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09-17 投稿


insensitive 发音

英:[?n'sens?t?v]  美:[?n's?ns?t?v]

英:  美:

insensitive 中文意思翻译



insensitive 反义词


insensitive 词性/词形变化,insensitive变形

副词: insensitively |名词: insensitivity |

insensitive 短语词组

1、Insensitive High Explosive ─── 不敏感的高爆

2、Terrifically insensitive to Ground ─── 对地面不敏感

3、structure insensitive ─── 结构不敏感

4、case-insensitive ─── 不分大小写

5、insensitive sensor ─── 不敏感的传感器

6、energy insensitive ─── 能量不敏感

7、energy-insensitive detector ─── 能量不敏感探测器

8、insensitive interval ─── 不灵敏区

9、be insensitive to ─── 对…不敏感

10、insensitive time ─── [化] 死时间

11、insensitive compound ─── 钝感化合物

12、phase-insensitive ─── 对相位变化不灵敏的,相钝的

13、gamma insensitive γ ─── 不敏感

14、Insensitive Munition Fuze Technolog ─── 不敏感的弹药引信技术

15、acceleration insensitive ─── 加速度不敏感

16、insensitive to rotation ─── 对旋转不敏感

17、insensitive to ─── 迟钝,对……不敏感

18、Insensitive Munition Fuze Technology ─── 不敏感的弹药引信技术

19、structure insensitive reaction ─── [化] 结构不敏感反应

insensitive 同义词

unfeeling | indifferent |numb | stony | impassive | uncaring | insensate | impervious | unsympathetic | insensible | inconsiderate | thoughtless | unmoved | oblivious | unresponsive | callous | tactless | chill | dead

insensitive 相似词语短语

1、unsensitive ─── 不敏感的

2、unsensitised ─── 不敏感的

3、intransitive ─── adj.不及物的;n.不及物动词

4、unsensitized ─── 不敏感的

5、nonsensitive ─── 不敏感的

6、intensitive ─── 强度量

7、insensitively ─── 无知觉地;麻木地;感觉迟钝地;不敏感地

8、sensitive ─── adj.敏感的;感觉的;[仪]灵敏的;感光的;易受伤害的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人

9、insensitivity ─── n.感觉迟钝;不灵敏性;昏迷

insensitive 习惯用语

1、insensitive to ─── 对...不敏感的, 不受...影响的, 不易感受...的

insensitive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A dull red, hard, insensitive lesion that is the first manifestation of syphilis. ─── 下疳一种暗红色坚硬不敏感的引起机能障碍的一种病,为梅毒的初期症状

2、Teacher: Hey! We're trying to do a little "Romeo and Juliet" here! We don't need no insensitive jerk, messing it up. ─── 教练:现在是在朗读罗密欧与朱莉叶懂吗?不需要无动于衷的蠢货来煞风景!

3、Moreover, in a multi-lingual community, it may be insensitive to provide only Chinese annotations. ─── 在一个使用多种语文的社会,只提供中文说明可能会被视为不够敏感。

4、She chastized him for his insensitive remarks. ─── 她严惩了他迟钝的谈论。

5、It was found that:(1) the activation of 5 HT 2 receptor coupled to IAP insensitive G proteins increases intracellular DAG formation through the activation of phospholipase C(PLC). ─── 发现:(1)5-HT激活与非胰岛激活蛋白(IAP)敏感型G蛋白偶联的5-HT2受体亚型,激活磷脂酶C(PLC),增加甘油二酯(DAG)的生成。

6、Immunology To make (an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen. ─── 使减感:使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应

7、It bothers me that he can be so insensitive. ─── 他这样麻木不仁,我心里很不痛快。

8、Are Australians being culturally insensitive by opposing Japanese attempts to reintroduce whaling? ─── 上面那句话是什么意思.不是狠清楚狠清楚.帮帮忙蛤.!!

9、A setting of all-rows is also appropriate for insensitive (ODBC static) cursors since the entire result is materialized when the cursor is opened. ─── all-rows的设置也适用于不感知(ODBC静态)游标,因为当游标打开时整个结果都实现了。

10、This was considered so insensitive and radical, that Edward Heath had sacked him from his Shadow Cabinet. ─── 人们认为这缺乏理智,太走极端,爱德华·希恩让他辞去了影子内阁的职务。

11、It was rather insensitive of you to mention his dead wife. ─── 你也太粗心了, 竟然提起他已故的妻子来.

12、In the hard meninx of skull kick ministry is insensitive to ache. ─── 中颅凹底部的硬脑膜对疼痛感觉迟钝。

13、He is insensitive to the environment. ─── 他对环境感觉不敏锐。

14、You could be taunted or discriminated against if you lose a leg, an arm or an eye.You can't help some insensitive people doing such things. ─── 如果你失去了一条腿,一个胳膊或是一只眼睛,你可能会被辱骂或歧视,你无法让那些冷漠的人不这样做。

15、She chastised him for his insensitive remarks. ─── 他因不得体的话语而受到了她的惩罚。

16、He's insensitive to the criticisms of others. ─── 他对别人的批评很麻木。

17、Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellier compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. ─── 一般认为人的感觉比动物迟钝,(1)但这在很大程度上是因为,(2)不同于动物的是,人是直立的。

18、STATIC or INSENSITIVE cursors that were opened after modifications were made will no longer reflect the state of the data if the modifications are rolled back. ─── 如果回滚了修改,则在修改之后打开的STATIC或INSENSITIVE游标将不再反映数据的状态。

19、The completely insensitive Li-ma came to the house as she had always done. She was there the first thing in the morning, sat down and waited for her noodles. ─── 不知趣的李妈,还沿着旧例,一早就来这里,坐着等要吃面。

20、To make callous or insensitive. ─── 使冷漠或不敏感

21、The isolates were insensitive to chloroform,aether,acid and temperature. ─── 分离毒株对氯仿、乙醚不敏感,耐酸耐热,可以凝集猪红细胞,其凝集作用可被犬细小病毒阳性血清抑制;

22、The original love a person can be insensitive, you can make people nervous. ─── 原来爱一个人也可以让人麻木,可以让人神经质。

23、Carol: Where are sensitive men, like Romeo, nowadays? Men, who aren't afraid to cry. I mean, all we have are insensitive jocks. ─── 卡罗尔:如今哪有像罗密欧这么重感情的人?那么能哭敢哭的男人。可现在有些男人听莎士比亚就会睡觉。

24、It's insensitive to laugh at unfortunate people. ─── 嘲笑不幸的人是麻木不仁的行为。

25、The elevation of PMN apoptosis rate was Ars concentration dependent, but activated PMN became insensitive to Ars. ─── Ars浓度与PMN凋亡呈剂量依赖关系 ,激活的PMN却对Ars失敏 ;

26、She said insensitive things to the overweight woman. ─── 她对那个胖女人说了些不友好的话。

27、Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals ,we stand upright. ─── 和动物比较起来,人类有更敏感的嗅觉,这在很大程度上是因为我们不象动物,我们是直立行走的。

28、You don't want to offend anyone. But sometimes it's a little insensitive, and that's the nature of the joke. ─── 你并不想冒犯别人,但是有的时候还是会无意之中冒犯了别人,不过,开玩笑嘛,这种情况本来就在所难免。

29、You must've sensed that, uh, when you left her at the altar like that, it would be a big number on her. You weren't insensitive to that. ─── 你一定有想到过。当你把她抛弃在结婚礼坛上时,那对她将是一个巨大的打击。你不会对这个一点概念也没有。

30、If the value of this key is set to 1, the file system is treated as case insensitive. ─── 如果将该项的值设为1,则认为文件系统不区分大小写。

31、Muslims are also concerned that PM Goh's comment could be used as a pretext to be insensitive to a Muslim's religious needs if misinterpreted. ─── 回教徒也担心,吴总理的谈话可以被一些人当成借口,故意忽视回教徒需要履行的宗教义务。

32、She smiled. "I just mean that he's not as insensitive as he pretends to be. ─── 她微笑。“我只是想说,他没有看起来的那么疏离冷漠。

33、You must've sensed that, uh, when you left her at the altar like that, it would be a big number on her. You weren't insensitive to that. ─── 你一定有想到过。当你把她抛弃在结婚礼坛上时,那对她将是一个巨大的打击。你不会对这个一点概念也没有。

34、It bothers me that he can is so insensitive. ─── 他这样麻木不仁, 我心里很不痛快.

35、For insensitive and keyset cursors, the result set has at least one row. ─── 对于不区分的游标和键集游标,结果集至少有一行。

36、Insensitive to adverse temperature changes, dust and vibration, the bubble memory has demonstrated superior reliability in shop environment. ─── 不易受温度变化、灰尘、振动的影响,泡沫存储器已被证明其可靠性更能适应于车间环境的需要。

37、It is always just a question of time until the pathogens mutate and become insensitive. It's a never ending arms race. ─── 病原菌突变产生耐药性,这永远只是个时间的问题,因此这是一场永远不会止步的武器竞赛。

38、To others we seem insensitive and arrogant. ─── 在外人看来,我们似乎有点麻木不仁和飞扬跋扈。

39、I have already become insensitive after hearing so many harsh words. ─── 刺心的话听得太多了,我已经麻木了。

40、Of the 133 neurons of CG, 66 (49.6%) responded to both SP and 5-HT, 40 (30.1%) only to SP or 5-HT, 27 (20.3%) insensitive to both. ─── 在133个CG细胞中,66个(49.6%)对SP及5-HT同时敏感,40个(30.1%)仅对其中一种递质敏感,此外27个(20.3%)对两者都不敏感。

41、Once the system dynamics reaches the sliding plane, the control system is insensitive to uncertainty. ─── 一旦系统动态达到滑动运动阶段,系统对不确定是不敏感的。

42、His feet seem to be insensitive to pain. ─── 他的脚好像没有疼痛感。

43、Insensitive Typical mistake: He was always insensitive with the feelings of others. Correction: He was allways insensitive to the feelings of others. ─── 他总是对别人的感受显得麻木不仁。

44、The -regex test has a case insensitive counterpart, -iregex. ─── '-regex'的大小写不敏感的形式是'-iregex'。

45、Mike: You know Kate, I was asking myself the same question, why I was an insensitive jealous fool? ─── 迈克:凯特,我也在问自己同样的问题,我怎么变成了一个爱嫉妒的傻瓜?

46、As elsewhere, the name of the page is case insensitive. ─── 另外,页面的名字不区分大小写。

47、This was considered so insensitive and radical, that Edward Heath had sacked him from his Shadow Cabinet. ─── 人们认为这缺乏理智,太走极端,爱德华·希恩让他辞去了影子内阁的职务。

48、To render insensitive or less sensitive. ─── 使降低敏感性使不敏感或降低敏感性

49、When a compliment could keep my mind occupied for hours on end and a harsh word could prick like a pin the same skin which now seems dry and insensitive. ─── 他人的几句恭维能让自己开心上好几个小时,而旁人的一句冷语能让自己感觉就像利针刺肤般难受,而如今自己的肌肤早已干涩麻木。

50、She's completely insensitive to my feelings. ─── 她全然不顾我的感情。

51、Even with proper and efficient coordination, planning may still be insensitive to the wishes of consumers. ─── 即使加以适当而有效的协调,计划制定对于消费者的愿望仍可能不够敏感。

52、They are insensitive to the needs of the customers. ─── 他们对顾客的要求不敏感。

53、The experiment results prove that the performance of the method is insensitive to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). ─── Monte carlo实验表明,这种特征信号检测器的性能对信噪比不敏感,可以在极低信噪比下检测出微弱信号。

54、Compared with most methods in this field,this method is insensitive to the rotation of the image. ─── 与现有的方法相比,本方法对图像中人脸的旋转不敏感;

55、Carol: Oh, that's right Mike. Act like the insensitive lout that you are. ─── 卡罗尔:好吧!迈克,那就装的像你这个大笨蛋一样。

56、She's totally insensitive to jack's feelings. ─── 她一定也不注意捷克的感觉。

57、She would be so miserable tagging along after this insensitive doofus. ─── 她跟着这蠢蛋不会快乐的。

58、To make(an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen. ─── 使减感使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应

59、A rude,insensitive person;a boor. ─── 乡下人粗鲁的、迟钝的人;乡下佬

60、We become insensitive to our experience, which means we process less information, and time seems to speed up. ─── 我们对自己的经历变得不敏感,这意味着我们处理的信息更少,而时间似乎在加速。

61、I feel my husband is very insensitive about my problem. ─── 我感到丈夫对我的问题麻木不仁。

62、He had become insensitive to cold. ─── 他已经感觉不到寒冷了。

63、The insensitive remarks will poison the relationship between the two superpowers. ─── 不讲道理的言论将破坏两个超级大国之间的关系。

64、Semi?fragile watermarking scheme can be used to detect hostile operation on the host data, which is insensitive to normal signal processing. ─── 半脆弱水印可以察觉对载体信息进行篡改等恶意操作,却对正常的信号处理不敏感.

65、Montesquieu's sociological "formalism" is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change. ─── 孟德斯鸠的社会学的“形态论”对发生和演变的问题漠不关心。

66、So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. ─── 因此近视的小Zysman就被插在了后排,这样一来,粗心的教师提出的有助于提升的问题就很少会问到他。

67、Her voice made my hair insensitive. ─── 她的声音令我头皮发麻。

68、You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever: strong but submissive, insensitive, while abrasively solicitous. ─── 在永远挣脱了那双手的许多年之后,你又希望能得到它们:一双有力而柔顺,感觉迟钝却十分善于体贴的手。

69、But when I saw them, just like a as the spirit that did not float down the heads of white catkins also insensitive to really unpromising. ─── 可是我见到它们的时候,像一只只“病猫”一样,一点精神也没有,头上白白的柳絮飘下来还无动于中,真没出息。

70、This can be used to achieve case insensitive pattern matching in products which support only case sensitive regular expressions. ─── 可以用于在仅支持区分大小写正则表达式的产品中完成不区分大小写的模式匹配。

71、If you specify the SCROLL or INSENSITIVE keywords before the CURSOR keyword, you cannot use any keywords between the CURSOR and FOR select_statement keywords. ─── 如果在CURSOR关键字的前面指定SCROLL或INSENSITIVE关键字,则不能在CURSOR和FOR select_statement关键字之间使用任何关键字。

72、You are sensitive and may find it difficult to live among coarse, dull, or insensitive people. ─── 你是敏感的,你很难和粗鲁的、乏味的或迟钝的人生活在一起。

73、Cauchy violation “3C12-C11-2P ” increases linearly with pressure, and “C13-C44-2P ” is insensitive to pressure. ─── Cauchy扰动3C12-C11-2P 随着压力的增加而线性增加,而扰动 C13-C44-2P受压力的影响并不大。

74、If you can not make sure that he has empathized, you’d better consider employing insensitive rule. ─── 如果你不能确定他移情别恋,就要考虑一下使用“钝感力”了。

75、Some of them dismiss the very idea as“ insensitive”. ─── 一些民主党人以该问题“无关紧要”为由避而不谈。

76、After that, the thermal deformations are insensitive to laser heating times. ─── 其后,随著激光照射时间的增加,热变形增加量逐步变缓。

77、He was insensitive to all kinds of discourtesy. ─── 他脸皮很厚,对随便什么侮辱都不在乎。

78、If you interpret every behaviour in your presence as insensitive, you could end up being paranoid. ─── 如果把那些在你面前的各种(不好)行为解释成不得体,你就不会被那些不良思绪困扰了。

79、He's insensitive to criticism. ─── 他对批评毫无反应.

80、A rude, insensitive person; a boor. ─── 乡下人粗鲁的、迟钝的人;乡下佬

81、Most laboratory animals are quite insensitive to enterotoxin. ─── 大多数实验动物对肠毒素极不敏感。

82、He seems completely insensitive to criticism. ─── 他似乎对批评麻木不仁。

83、"The Free Press is insensitive and uncaring"and "We believe victims,"read two of the milder scoldings. ─── “自由新闻报缺乏敏感度也缺乏关怀”,“我们相信受害者”,这是两条较温和的谴责。

84、His insensitive remarks will poison relations between the two superpowers. ─── 他那些不顾他人感受的话,将毒害两个超级大国之间的关系。

85、Due to the special position and special press print model, army newspapers show a bit of insensitive towards the challenge. ─── 军队报纸在这场挑战中由于特殊的地位和特殊的出版发行模式,反映有些麻木。

86、It is insensitive of you to mention that. ─── 你提那件事是愚钝的。

87、Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright. ─── 和动物相比,我们人类通常被认为是嗅觉迟钝的,但这主要是因为,和动物不一样,我们是直立行走的。

88、You can't help some insensitive people doing such things. ─── 你还拥有身体上及精神上的绝大部分功能!

89、He was insensitive to her grief. ─── 他对她的悲伤无动于衷。

我拿了我妈妈的一瓶玉兰油黑色瓶盖白色霜的东西,上面写了OLAY active hydrating cream (SENSITIVE SKIN)?


。。。16用这个削微有点儿早。。。这个按字面翻译是,滋润保湿霜(敏感性肌肤)。看名字就知道,滋润,你用真是早点儿。因为是霜,所以含油量肯定要大一些,建议你最好不要使用。护肤顺序是:清洁→爽肤水(混合/油性皮肤使用爽肤水,中干性用柔肤水)→乳液/面霜(混合/油性皮肤使用乳液。中干性使用面霜) 16长痘痘应该属于青春痘,护肤注意补水控油。情节一定要做到位,油性皮肤的话使用泡沫型洗面奶。呵呵 希望对你会有帮助 P.S.痘痘肌最好还是慎重挑选护肤品,含油量少的相对会好些~~


翻译过来是 力量+速度+技术=c键抱歉我也不知道这是什么意思

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