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09-17 投稿


intercrossing 中文意思翻译



intercrossing 相似词语短语

1、interposing ─── 干预(interpose的现在分词)

2、interarching ─── 拱间

3、intergrowing ─── 共生

4、intercropping ─── n.[农学]间作;[农学]间混作;v.[农学]间作(intercrop的ing形式)

5、interessing ─── 舞台调度

6、intercrosses ─── v.(动物、植物)杂交;n.杂交;杂交的动物(植物)

7、intercrossed ─── v.(动物、植物)杂交;n.杂交;杂交的动物(植物)

8、incrossing ─── 镶嵌

9、intercross ─── v.(动物、植物)杂交;n.杂交;杂交的动物(植物)

intercrossing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、track intercross ─── 交轨法

2、Effects of Soil Water Stress, Salt Stress and Intercross Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cercis chinensis ─── 盐、旱及其交叉胁迫对紫荆光合性能的影响

3、complete intercrossing ─── 完全相互杂交

4、Horticultural therapy, which originated in the end of 17th century, is an intercross subject that comprises horticulture, medicine and psychology. ─── 摘要起源于17世纪末的园艺疗法集园艺、医学、心理学为一体,是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科。

5、Keywords Town hospital;Intercross infection;Defending research; ─── 关键词卫生院;院内感染;预防研究;

6、Knowledge discernibity and depending reasoning intercross,which is a new direction of knowledge mining. ─── 知识分辨与依赖推理相互交叉,是知识挖掘的一个新的研究方向。

7、6 lanes intercross ─── 六路交叉

8、intercross arithmetic ─── 交叉算法

9、On Intercross Stock-holding, Accounting Report Combination and Parent Company Investment Profit and Deficit Verification ─── 交叉持股合并会计报表编制和母公司投资损益确定的探讨

10、The shape memory capability of XLPE was investigated and the prospects for the application of XLPE in the repair of metal old pipe by intercrossing method were discussed in this paper. ─── 研究了硅烷交联聚乙烯(XLPE)材料的形状记忆性能,探讨了其在穿插法修复旧管道领域的应用前景。

11、As the branch of geotechnical engineering, environmental geotechnology is a new intercross subject. ─── 作为岩土工程分支的环境岩土工程是一个新兴的交叉学科,其学科体系还不很完善。

12、The Intercrossing Area of Chemistry and Wood Science and It's Teaching Tactics ─── 化学与木材科学的交叉融合点及其教学策略

13、intercross splitter ─── 交叉方式

14、Formed by intercrossing layers of cotton cloth, sewed spirally with cotton thread, these buffs are suitable for polishing any accessible flat surface, as a set-up wheel with glue and abrasive grain. ─── 用纯棉斜布多层交叉叠放,再经纯棉线螺旋车缝而成,适合平面之研磨物,或接触面涂附胶粘金刚砂切削作业。

15、Application of the Sub Samples in the Delaminated and Intercrossing Samplings ─── 分层交叉抽样子样本的应用

16、intercross stresses ─── 交叉胁迫

17、Selfishness and Altruism are both complicated.That the two intercross each other makes things much more complicated. ─── 摘要自利与利他均具有复杂性,而更为复杂的,还在于自利与利他的相互交叉。

18、Application of continuous quality improvement in nursing management of intercross infection ─── 持续质量改进在医院感染护理管理中的应用实践


20、Daheck XYsigns red silky dress, shoulder strings design. Front: two pieces foldings; back: five 3cm belts intercrossing, 2009 style pre advanced issuing, in limited numbers. ─── 前:两片重叠设计修胸线,后:五条三公分交叉棉设计,09年提早发表请把握,数量有限

21、Watersupply and drainage engineering is sorted out engineering discipline, and it is a field of intercross multi-discipline. ─── 摘要给水排水工程为工程学科门类,是多学科互相交叉形成的一门学科。

22、intercross of many subjects ─── 多学科交叉

23、Pervasive computing is a hotspot of computer applied research, Context-aware as the core technology of the pervasive computing, involved several subjects’ intercross and several domains’ knowledge. ─── 普适计算是当前计算机应用研究的热点,上下文感知作为普适计算的核心技术,涉及多学科的交叉和多领域的知识。

24、These directions embody the trends of integration, intercross and qualification. ─── 可以看出沉积物搬运和底形研究的方向体现了综合、叉和定量这三个主要的趋势。

25、Keywords materials solidification;solidification transport phenomena;computer modeling;numerical computation methods;disciplines intercross; ─── 材料凝固;凝固传输现象;计算机模型化;数值计算方法;学科交叉;

26、Strengthening the intercrossing of subjects and accumulation research of traffic medicine to improve its development ─── 加强学科交叉融合与研究促进交通医学发展

27、These plants through the intercrossing selection had been combined with sterility and TPS. ─── 但春播环境下选择的不育性群体难以通过选择单株来保持其不育性,为记录性群体选择。

28、Intercross switch ─── 交叉开关

29、Keywords QTL;Spinal Cord;Advanced intercross line (AIL);Mice;Inbred C57BL; ─── 数量性状基因座位;脊髓;高级互交系(AIL);小鼠;近交C57BL;

30、Traffic improvement and effectiveness of Baotou city road intercross ─── 包头市道路交叉口的交通改善及效果

31、Conventional intercrossing of peach have many shortcomings, which bring biggish difficulty to breeding work. ─── 桃的常规杂交育种存在很多弊端,给育种工作带来较大的困难。

32、Mining the Information about Discipline Intercrossing from Citation Index Data ─── 利用引文索引数据挖掘学科交叉信息

33、The experiments showed that there also existed a parallel reaction between CCA and SO3 as well as an intercrossing reaction between caprolactam and nitrosyl sulfuric acid, except for the nitrosation of CCA. ─── 实验证实了该过程伴有环己烷羧酸与三氧化硫作用的平行副反应以及己内酰胺与亚硝基硫酸作用的串联副反应,由此提出了亚硝化过程的反应动力学模型。

34、The study of natural Fullerenes is a new study field of intercross of Fullerenes science and geological science. ─── 天然富勒烯的研究是富勒烯科学和地质科学相交叉的一个新兴的研究领域,是当前的研究热点之一。

35、intercross analysis ─── 互交分析

36、large intercrossing population ─── 大量的杂交集团

37、The steps of the method was normative and could avoid intercrossing and overlapping the information, and the result of analysis was even clearer and more convincing. ─── 此法步骤规范,可以避免信息的交叉和重叠,使分析结果更加清晰和有说服力,且计算简便,又便于计算机处理。

38、However,name of the hybrid library is not scientific,and that of the intercross library and compatible library should replace it. ─── 基层图书馆是基层教育、文化和情报工作中的一支活跃力量,它的发展与正在积极进行中的大中城市图书馆数字化、网络化同等重要。

39、Title: Effects of Soil Salt, Drought and Their Intercrossing Stress on Growth Properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. ─── 关键词:林木育种;盐分;干旱;交叉胁迫;皂角;生长性状

40、Analysis on Character of Intercross Polarized Impedance Relay ─── 交叉极化阻抗继电器的特性分析

41、Digital archaeology is an intercross field raised recently, which integrates information technology with traditional archaeology. ─── 数字考古是近几年新兴的一门交叉学科,它是以计算机为基础的信息技术与传统考古学的结合。

42、Intercross and syncretize in geophysical, medical and space imaging ─── 地震成像与空间成像、医学成像的交叉与融合

43、But off course we can make this even more complicated by intercrossing the different iridescent types. ─── 但是,关闭当然,我们可以使这个更为复杂的交叉的不同虹彩类型。

44、(of conditions)complex and difficult;(of trees)with twisting roots and intercrossing branches;entangled ─── 盘根错节

45、salt-drought intercross stress ─── 盐旱交叉胁迫

46、Applying Voltage Integral Method to Measure Intercross Saturation Impedance of the Fixed Synchronous Machine ─── 用电压积分法测定同步电机交叉饱和电感

47、This paper analyzes the necessary and significance of intercross of many subjects in architecture safety education to meet the demands of the teaching of graduate student. ─── 作者认为学科交叉、素质教育、多元化教育以及建筑教育面向未来是建筑师培养模式中的关键点。

48、System Innovation Promotes Intercross of Disciplines ─── 深化体制创新促进学科交叉

49、immediate intercross parentage ─── 直接互交亲本

50、The algorithms can generate multi-layers topology automatically, solve the problems of overlap, intercross, unreasonable layout of nodes in network topology. ─── 实现了多层拓扑图自动生成功能,解决了拓扑图规模较大时存在的重叠、交叉和布局不合理等问题,具有较强的容错显示能力。

51、open intercrossing ─── 天然互交

52、Bioelectromagnetics is an intercrossing subject that deals with the interrelation or interaction of em fields and life system. ─── 生物电磁学是研究电磁场与生物系统相互关系和相互作用的一门跨越传统学科边界的交叉学科。

53、Intercrossing and Syncretizing of Information Science and Modern Medicine ─── 信息科学与现代医学的交叉与融合

54、The study about tiny scale mechanics and material performance in MEMS system today is a hot topic in the intercross investigation among many international subject . ─── 微尺度力学和MEMS系统中的低维材料性能研究是当今国际多学科交叉研究的热门课题。

55、intercross concept ─── 交叉概念

56、"Electromechanical integration", as an intercrossing and interdisciplinary subject which is newly emerging, bears hopeful and far-raging prospect for application. ─── “机电一体化”作为一门新兴的交叉边缘学科具有旺盛的生命力和广泛的应用前景。

57、intercross frequence ─── 交叉频率

58、Effects of Soil Salt, Drought and Their Intercrossing Stress on Growth Properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. ─── 盐分、干旱及其交叉胁迫对皂角幼苗生长性状的影响。

59、Materials of the Intercrossing Method in Repairing Old Pipes ─── 穿插法修复旧管道用材料的研究

60、When constant wattager electric heating cable is installed,intercrossing and overlapping is not allowed to avoid overheating.Otherwise use life will be impacted. ─── 恒功率电热带安装时不允许交叉、叠绕,以避免过热,影响产品使用寿命。

61、Methods The mice were bred in different ways,including crossbreed,backcross and intercross. ─── 方法采用杂交、回交、互交的方法进行培育;

62、Technical innovation: the process is simpler than the No.1 generation, together with lower cost. It can be of positioning spray, & can apply intercross color spray on the same product. ─── 技术的创新性:工艺比第一代技术更简单,成本更低,可定位喷镀,可在同一产品上做叉色喷涂。

63、Daheck XYsigns black silky dress, shoulder strings design. Front: two pieces foldings; back: five 3cm belts intercrossing, 2008 style pre advanced issuing, in limited numbers. ─── 前:两片重叠设计修胸线,后:五条三公分交叉棉设计,08年提早发表请把握,数量有限

64、intercross stock-holding combination report ─── 交叉持股合并报表

65、The present Nanyuan Park is characterized by wide scenic view with gentle hillock and valley, intercrossing rivers and streams, its waterscape accounting for one third of the park. ─── 今日南园,景域辽阔,空间宽畅,缓坡丘壑,溪流纵横,水景占全园面积三分之一。

66、Intercross infection ─── 医院感染

67、Effects of Salt and Drought Intercross Stresses on Activity of Cell Defense Enzymes in Leaves of Gleditsia sinensis Lam.Seedlings ─── 盐旱交叉胁迫对皂角幼苗保护酶活性的影响

68、intercrossing mining ─── 交叉挖掘

69、Knowledge discernibity and depending reasoning intercross,which is a new direction of knowledge mining. ─── 知识分辨与依赖推理相互交叉,是知识挖掘的一个新的研究方向。

70、intercross relation ─── 交叉关系

71、Greater advance in the* improvement of the fiber qualities has been achieved by the traditional breeding methods,which include crossing, backcrossing and intercrossing, etc. ─── 传统的育种方法通过杂交、回交和互交在打破产量与纤维品质性状的负相关方面取得了较大进展,但育种周期长,成本高,选择效率低。

72、Effects of Soil Salt, Drought and Their Intercrossing Stress on Growth Properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. ─── 盐分、干旱及其交叉胁迫对皂角幼苗生长性状的影响。

73、This course includes some contents about intercross fields of energy and environment, especially heat recovery and its application in controlled thermal environment. ─── (热环境工程是能源与环境交叉领域形成的一门学科,重点是热能的回收和利用及其在热控环境中的应用。

74、So do the dual forces of the Tao wax and wane in the alternation of upward and downward cycles, intercrossing. ─── 在升降的交替中,道的盛衰盈亏两个力量也是如此。

75、Mining the Information about Discipline Intercrossing from Citation Index Data ─── 利用引文索引数据挖掘学科交叉信息

76、8. The present Nanyuan Park is characterized by wide scenic view with gentle hillock and valley, intercrossing rivers and streams, its waterscape accounting for one third of the park. ─── 今日南园,景域辽阔,空间宽畅,缓坡丘壑,溪流纵横,水景占全园面积三分之一。收藏指正

77、One-year-old seedlings of Chinese Redbud (Cercis chinensis) were grown in a pot with varying soil water levels, soil salt (NaCl) levels and intercross stress to determine photosynthetic characteristics. ─── 摘要应用盆栽试验方法,采用完全随机试验设计,研究了1年生紫荆实生苗在不同土壤盐分和水分及交叉胁迫下的光合特性。

78、Their distribution on the plane is near north-south direction, putting up frequent distributing, intercrossing and complex characteristics, and including seven intercrossing districts. ─── 河道在平面上呈近似南北向展布,表现出频繁分流、交会、复合的特征,并有七个交会区。

79、intercross role ─── 交叉角色

80、Conventional intercrossing of peach have many shortcomings, which bring biggish difficulty to breeding work. ─── 桃的常规杂交育种存在很多弊端,给育种工作带来较大的困难。

81、Effect of Salt and Drought Intercross Stress on Lipid Peroxidation and Activity of Cell Defense Enzymes in Leaves of Gleditsia sinensis Seedlings ─── 干旱和盐分交叉胁迫对皂角幼苗膜脂过氧化及保护酶活性的影响

82、Keywords intercross of many subjects;architecture safety;teaching of graduate student; ─── 多学科交叉;建筑安全;研究生教学;

83、Abstract: The effect of each discipline is intercross each other in human practical action. ─── 摘要:在人类实践活动中,科学的各学科都是相互交叉地发挥着作用。

84、Keywords intercross meet;the precision of piont;intercross angles;error; ─── 交会;点位精度;交会角;误差;

85、intercrossing population ─── 互交集团

86、intercross interfere ─── 交叉干扰

87、controlled intercrossing ─── 控制相互杂交

88、The digital cylinder is a high-technology product and an intercross technology, which concerned computer, microel. ─── 数字液压缸是集计算机技术、微电子技术、传感技术、机械技术和液压技术为一身的高科技产品。

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