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09-19 投稿


lithographer 发音

英:[[l?'θ?gr?f?]]  美:[[l?'θ?gr?f?]]

英:  美:

lithographer 中文意思翻译



lithographer 词性/词形变化,lithographer变形

动词过去分词: lithographed |副词: lithographically |形容词: lithographic |动词现在分词: lithographing |动词第三人称单数: lithographs |动词过去式: lithographed |名词: lithographer |

lithographer 短语词组

1、Lithographer Striker Seaman Apprentice ─── 石学家罢工海员学徒

2、Lithographer Striker Seaman Apprent ─── 光刻机罢工海员阿普伦特

3、Lithographer Striker Seaman ─── 石匠罢工海员

lithographer 相似词语短语

1、lithographs ─── n.平版印刷;vt.用平版印刷术印刷

2、lithograph ─── n.平版印刷;vt.用平版印刷术印刷

3、lithography ─── n.[印刷]平版印刷术,石印术

4、lithographic ─── adj.平版的;平版印刷的

5、lithographers ─── n.石版家;石印工

6、glyphographer ─── n.电雕版术(glyphography的变形)

7、lithographed ─── 平版印刷

8、orthographer ─── n.正字法学者;拼字学者

9、mythographer ─── n.神话作者;神话讲述者;神话收集者

lithographer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another company may carry on making lithograph plates according to the customer incoming sample, pull, maximum limit satisfied customer to product surface trace request. ─── 另公司可以根据客户来样进行制版、打样,最大限度的满足客户对产品表面纹路的要求。

2、Plate-making process Not to support the version of the car:Take a hand in hand inside and outside the single-2, Welcome each position to come Our company to cooperate making lithograph plates. ─── 6 同时针对外国客户。制版流程 暂不支持车版:承接1手2手内外单,欢迎各位前来我公司合作制版。

3、It is an new technology to use synchrotron radiation lithograph for making large scale integral circuit. ─── 在进行大规模集成电路光刻时,采用同步辐射光源是一项新技术。

4、The posters are also printed on a range of materials; from handmade paper, black lithograph (above) through to silkscreen. ─── 海报所选用的材料也各不相同;从手工纸,黑色平版印刷(如上图所示)到丝网印刷。

5、The third part is this article key point, separately explain the lithograph manufacture technology significance through four sections; ─── 第三部分是本文的重点部分,通过四个小节分别解读了石版画制作技术的意义;

6、But by the following year he was dead, sentenced to the guillotine by his own tribunal (our lithograph shows him at his trial, together with his friend, Camille Desmoulins). ─── 然而仅仅一年之后,他却被自己的法庭送上了断头台。

7、The lithography and the manufacture technology are the lithograph most important art performance method. ─── 石版印刷和制作技术是石版画最重要的艺术表现手段。

8、This relatively tentative lithograph was inspired and created during the artist's in residence exchange in Wales. ─── 该作品是他在威尔士驻地交流期间受到启发,而创作的一幅比较实验的作品。

9、The briefing lithograph and the stone printed the reciprocity, has analyzed the lithograph in the Chinese and foreign developing process difference. ─── 简要说明了石版画与石印术的相互关系,分析了石版画在中外发展过程中的差异。

10、Keywords Lithographer;wafer stage;reticle stage;linear motor;objective mirror; ─── 极紫外光刻;硅片台;掩模台;直线电机;物镜;

11、A printer, resin version resin Edition printer click here to view all news photo printer with resin Edition lithograph and sets up the two main groups. ─── 一、树脂版晒版机 树脂版晒版机不背击此处查察残部故事图片树脂版晒版机有平版的和凹版的两不小类。

12、A print of a woodcut, lithograph, or other engraved material, especially when reproduced in a book. ─── 铅版木刻,平版或其它雕刻材料的印模,尤指在书中复制时的印版。

13、a lithograph produced by photographically produced plates. ─── 用影印石版创作出的平板画。

14、1.Ordinary: with lithograph printing technology on 4-6 colors and then with hand made brush stroke. ─── 1. 普通型:通过常规色域,采用4-6色印刷,后期笔触制作。

15、Chief Printer Lithographer ─── 平版印刷军士长

16、Printer Photo Lithographer ─── 照相平板印刷军士

17、The first part first reviewed the lithograph development history as well as the Chinese lithograph development and the present situation. ─── 第一部分首先回顾了石版画的发展历史以及中国的石版画的发展和现状。

18、However, due to the complicate molecular interaction, there have been very little results on how to control the performance of the SPM lithographer. ─── 然而由于分子间的相互作用力相当复杂,在如何控制其微影性能之讨论相当稀少。

19、Mind Lithograph? ─── 银色海岸?

20、Senior Chief Lithographer ─── 平版印刷二级军士长(美国海军通用军阶)

21、Some young lithograph artists express the infinite space time by means the structure of planar arrangement and combination of abstract and show a strong sense of modern times. ─── 一些年轻石版画家则以平面罗列的结构、抽象与具象的混搭着力呈现时空的无限,体现出较强的现代意识。

22、A print of a woodcut,lithograph,or other engraved material,especially when reproduced in a book. ─── 铅版木刻,平版或其它雕刻材料的印模,尤指在书中复制时的印版

23、In order to protect the health of operatives, improve product quality and efficiency, we try to do a lithograph print by the rules set out below. ─── 为了保险操纵工的身材残废,提矮产物质度和处事效果,我们试做了平版晒版端方,抽象做法如下。

24、Lithograph by de Fonroug[...]? after H. ─── 来源:美国国会图书馆 U.

25、Homer was born in Boston, where he later worked as a lithographer and illustrator. ─── 霍默出生于美国波士顿,之后做平版工人和插画作家。

26、By means of lithograph on the samples surface, the diffused windows were earmarked, and then the samples were dopped by laser assisted diffusion. ─── 首先利用光刻的方法在基片表面标识出扩散窗口,然后进行激光诱导处理。

27、Chinese Lithograph Market-to Be Developed ─── 亟待发展的中国版画市场

28、From tool rational angle discussion lithograph manufacture technology and intermediary material characteristic; ─── 从工具理性的角度探讨石版画的制作技术和媒材特性;

29、The fourth part obtained from the traditional value, elaborated the lithography technique and the lithograph manufacture technology tradition. ─── 第四部分从传统的价值入手,论述了石印术和石版画制作技术的传统。

30、A graphic work includes any painting, drawing, diagram, map, chart or plan, and any engraving, etching, lithograph, ─── 图画作品不论其艺术特质如何,它首先是艺术作品。

31、lithograph press ─── 石印机

32、Lithographer Striker Seaman Apprentice ─── 二等水兵(平版印刷军士助手)

33、We have Own the advanced production machine in lineation, in double offset lithograph, in quarto equipments. ─── 拥有四开胶印机、面双色划线机等先进的生产设备。

34、music lithograph paper ─── 乐谱石版印刷纸

35、coated lithograph paper ─── 石版印刷涂布纸

36、2. does not need to make lithograph plates, printing quickly also the cost is inexpensive, the available each kind of output software, supports each kind of document format. ─── 2、无须制版,印刷快捷且成本低廉,可用各种输出软件,支持各种文件格式。

37、lithograph equipment ─── 光刻机

38、Lester Lithograph (Anaheim, CA) has expanded its capabilities with the installation of a Harris &Bruno coater and a Kodak Approval proofing system. ─── 莱斯特石版画(阿纳海姆, CA )的已扩大其功能,安装了一个哈里斯与布鲁诺涂布机和柯达审批校对系统。

39、PAPART, Original Lithograph - Signed! ─── 物品说明: FALL SALE!

40、lithograph paper ─── 平印纸

41、Keywords Self-Assembly;Polymer;Condensed state;Soft lithograph; ─── 自组装;聚合物;凝聚态;软刻蚀;

42、Keywords lithograph;letterpress;flexograph;intaglio printing;screen printing; ─── 平版印刷;凸版印刷;柔性版;凹版印刷;丝网印刷;

43、In another case, the opinins version of aluminum, zinc plates, etc but were still used lithograph seihan, printing into machine-prints. ─── 另有取铝版、锌版等为版材而仍用石版画制版、印刷方法制成的平版型版画。

44、"He looked up, and then at a large, gilt-framed poster-board, on which was a fine lithograph of Carrie, life-size." ─── 他抬头看去,看见一块金边的大布告牌,上面有一幅嘉莉的优美画像,和真人一般大小。

45、Master Chief Lithographer ─── 平版印刷一级军士长

46、Tongue Twister P-Q-R Pacific Lithograph. ─── 太平洋的平面印刷画。

47、This is a space mode deriving and developing from a piece of lithograph of Escher in 1953. ─── 这是根据埃舍尔1953年的一幅石版画而衍生发展的空间模型。

48、The Current Development and Mechanisms of Scanning Probe Lithograph ─── 扫描探针刻蚀技术的机理分析及进展

49、lithograph label paper ─── 平印标签纸

50、2.A graphic work includes any painting, drawing, diagram, map, chart or plan, and any engraving, etching, lithograph, woodcut or similar work. ─── 图画作品包括任何的绘画、图画、图表、地图、海路图或说明书以及任何的雕刻、蚀刻画、石版画、木刻画或类似的作品。

51、Litograf 2 - Wyja&nienie "Names engraved on a lithograph. ─── “名字被刻记在石板上。

52、color lithograph ─── 彩色平版印刷

53、lithograph market ─── 版画市场

54、He uses sugar-lift aquatint and brush lithograph techniques to convert his pictorial studies into prints. ─── 自1954年起,他的创作风格转入抽象,遂以充满东方的精神意象与神秘的象征意味见称于世。

55、” The installations end a year of significant growth for Lester Lithograph, including a merger with Baldwin Park, CA, based Miller Graphics. ─── ” 安装结束了一年的显着增长的莱斯特石版画,包括合并,鲍德温公园,加利福尼亚州,根据米勒的图形。

56、Cole printed1,000 of the cards on a lithograph stone before having them hand-colored. ─── 科尔随即用石版印刷了1000张,之后又让人给这些卡手工着色。

57、Lithograph was introduced from China to Europe. ─── 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的.

58、Lithographer Striker Seaman ─── 一等水兵(平版印刷军士助手)

59、from handmade paper, black lithograph (above) through to silkscreen. ─── 从手工纸,黑色平版印刷(如上图所示)到丝网印刷。

60、Where can he be?She continues down the hall, admiring a lithograph of an 18th-century Mississippi paddleboat along the way. ─── 她继续跑下走廊,一路欣赏18世纪密西西比河上小船的石版画。”

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