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09-17 投稿


inadvertent 发音

英:[,?n?d'v??t(?)nt]  美:[?n?d'v?t?nt]

英:  美:

inadvertent 中文意思翻译



inadvertent 网络释义

adj. 疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的

inadvertent 词性/词形变化,inadvertent变形

副词: inadvertently |

inadvertent 短语词组

1、inadvertent feminists ─── 无心女权主义者

2、Inadvertent Missile Ignition Detect ─── 无意导弹点火检测

3、inadvertent disconnection ─── 意外断开

4、inadvertent reuse ─── 无广告重用

5、Inadvertent Missile Ignition Detection ─── 无意导弹点火探测

6、Inadvertent Separation and Destruct ─── 冷漠的分离和毁灭

7、Inadvertent Separation and Destruct System ─── 无意分离和毁灭系统

8、careless and inadvertent negligence ─── [法] 重大过失

9、Inadvertent Ignition Panel ─── 无意点火小组

10、Inadvertent Separation Destruct Sys ─── 冷漠的分离摧毁了Sys

11、Inadvertent Separation Destruct System ─── 无意分离摧毁系统

inadvertent 相似词语短语

1、inadvertently ─── adv.无意地,不经意地

2、advertent ─── adj.留意的;注意的

3、adverted ─── n.广告(非正式);v.引起注意;提及

4、inappetent ─── adj.没胃口的;欲望缺失的

5、inadvertence ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

6、inadvertency ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

7、inadvertencies ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

8、inadvertences ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

9、misadvertence ─── 误读

inadvertent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“inadvertent elegance” is his style.Mr. ─── “不经意的优雅” 是他设计的风格。

2、Inadvertent disclosures can harm or even destroy your IP rights. ─── 不经意地披露这方面的信息可能会伤害甚至会毁掉你的知识产权。

3、Are guards provided over foot activated control pedals to prevent inadvertent activation? ─── 对于可被脚打开的控制开关,是否安装有护罩,以防止脚无意中开启设备?

4、Follow proper lockout procedures to prevent the inadvertent movement of equipment during repair or maintenance。 ─── 在检修或者维护设备时,要遵循正确的停工程序/锁紧程序,以防止设备的意外移动。

5、inadvertent iridodialysis ─── 意外性虹膜根部断离

6、While FSPL has tried to provide accurate and timely information, there may be inadvertent delays, omissions, technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors. ─── 尽管IFPL已经尝试提供准确和及时的信息,仍然可能会有不注意的延迟、遗漏、技术的或事实的不精确和排字印刷上的错误。

7、Some governments haye intervened with import bans designed to prevent the deceptive or inadvertent import of hazardous and contaminated wastes. ─── 一些政府用特定的进口禁令加以干预,防止欺骗性的或因疏忽而造成的危险和污染废物的进口。

8、An inadvertent agricultural policy miscalculation can also be costly ─── 农业政策上一个无意的失误,也会招致昂贵代价。

9、not the important step is nasty, the best head quarter at the most inadvertent of time appear. ─── 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

10、Inadvertent Separation and Destruct System ─── 意外分离与自毁系统

11、Research of inadvertent energizing protection for large generator ─── 大型发电机突加压保护的研究

12、The perforation was due to inadvertent injury of the esophagus that was deformed and distorted by a large calcified lymph node in the mediastinum during intraoperative TEE instrumentation. ─── 其发生的主要原因是病人纵膈腔中有一大钙化淋巴结,且手术中使用经食道超音波造成食道被扭曲压迫所导致。

13、The government has said it was an inadvertent error. ─── 政府声称那是无意的过失。

14、careless and inadvertent negligence ─── [法] 重大过失

15、The newspaper apologized fot the inadvertent omission. ─── 不注意的,粗心的,忽略的。

16、Scotland Yard recently said it would not launch a criminal inquiry into the beach, which the company has described as inadvertent. ─── 伦敦警察厅最近说它不会发动刑事调查,该公司在沙滩上,不慎形容为。

17、However, high standards of clinical practice are required by all health workers in order to avoid inadvertent infection via blood, blood products, or body fluids from HIV-positive people. ─── 但对所有卫生工作者在临床工作中有严格的要求,以避免因疏忽而经HIV阳性人员的血液、血液制品或体液受到感染。

18、The company has said the data collection was inadvertent. ─── 此公司已宣称数据采集并非故意。

19、At times sad, at times painful, it describes the brutality and assault that marked Mam's childhood and the almost inadvertent way she fell into activism. ─── 书中的描述时而悲伤,时而痛苦,表现了玛姆童年受到的蹂躏和侵犯,也叙述了她几乎是偶然地走上活动家之路的过程。

20、an inadvertent slip, omission, etc ─── 不经意的失误、 遗漏等.

21、7) Safety and warning Consider signals that warn of user's possible inadvertent motion that may result in unintended operation of equipment. ─── 安全及警告设置警告提醒使用者可能的无心动作使设备产生的非期望中动作。

22、Threats to computing systems are circumstances that have the potential to cause loss or harm; human attacks are examples of threats, as are natural disasters, inadvertent human errors, and internal hardware or software flaws. ─── 对计算机系统的威胁是引起安全丧失或伤害的环境;人们的攻击是威胁的例子,如自然灾害,人们非故意错误和硬件或软件缺陷等。


24、If any mistake I make is inadvertent, it is merely a mistake. If it is done on purpose, however, it is an evil a. ─── 如果自己无意犯了过失,那只是一个错误。如果是有意的,那就是在造恶。

25、an inadvertent error ─── 不小心的错误

26、In the case of a pre-loading device or system, a full technical description of the construction and function including any sensing device, describing the method of activation and any necessary method to avoid inadvertent activation. ─── 在预载装置或系统中,应包括全部技术描述,装置(系统)结构、包括传感装置在内的功能描述(驱动方式以及避免疏忽的必要方式)。

27、inadvertent initiation ─── 偶然起爆

28、Hand in friendly inadvertent meeting to kill a man dead, if you do not have efficient way to let him change, you should choose to leave. ─── 交友不慎会害死一个男人,假如你没有有效的办法让他改变,你应该选择离开.

29、Orbital compartment syndrome may occur as a consequence of inadvertent pressure on the globe due to improper position during spinal surgery. ─── 在全身麻醉中因为不适当的姿势所给予眼球的不正常压力可能会导致眼窝腔室症候群。

30、But any business should be aware of its inadvertent biases, and entrepreneurs ought to be attentive to these gaps in market coverage. ─── 但任何商业活动都应该知道弄清楚它那些易被疏忽的偏差,企业家们也应该多注意这些市场覆盖上的缺口。

31、Therefore, avoid conditions and/or mechanisms that could lead to the inadvertent heating of NF3. ─── 因此,要避免可能导致无意中对NF3加热的条件和/或机制。

32、Unfortunately, I made an inadvertent remark about Irma's failure while she was present. ─── 埃玛在场时,很不巧我冒失地提到了她的失败。

33、any inadvertent infection of humans by an animal pathogen ─── 任何由动物的病原体导致的人类的传染

34、I have had a hard ball after an inadvertent remark to her: I know you do not waste time. Find another opponent or bars. ─── 我开了球以后漫不经心的打了一句话给她:我看你不要浪费时间了,还是换个对手吧。

35、Dan's blunder was inadvertent and we forgave him. ─── 丹犯错误不是有意的, 我们原谅了他。

36、As temperatures increase above 400 c, the reactivity of NF3 becomes more like that of fluorine. Therefore, avoid conditions and/or mechanisms that could lead to the inadvertent heating of NF3. ─── 当温度上升到400°C以上时,NF3的反应活性变得更象氟。因此,要避免可能导致无意中对NF3加热的条件和/或机制。

37、Cloud arises without design-an inadvertent act; done without consideration ─── 云出无心

38、inadvertent incorrectness. ─── 因为不注意而犯的错误。

39、May also refer to inadvertent snagging when sport fishing with a bait or lure, the fish being hooked on some body part outside the mouth. ─── 可能也指的是不注意的绊住,当垂钓用鱼著迷于诱饵或饵的时候,在嘴巴之外的身体部份被钩住。

40、C. Do you have procedures to ensure that products that do not conform to requirements are prevented from inadvertent use? (Including identification, segregation and disposition. ─── 你有使不符合要求的产品避免被无意使用的程序吗?(包括鉴定、隔离和处理。)

41、In these cases, inadvertent use of the device specific functionality with the full.NET Framework will cause a runtime exception rather than an application loading exception. ─── 在这些情况下,若在.NET Framework全功能版中无意中使用了设备特定的功能,则会出现运行时异常而不是应用程序加载异常。

42、An inadvertent inquiry would have brought us into troubled waters ─── 一次调查不当心,就会使我们陷入混乱局面。

43、An auxiliary protective system intended to prevent tripping due to inadvertent operation of the main protective system. ─── 一个辅助保护系统,意图防止跳闸,由于无心之失的运作,主要防护体系。

44、human attacks are examples of threats, as are natural disasters, inadvertent human errors, and internal hardware or software flaws. ─── 人们的攻击是威胁的例子,如自然灾害,人们非故意错误和硬件或软件缺陷等。

45、If there are high voltage cables running anywhere near the data cables, the potential for a fault condition exists as a result of insulation failures or inadvertent contact by an installer. ─── 如果数据电缆附近有高压电缆经过,在诸如绝缘失效、外接触设备,则会存在故障电势。

46、The danger that in some inadvertent way had not quite covered all the tracks that might lead to him. ─── 可能追查到他身上来的那些破绽,万一他一不当心没有完全遮盖好,那多危险

47、The fundamental cause of this second recession was an unfortunate, and largely inadvertent, switch to contractionary fiscal and monetary policy. ─── 导致这次二度衰退的根本原因在于决策者不幸地(很大程度上说是无意地)采取了紧缩性的财政货币政策。

48、With an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table onto the floor. ─── 她无意地做了个手势,把桌上的花瓶打翻到地上。

49、Analysis of Inadvertent Red Light Running Violation Owing to Dilemma Zone ─── 困境区域引起的无意闯红灯违规分析

50、To date, tasi's have killed no humans, but inadvertent encounters with devils can end in bloodshed. ─── 到目前为止还没有袋獾将人咬死的记录,但有些与袋獾意外的相遇却以流血事件告终。

51、I have had a hard ball after an inadvertent remark to her: I know you do not waste time. Find another opponent or bars. ─── 我开了球以后漫不经心的打了一句话给她:我看你不要浪费时间了,还是换个对手吧。

52、It resembled sedimentary rock with the occasional fossil of a long-lost feature or inadvertent vulnerability. ─── 它看起来就像是沉积岩,夹杂着灭绝生物的化石和不为人所知的弱点。

53、Setting-calculating of Inadvertent Energizing Protection for Large Generator ─── 大型发电机误上电保护整定计算

54、Learn more than 6 will give you the legal provisions at the lives of Chinese students convenience, to avoid inadvertent violation of Chinese law. ─── 6 了解以上法律条款将给您在中国的留学生生活带来便利,避免因疏忽而违反中国的法律。

55、I love visiting my local Ikea and Officeworks to find ideas - although this often leads to inadvertent spending. ─── 我喜欢逛逛本地的宜家商场和办公用品店寻找点子--虽然这经常带来无意的开销。

56、Analysis of reaction of relays to inadvertent energization of a generator set ─── 发电机组误上电事故的继电保护动作分析

57、One, oneself not brood part raises gallinaceous door to think brood technology demand is high, working procedure is much, a bit inadvertent, chickling can die in great quantities. ─── 一、自己不育雏部分养鸡户认为育雏技术要求高,工序多,稍不慎,雏鸡就会大量死亡。

58、If defendant's conduct was somehow inadvertent, the plaintiff would be unable to show intentional or malicious action. ─── 如果抗辩方的行为系疏忽所致,则原告方可能无法证明其为故意或恶意。

59、Norton GoBack is the perfect tool for random system crashes, failed installations, and inadvertent deletions. ─── Norton GoBack 是完美工具,可用于处理随机系统崩溃、安装失败和无意删除的情况。

60、He says he made an "inadvertent error" and he's trying to keep his head up. ─── 他说他犯了“一个因疏忽而造成的错误”,他正在试图保持冷静。

61、Google has said the data collection was inadvertent. ─── 谷歌曾说,数据的收集是随意的。

62、McCain off the coast of the Philippines, according to CNN, quoting a US official who said it was an "inadvertent encounter" . ─── 报道引述美国官员称该事件为“非故意的遭遇”。

63、The danger that in some inadvertent way had not quite covered all the tracks that might lead to him ─── 可能追查到他身上来的那些破绽,万一他一不当心没有完全遮盖好,那多危险啊。

64、in character recognition,the inadvertent absence of ink within a character outline ─── 在字符识别中,字符笔划内无意产生的缺乏墨水的空白点

65、"inadvertent pollution" refers to the unintended introduction of a material that causes plant damage ─── “不被注意的污染”涉及无意中引进的物质造成对植物的危害。

66、Our intelligence experts compare the incident to the inadvertent US bombardment which wrecked the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in1998( picture), killing a number of Chinese“ diplomats. ─── 我们的情报专家将此次轰炸事件与1999年美国轰炸中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆比照。

67、Allows easy conversion of valve end connections due to system change, modification, or inadvertent misorder of product. ─── 如果系统需要改变,修正,或者由于疏忽错订了产品,则采用这种套件能够轻易地转换阀门端口连接件。

68、Circulate nevertheless the widest, still be Ling Bo faery night admires lakefront moonlight, inadvertent lose an embroider shoe, melt into this hill. ─── 不过流传最广的,还是凌波仙子夜赏湖边月色,不慎失落一只绣花鞋,化为此山。

69、an inadvertent omission ─── 不经意的疏忽

70、Avoid inadvertent errors when you create rules ─── 在创建规则时避免因粗心而出错

71、You can create a backup copy of your address book, so you can easily recover your original information if you make inadvertent changes. ─── 您可以创建“地址簿”的备份副本,因此,如果无意中更改了某些内容,您可以容易地恢复原始信息。

72、An inadvertent sentence might bring out dispute, a cruel sentence might ruin a life, a suitable sentence might release nervous, a caring sentence might cure wound and save the others... ─── 一句无心的话也许会点燃纠纷,一句残酷的话也许会毁掉生命,一句及时的话也许会消释紧张,一句知心的话也许会愈合伤口挽救他人...

73、The wide flammability range, 4% to 74% in air, and the small amount of energy required for ignition necessitate special handling to prevent the inadvertent mixing of hydrogen with air. ─── 在空气中氢的易燃范围很宽,从4%到74%,而且点燃所需的能量很少,必须特别处理,以防止无意中把氢和空气混合在一起。

74、Before enabling the HTTP-GET or HTTP-POST protocols for a Web service, you should be aware that doing so might expose it to inadvertent invocation. ─── 在对Web服务启用HTTP-GET或HTTP-POST协议前,应当注意这样做可能会向意外调用公开该服务。

75、By setting the horizontal-motion threshold at four pixels, it didn't take a big movement to commit users to the normal horizontal move, while still insulating users from an inadvertent vertical move. ─── 它不会将大的移动误认为用户正常的水平移动,同时仍可避免用户不经意的垂直移动。

76、inadvertent error ─── 因疏忽而造成的错误

77、9 see joke: A farmer is inadvertent when perambulatory barn a rare gold watch losing is in barn. ─── 9看笑话: 一个农场主在巡视谷仓时不慎将一只名贵的金表遗失在谷仓里。

78、If any mistake I make is inadvertent, it is merely a mistake. If it is done on purpose, however, it is an evil act. ─── 如果自己无意犯了过失,那只是一个错误。如果是有意的,那就是在造恶。

79、any inadvertent infection of humans by an animal pathogen. ─── 动物的病原体导致人的炎症。

80、Amal is an inadvertent inspiration to the dying patriarchy, for Amal has always known something that the rich man only just learned: we are defined as much by what we sacrifice as by what we possess. ─── 于此同时,从平凡的阿默身上反映出的则是富人所无法体会的、淳朴的出世真理:人生的价值不在于拥有了什么,而在于奉献了什么。

81、Inadvertent puncture of subelavial artery occurred in 4, and repeated punctures occurred in 3 cases during the procedure. ─── 7例患者中4例曾误穿左锁骨下动脉、3例曾有3次以上穿刺经历。

82、He's never imprudent or impudent, inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs. ─── 他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽,马马虎虎,粗心大意

83、In the pilot Rachel mentions being annoyed with Barry keeping his socks on while making love. In TOW Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss, we see that Chandler apparently does the same thing. ─── 在第一季第一集里,瑞秋曾提起过,最讨厌巴利在嘿咻时还穿着袜子。在本集里,钱德就是这样做的。

84、3 Inadvertent operation of on-load release mechanism; ─── 不适当之操作释放装置;

85、Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; ─── 专业摄影师通常认为在一张照片中不经意出现的超现实主义是一种诅咒而非祝福;

86、We become so accustomed to resolving problems we inadvertent train our people to wait for us to address their problems, no matter how small. ─── 我们都习惯解决问题,因此不经意地就训练我们的员工等待我们去处理他们的问题,不论问题有多小。

87、If not, you should remove the security optimizations to help prevent inadvertent security weaknesses. ─── 如果没有,您应该移除安全优化以帮助防止无意中造成安全缺陷。

88、Are cargo tanks protected against inadvertent overfilling at all time while any cargo operations are in progress? ─── 在货物作业期间,是否可随时防止因疏忽而把货舱装得太满?

89、In character recognition, the inadvertent absence of ink within a character outline. ─── 在字符识别中,字符笔划内无意产生的缺乏墨水的空白点。

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