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09-19 投稿


irruptive 发音

英:[[?'r?pt?v]]  美:[[?'r?pt?v]]

英:  美:

irruptive 中文意思翻译



irruptive 短语词组

1、irruptive rock ─── 侵入岩

irruptive 词性/词形变化,irruptive变形

动词第三人称单数: irrupts |动词现在分词: irrupting |名词: irruption |动词过去式: irrupted |动词过去分词: irrupted |

irruptive 相似词语短语

1、incorruptive ─── 廉洁的

2、disruptive ─── adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的

3、irruption ─── n.闯入,侵入;激剧繁殖

4、corruptive ─── adj.使堕落的;腐败性的;使腐坏的

5、irrupting ─── v.突然冲入,闯进;(鸟类等)大量迁移

6、irruptively ─── 突然

7、interruptive ─── adj.中断的;阻碍的;打扰的

8、eruptive ─── adj.火山爆发的;发疹性的

9、irreceptive ─── 不可接受的

irruptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the illness needs, usable a few tepid yellow rice or millet wine are irruptive take. ─── 如病情需要,可用少量温热黄酒冲入服用。

2、The article introduces the irruptive horizontal material storehouse . ─── 介绍了一种冲入式水平储料仓装置。

3、Reason and Prevention of Irruptive Gas Holes in Cast Parts ─── 铸件侵入性气孔的产生原因及防止措施

4、Keywords Cast part Irruptive gas Hole; ─── 铸件;侵入气孔;

5、Meanwhile, it was found out that the sample quality collected with fast irruptive is slightly better than sample's quality collected by upper irruptive. ─── 同时发现,钻孔快速冲入取样质量略好于上部击入取样质量。

6、Keywords Jiaolai basin;irruptive rocks;volcanic rock;hydrocarbon; ─── 胶莱盆地;侵入岩;火山岩;油气;

7、The former mainly is the pyrite silky mica-quartzite,it is discovered in internal connection belt of compound irruptive rock and forms a closed mineral belt in space; ─── 前者以黄铁绢英岩化为主,产于牛心山复式侵入体的内接触带,空间上形成一个近于闭合的含矿带;

8、The former mainly is the pyrite silky mica-quartzite, it is discovered in internal connection belt of compound irruptive rock and forms a closed mineral belt in space; ─── 前者以黄铁绢英岩化为主,产于牛心山复式侵入体的内接触带,空间上形成一个近于闭合的含矿带;

9、A few of white sanded spring that uses boil is irruptive teacup, bibulous hind the tea that expands slowly, be like break ground of bamboo shoots in spring, willow is spat green; ─── 用煮沸的白沙泉水少许冲入茶杯,吸水后慢慢膨胀的茶叶,有如春笋破土,杨柳吐绿;

10、main types of goldmine are metamorphic-rock & kataclastic-rock goldmine and irruptive rock goldmine. ─── 金矿类别主要为变质火山岩及碎屑岩型金矿和侵入岩有关类型金矿。

11、Reason and Prevention of Irruptive Gas Holes in Cast Parts ─── 铸件侵入性气孔的产生原因及防止措施

12、Tumor can erode the bone of base, also but irruptive skin, make its attenuate, necrotic even haemorrhage. ─── 肿瘤可侵蚀基底的骨质,也可突入皮肤,使其变薄,甚至坏死出血。

13、Irrupting or tending to irrupt. ─── 侵入的或有闯入趋势的

14、Four important item that this part is on the definition the concept"s foundation of the offense of illegal and irruptive calculator information system, proceeds to that offense treatise. ─── 本部分在定义非法侵入计算机信息系统罪的概念的基础上,对该罪的四个要件进行了论述。

15、Can become to defent the germnatural cover.And construct the health envirronment,and prevent the germ irruptive. ─── 在杀菌的同时,能够形成防菌屏障和健康的环境。

16、The gas outside can preventing already so from the gate straight irruptive sitting room, also can make at the same time narrow porch does not appear too narrow. ─── 这样既可以防止外气从大门直冲入客厅,同时也可令狭窄的玄关不显得太逼仄。

17、Tumor can erode the bone of base, also but irruptive skin, make its attenuate, necrotic even haemorrhage. ─── 肿瘤可侵蚀基底的骨质,也可突入皮肤,使其变薄,甚至坏死出血。

18、Keywords irruptive rock body;subfacies belt;feature;field boundary declineation;method analysis; ─── 侵入岩体;亚相带;特征;现场卡界;手段分析;

19、irruptive rock ─── 侵入岩

20、Traditionally various subphase belts for irruptive rock body are studied and analyzed by mainly drilling well and coring. ─── 传统上对侵入岩体各亚相带的研究和判断,主要通过钻井取心来认识。

21、Irruptive rock body reservoir is one of important volcanic rock reservoirs. ─── 摘要侵入岩体油气藏是火成岩油气藏的重要类型之一。

22、Youth sometimes audibility the 3rd heart sounds, originate diastolic when blood the room wall that from atrium irruptive ventricle produces is oscillatory. ─── 年轻人有时可听到第三心音,来源于心脏舒张时血液从心房冲入心室产生的室壁振动。

23、Characteristics and Clinical Significance in Ultrasonogram of Irruptive Ectopic Pregnancy ─── 未破裂型异位妊娠的超声图像特点及临床意义研究

24、Can become to defend the germnatural cover. And construct the health environment, and prevent the germ irruptive . ─── 在杀菌的同时,能够形成防菌屏障和健康的环境。

25、Traditionally, various subphase belts for irruptive rock body are studied and analyzed by mainly drilling well and coring. ─── 传统上对侵入岩体各亚相带的研究和判断,主要通过钻井取心来认识。

26、irruptive rock body ─── 侵入岩体

27、Traditionally,various subphase belts for irruptive rock body are studied and analyzed by mainly drilling well and coring. ─── 传统上对侵入岩体各亚相带的研究和判断,主要通过钻井取心来认识。

28、Keywords irruptive rock;crustal stresss;fracture;identification technology of fractures;Chunhua Oilfield; ─── 侵入岩;地应力;裂缝;识别技术;纯化油田;东营凹陷;

29、Characteristics and Clinical Significance in Ultrasonogram of Irruptive Ectopic Pregnancy ─── 未破裂型异位妊娠的超声图像特点及临床意义研究

30、Domestic industry accuses aircraft manufacturer to seeking the way of irruptive server market. ─── 国内工控机厂商正在寻找突入服务器市场的路径。

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