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09-19 投稿


lumberer 发音

英:[['l?mb?r?]]  美:[['l?mb?r?]]

英:  美:

lumberer 中文意思翻译



lumberer 相似词语短语

1、blubberer ─── n.鲸脂;哭泣(blubber的变形)

2、clamberer ─── 抓斗

3、numberers ─── n.号码器示号器;输入器

4、lumbered ─── v.笨拙地移动,缓慢地行动;迫使担负(职责等),拖累;伐木;逢场作戏地结识(lumber的过去式和过去分词)

5、lumbermen ─── n.伐木工人;木材商(lumberman的复数)

6、slumbered ─── n.睡眠;麻木状态;静止状态;vi.睡眠;蛰伏;麻木;vt.睡眠;睡着度过

7、numberer ─── n.号码器示号器;输入器

8、cumberer ─── 铜

9、slumberer ─── 睡眠者;微睡者

lumberer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For much of the route, even water had to be shipped, along with lumber. ─── 在很多地方,甚至连水和木材都要靠运。

2、Wait like material of gesso, French chalk, arenaceous stone, certain and lumber, natural stone. ─── 如石膏、滑石粉、砂石、木材、某些天然石材等。

3、George and Ted threw together a cabin out of old lumber. ─── 乔治和特德用旧木料匆匆搭了一个小屋。

4、Exports: crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cacao, aluminum. ─── 出口:重油及原油产品,木材,可可,铝.

5、To estimate or measure the quantity of lumber in(logs or uncut trees). ─── 估计以(原木或未砍之树)估计或计算木材的数量

6、 双语使用场景

7、Agriculture: grains, potatoes, sugar beets, wine; dairy products; lumber. ─── 农业:谷物,马铃薯,蜂蜜,葡萄酒;乳制品;木材

8、The five vertebrae next to the lumber vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum. ─── 在腰椎下是五个椎骨融合在一起形成的骶骨。

9、He was a lumberjack, living in lumber camps of the American Northwest. ─── 他是个伐木工,住在美国西北的伐木营地里。

10、EXP: petroleum, lumber, plywood, sugar, cacao. ─── 出口:原油,木材,人造板,糖,可可豆.

11、They cleared the land, planted crops, and prepared lumber to build their new homes. ─── 他们把地清除,种农作物和准备木材以建立他们的新家园。

12、Lumber production and total production occured in predictable ratios to one another. ─── 因为木材生产量与总产量之间出现了可预测的比例关系。

13、LostTemple Added a few trees to all the start locations to ensure better balance of lumber harvesting for all races. ─── 为了平衡采集木头的数量,在所有出生点附近增加了适当的树木。

14、Do not cross a little small doohickey, the moisture content that can help you decide lumber is eligible. ─── 不过有些小窍门,可以帮助您确定木材的含水率是否合格。

15、Canadian tariffs enabled united states lumber companies to raise prices at home. ─── 加拿大关税使美国木材公司能够提高在本国的价格。

16、With these difficulties Hugh didn't get into town to sell the lumber for days on end. ─── 因为这些困难,休一连数日未能进城去推销木材。

17、Can you hack it as a lumber jack? ─── 你当伐木工人可以熬得住吗?

18、Added a few trees to Yellow and Teal start location to ensure lumber harvesting balance. ─── 在黄色和青色出生点位置增加适量树木。

19、Cleared of trees, especially those that bear valuable lumber. ─── 伐光的树木,尤指能出产贵重木材的树木被砍光的

20、Just north of Hagaru-ri in the hamlet of Sasuri there was a sawmill and a great deal of fresh-cut lumber. ─── 下碣隅里以北不远处一个名为沙木里的小村子里有一个锯木场,还有大量新砍伐的木材。

21、A low volume of business; a considerable volume of lumber. ─── 少量的生意;一定数量的木材

22、On the beach side, loggerhead and green sea turtles lumber ashore to lay eggs every summer. ─── 在海滩上,每逢夏季红绿海龟便爬上岸来,挪动着笨拙的身体在沙滩上下蛋。

23、But she remembered the face of Archie in the lumber office, the cold, pale eye, remorseless, full of hate for her and all women. ─── 可是她又记起了阿尔奇的木场办事房时的那副脸孔,那双冷酷、阴险、残忍的眼睛里充满着对她和一切妇女的仇恨。

24、Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors. ─── 地面材料如木料或瓷砖等铺地板用的材料

25、Mother had a field day yesterday; she cleared all the lumber out of the attic. ─── 妈妈昨天忙了一天,把顶楼里破破烂烂的东西全都清理了出去。

26、The truck was sent to carry lumber. ─── 卡车被派出去运木材。

27、A piece of lumber cut thicker than a board. ─── 厚板比一般的木板厚的一块木板。

28、When they discovered that I had been the only person in the office when the money had been stolen I was really in dead lumber. ─── 他们发现钱被盗时就我一个人在办公室,我可真是跳进黄河也洗不清。

29、Orc Barracks cost less lumber: 50, down from 70. ─── 兵营的木材消耗从70降到50。

30、Industry: textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore. ─── 工业:纺织,鞋,化工,水泥,木材,铁矿

31、Discoloration of Yunnan Hemlock lumber during drying is a major problem that caused degradation of lumber. ─── 云南铁杉在干燥过程中的变色问题是困扰许多木业企业的一个技术难题。

32、Manipuility: South the pine lumber always is needs to carry on the compression treated timber the ideal tree seed. ─── 可处理性:南方松木一直是需要进行加压防腐处理木材的理想树种。

33、Import and export, Production of Hardwood and softwood timber, logs lumber veneer, woodproducts, Global trade contacts. ─── 从事全球范围内的进口和出口以及生产阔叶木和针叶木,原木/锯材/单板/木制品。

34、Variation in ultrasonic wave velocity and dynamic young's modulus with moisture content for Taiwania plantation lumber. ─── 2003。木构造建筑物施工技术手册编订之内涵,林产工业22(2):139-146。

35、Lumber produced from spruce-pine-fir Species is marketed together as SPF. ─── 云杉-松-铁杉树种所生产的木材在市场上一起作为SPF推广。

36、If it's a lumber yard, take in the smell of sawn wood. ─── 如果是一个木材场,吸入锯开的木头的味道。

37、South pine lumber's geography growth scope is very broad, from east State of texas continuously to Virginia. ─── 南方松木的地理生长范围很广,从东得克萨斯州一直到弗吉尼亚。

38、After a few days, these lumber are met once more by from pond bottom trice, send tighten the factory that be next to. ─── 几天后,这些木材会再度被从池塘底吊起,送到紧挨着的工厂。

39、A device or machine,such as a lumber trimmer,that is used for trimming. ─── 修剪器,剪切器具用来整理、修剪的装置或机器,如树木修剪器。

40、Exhume Corpses research now costs 75 gold / 50 lumber down from 125 gold/ 100 lumber. ─── 发掘尸体的研究花费从125金100木减低到75金50木。

41、To inspect a wooded area to determine its lumber yield. ─── 勘查林区勘查林木地带以探明木材产量

42、Do not lumber my shelf up with your collection of stones and insects . ─── 别在我的架子上乱堆你采集的石头和昆虫。

43、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on lumber! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在木材上的垅断!

44、The panel can be made of iron sheet, chipboard, medium density fiberboard, lumber etc. ─── 层板可选用钢板、刨花板、中纤板、原木木板等为层板。

45、You will also be provided with plans to construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it. ─── 你也要计划为此修建一个精灵木材厂并雇佣木材制作工匠使它运作。

46、To get experience at working in voids, you can simulate collapsed houses by building "rafts" of old lumber. ─── 为了体验如何在缝隙中工作,你可以用旧的木料搭一些木筏来模拟坍塌的房子。

47、Among the sawmill customers are the chair factory and other users of cut lumber. ─── 在锯木场的客户中是那些椅子工厂及其他木料用户。

48、It produces valuable lumber and thrives on sites too dry for most other large trees. ─── 它能生产有价值的方材并能在非常干旱、其它多数大乔木长不了的地方旺盛生长。

49、We work with Radiata pine lumber, Eucalyptus chips as well as Eucalyptus pulp logs and hardwood logs and lumber. ─── 产品有辐射松锯材、桉树木片,以及桉树纸浆材原木和阔叶原木及锯材。

50、He has an old barn filled with salvaged lumber, outdated appliances, and who knows what else. ─── 他有个旧仓库里边堆满了废木头,废弃的零件还有其他东西。

51、Are you a bibliophile with power tools, ready access to lumber and an open loft? ─── 你是一个书虫,并且同时拥有大件工具、木材以及够宽敞的阁楼吗?

53、A city of southeast Ontario,Canada,on Lake Nipissing east-southeast of Sudbury. It is a trade center in a lumber and mining region. Population,51,268. ─── 北湾市加拿大安大略东南的城市,位于萨德伯里东南偏东尼比斯英湖上。是木材和矿区的商业中心。人口51,268。

54、You put me in complete charge here and you told me that all you expected of me was as much lumber as I could possibly get out. ─── 你是让我在这里全面负责的,你还说只要求我尽量多出木材。

55、A device or machine, such as a lumber trimmer, that is used for trimming. ─── 修剪器,剪切器具用来整理、修剪的装置或机器,如树木修剪器

56、He refused to lumber himself with a family. ─── 他不愿有家室拖累。

57、Laminated veneer lumber(LVL) can be divided into structural LVL and nonstructural LVL. ─── 单板层积材可分为结构用和非结构用2类。

58、Unlike Lumber Camps, Lumber Mills can gather Wood from any forested area. ─── 和马车的建造的木材采集地不同,木材采集机能从任何的植树区域发掘木材。

59、In the absence of specifications, material shall be mill option lumber or veneers suitable for opaque finish. ─── 在缺乏规范下,由工厂选择适用不透明涂饰的木材和木皮。

60、To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. ─── 勘探木材产量勘查以探明木材产量

61、Somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers,has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction. ─── 主要沿河生长的有点儿歪的枫香树,持久耐用的微红色的成材应用于粗笨建筑物。

62、And Mrs. Elsing would talk too, even though she had really seen nothing, because she was behind India and Archie in the door of the lumber office. ─── 埃尔辛太太也会谈论,尽管实际上她什么也没看见,因为她当时站在木场办事房门口的英迪亚和阿尔奇背后。

63、But the most startling aspect of all this was his lumber position, which was the biggest loss in his account. ─── 但是这还不要紧,最叫人吃惊的是他的木材仓位,木材仓位是他的投资组合中亏钱最多的。

64、Piles of lumber were stacked along the road. ─── 大量的木材堆放在路边。

65、You've got me into lumber with my boss. ─── 你搞得我和我老板相处尴尬。

66、Such pieces of lumber considered as a group; planking. ─── 厚板材被认为是一类的这种厚木板;厚板材

67、Traditional math): A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. What is his profit? ─── 1970(传统数学):一个伐木者卖了一卡车的木得到了100元。他伐木的成本是80元。他的利润有多少??

68、You can use scrap lumber, nailed to the posts, to form temporary stabilizers. ─── 你可以用废弃木材,钉的岗位,形成暂时稳定。

69、Industry: petroleum extraction, cement, lumber, brewing, sugar, palm oil, soap. ─── 工业:原油提炼,水泥,木材,酿造,糖,棕榈油,肥皂.

70、Exhibit: wood products, including lumber, logs and veneer form Europe, North America and Africa. ─── 展品:板材,原木及木皮,产品主要来自欧洲,北美和非洲。

71、Old lumber cars spotted with rust and nestled in the grass and flowers are a frequent sight on misty Taiping Mountain. ─── 图:云雾袅绕中,朦胧可见老锈、斑剥的蹦蹦车厢,及点缀其旁的美丽花草,太平山美得像迷离幻境。

72、Wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum. ─── 各种产胶树的木材,尤指香枫。

73、KRAMER: Well, I got the tools. I got the pillows. All I need is the lumber. ─── 克雷默:哼,我有工具,我有枕头,只需要木材了。

74、SPF lumber is a distinctly white wood, with very little color variation between springwood and summerwood. ─── 云杉-松-铁杉木材明显为白木材,春木和秋木之间颜色差别非常小。

75、He leads the nation in lumber production. ─── 他领导国民生产木材。

76、In the quarrel with Washington over trade in softwood lumber, Ottawa speaks for the concerns of the B. ─── 在与华盛顿陷入软木材纠纷时,渥太华表明了对卑诗省森林产业的担忧。

77、Inferior lumber or yellow heart wood not only yellow brown of colour and lustre, woodiness is very loose also. ─── 劣质木材或黄心木等不仅色泽黄褐,木质也十分松软。

78、They slapped together a cabin out of old lumber. ─── 他们利用旧木料草草地盖起了一间小屋。

79、Oregon is noted for its lumber industry. Look at this one, you can see patches of hills with trees removed. ─── 奥勒冈州是以它的木材工业而著名,看这张,可以看到一片片树木被砍伐掉的山丘.

80、If I am a lumber merchant, thank god, I am not... ─── 如果我是个木材商人,感谢上帝,我不是...

81、In a lumber business the trees are cut down at a fixed rate. ─── 一家木材公司以固定的速率砍伐这些树木。

82、The typical Labrador possesses style and quality without over refinement, and substance without lumber or cloddiness. ─── 典型的拉布拉多猎犬拥有文雅的风度和品质以及无笨重感的骨骼组织。

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