

51、Libyan News Agency ─── 利比亚通讯社

52、Another option is for the Agnelli family to sell more of its shares to Libyan company Lafico, who already own 7.5 per cent of the stock. ─── 在经过13年的自给自足后,尤文图斯有望得到阿涅利家族的资助,从而得以重回意大利以及全欧洲足球顶尖俱乐部之列。

53、The General Congress of Libyan Jamahiriya Students ─── 利比亚民众国学生总会

54、Libyan Ambassador to Italy Hafid Gaddur , said his country could process their the requests for a silent from asylum seekers who might otherwise have present presented the requests of in Italy. ─── 利比亚驻意大利大使加杜尔说,他的国家也可以处理寻求避难者的请求,否则这些人到了意大利还是会递交避难申请的。

55、He then walked out, bringing to an end any real Libyan involvement. ─── 接着,这位伟大领袖走出了会议厅,就此也表示利比亚对此时的干预也到此结束。

56、She said the NTC leaders promised to give the case early consideration but she did not link it to the return of impounded Libyan funds. ─── 她说,全国过渡委员会领导人保证将较早地考虑这个案子,不过她并没有把这个问题与交还被冻结的资产挂钩。

57、$$$$Libya$Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── $$$$利比亚$社会主义人民利比亚阿拉伯加麦利亚

58、Most were ethnic Lebanese, but there was a Palestinian, a Syrian and a Libyan. ─── 大部分是黎巴嫩裔,但也有一名巴勒斯坦人、一名叙利亚人和一名利比亚人。

59、We are Libyan company that organize exhibitions in Libya ─── 我们是利比亚一家从事玩具及儿童用品展会组织的公司

60、Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── n. 利比亚, 阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国

61、of its citizens, who represents a Swiss engineering giant, ABB, is still stuck in a Libyan jail. ─── 代表瑞士电气行业巨头 ABB 的一个市民被囚禁在利比亚监狱。

62、Notes on the Fisheries of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── 利比亚的渔业

63、and they approached with the same inward contempt, and the same external reverence, the altars of the Libyan, the Olympian, or the Capitoline Jupiter. ─── 并且不论他们是在利比亚还是奥林匹亚抑或是朱庇特神庙,他们都无一例外的表面充满尊敬之情而内心尽是鄙视之意。

64、The boat is said to have capsized some 20 miles off the coast after setting off from Sidi Bilal near the Libyan capital Tripoli on Sunday morning. ─── 据报道,这艘船是周日清晨,在利比亚首都的黎波里附近,从SidiBilal出发后行驶了20英里后沉没的。

65、Libyan Arab Air Force ─── 利比亚阿拉伯空军

66、Libyan Foreign Minister Shalgam ─── 利比亚外长沙勒格姆

67、The People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People'S Libyan Arab ─── 大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国人民办事处

68、Libyan Arab Airlines ─── 利比亚阿拉伯航空公司

69、They were concerned Norm Arcadaphy(Muammar Gaddafi) will be staying in a tent on the grounds of Libyan diplomatic residents during a visit to the UN next month. ─── 他们担心扎而菲下月访问联合国的期间会在利比亚驻外公民的土地上搭帐篷。

70、Italy would like to see Libya crack down further on illegal migrants turning up on Italian shores and will fund $500 million worth of electronic monitoring devices on the Libyan coastline. ─── 意大利同意向利比亚支付50亿美元,作为在20世纪占领利比亚30年的赔偿。意大利将在25年内以投资的形式付清这笔钱。

71、Libya | Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── 利比亚| 阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国

72、To assuage his critics, Mr Abbas ordered an internal inquiry into why the PA did not endorse the report, and backed a Libyan attempt to discuss the document at the Security Council. ─── 为缓和矛盾,阿巴斯已经下令对巴勒斯坦权力机构未签署报告的原因作内部调查,阿巴斯支持一位利比亚人在安全理事会上讨议这份文件。

73、An ardent Arab nationalist, he plotted with a group of fellow officers to overthrow the Libyan monarchy, which they accomplished on September 1, 1969. ─── 作为一名激进的阿拉伯军人,1969年9月1日,他策划了一支革命军,推翻了利比亚君主政体。

74、The plane, which was transporting oil workers from the Libyan capital Tripoli to an oil refinery, is owned by a Swiss-based company, Avisto. ─── 坠毁飞机是运送石油工人从利比亚首都的黎波利去一个炼油厂的专机,属于一家瑞士公司所有。

75、Caption :Dirkou market is awash with car-maintenance objects thanks to the heavy traffic from Libyan and Nigerien drivers plying the migration route. ─── 描述:迪尔库到处都有汽车配件店,这要归功于尼日尔和利比亚司机在迁移路上的来回奔波。

76、Libyan dinar ─── 利比亚第纳尔

77、Libyan Army Force Medal ─── 利比亚陆军勋章

78、We are now at the edge of Libyan Desert. ─── 我们现在是在利比亚大沙漠的边缘。

79、Embassy of the People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ─── 大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国办事处

80、So welcome to a Libyan civil war. ─── 所以欢迎参加利比亚内战。

81、From the Greek island of Crete to the Libyan air transport line has become extremely important. ─── 从希腊克里特岛到利比亚的空中运输线变得极其重要了。

82、After the incident, the Libyan revolution Campaign Committee issued a statement accusing the Swiss of Hannibal's allegations are not true, demands apology aspects of Switzerland. ─── 事件发生后,利比亚革命运动委员会发表声明,指责瑞士对汉尼巴尔的指控不属实,要求瑞士方面道歉。

83、Libyan Desert ─── 利比亚沙漠(非洲撒哈拉沙漠的东部)

84、BUSH: "As the Libyan government takes these essential steps and demonstrates its seriousness, its good faith will be returned. ─── 布希总统说:“随著利比亚政府采取这些至关重要的步骤并显示出其认真的态度,利比亚的诚意将得到回报。

85、July 1942 -1943 in May Rommel's Afrika Korps took over the north-eastern Libyan port city of Tobruk and Egypt into the territory, back-up materials piled up in the Libo Li and Benghazi. ─── 1942年7月-1943年5月隆美尔的非洲军团攻下利比亚东北部港口城市托布鲁克并进入埃及境内的时候,后勤物资堆积在的黎波利和班加西。

86、Libyan American Reconstruction Commission ─── 利美复兴委员会

87、772m.Other buyers of properties for over £150m include Omani, Libyan, Lebanese and Irish investors. ─── 其它购买超过1.5亿英镑的买方包括来自阿曼、利比亚、黎巴嫩和爱尔兰的投资商。

88、The attempt to thank those brave pioneer, the Libyan tourist routes today became feasible routes. ─── 感谢这些勇于尝试的先行者,利比亚旅游线路今日成了可行线路。

89、Study for the Libyan Sibyl ─── 作品名称:习作:利比亚女预言家

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