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09-17 投稿


indetermination 发音

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indetermination 中文意思翻译



indetermination 相似词语短语

1、determinations ─── [分化]测定

2、predetermination ─── n.预先决定;原有意图

3、codetermination ─── n.共同决策制;劳资协同经营制度

4、determination ─── n.决心;果断;测定

5、undetermination ─── 待定

6、indeterminate ─── adj.不确定的;模糊的;含混的

7、codeterminations ─── n.共同决策制;劳资协同经营制度

8、co-determination ─── n.共同决策制;劳资协同经营制度

9、redetermination ─── n.重新决定;再决定

indetermination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The more the elements there are, the more indetermination factors and chaotic situations there will be. ─── 经济系统中组成元素越多,不确定因素和无序性都在增加。

2、The cross-currency derivatives is of theoretical significance and practical value in financial mathematics,because of the indetermination in exchange rate and the price of asset. ─── 由于资产价格和汇率都可能因各种随机因素发生波动,所以汇率联动衍生品的定价问题具有重要意义。

3、The actual pipeline generally occur certain failure probability and reliability due to the indetermination of pipe quality, material property,internal pressure,accident load etc... ─── 由于钢管质量、材料性能、内压、意外载荷等因素的不确定性,实际管道总存在一定的失效概率和可靠度。

4、In practice, the indetermination of theory of formation and validity of insurance contract always makes insurance industry and law obsess. ─── 在实践中,保险合同成立与生效理论的不确定性,一直困扰着保险实务界和司法界。

5、Insurance is used as a kind of system whose target of contract is not for general merchandise or economic phenomenon, say tangibly, but economic indetermination in the behaviors. ─── 保险作为一种制度安排,其特殊之处在于保险合同所指向的标的物并非一般的商品或者经济现象,而是经济行为中的不确定性。

6、Indetermination results ─── 不确定结果

7、Analysis and Application of Measuring Indetermination ─── 测量不确定度的分析及应用

8、Cognition the continuous of the object and the form come to a decision of limited rational misty.Many unfixed factors in the process of knowing come to a decision the rational indetermination again. ─── 认识对象的连续性和认识方式的离散性决定了有限理性的模糊性,认识过程的诸多随机因素又决定了理性的不确定性。

9、Despite there have been some problems such as the indetermination of the theory border, and the abstractness in the theory pattern and so on, the theoretical progress is the main current tendency. ─── 尽管目前还存在着诸如理论边界不明晰、理论表述形式过于抽象等问题,但其理论进步是显而易见的。

10、The fuzzy control as a branch of intelligence control field is especially suited for handling the process of the indetermination model. ─── 模糊控制作为智能控制领域的一个分支,特别适合于处理模型不确定的过程。

11、The research of underground engineering is necessary and worthy because its indetermination. ─── 地下工程因其隐蔽性和不确定性而体现研究必要性和价值。

12、Gas Roots FlowMeter Accounts to Show the Coefficient of Meter Error Margin Indetermination an Analysis with Assess ─── 气体腰轮流量计仪表系数的测量不确定度分析与评定

13、The engineering item cost constitute complications, impact factor be numerous and involve a great deal of indetermination factor, give cost estimate bring certain difficulty. ─── 工程项目成本构成复杂、影响因素众多、涉及到大量的不确定性因素,给成本预测带来一定困难。

14、One of the most important content within it is management to indetermination in the future, which is caused mostly by change in inside and outside environment. ─── 这种不确定性很大程度上是内外环境的变化引起的。上海电力燃料有限公司长期以来从事电厂燃料(主要指煤炭)的采购和水上运输业务。

15、These are all to result in of because the indetermination of the other party body. ─── 这些都是因为对方身份的不确定性而造成的。

16、Text origin leave "blank" of indetermination for reader, wait for a reader use imagination to fill in the reading the activity. ─── 文本给读者留下不确定的“空白”,在阅读活动中等待读者用想象去填充。

17、Because of the many courses with complexity of the health monitoring system oneself and a bridge structure with environmental complexity with indetermination etc. ─── 由于健康监测系统本身的多学科性和复杂性,以及桥梁结构和环境的复杂性和不确定性等,使得国内外在这方面还处于探索开发阶段。

18、Because of the rational boundary of subject, the complexity of object as well as its indetermination, integration has some restrictive conditions while system formatin... ─── 它在系统形成中因集成主体的理性界限和集成对象客体的复杂性与不确定性而存在约束条件.

19、If the dimension of pattern space is too big, it would result in the difficulty on calculation, and confusing with the indetermination because of high correlation of many variables. ─── 如果模式空间的维数较大,那么不仅会造成计算上的困难,而且由于不少变量之间往往相关程度高,会造成混淆和不确定性,所以需进行特征选择。

20、The emergence of indetermination and chaotic theories further revised the determinism of modern science and emerged a harmonious coexistence picture of self-organizing system with environment. ─── 由于不确定性和混沌理论的出现 ,进一步修正了现代科学的决定论 ,为我们展现了一幅与环境和谐共存的自组织系统

21、statical indetermination ─── 超静定

22、third, the influence of indetermination factors in opening economy. ─── 三是开放经济中的不确定因素影响。

23、Keywords fire;human evacuation behavior;crowd phenomenon;optimum;indetermination; ─── 火灾;人员疏散行为;群集现象;优化;不确定性;

24、Considering indetermination, mean regression forecast model is adopted to simulate redound of mineral product price. ─── 考虑不确定性,采用均值回归预测模型模拟矿产品价格波动。

25、The global competition has becoming more intensely, and the living space for enterprise becoming more indetermination, so the battle for attracting talented human resources stepping into a strategic stage. ─── 摘要日趋激烈的全球化竞争已使企业的生存环境不确定性进一步加大,对人才资源的争夺也步入了战略性阶段。

26、Indetermination Evaluation of the Measuring Results of total Sulphur Content in Coal (COULOMB Method) ─── 煤中全硫测定结果不确定度的评定(库仑法)

27、Measure the Simple Analysis between Indetermination a Step for Assessing and Method ─── 测量不确定度评定的步骤及方法浅析

28、Keywords Human immunodeficienty;Western Blot;False positive;Indetermination;Follow-up; ─── 人类免疫缺陷病毒;蛋白印迹实验;假阳性;不确定;随访;

29、Under the market environment of this indetermination, how does the investor carry out a property to protect a value and increase in value? ─── 在这样不确定的市场环境下,投资者如何才能够实现资产的保值和增值呢?

30、Example Analysis in environment affect change and pollution, for indetermination problem into control study in environment chaos's system. ─── 简述了在环境影响变迁、环境污染中的若干混沌分形实例,探讨控制解决环境混沌系统不确定性问题的思路。

31、Keywords mechanics of materials;static indetermination caused by tension or compression harmonization equation of deflection;illustration;differentation; ─── 材料力学;拉压静不定;变形谐调方程;图解法;微分法;

32、There are lots of factors influencing power load and all of them possess indetermination. ─── 影响电力负荷的因素很多,而且这些因素都具有不确定性,即这些信息具有模糊性。

33、Indetermination relationship ─── 不确定关系

34、Random access is one of the important functions to hydrologic database, and due to the indetermination of requirements in random access; there are some difficulties in software development. ─── 随机检索是水文数据库重要的检索功能之一,由于检索要求的不确定性给软件开发带来一定的困难。

35、For getting away from the fear made by the misty and indetermination of reasonableness, mankind produces the tendency for pursuing the clearness of the mind and determination. ─── 人类为了摆脱因理性的模糊和不确定而营造的恐惧感,产生了追求心灵的清晰性和确定性的倾向。

36、Indetermination Degree Should De Adopted to Indicate the Result of University Physical Experiment ─── 大学物理实验的结果应采用不确定度表示

37、Indetermination over truth, as all are texts open to all interpretative perspectives. ─── 一切文本都对各种阐释视角开放,而真相永远无法确定。

38、Furthermore, also discussed the indetermination problem and the abstract technique in which appeared in adopting the supervisory control framework. ─── 此外,还讨论了在监控方法中所采用的抽象技术和不确定性问题。

39、The detention has no reasonable reasons ,and the term of detention is extended along with the extension of handling the case and these cause the indetermination of detention term. ─── 论文第一部分:我国未决羁押制度的现状思考。

40、The algorithm estimate the initial value using the channel character, so it can avoid indetermination and ensure to decide correctly. ─── 本算法利用信道特性来估计隶属函数的初值,有效地避免了人为确定初值的不确定性。

41、It has the character of constitutional specification, object ascertaining and case result"s indetermination, timely carrying-out and temporary detaining, and non-punishing. ─── 它有着宪法明确规定性、对象的确定性和案件终局结果的不确定性、执行上的即时性和羁押的临时性以及非惩罚性等本质特征。

42、In consideration of the indetermination of the employee turnover, time factor has been put forward into to this model, in order to enhance the human resource management of the enterprise. ─── 考虑到雇员流失具有不确定性,引入时间因素,提出了企业人员动态控制流动模型。

43、The indetermination brings certain risks to both cooperation parties. ─── 不确定性给合作双方带来一定的风险。

44、The evaluation of measurement indetermination degreeAssess of GUM is a new concept. ─── 测量不确定度GUM的评定与表示是一个较新的概念,其应用具有广泛性和实用性。

45、Keywords Calculate;error margin;solid example;indetermination; ─── 计量;误差;不确定度;实例;

46、Keywords measurement;indetermination degree;error margin; ─── 测量;不确定度;误差;

47、standard indetermination degree ─── 标准不确定度

48、It is proposed that a scheme of ESG-controlled passive damping can be usedfor solving the problem of the indetermination of the polarity of ESG sphericalrotor. ─── 针对静电陀螺球形转子的极性不确定性,本文作者曾提出采用可控式被动阻尼方案解决这一问题。

49、Cause and Control of the Effective Height Indetermination in Reinforced Concrete Beam ─── 钢筋混凝土梁有效高度不定性成因与控制

50、Indetermination factor ─── 不确定因素

51、In the practice of moral freedom, the indetermination of individual moral expression leads to the risks of moral freedom. ─── 在具体的实践过程中,由于个体在道德表达上的不确定性,导致了道德自由的风险。

52、The Consideration and Evaluation about Weighing Apparatus's Indetermination Degree of the Water Flux Measuring Device by the Method of Weighing in Static State ─── 静态称重法水流量计量装置中衡器不确定度评估与思考

53、Through the analysis of indetermination, information asymmetry, bull-effect and the balance of collision target in supply chain, explains the value of information in supply chain. ─── 并通过对供应链中的不确定性与信息不对称,“牛鞭效应”的形成与产生原因以及供应链冲突目标的协调分析,说明了供应链中的信息价值。

54、The indetermination of the network production effects severely affects the oil production rate and the oil recovery. ─── 布井的关键在于突破传统的正多边形井网形式,建立变形井网。

55、Keywords safety evacuation;fire;human evacuation behavior;crowd phenomenon;indetermination; ─── 安全疏散;火灾;人员疏散行为;群集现象;不确定性;

56、The Metals Cloth Surname Degree of Hardness Accounts to Show the Worth Error Margin Indetermination an Analysis with Assess ─── 金属布氏硬度计示值误差不确定度分析与评定

57、indetermination degree ─── 不确定度

58、Text origin leave "blank" of indetermination for reader, wait for a reader use imagination to fill in the reading the activity. ─── 文本给读者留下不确定的“空白”,在阅读活动中等待读者用想象去填充。

59、Estimation on Measurement Indetermination of Second-Class Gauge Standard Device ─── 二等环规标准装置测量不确定度估算

60、You are fall in love, but the viewpoint of the indetermination the other party; ─── 你在谈恋爱,却不确定对方的想法;

61、1.Though nowadays of the university student's dint diagram make oneself have a foothold in the society, still feel indetermination to the future. ─── 1. 尽管当今的大学生力图使自己立足于社会,但对未来还是感到不确定。

62、The indetermination is the most basic characteristic of technological innovation, which is different from general economic activities. ─── 摘要技术创新与一般的经济活动不同,它的最基本特征就是不确定性。

63、Through the analysis of indetermination, information asymmetry, bull-effect and the balance of collision target in supply chain, explains the value of information in supply chain. ─── 并通过对供应链中的不确定性与信息不对称,“牛鞭效应”的形成与产生原因以及供应链冲突目标的协调分析,说明了供应链中的信息价值。

64、Keywords Monte Carlo stochastic modeling method;Indetermination factor;Mining investment;risk analysis; ─── 蒙特卡洛随机模拟法;不确定因素;矿业投资;风险分析;

65、Modern control theories provide the analytical design means for controller, without considering the error of the model and the indetermination of the systems. ─── 现代控制理论虽然为设计控制器提供了解析的手段,但是没考虑模型的误差及系统的不确定性。

66、The Evaluation of Indetermination of Total Alkalinity in Water ─── 水中总碱度测定的不确定度评估

67、Under the circumstance, the growth of information corporation faces vast foreground with enormous indetermination. ─── 在这种背景下,信息型企业的成长面临着广阔的前景和很大的不确定性。

68、Can my indetermination whether she also like me or not, perhaps say whether she is to really like me or not! ─── 所以才会有人结婚了会离婚!而有的人却能天长地久,白头偕老!这都是缘分!我这人特别喜欢幻想,所以特喜欢看爱情片和贺岁电视剧!

69、Demand indetermination ─── 需求不确定

70、The Applet is used to solve the problem of process huge number and indetermination of supervision records in report. ─── 系统采用了Applet技术解决检验报告中的检验记录数据量大并且检验记录中不确定数量的问题。

71、In the practice of moral freedom, the indetermination of individual moral expression leads to the risks of moral freedom. ─── 在具体的实践过程中,由于个体在道德表达上的不确定性,导致了道德自由的风险。

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