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09-17 投稿


leonine 发音

英:[?li??na?n]  美:[?li??na?n]

英:  美:

leonine 中文意思翻译



leonine 网络释义

adj. 狮子的,狮子般的

leonine 短语词组

1、leonine convention ─── [法] 对某一方当事人片面有利的契约

2、leonine partnership ─── [法] 狮子合伙

leonine 相似词语短语

1、Leonie ─── n.(Leonie)人名;(英)利奥妮;(德)莱奥妮

2、Jeanine ─── n.珍宁(女子名,等于Jean)

3、looning ─── n.[鸟]潜鸟;懒人;笨蛋;n.(Loon)人名;(英、瑞典)隆

4、leone ─── n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);n.(Leone)人名;(英、葡、德、意)莱昂内

5、pennine ─── n.叶绿泥石

6、Leonines ─── 列奥尼尼

7、Leonine ─── adj.狮子的,狮子般的

8、conine ─── 毒芹碱

9、venine ─── 毒液

leonine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、leonine convention ─── [法] 对某一方当事人片面有利的契约

2、leonine partnership ─── [法] 狮子合伙

3、Leonine facies due to leprosy ─── 麻风狮面

4、leonine dignity ─── 狮子般的尊严.

5、Greek support of the people the Palladium that Roman thinks the lion is spring, door, fane and tablet stone, there is leonine figure in these places consequently. ─── 希腊人和罗马人认为狮子是泉、门、寺院以及碑石的守护神,因而在这些地方都有狮子的形象。

6、But he had an agreeable confidence that his faults were all of a generous kind-impetuous, warm-blooded, leonine, never crawling crafty, reptilian ─── 他虽有过错,但自信他的过错全都属于宽大忠厚的性质:不外乎急躁、热情、冲动等等,绝对不是阴险,狡猾,卑劣。

7、The breeder brings one chunk pork, throw into within of old leonine basket, give lionet a bag of nut and two banana next. ─── 饲养员带来一大块肉,扔进老狮子的笼子里头,然后给小狮子一袋坚果和两只香蕉。

8、leonine a. ─── 狮的;似狮的;

9、If want to show the riches and honour of oneself, you can choose back of a chair there is case of Long Tu of a metabolic Kui on the top, or the foot crouchs added two leonine beds. ─── 假如想显示自家的富贵,你可以选靠背顶上有一条变形的夔龙图案,或者脚蹲附了两个狮子的床。

10、This season, Anderson Varejao has the moves to match his leonine mane. ─── 本赛季,瓦莱乔顶着一头狮子毛,表现尤为出众。

11、Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx's leonine head in profile. ─── 在故居的前门旁边有一座马克思的头像。

12、But he had an agreeable confidence that his faults were all of a generous kind-impetuous, warm-blooded, leonine, never crawling crafty, reptilian . ─── 他虽有过错,但自信他的过错全都属于宽大忠厚的性质:不外乎急躁、热情、冲动等等,绝对不是阴险,狡猾,卑劣。

13、The love of a mother for her children is dominant, leonine, selfish and unselfish ─── 母亲对子女的爱是出众的,强健的,自私的,又是公正的。

14、Girella leonine ─── 黑纪

15、This doesn't have to be on the same scale as fellow Leonine Madonna, but your moment in the sun has literally arrived. ─── 不一定要达到麦当娜那样的程度,但你身处太阳中心的时刻已经切实地到来了。

16、” she asked, frankly, looking down at the big mop of black hair well streaked with grey, which hung about his forehead, and gave an almost leonine cast to his fine face. ─── 她直率地问,一面眼睛朝下看着他那一大撮颇有点花白的头发,那是披散在他的前额上的,使他那张清秀的脸面近乎狮子型。

17、Say so, the lion, should have leonine vivid law and look. ─── 所以说,狮子,应该有狮子的活法和样子。

18、Somalia's leonine president, Abdullahi Yusuf, may be undermining Mr Adde's efforts by refusing to compromise with even milder Islamists. ─── 索马里的强硬总统优素福先生拒绝和甚至比较温和的伊斯兰主义者们妥协也许正破坏Adde先生的努力。

19、"Sincere letter " also became public praise of this France leonine. ─── 在国内首推“差价返还”营销手法让东风标致赢得了很多用户.“诚信”也成了这头法国狮子的口碑。

20、In appearance, the Asian sphinx differed from its Egyptian model mostly in the addition of wings to the leonine body. ─── 在外表中,亚洲的斯芬克斯主要在狮子的身体加上了翅膀不同于它的埃及模型。

21、His goat-like lower body, however, had hooves and a long leonine tail. ─── 然而,他那好像是山羊的下半身,有一双蹄子和一条长长的狮子尾巴。

22、His adoring public feted the grand old pianist with his leonine white mane like a semi-god. ─── 为了款待这位伟大的钢琴家,他的崇拜者们举行了盛大的宴会,像供奉神仙一样对他充满了敬意。

23、Walk into the village below be an official of mountain area of bell of tung cottage county, you as if place oneself at world of leonine of a stone. ─── 走进桐庐县钟山乡仕下村,你仿佛置身于一个石头狮子的世界。

24、No one else seemed to know quite what to say, and then Jasper was there -tall and leonine. ─── 没人知道该说些什么,然后贾斯帕站在了那里——身材高大,宛如狮子。

25、Leonine bones ─── 骨性狮面

26、leonine appearance ─── 狮面

27、"You of outward appearance, doubtless have a leonine characteristic, "kangaroo say that"can concretely be to isn't a lion, I can not remember clearly again!" ─── “你的外表,无疑有狮子的特征,”袋鼠说,“可具体是不是狮子我又说不清!”

28、Keywords transition metal complexes;leonine acid;thermal decomposition kinetics; ─── 过渡金属配合物;亮氨酸;热分解动力学;

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