Lamaist 中文意思翻译
Lamaist 短语词组
1、lamaist ritual ─── 喇嘛教仪式
2、lamaist pagoda ─── 喇嘛庙
3、lamaist style ─── 喇嘛教风格
Lamaist 相似词语短语
1、lampadist ─── 灯
2、Lamaism ─── n.喇嘛教(藏、蒙等地区信奉的佛教)
3、lamas ─── n.喇嘛(西藏和蒙古的佛教僧侣,lama的复数)
4、lambiest ─── 灯
5、dumaist ─── 杜马斯特,
6、Lamaist ─── n.喇嘛教徒
7、lambast ─── v.狠打;猛烈抨击
8、Dadaist ─── n.达达主义的艺术家
9、Bahaist ─── 巴哈教徒
Lamaist 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Influence of the Spread of Lamaism of Tibetan GeLu Branch on Mongolian Culture ─── 黄教的传入对蒙古族文化的影响
2、Tacking thischaracteristics as criteria, we perceive that Zen Idea existed in most of theschools of Tibetan Lamaism. ─── 以这些特征为标准,我们可以看到,在藏传佛教中的许多宗派也存在着禅思想的内容。
3、Lamaism has even more shortcomings.But its spiritual appeal is not definitely as strong as communism. ─── 喇嘛教有更多不足之处,但在精神感染力上,毫不逊色于共产主义。
4、The Efland Chuomu lark . Some people recall the fish .Some people does tantras sect according the Lamaism sutras facing the Peculiar Mountain and stones. ─── 幽静的森林、蓝色的圣湖,有人用呼唤召来游鱼,有人对着怪石兀立的山峰修持密宗,山中一庙,经幡飘飘如入仙境,忘却凡尘。
5、lamaist pagoda ─── 喇嘛塔
6、the Tibetan, Mongolian, Lhoba, Monba, Tu and Uygur, to Tibetan Buddhism (also known as Lamaism), and the Dai, Blang and Deang to Hinayana Buddhism. ─── 藏族,蒙古族,珞巴族,Monba,涂与维吾尔族,以藏传佛教(也称为喇嘛教),以及傣族,布朗族和德昂,以小乘佛教。
7、"Grand visitors came then to honour the Lamaist Order in His Sacred Person. ─── “大游客就尊荣他神圣的秩序的喇嘛的人。
8、The religion of the Daurs was shamanism, while a few were followers of Lamaism. ─── 达斡尔人的宗教是萨满教,还有一小部分人信奉喇嘛教。
9、Lamaism; Tantric Buddhism ─── 喇嘛教
10、Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist, with 1 4% Muslim minority. ─── 宗教:喇嘛教为国教,居民多信奉喇嘛教,穆斯林占4%。
11、Photo Gallery: Ceremonious Seoul Lamaist monks joyfully dance at the opening ceremony parade of the annual Lotus Lantern Festival. ─── 意译:隆重的首尔图片画廊。喇嘛教徒喜悦地舞蹈在每年的荷花龙灯节的开幕式游行。
12、Yellow Sect of Lamaism ─── 黄教派
13、Kamika major Mongolian language, the residents believe the main Lamaism. ─── 主要语言为喀尔喀蒙古语,居民主要信奉喇.嘛教。
14、The inscription on the stele tells the history of Lamaism. ─── 碑文讲的是喇嘛教史。
15、Over the last five years in the German speaking countries, these shadow-aspects of Lamaism have lead to a vast, steady and increasing stream of criticism in the media. ─── 过去五年中,在德语国家里喇嘛教的这些阴暗面已经引起了媒体中日渐增加的批评。
16、In Timer Mongolia, with a broad mass participation Lamaism exerted influence on the fields of politics, economy, culture, etc. ─── 摘要喇嘛教在内蒙古地区有着广泛的群众基础,影响到政治、经济、文化等各个领域。
17、These historical facts alone prove that lamaist doctrines of " compassion" and " nonviolence" are hypocrisy. ─── 仅仅这些历史事实就足以证明喇嘛教关于“慈悲”和“非暴力”的说教是何等的虚伪。
18、Red Sect of Lamaism ─── 红教(佛教)
19、Mongolian Lamaism ─── 红教
20、Hohhot best-preserved largest and the oldest in the temple Lamaism. ─── 呼和浩特保存最完好规模最大、年代最久的喇嘛教寺院.
21、As in the Islamic martyr-ideology Shambhala-Warriors, who will be killed in the last battle have earned passage into the "Buddhist" (Lamaism) paradise. ─── 正如伊斯兰的烈士信仰一样,在最后一战中死去的香巴拉武士将获得通向喇嘛教天堂的通行证。
22、This was because the Qing Dynasty tried its best to practice the Lamaism in Mongolia that made the population of the Mongolian decrease. ─── 究其原因,清朝在蒙古极力推行喇嘛教,使蒙古族人数大量减少。
23、Religious Reformation on Lamaism and National Development in Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古宗教改革与民族发展
24、The Lamaism divinities, which are consecrated by the every Lamaism sect in the east of the Tibet, some are kind looks and some are atrocious looks. ─── 雪域东部藏传佛教各派供奉的神灵,有善相佛、恶相佛,有男神,还有女神,他们各司一职,巡游和管理着信徒们幻想的世界。
25、Thought about religious reformation of Lamaism ─── 喇嘛教宗教改革思想
26、Who are these "non-Buddhist" (non-Lamaist) enemies spoken of in the Kalachakra Teachings? ─── 谁是那些在《时轮大法典籍》中提到的非喇嘛教徒敌人?
27、Lamaist monks joyfully dance at the opening ceremony parade of the annual Lotus Lantern Festival. This event is held in Dongdaemun Stadium. ─── 意译:隆重的首尔图片画廊。喇嘛教徒喜悦地舞蹈在每年的荷花龙灯节的开幕式游行。这件大事举行在东大门体育场。
28、Grand visitors came then to honour the Lamaist Order in His Sacred Person. ─── 大游客就尊荣他神圣的秩序的喇嘛的人.
29、Yonghe Lamasery Situated in the northeast of Beijing proper, this is the city's largest lama temple, serving as the upper court of the yellow Sect Lamaism. ─── 雍和宫坐落在北京城区东北隅,是北京城内规模最大的喇嘛庙,蒙藏佛教秘宗喀鲁派目院。
30、The temple frescoes in the Mainland, more than a religion, and here's murals in a temple, even in a mural, often Buddhism, Taoism, Lamaism statues of the three co-exist. ─── 内地的殿堂壁画,多为一种宗教的内容,而这里的壁画,在一个殿堂里,甚至在一幅壁画里,常有佛教、道教、喇嘛教三种神像并存的现象。
31、Lamaist architecture usually takes two forms: one is palace-style wooden building similar to Buddhist temple, the other is blockhouse-style stone chambers. ─── 喇嘛教建筑一般有两种形式,一种是和佛寺相近的宫室式木建筑;
32、On the right is a Lamaist pagoda which has been renovated only recently. ─── 图右为新修复的喇嘛塔。
33、It is a great failure that China did not erased Lamaism in Tibet. ─── 中国一直未能铲除喇嘛教是一大败笔。
34、Preliminary Analysis on the Characteristics of Lamaism Architecture in Inner Mongolia ─── 简析内蒙古喇嘛教建筑特色
35、Belief in Shamanism, a few letters Lamaism. ─── 信仰萨满教,少数人信喇嘛教。
36、Lamaism has several sects: the Yellow, the Red, the Black and others. ─── 喇嘛教有几个派别:黄色,红色,黑色以及其他颜色。
37、The wall in the West , the center of the painting is the Tibetan Buddhist Lamaism is the founder of Health Lien-hua. ─── 在西壁上的<莲花生祖师图>,正中画的是藏传佛教即喇嘛教的祖师莲华生。
38、In this thesis,we will discuss and analyze how Lamaism could take the place of Samanism and became the current main religion in Mongolia. ─── 就佛教渐渐取代萨满教成为蒙古主流宗教的原因进行分析与探讨,很有研究价值和历史意义。
39、Lamaist temple ─── 喇嘛寺院
40、We think that the former involves the struggle and disputes over religious theories between Lamaism and Shamanism, while the latter is caused by the different concepts of the two religions ─── 笔者认为 ,前者涉及到喇嘛教与萨满教之间的斗争及两教教理的分歧 ,后者由两教的观念所致。
41、Today,the most popular religion in Mongolia is Lamaism. ─── 当今的蒙古,藏传佛教是最为流行的宗教。
42、The lamaist system tried to prevent any escape.Runaway slaves couldn't just set up free farms in the vast empty lands. ─── 喇嘛教制度竭尽全力防止农奴的跳跑,因为逃跑的农奴可以轻易地在人烟稀少的地区建立它自己的牧场。
43、On the right is a Lamaist pagoda which has been renovated only recently. ─── 图右为新修复的喇嘛塔。
44、Both the original totem worship, there Lamaism, the West Catholic. ─── 既有原始图腾的崇拜,又有喇嘛教,还有西方的天主教。
45、It is a long and complex process for Lamaism to take the place of Samanism. ─── 藏传佛教替代萨满教,是一个相当复杂而又漫长的过程。
46、Lamaism is characterized by elaborate rituals and a strong hierarchical organization. ─── 喇嘛教的主要特点是仪式讲究,等级森严。
47、What most people understand to be the Secret School is actually Lamaism. ─── 一般人所知道的密宗,就是喇嘛教。
48、Holding a baby while turning the prayer wheel, hoping that the traditions of Lamaism will never fade. ─── 怀抱稚子,手转经轮,希望喇嘛教的传承永远不坠。
49、7、Yonghegong: Built in the qing dynasty,it is the largest and bestknoe lamaist temple in houses a huge statue of the tathagate buddha carved from sandlwood. ─── 雍和宫:是现在北京地区规模最大,最著名的喇嘛庙,建于清代。内有著名的檀香木巨型弥勒站像,十分壮观。
50、The religious touch of embroidery was strengthened by the rulers of Yuan Dynasty who believed in Lamaism. ─── 刺绣宗教的接触是加强对元代统治者在喇嘛教相信谁。
51、Photo Gallery: Ceremonious Seoul Lamaist monks joyfully dance at the opening ceremony parade of the annual Lotus Lantern Festival. ─── 隆重的首尔图片画廊。喇嘛教徒喜悦地舞蹈在每年的荷花龙灯节的开幕式游行。
52、Lamaism?Is it Tibetan ware? ─── 喇嘛教?莫非又是藏器。
53、Xiaozhao Temple, also known as Chongfu temple, is a Lamaist temple built in 1697 and favoured by the Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi. ─── 小召寺(又称崇福寺)建于1697年,是一座喇嘛教寺庙,该寺深受清朝康熙皇帝所喜爱。
54、Yonghegong (Lamaist Temple) ─── 雍和宫
55、The spread and influence of Lamaism in Kazuo mongolian district ─── 喇嘛教在喀左蒙古族地区的传播及其影响
56、Aobao festival was originally Shamanism is a totem worship activities, and later replaced Shamanism Lamaism, the festival has been integrated into the Lamaism, an increase of religious overtones. ─── 祭敖包原本是萨满教的一项图腾祭祀活动,后来喇嘛教取代萨满教后,这一祭祀活动也被纳入到喇嘛教,同时增加了宗教色彩。
57、Dazhao Temple is a Lamaist temple built in 1580. ─── 大召寺建于1580年,是一座喇嘛教寺庙。
58、the sacred city of Lamaism; known as the Forbidden City for its former inaccessibility and hostility to strangers. ─── 喇嘛教的圣地;以前对陌生人怀有敌意,不易接近的地方。
59、Preliminary Analysis on Culture and Architecture of Lamaism ─── 浅析喇嘛教文化与建筑
60、Today,lamaism remains the religion followed by the majority of Tibetans, its many ritualistic activities continuing to embody the Tibetans' philosophy of life. ─── 今天佛教依然为多数藏族群众所信奉,充满形式感的各种宗教活动,包容了高原人对生活的哲思、热切和期盼。
61、The Changqingchunkeer Lamasery of the Gelu sect .Many famous great Buddha were birthed in The Changqingchunkeer Lamasery ,it was said the saint land of the Tibetan Lamaism . ─── 长青春科尔寺是座已有数百年历史的古老寺庙,演绎着许许多多的美丽而神奇的传说,这里因为诞生过不少闻名于世的大德高僧,而成为藏传佛教的圣地。
62、an adherent of Lamaism. ─── 喇嘛教的教徒
63、The Qing Dynasty, spreads to Wutai Mountain along with Lamaism, presented unique blue, the yellow two temples. ─── 五台山五座台顶合围的地区,称为台内,其外围则称台外。
64、A typical Lamaist temple, spiritual refuge of the Kalmucks. ─── 典型的喇嘛庙宇,正是喀尔玛克人的精神依归。
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