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09-19 投稿


infundibular 发音

英:[??nf?n?d?bjul?r]  美:[??nf?n?d?bj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

infundibular 中文意思翻译



infundibular 短语词组

1、infundibular process ─── [医] 漏斗突(垂体的神经部)

2、infundibular cavity ─── 漏斗腔

3、infundibular spasm ─── 漏斗部痉挛

4、infundibular nucleus ─── 漏斗核

5、infundibular tendon ─── 漏斗腱

6、infundibular recess ─── [医] 漏斗隐窝

7、infundibular stalk ─── 漏斗柄

8、infundibular canal ─── 漏斗管

9、infundibular dilation ─── 漏斗扩张

10、infundibular septum ─── 漏斗隔

11、infundibular necrosis ─── 漏斗坏死

12、infundibular ganglion ─── 漏斗结

13、infundibular fold ─── [医] 漏斗褶

14、infundibular stenosis ─── 漏斗状狭窄

15、infundibular body ─── [医]漏斗体

16、infundibular dilatation ─── 漏斗扩张

17、infundibular bodies ─── [医] 垂体后叶

18、infundibular part ─── 漏斗部

infundibular 相似词语短语

1、submandibular ─── adj.下颌下的

2、funicular ─── n.缆索铁道;adj.用缆索牵引的;绳索的;绳索张力的

3、mandibular ─── adj.下颌的;颚的

4、infundibula ─── infundibulum的复数

5、incunabular ─── adj.最早期的;初期的

6、infundibulate ─── 漏斗形

7、infundibuliform ─── adj.漏斗状的

8、premandibular ─── 下颌前

9、infundibulum ─── n.[昆]漏斗状器官;漏斗管

infundibular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、infundibular nucleus ─── 漏斗核

2、infundibular stenosis of right ventricle ─── 右室漏斗部狭窄

3、infundibular chamber ─── 漏斗部腔室, 漏斗室, 圆锥室

4、This work involved: measuring crown heights,assessing attritional characteristics of Cervus teeth(including exposure of enamel and dentine),and examining closure of the infundibulum. ─── 研究结果显示,中年、青年个体占主体,其次为幼年和老年个体。

5、the latter showed changes suggesting RV abnormality (mild segmental dilatation of infundibulum, adipose tissue in a free wall of the RV). ─── 而后者具有提示右心室异常的改变(动脉圆锥轻度节段性扩张和右心室一侧游离壁出现脂肪组织)。

6、Vitrectomy combined with intraocular padding in treating infundibular detachment of retina ─── 玻璃体切割联合眼内填充术治疗漏斗状视网膜脱离

7、Development of infundibular stenosis following percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty can cancel the effects of the valvuloplasty. ─── 摘要经皮气球扩张于肺动脉瓣膜整型术后并发右心室漏斗部肌肉肥厚导致出口狭窄会?W消瓣膜整型术的效果。

8、infundibular organ ─── 漏斗瀑

9、infundibular stalk ─── 下丘脑漏斗, 漏斗柄

10、myocardial infundibular stenosis ─── 心肌性漏斗状狭窄

11、infundibular stenosis ─── 漏斗型肺动脉口(瓣)狭窄

12、infundibular body ─── 漏斗体

13、Dendrobium infundibulum ─── n. 高山石斛

14、infundibular recess ─── 漏斗隐窝

15、infundibular detachment of vitreous ─── 漏斗状玻璃体脱离, 玻璃体漏斗状脱离

16、infundibular bodies ─── [医] 垂体后叶

17、infundibular segment ─── 漏斗状部

18、infundibular detachment of retina ─── 漏斗状视网膜脱离, 视网膜漏斗状脱离

19、Keywords ethmoid bulla;ethmoid infundibulum;sinusitis;endoscopic sinus surgery; ─── 筛泡;前鼻棘;鼻窦外科;内窥镜手术;

20、ethmoidal infundibulum ─── 筛骨漏斗, 筛漏斗

21、MR can delineate lesions affecting infundibular stems and distinguish them from the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. ─── 磁振造影可清楚地显示出茎突的病灶并将其与脑下垂体或下视丘的病灶分辨出来。

22、No evidence of infundibular enhancement is noted on either the coronal or the sagittal images. ─── 无论是矢状面还是冠状面都未见漏斗部异常强化病灶。

23、ethmoidal infundibulum of ethmoid bone ─── 筛骨筛漏斗

24、right ventricular infundibulum ─── 右室漏斗部

25、Latirus infundibulum Gmelin ─── n. 棕线旋螺(骨螺超科,旋螺科)

26、infundibular process ─── 漏斗突

27、infundibulum of frontal sinus ─── [医] 额窦漏斗, 额鼻管

28、Vitrectomy combined with intraocular padding in treating infundibular detachment of retina ─── 玻璃体切割联合眼内填充术治疗漏斗状视网膜脱离

29、Tendon of infundibulum ─── 漏斗腱

30、Infundibular stenosis of right ventricle ─── 右室漏斗部狭窄

31、The results show that the fimbria tube and infundibular section both are the thecal structure. ─── 结果表明,输卵管伞和漏斗部均为膜性结构。

32、Infundibular recess of third ventricle ─── 第三脑室漏斗隐窝

33、This structure, also known as the infundibulum, is often grouped with other "circumventricular organs" which share the property of being outside the blood-brain-barrier. ─── 垂体柄或漏斗与其它脑室周围器官一样有着血脑屏障外器官的特性。

34、infundibulum pronephrosum ─── [医] 前肾漏斗

35、infundibular tendon ─── 漏半腱

36、The right ventricular cineangiogram was done before and immediately following dilation to measure the diameter of pulmonary valve annulus and observe the infundibular spazm. ─── 术前、术后定期行经胸超声心动图检查,估测最大跨肺动脉瓣压力阶差,并观察肺动脉瓣形态及其反流情况。

37、ethmoidale cavi nasi infundibulum ─── [医] 鼻腔筛漏斗

38、1.By using standard microelectrode technique, we studied the transmembrane action potential on rabbit conus arteriosus (infundibulum). ─── 用微电极细胞内记录法,检测了离体兔动脉圆锥各部的动作电位和传导速度。

39、Infundibular diverticulum ─── 漏斗憩室

40、infundibular ganglion ─── 漏斗结

41、infundibular stem ─── 漏斗柄, 下丘脑漏斗

42、Histology revealed numerous xanthomatous cells in association with a few lymphocytes surrounding the follicular infundibulum, consistent with a diagnosis of xanthomatous Fox-Fordyce disease. ─── 病理切片下可见毛囊漏斗部周围有大量黄色瘤细胞与少量淋巴球的浸润,在回顾相关的文献后我们诊断其为黄色瘤样型的福斯佛代斯氏病。

43、Brock's infundibular punch ─── 布罗克(氏)动脉圆锥穿孔器

44、The Working Principle and Applications of Infundibular Fryer ─── 漏斗型油炸装置工作原理及应用

45、pulmonary infundibulum ─── 肺动脉漏斗

46、Radiologically, the disease is characterized by homogeneously enhancing pituitary mass with infundibular thickening. ─── 放射学上,病变的特征是明显均匀强化的垂体肿块伴有漏斗增厚。

47、aditus ad infundibulum ─── [医] 漏斗隐窝

48、infundibular fold ─── [医] 漏斗褶

49、Infundibulum of hypothalamus ─── 下丘脑漏斗部

50、The results show that the fimbria tube and infundibular section both are the thecal structure. ─── 结果表明,输卵管伞和漏斗部均为膜性结构。

51、subpulmonary infundibulum ─── 肺动脉(瓣下)漏斗部

52、Associated findings suggestive of polypoid expansion were infundibular enlargement (67%), ethmoid trabecular erosion (40%), ethmoid lateral wall bulging (35%) and nasal bone erosion (22%). ─── 相关之放射线学所见包括筛窦漏斗扩大(佔67%),筛窦小梁骨破损(佔40%),鼻骨破损(佔35%)及筛窦侧壁膨大(佔22%)。

53、Resection of infundibulum of right heart ─── 右心漏斗部切除术

54、ethmoidale infundibulum ─── [医] 筛骨筛漏斗

55、infundibulum(of neurohypophysis) ─── (神经垂体的)漏斗

56、Forecast Infundibulum Center Lowest Water Level with Ridge Regression ─── 承压水漏斗中心最低水位的岭回归

57、infundibulum hypothalami ─── [医] 下丘脑漏斗

58、The epithelium cells of the original cavum oris located at the bottom of the diencphalon in just hatched juvenile and touched the infundibulum; ─── 初孵仔鱼原始口腔顶壁的上皮细胞团位于间脑底部,谢碧文:南方贴脑垂体结构和发胃的研究与脑漏斗接触;

59、infundibulum maxillae ─── 上颌骨漏斗

60、Infundibulum of hair follicle ─── 毛囊漏斗

61、3 Momma K,Toyama K,Takao A,et al.Neural of subarterial infundibular ventricular septal defect.Am Heart J,1984,108:1312. ─── 4陈树宝,王莹,刘薇廷,等.室间隔缺损自然闭合的二维超声心动图观察.中华心血管病杂志,1992,20(1):25.

62、ad infundibulum iter ─── [医] 漏斗口

63、No evidence of infundibular enhancement is noted on either the coronal or the sagittal images. ─── 无论是矢状面还是冠状面都未见漏斗部异常强化病灶。

64、Infundibular canal of hair follicle ─── 毛囊漏斗管

65、infundibulum of lungs ─── [医] 肺漏斗

66、infundibular nucleus of hypothalamus ─── 下丘脑漏斗核

67、infundibulum crurale ─── 股管

68、hypophyseal infundibulum ─── 垂体漏斗

69、infundibular detachment ─── 漏斗状脱离

70、infundibulum of teeth ─── [医] 切牙凹(马牙的)

71、iter ad infundibulum ─── 漏斗口

72、infundibular necrosis ─── 漏斗状坏死

73、infundibular leaf ─── 漏斗形叶

74、infundibular part ─── 漏斗部

75、infundibulum sign ─── 漏斗症:动脉导管未闭症的X线征象

76、cardiac infundibulum ─── [医] 动脉圆锥

77、infundibulum hypothalamic ─── 下丘脑漏斗

78、The ependymal surface morphology of the third ventricular infundibular region was investigated in the prepubertal rat by scanning electron microscope. ─── 对青春期前大鼠第三脑室漏斗区室管膜表面形态进行了扫描电镜研究。

79、infundibular pulmonary stenosis ─── 肺动脉漏斗部狭窄

80、infundibular atresia ─── 漏斗部闭锁

81、punch for infundibular stenosis ─── 动脉圆椎狭窄穿孔器

82、The Working Principle and Applications of Infundibular Fryer ─── 漏斗型油炸装置工作原理及应用

83、Choanotaenia infundibulum ─── 漏斗状带绦虫

84、infundibular fibrosis ─── 漏斗部纤维化

85、infundibular canal ─── 漏斗管

86、crurale infundibulum ─── [医] 股管

87、infundibular resection ─── 漏斗部切除术

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