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09-17 投稿


ickle 发音


英:  美:

ickle 中文意思翻译



ickle 相似词语短语

1、mickle ─── adj.大量的,很多的;巨大的;adv.很多,多地;n.大量,许多;多量;n.(Mickle)(美、英、加)米克尔(人名)

2、ickler ─── n.(Ickler)人名;(德)伊克勒

3、pickle ─── n.泡菜;盐卤;腌制食品;vt.泡;腌制;n.(Pickle)人名;(英)皮克尔

4、tickle ─── vt.使发痒;使高兴;使满足;vi.觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒;n.胳肢;痒感;使人发痒、高兴的东西;n.(Tickle)人名;(英)蒂克尔

5、sickle ─── n.镰刀;adj.镰刀型的;v.呈镰刀型;n.(Sickle)(美、加、英)茜克克丽(人名)

6、inkle ─── n.亚麻有色织带;暗示;略知

7、fickle ─── adj.浮躁的;易变的;变幻无常的

8、rickle ─── n.小堆

9、nickle ─── n.镍(等于nickel);五分镍币(美国和加拿大使用的)

ickle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would seem that a simple off the cuff remark regarding Ickle Stevie Gerrard has prompted Generalisimo Benitez to reply in a vociferous manner. ─── 看起来一席平凡的关于小兵史蒂维-杰拉德的即兴评论足以促使贝尼特斯大元帅吵吵嚷嚷着回击了。

2、ickle makes a mickle.//Penny and penny laid up will be many. ─── 积少成多。

3、Next week - Ickle Stevie, in his Jackonary series, looks at a possible 6th Champions League title this season. ─── 它对每个人都是一种挑战,如果消极地看待,那么就根本不可能获得,这就是冠军,一种挑战!“

4、6. Press demands that Sir Ickle Stevie Gerrard MBE MotM be Canonised for the victory even though he was missing the whole time. ─── 随后,媒体开始盛赞杰拉德在这场胜利中所起的关键作用,虽然他完完全全的错过了这场“打蛇战役”。收藏指正

5、Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us. ─── 别担心,小脏猫和我们一起很安全。

6、With the season drawing ever closer, Ickle Stevie Gerrard expresses a few thoughts regarding our beloved Chelsea. ─── 新临近,吉拉德发表了对我们所钟爱的切尔西的一些看法。

7、Surely the answer to that is that Ickle Stevie`s ego is so huge that he simply can`t operate with another box-to-box midfielder in the same postal code, let alone stadium? ─── 抑或是因为,杰拉德过于自我,以至他根本不能容忍另外一个能在两个禁区间来回奔波的中场在他的地盘上,要独占整个体育场?

8、"Tubby could be tasked with a special mission to spur Ballack to run around looking busy like Ickle Stevie, but that`s about it." ─── “而特比会有一个特殊任务,就是教会巴拉克如何像杰拉德那样到飞奔,装出很忙的样子。仅此而已。”

9、We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the trailing leg. ─── 我们所说的这个人长的还很结实,有着橡木般的狠心肠,这个人就是杰拉德!假摔的大师!

10、Press demands that Sir Ickle Stevie Gerrard MBE MotM be Canonised for the victory even though he was missing the whole time. ─── 随后,媒体开始盛赞杰拉德在这场胜利中所起的关键作用,虽然他完完全全的错过了这场“打蛇战役”。

11、The thing is, it is possible for two central midfielders to play, even when they are broadly similar. Just not when one of them is Ickle Stevie Gerrard. ─── 其实,两名中场核心是能够在一起配合的,即使他们的风格几乎完全相同,只要他们中的其中一个不是杰拉德。

12、Ickle Stevie, take it away, ─── 吉拉德,放松点,别紧张。

13、With the season drawing ever closer, Ickle Stevie Gerrard expresses a few thoughts regarding our beloved Chelsea. ─── 新临近,吉拉德发表了对我们所钟爱的切尔西的一些看法。

14、Ickle Stevie Gerrard looks great when he is the big-hearted captain of the team, given a license to play where he likes (but not when the gaffer tells him to stick to the right). ─── 当他成为球队中唯一的核心时,当他能够按照自己喜欢的方式去踢时(而不是遵从那个老头的吩咐去踢右路),杰拉德看起来很伟大。

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