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09-17 投稿


legibly 发音

英:[?led??bli]  美:[?led??bli]

英:  美:

legibly 中文意思翻译



legibly 网络释义

adv. 明了地;易读地

legibly 词性/词形变化,legibly变形

副词: legibly |名词: legibility |

legibly 反义词


legibly 同义词

readably |simply | decipherably

legibly 相似词语短语

1、flexibly ─── adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地;有弹性地

2、legible ─── adj.清晰的;易读的;易辨认的

3、legally ─── adv.合法地;法律上

4、eligibly ─── adv.有资格地,合格地;(指结婚对象)令人中意地,合意地

5、legibility ─── n.易读性;易辨认

6、credibly ─── adv.可靠地;可信地

7、illegibly ─── adv.难读地;暧昧地

8、illegible ─── adj.难辨认的;字迹模糊的

9、feasibly ─── 可行地

legibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、46. All data must be recorded legibly and neatly in straight rows and columns. ─── 所有的数据必须明白地和整洁地记录在直列和横列中。

2、Please fill in this entry form fully and legibly. ─── 请完整填写本报名表格。

3、Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.Use English. ─── 请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面写任何字。

4、Penholder legibly But when table, penholder and paper are all moving, how is it possible to write legibly? ─── 可是,当桌子、夹笔装置、纸都在移动时,怎么能书写得清楚呢?

5、If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly. ─── 如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。

6、Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. ─── 这两种封面必须清楚易读地辨认出,你是这些拷贝的出版者。

7、The containers which coming into the facility should have been legibly affixed labels. ─── 核工厂的容器均应贴附了图文清晰的标贴。

8、2.He writes legibly. ─── 他的字写得很清楚。

9、Please write down the names and addresses of both the sender and the recipient legibly and do not abbreviate or use initials. ─── 请填上汇款人与收款人的姓名、地址。字迹要清楚,不要缩写,要用全称。

10、Please fill legibly the exact way as appear on certificate. ─── 请清楚地填写下面,其名称应与证书上的显示完全一致。

11、Please type or write legibly. ─── 请用正楷填写此表。

12、Yet today's kids are asked to write, thoughtfully and legibly, for several minutes on this SAT Test. ─── 然而现在的小孩在考SAT时,必须用心写好几分钟的申论题,而且字迹要让别人看得懂。

13、"But when table, penholder and paper are all moving how is it possible to write legibly? " ─── 不过,当桌子、笔夹和纸全都在动时又怎么能写得清楚呢?

14、If the form is not filled in on PC, please write legibly in black or blue ink. ─── 填写时请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写。

15、Please complete legibly all parts in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK or BLUE INK. ─── 请用正楷及黑色或蓝色原子笔清楚填写表格。


17、The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. ─── 扉页)”是指刊印成册的书的扉页本身及附加下列有必要明显地保留的页面:本许可证要求在扉页出现的材料。

18、(1) Every entrance to a first-aid room must be clearly and legibly marked on the outside with the words “FIRST AID” and a safety information sign complying with AS 1319. ─── 每个紧急救护室的入口都必须清晰明了地在外面标记有“紧急救护”字样,以及符合AS1319的安全信息标识。

19、Please write clearly and legibly. ─── 请仔细书写确保字迹清晰。

20、He can write as neatly and legibly as the next person if he takes his time overit. ─── 若他不匆匆忙忙写的话,他能写得和别人一样整洁、清楚。

21、please state "N.A.". Upon completion, please sign and date the Form. The Form may be typewritten or legibly ─── 上申請日期,並加以簽署。此表格可用機印或正楷填寫。

22、The total comes to $102. 91, " said the checker. I didn't bat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write. " ─── “一共是102.91美元,”收款员说道。我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。

23、Please Write legibly ─── 字迹请写清楚

24、7. But when table, penholder and paper are all moving , how is it possible to write legibly? ─── 可是,当桌子、夹笔装置、纸都在移动时,怎么能书写得清楚呢?

25、To withdraw funds or close an account,(1)Print this form,(2)Please legibly print all necessary information below,and(3)Sign the bottom. ─── 请按以下步骤申请提款或结束账户:( 1 )打印此表格;( 2 )必须清晰完整地填写所有内容;

26、He can write as neatly and legibly as the next person if he takes his time over it ─── 若他不匆匆忙忙写的话,他能写得和别人一样整洁、清楚。

27、Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS . Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. ─── 请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面写任何字。

28、/ Please complete the form in Chinese , complete the form in Chinese or English.If the form is not filled in on PC, please write legibly in black or blue ink. ─── 请用中文填写此表格,请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写表格内容。

29、The form shall be legibly completed ─── 清楚填写此表

30、"The total comes to $102.91, " said the checker. I didn't bat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write. ─── “一共是102.91美元,”收款员说道。我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。

31、We don't have to type our essayswe have to write legibly. ─── 的文章不要打出来,但字迹要清楚。

32、For problem sets 1-4, the solutions are to be written out carefully and legibly, in good mathematical style. ─── 对于作业1-4,解答要用严谨的数学格式仔细清晰的写下来。

33、please state "N.A.". Upon completion, please sign and date the Form. The Form may be typewritten or legibly handwritten. ─── 上申请日期,并加以签署。此表格可用机印或正楷填写。

34、You must write legibly. ─── 你必须写得字迹清楚。

35、If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly. ─── 如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。

36、Legibly document orders when system is down and distribute food orders to kitchen. ─── 当系统不能使用时,提供清晰的手写单并送到厨房。

37、Please write down the names and addresses of both the sender and the recipient legibly and do not abbreviate or use initials. ─── 请填上汇款人与收款人的姓名、地址。字迹要清楚,不要缩写,要用全称。

38、If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. ─── 如果封面或封底必要的文字太多而导致看起来不清晰明了,那么你可以把优先的条目(尽量适合地)列在封面或封底,剩下的那些接在邻近的页面里。

39、Membership fees are based in Euro. Please type or print legibly . Partially completed application forms cannot be processed. ─── 会费以欧元计价。请打印清晰。部分填写的表格不能进行处理。

40、Due to the handwriting is not legibly,I can't read what is writen on it. ─── 字迹不清楚,我看不清上面写的是什么。

41、If the form is not filled in on the computer, please write legibly in black or blue ink. ─── 请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写表格内容。

42、Please complete the form clearly and legibly in black/blue ink. Please use additional sheets if necessary. ─── 请以黑色/蓝色原子笔填写表格,字体须清晰可读。如表格不敷应用,请另页书写。

43、"N.A". Upon completion, please sign and date the Form. The Form may be typewritten or legibly handwritten. ─── 在回答问题时,如空位不敷应用,可另纸作答,请在纸上注明问题之编号,并在旁签署。

44、We are sorry that our order led to misunderstandings and thus caused delay in delivery. In the future we will fill out the order form more legibly. ─── 很遗憾,我方订单引起误会,导致交货延误。今后我方在下订单时会填写清楚。

45、Please fill in this form legibly to facilitate the data input process. ─── 1. 请用英文正楷填写此表格以便输入资料。

46、Notes: 1.Please complete the form in Chinese or English.If the form is not filled in on PC, please write legibly in black or blue ink with “X” in the black chosen. ─── 注:1.申请表请认真填写,字体工整或使用电脑打印,每项须逐项填写,不得遗漏。

47、This acknowledgment will be mailed back to the applicant. Please write the applicant's name and address legibly. ─── 我們會將此覆函郵寄至上述地址,請清楚填寫申請人的姓名和地址。

48、This thesis should be legibly typed or printed on good quality bond paper. ─── 这一个论题应该易读地打字或印刷的在善行之上质量束缚纸。

49、The indication of CA100, take a gender numerical value to be put in the first consideration legibly, accordingly, will use translucent large LCD. ─── CA100的显示,把数值的易读取性放在第一位考虑,因此,来用了半透明的大型LCD。

50、to write legibly ─── 字迹工整,写得清楚

51、On the surface of each package, the following shipping mark shall be stenciled legibly in fadeless paint. ─── 卖方负责在包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷唛头。

52、While obliging as legibly as possible over the coasters’ green “Heineken” logos, I silently asked myself, “should I be signing THESE? ─── 我一面尽可能清楚地把名字签在绿色海尼根的杯垫上,一面在心中问自己:“我是不是该签这些呢?”

53、Application form must be completed in duplicate. You may use photostat Application form. Please write legibly. ─── 申请人必须填具2份申请表格.表格不够可自行复印.字体不可潦草.

54、Please write legibly. ─── 字迹请写清楚。

55、Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. ─── 请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面写任何字。

56、When you're three, you better be able to write your name legibly, or else we'll consider it a developmental delay. ─── 当孩子三岁时,他们最好能清楚地写下他们的名字,要不我们会认为这是发育迟缓。

57、We don't have to type our essays but we have to write legibly. ─── 我们的文章不一定要打出来,但字迹一定要清楚。

58、These entries and notations shall be made within twenty-four (24) hours after the catch was made and shall be written legibly in ink or ballpen. ─── 条目和注释应当在捕鱼后二十四(24)小时以内进行录入,并且应当以钢笔或圆珠笔清晰地书写。

59、2 Please complete the questionnaire using block letters and write as legibly as possible. ─── 2 请用中文正楷字体或者英文大写字母尽量清楚地填写这份问卷,请回答问卷中的所有问题,并小心填写问卷的每一部分。

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