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serfdom 中文意思翻译



serfdom 短语词组

1、Serfdom in Tibet controversy ─── 西藏的农奴制争议

serfdom 相似词语短语

1、serfhood ─── n.农奴;农奴境遇;农奴身份(等于serfdom)

2、selfdom ─── n.个性;自我本质

3、serdab ─── 地下室

4、sered ─── 塞雷德

5、chefdom ─── n.厨师,大师傅(chef的变形)

6、serfish ─── 毒蛇

7、sheriffdom ─── n.(郡司法长官,郡治安官,警察局长之)辖区;职务

8、fiefdom ─── n.封地,采邑(等于fief)

9、serfage ─── n.农奴境遇;农奴地位

serfdom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Serfdom and Freedom in Medieval England: A Reply to the Revisionists ─── 中世纪英国农奴制新论

2、Ye Liana·Baprucrofena's salon and abolishing the serf system reform in 1861 ─── 叶莲娜·巴甫罗夫娜的沙龙与1861年废除农奴制度改革

3、rulers. Forcing peas- anTS into debt, serfdom and sometimes slavery, they seized most of the land for themselves. ─── 但元老只顾自己的利益,他们大肆掠夺农民土地,逼迫他们借债度日,农民有时被迫沦为农奴或奴隶。

4、the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861 ─── 1861 年农奴制在俄国的废除

5、At the age of twenty-six, Dostoevsky became active in socialist circles, largely because of his opposition to the institution of serfdom. ─── 在年龄为06年,陀斯妥耶夫斯基成为活跃在社会主义圈子,主要是因为他反对农奴制的体制。

6、The condition of serfdom. ─── 奴隶的处境

7、In ancient times, serfdom made large quantities of farmers slaves for generations and they suffered greatly from oppression. ─── 在古代,农奴制使得大批农民世代为奴,受尽欺压。

8、By these declarations, kings, popes, priests, aristocrats, all were alike dethroned and placed on a common level, politically, with the lowliest born subject or serf. ─── 在这些宣言面前,所有的国王、教皇、牧师和贵族全都降为平民百姓,全都在政治上与出身最低贱的臣民和农奴同站在一样的地位;

9、Th serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments; they would frequently punish serfs and slaves by gouging out their eyes, cutting off their ears, arms or legs, drowning them or inflicting other terrible penalties. ─── 农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度,动辄对农奴和奴隶实施剜目、割耳、断手、剁脚、投水等骇人听闻的酷刑。

10、A serf! He forced my brother to draw upon him, and fell by my brother's sword," said the nobleman. ─── 一个农奴!他迫使我兄弟拔出剑来对着他,然后就倒在我兄弟的剑下,"那个贵族说.

11、The reform of the Russian serfdom and Meiji Restoration are two great events in which the two countries advanced from backward agricultural countries into industrialized ones by developing economy. ─── 俄国农权制改革和日本明治维新,是两国通过发展经济而实现由落后的农业社会向现代工业国家跨越的重大事件。

12、Serfdom expands along with the Russian empire. ─── 农奴制度随着俄帝国的扩张而扩张。

13、Till cock-crow he must again be a serf. ─── 在鸡鸣报晓以前,他必须再度充当一名奴隶。

14、Reactionary, backword schedule serf system, was tremendous tie ofdevelopment society. ─── 反动、落后的农奴制制度,对社会的发展是极大的束缚。

15、She said she was his serf, his slave, and she opened her yearning heart and took him in. ─── 她说,她嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗,然后她就敞开自己那扇思念的心扉,放他进去了。

16、He therefore ignored "part of the conservative opposition to aristocratic courtiers, " announced the abolition of serfdom. ─── 因而他不顾“部分保守贵族廷臣的反对”,宣布废除农奴制度。

17、The 1959 democratic reform abolished feudal serfdom, and made fundamental reforms in the ownership of the means of production, which prompted rapid economic development. ─── 1959年实施的民主改革废除了封建农奴制度,对生产资料的所有制形式进行了根本改革,这些制度改革促进了经济的快速发展。

18、Michael's father dominated the government, increasing contact with Western Europe and strengthening central authority and serfdom. ─── 他的父亲掌握了政权,同西欧加强联系,并加强了中央集权,实行农奴制度。

19、Serf owners regarded their serfs as animals that could talk. ─── 农奴主把农奴当做会说话的牲口。

20、However, with its establishment by the end of the 16th century, the primitive communes had been changed by the feudalism and became powerful tools in defensing and enforcing the serf system in Russia. ─── 但在俄国农奴制度16世纪末确立之后,农村公社本身也为封建主义所改造,反过来它又成为维护和加强俄国农奴制度的有力工具。

21、Chinese authorities say the beginning of hisexile marked the end of serfdom in the mountainous region. ─── 中国当局说他的流亡开始,标志着农奴制度在那个群山起伏的地区的结束。

22、born as a free person,not as a slave or serf ─── 天生是自由人,而不是奴隶或家奴的

23、Written in exile, while Europe burned, The Road to Serfdom's simple but powerful thesis was that the encroachment of the state into economic affairs inevitably leads to an encroachment in all spheres. ─── “通向奴役之路”,作于海耶克流亡之际,写于欧洲沦于战火之时,其虽平凡却强势的主题是:一旦放任国家干涉经济事务必将引致国家干涉所有领域。

24、economy of feudalistic serf system ─── 封建农奴制经济

25、In this film about serfs' poor lives in the Qing Dynasty ,I played a serf owner exploiting the serfs. ─── 在这部关于清代农奴们贫苦生活的电影中,我扮演的是剥削农奴的农奴主。

26、therefore be not the serf and bondman of sin. ─── 因此,不要再作罪的奴仆了。

27、In the Middle Ages a lord and a serf had very different places in life. ─── 中世纪农奴主和农奴在生活中是两个截然不同的阶级。

28、People were locked into a serfdom of ideas and politics that shackled their national life. ─── 那里的人们在思想和政治领域受到奴役,国民生活被戴上了锁链。

29、The Decembrists, the Slavophils, the Westernizes, the Petrashevsky group, and many intellectual Russians called for an end to serfdom. ─── 十二月党人,斯拉夫派,西化派,彼特舍夫斯基小组,以及许多有知识的俄国人,都要求结束农奴制。

30、There went with them the prints made by some lumbering serf and a little lad, whom he got to do the foul work him. ─── 伴随足迹的有些沉重的奴仆和小孩的脚印,他们随着他干肮脏的工作。

31、This article focuses on the history of the marriage market in Tibetan serf society and explores the causes and consequences of the female marriage squeeze in Tibetan serf society with some examples. ─── 从藏族农奴制社会婚姻市场的历史入手,结合实例,探讨了藏族农奴制社会女性婚姻挤压的原因、后果。

32、After the reform of the serf system in 1861, Russia followed the path of capitalism and began the course of neoteric industrialization. ─── 1861年农奴制改革后,俄国走上了资本主义的发展道路,开始了近代工业化的进程。

33、And Alexander Graham Bell would not have invented the telephone if he had been a conscripted serf and had lived in a remote village of the Romanow domains. ─── 亚历山大.格雷厄姆.贝尔如果是一个身不由己的奴隶,住在罗曼诺夫庄园的一个偏僻村子里,那他也无法发明电话。

34、In the Middle Ages,a lord and a serf had very different places in life. ─── 中世纪,农奴主和农奴在生活中是两个截然不同的阶级。

35、"Through it all, an unwieldy caste system governed lord and serf alike. " ─── 一个同时主宰统治者与被统治者的庞大迟滞的阶层体系,贯串整个时代。

36、The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois. ─── 农奴曾经在农奴制度下挣扎到公社成员的地位,小资产者曾经在封建专制制度的束缚下挣扎到资产者的地位。

37、the legal status or condition of a villein or feudal serf. ─── 封建农奴的合法地位。

38、The modern family contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but also serfdom, since from the beginning it is related to agricultural services. ─── “现代家庭在萌芽时,不仅包含着奴隶制(servitus),而且也包含着农奴制,因为它从一开始就是同田间耕作的劳役有关的。

39、The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments. ─── 农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。

40、A person in servitude; a serf. ─── 农奴,奴隶处于受奴役状态的人;农奴

41、Some of the known civics are Free Market, Environmentalism, Slavery, Serfdom, Free Speech, Conscription, Emancipation, and Nationhood. ─── 一些已知的市政是自由市场,环境论,奴隶,农奴 ,言论自由,征兵,释放和国家的独立。

42、Some landlords, unable or unwilling to pay higher wages, tried to force peasants back into serfdom. ─── 存活的农民处于有利的讨价还价地位,从农奴变为雇佣劳动力。

43、The influence of the Black Death had shaken the serf system and contract obiligation to the root in rural areas. ? ─── 但灾难的发生最终却加速了采邑制度和契约义务在农村的瓦解。

44、Through it all, an unwieldy caste system governed lord and serf alike. ─── 一个同时主宰统治者与被统治者的庞大迟滞的阶层体系,贯串整个时代。

45、In the Middle Ages, a lord and a serf had very different places in life. ─── 中世纪, 农奴主和农奴在生活中是两个截然不同的阶级。

46、2. "Sheath thy sword," the surly sheriff said, "or surely shall a churlish serf soon shatter thee." ─── “把你的剑装回剑鞘吧,”无礼的郡治安官说,“否则很快很快就会有一个粗野的农奴将你碎尸万段。”收藏指正

47、Rus sia's natural conditions, characteristic of vast land, sparse population and la ck of labour force, and the characteristics of its geopolitical status both cont ributed to the shaping of serfdom there. ─── 俄国地广人稀、动力匮乏的自然条件和地缘政治地位的特点,是形成俄国农奴制度的前提。

48、the legal status or condition of a villein or feudal serf ─── 封建农奴的合法地位

49、the state of one who is bound as a slave or serf ─── 奴役一个人被迫做奴隶或农奴的状态

50、Serfdom is a more "enlightened" form of slavery in that the power of the master is not absolute and the serfs are accorded a certain number of rights. ─── 农奴制度是一种较为"文明的"奴隶制度,农奴主对农奴的权力受到一定限制,农奴拥有少量的权利。

51、They had gone from serfdom through autocracy to Bolshevism. ─── 它们从农奴制演变至独裁统治,进而进入布尔什维克主义时期。

52、They laid the blame on the serf and beat him brutally. ─── 他们赖到这个农奴身上,把他毒打了一顿。

53、Sachs would realize what "The Road to Serfdom" is really about, and how it is of great relevance to Mr. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,萨克斯先生时下所从事的工作与他在[科学的美国人]里所写的几乎毫不相干。

54、In the first half of the 19th Century, Russia, with serf system, gradually shook off the strong chains of feudalism and began industrialization. ─── 19世纪上半叶,农奴制的俄国逐渐突破严密的封建桎梏,走上了工业化的道路。

55、The principle of serfdom was ingrained in medieval society ─── 在中世纪社会里,家奴制是根深蒂固的。

56、Some decadent, backward practices related to feudal serfdom and despising laboring people have been discarded and replaced with modern, civilized and healthy fashions. ─── 与此同时,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后、蔑视劳动群众的旧习俗,随着社会的进步与发展而被群众所摒弃,代之以现代、文明、健康的新风尚。

57、A slave or serf. ─── 奴隶或农奴

58、Last week,we have a debate on whether middlel school students should serf the internet. ─── 1上周我们举行了一次关于中学生是否应该上网的辩论。

59、That same year, the Government of the abolition of serfdom in Prussia. 1848, the abolition of serfdom in the Austrian Government. ─── 同年,普鲁士政府废除农奴制。1848年,奥地利政府废除农奴制。

60、a person who is not a serf or a slave. ─── 不是农奴或奴隶的人。

61、The basic premise of serfdom is that one group of people are superior to another, and that they have the political and god-given right to control the other group's destiny. ─── 农奴制的基本理念仍是人天生存在优劣之分,上等人掌握神授的权力,可以控制下等人的命运。

62、it abolished tax exemptions, serfdom, aristocratic titles and privileges and sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Paris. ─── 取消免税制、农奴制、贵族头衔和特权,试图在巴黎建立君主立宪制。

63、The word "robot" originates from the Czech word for forced labor, or serf. ─── “机器人”一词起源于捷克语,意为强迫劳动力或奴隶。

64、The state of one who is bound as a slaveor serf. ─── 奴役一个人被迫做奴隶或农奴的状态。

65、Plantation gangs began to oust the patch cultivation of the labourer serf in the case of some staple products. ─── 在某些主要农产品的种植上,大农场上的伙役奴隶开始撵走了耕种小块土地的农奴劳动者。

66、In the reforms of Russian serfdom in 1861, Russia liberalists took the local self-government institution as a center, and carried out the liberalism idea. ─── 在1861年大改革的浪潮中,俄国自由主义者以地方自治机关为中心,将自由主义理念付诸实践,从而与大改革相得益彰。

67、The countries that are now rich subsequently listened enough to Hayek and to common sense to avoid the road to serfdom. ─── 现今的富裕国家(幸而)后来都充分地听取了海耶克的意见,也听从了常识,这才避免了奴役之路。

68、Born a serf, Mima Dunzhu for the first time own a piece of field; ─── 世代为奴的米玛顿珠破天荒地有了自己的土地;

69、The eupatridae were selfish rulers. Forcing peas- ants into debt, serfdom and sometimes slavery, they seized most of the land for themselves ─── 但元老只顾自己的利益,他们大肆掠夺农民土地,逼迫他们借债度日,农民有时被迫沦为农奴或奴隶。

70、Emancipation refers to the abolition of slavery, serfdom, and caste system. ─── 人身自由指完全废除奴隶制,农奴制和等级制度等等。

71、While in Castile the peasants were never serfs, in Aragon there was serfdom of the most shameful kind right up till the decree of Ferdinand the Catholic in 1486. ─── 在加斯梯利亚,农民虽然从来没有成为农奴,但在阿腊贡却盛行过极丑恶的农奴制,直到1486年天主教徒费迪南德作出裁决为止。

72、The serf owner lashed the serf with a whip. ─── 农奴主用皮鞭抽打农奴。

73、Then they smashed the shackles of the feudal serf system and took their destiny in their own hands. ─── 之后,他们砸烂了封建农奴制的枷锁,把命运掌握到自己手中。

74、abolish the serf system reform In 1861 ─── 1861年废除农奴制度改革

75、Some of the known civics are Free Market, Environmentalism, Slavery, Serfdom, Free Speech, Conscription, Emancipation, and Nationhood . ─── 一些已知的市政是自由市场,环境论,奴隶,农奴,言论自由,征兵,释放和国家的独立。

76、They advance against that standard, rather than the pestilence, beggary and injustice of serfdom. ─── 他们朝着这个标准而努力,而不是瘟疫,赤贫和不公正的奴隶制度。

77、The serf - owners had the right to beat,abuse or even kill the serfs at will. ─── (那时)农奴主有权任意打骂甚至杀害农奴。

78、The serf has an assured existence, the proletarian has not. ─── 农奴生活有保障,无产者生活无保障。

79、Serfdom vt. The state or fact of being a serf; slavery ─── 农奴的境遇;奴役

80、Just ask the generations of thinkers who've been influenced by The Road to Serfdom. ─── 不信的话,可以问一问受“通向奴役之路”一书影响的几代思想家们。

81、Serfdom also was abolished in some regions and mitigated in others. ─── 农奴制也在一些地区被废除或者减轻。

82、The serf gives up, the proletarian receives. ─── 农奴是交出,无产者是得到。

83、This follows the arrival of the expansion of serfdom. ─── 这是随着农奴制的扩张发生的。

84、According to the conventional view, serfdom in nineteenth-century Russia inhibited economic growth. ─── 根据传统观点,十九世纪俄国的农奴制抑制了经济增长。

85、The corvee assigned by Gaxag and manorial lords accounted for over 50 percent of the labor of serf households, and could go as high as 70-80 percent. ─── 农奴为噶厦和庄园主支的差,占农奴户劳动量的50%以上,高者可达70%至80%。

86、On the Relation between the Feudal Serfdom and the Migration of the Village Labors in the Medieval England. ─── 封建农奴制与英格兰中古时期农村劳动力转移

87、They boldly stood up and charged the serf - owner with his crimes. ─── 他们大胆站起来谴责农奴主的罪行。

88、The serf,in the period of serfdom,raised himself to membership in the commune,just as the petty bourgeois,under the yoke of feudal absolutism,managed to develop into a bourgeois. ─── 农奴曾经在农奴制度下挣扎到公社社员的地位,小资产者曾经在封建专制制度的束缚下挣扎到资产者的地位。

89、Czar, Alexander II, annulled serf system and its related land possession system in 1861. ─── 1861年沙皇亚历山大二世废除了农奴制及其土地制度。

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