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lugubrious 发音

英:[l??ɡu?bri?s]  美:[l??ɡu?bri?s]

英:  美:

lugubrious 中文意思翻译



lugubrious 词性/词形变化,lugubrious变形

名词: lugubriousness |副词: lugubriously |

lugubrious 相似词语短语

1、lugubriousness ─── 忧郁

2、usurious ─── adj.高利贷的

3、salubrious ─── adj.清爽的;气候有益健康的

4、luxurious ─── adj.奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的

5、unluxurious ─── 不奢侈的

6、lugubriosity ─── 阴暗性

7、burglarious ─── adj.夜盗的,窃盗的

8、curious ─── adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的

9、lugubriously ─── adv.悲哀地;伤心地

lugubrious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious, to be ambitious but unworldly. ─── 老享利·詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。

2、He wiped his hand across his perspiring forehead, then, a lugubrious expression on his face, he asked in an agitated voice: ─── 他抹去了额角上的一把汗。 哭丧着脸,慌慌张张又问道:

3、And she hummed scraps of vaudevilles, as though she had been alone, frolicsome refrains which her hoarse and guttural voice rendered lugubrious. ─── 她还旁若无人地低声哼着闹剧里一些曲调的片断,一些疯疯癫癫的叠句,用她那沙哑的嗓子哼得惨不忍闻。

4、The member of the Convention straightened himself up in his chair with an almost lugubrious solemnity, and exclaimed, so far as a dying man is capable of exclamation:-- ─── 国民公会代表直从他的椅子上竖立起来,容貌严峻,几乎是悲壮的,尽他瞑目以前的周身气力,大声喊着说:

5、"I am drinking," replied the tippler, with a lugubrious air. ─── 我喝酒。”他阴沉忧郁地回答道。

6、Mr Varney played the perky Cockney survivor making life hell for the lugubrious Blakey, the bus-inspector, a Hitler lookalike who swore at the end of every episode to get even with him, and never did. ─── 瓦尼饰演的大胆的英国幸存者让可悲的布雷基(Blakey)吃尽了苦头,这个长相酷似希特勒的检票员在每季末尾都发誓要和瓦尼算帐,但却只是说说而已。

7、The actor adores pranks, especially the ones that require a straight face and his familiar lugubrious delivery. ─── 对于如同甘本这种以调皮出名的演员来说,这样的状况就好比穿上了一件痛苦的紧身衣。

8、That long, lugubrious howl rose on the night air again! ─── 夜空中又响起了那凄厉的长嚎!

9、On all sides there were lugubrious stretches. ─── 四面八方全是凄凉寥廓的旷地。

10、Cosette was meditating sadly;for, although she was only eight years old, she had already suffered so much that she reflected with the lugubrious air of an old woman. ─── 珂赛特很发愁,因为,虽然她还只有八岁,但已受过那么多的苦,所以当她发愁时那副苦相已象个老太婆了。

11、These things are charming when one is joyous, and lugubrious when one is sad ─── 那些东西,在快乐的人听来非常悦耳,但伤心人却感到无限苍凉。

12、Then he resumed his monotonous and lugubrious tramp, which troubled the dreams of the sleeping man beneath him, and awoke him with a start ─── 于是他又用那种单调、沉郁的步伐走来走去,把睡在他下面的那个人从梦中惊到跳了起来。

13、at any rate, I started wide awake on hearing a vague murmur, peculiar and lugubrious, which sounded, I thought, just above me. ─── 总之,我突然听到一阵奇怪而凄惨的喃喃低语声,把我完全惊醒了。

14、An icy north wind was blowing, and imparted to things around him a sort of lugubrious life. ─── 一阵冷峭的北风吹来,使他四周的东西都呈现出愁惨的景象。

15、a lugubrious look ─── 阴郁的面容

16、Sometimes I nodded off on a bench, listening to the chugging of the machine as it echoed through the freezing, lugubrious hall. ─── 有时,我会在长凳上打盹,听着这个机器运行的声音,像是穿透这个冰冷的让人悲哀的大厅。

17、Particularly one of those lugubrious female orchestras with everything coming in squeaks and farts, with a dry, algebraic rhythm and the hygienic consistency of toothpaste. ─── 尤其是,这是一支悲枪的女子管弦乐队,它奏出的一切都像在尖叫、在放屁,其节奏很枯燥,像代数一样,又具有牙膏那种合乎卫生的稠度。

18、An icy north wind was blowing, and imparted to things around him a sort of lugubrious life ─── 一阵冷峭的北风吹来,使他四周的东西都呈现出愁惨的景象。

19、Presently a dog set up a long, lugubrious howl just outside -- ─── 没多久,外面传来了狗叫声,那声音又长又凄凉,

20、"Truly they are," murmured the count in a lugubrious tone ─── “我相信会的。”伯爵用一种郁闷的口吻喃喃的说道。

21、He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious. ─── 有些段落他演奏得如此徐缓,听上去有些忧伤。

22、a lugubrious expression/face ─── 悲伤的神情/面容

23、31. This ingredient does not invite or generally produce lugubrious lamentation. ─── 这一要素并不引起,或者说通常不产生故作悲伤的叹息。

24、Occasionally he burst out with "Peg in a Low- backed Car" and other Irish ditties or the more lugubrious lament for Robert Emmet, "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps." ─── 有几回他忽然哼起了《矮背马车上的佩格》和其他爱尔兰小曲,或者更加阴郁的"罗伯特 - 埃米特挽歌","她距离年轻英雄的长眠之地很远。

25、Nothing is more lugubrious than the contemplation thus in its nudity, in the broad light of thought, of the horrible swarming of slang. ─── 在思想的光辉下正视着公然大说特说着的骇人的大量的黑话,再没有什么比这更凄惨的了。

26、He talked of reform and modernisation. Perhaps, then, Russia was finally moving away from its lugubrious KGB track. ─── 他谈到了改革和现代化,也许在那时俄国可以最终驶离可悲的克格勃掌权的轨道。

27、Roguet had set the lugubrious example of threatening with death any French grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner. ─── 在这以前,罗格已开过那种恶例,他不许法国羽林军士俘虏普鲁士士兵,违者处死。

28、that lugubrious laugh of the convict, which is like the echo of the laugh of a demon. ─── 使他发出一种象是魔鬼笑声的回音的苦笑,那也是一年难得一两次的事。看他那神气,

29、This 1815 was a sort of lugubrious April. ─── 一八一五是种阴沉的阳春天气。

30、What then, you may well ask, happened to poor John, whose expressive, lugubrious face we used to see earlier? ─── 你完全可以问,可怜的约翰,我们早先经常看到他显出一副非常悲哀的样子,后来怎么样了呢?

31、The lugubrious persons learned to know, from the lodge-keeper, when Mr. Crich was away, and they timed their visits. ─── 乞丐们学会从公寓老板处打听克里奇先生离家的时间,调整他们行乞的时辰。

32、"Truly they are," murmured the count in a lugubrious tone. ─── “我相信会的。” 伯爵用一种郁闷的口吻喃喃的说道。

33、3.At times he talked to himself, and stammered lugubrious monologues in a low voice. ─── 有时,他自言自语,吞吞吐吐,低声说着一些凄惨的话。

34、They were surrounded by men, women, and children, who sang a kind of lugubrious psalm, interrupted at regular intervals by the tambourines and cymbals ─── 前后簇拥着许多男人、妇女和孩子他们在高唱着挽歌。歌声和锣钹的敲击声此起彼落,交替不断。

35、But on emerging from so melancholy a conflict, what a lugubrious peace, alas!Nevertheless, that night Jean Valjean felt that he was passing through his final combat. ─── 多少次,他执拗的思想在无可否认的职责前痉挛地辗转不安!

36、The stirring up of these lugubrious ideas did not cause his courage to fail, but his brain grow weary ─── 那么多愁惨的想法在心里起伏,他的勇气并不减少,但是他的脑子疲乏了。

37、He had a long lugubrious face with drooping jowls and soft pouches beneath the eyes. ─── 他低垂着头,一张忧郁的脸拉得老长,眼睛下垂着松弛的眼袋。

38、The whole effect was hideous, petty, lugubrious, and narrow ─── 所有这一切都是丑恶、卑陋、黯淡、无意义的。

39、Why are you looking so lugubrious? ─── 你怎麽看上去这样忧郁?

40、The colonel sounded so lugubrious and the general looked so sad that I could not help but burst into laughter. ─── 上校的语调十分沮丧.将军的模样也十分凄然,我不由得笑了起来。

41、Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly ─── 老亨利?詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。

42、Presently a dog set up a long, lugubrious howl just outside -- within ten feet of them. ─── 没多久,外面传来了狗叫声,那声音又长又凄凉,离他们不到十英尺远。

43、Then he resumed his monotonous and lugubrious tramp, which troubled the dreams of the sleeping man beneath HIM, and awoke HIM with a start. ─── 于是他又用那种单调、沉郁的步伐走来走去,把睡在他下面的那个人从梦中惊到跳了起来。

44、My first musical impressions were formed by the lugubrious and plaintive shrieks of factory sirens, hundreds of them waking the workers at six in the morning when the city was still dark. ─── 清晨六点曙光未现,天昏地暗的城镇里,尚在梦乡的工人被数百声警报声警醒,工厂警报器发出悲怆哀戚的声音,这些喧叫声就是我最初的音乐启蒙。

45、Everything about the scene exuded boredom which stemmed, on the man's side, from an embarrassing awareness of his own dullness and, on the woman's, from the visit of this lugubrious personage. ─── 房间里的气氛很沉闷,男的是因为自己一筹莫展而局促不安,女的是因为这个讨厌的家伙的来访而心情烦躁。

46、Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious, to be ambitious but unworldly ─── 老享利?詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。

47、That long, lugubrious howl rose on the night air again! ─── 夜空中又传来了那又长又凄凉的狗叫声。

48、Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitious but unworldly. ─── 老享利·詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。

49、An excessive emotion was required to wring from him, once or twice a year, that lugubrious laugh of the convict, which is like the echo of the laugh of a demon. ─── 必得有一种外来的刺激才能使他发出一种象是魔鬼笑声的回音的苦笑,那也是一年难得一两次的事。

50、Presently a dog set up a long, lugubrious howl just outside—within ten feet of them. ─── 一会儿,就在外面,离他们不到十英尺的地方,响起了一声又长又凄惨的狗叫声。

51、in the lugubrious dreary depths of engulfment. ─── 灭亡的阴惨深渊里了。

52、Straight couples often argue along gender lines: the men are at turns angry and distant, the women more prone to lugubrious bursts. ─── 直人伴侣总是以性别角色为基线争吵:男人们容易发曝气和冷淡,女人们总是楚楚可怜和敏感脆弱。

53、Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly. ─── 老亨利·詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。

54、In the back-kitchen Dolly Reid...chanted a lugubrious ditty, befitting her condition as a widow, coming to nothing, all that light in his face gone out, in the condition I'd already seen so many others ─── 说我的兄弟有朝一日会堕落到身败名裂,会把那一脸容光消磨尽,会落到我早已司空见惯的那般光景,我怎么肯相信呢。

55、James was in lugubrious mood. ─── 詹姆士的兴致很颓唐。

56、Her sigh was echoed by a lugubrious utterance from Tu Hsin-to. ─── 同时却听得杜新箨幽幽地说:

57、The stirring up of these lugubrious ideas did not cause his courage to fail, but his brain grow weary. ─── 那么多愁惨的想法在心里起伏,他的勇气并不减少,但是他的脑子疲乏了。

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