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09-17 投稿


inventories 发音

英:[??nv?ntriz]  美:[??nv?nt??riz]

英:  美:

inventories 中文意思翻译



inventories 短语词组

1、turnover of inventories ─── [经] 存货周转率(额)

2、buffer inventories ─── 缓冲库存 ─── 缓冲存货保险存货

3、ratio of receivable to inventories ─── [经] 应收款项对存货的比率

4、reserve for intra-company pro-fitin inventories ─── [经] 公司内部存货利润准备

5、value of manufacturers' inventories ─── [经] 制造业存货价值

6、accounting for inventories ─── [经] 存货会计

7、market value of inventories ─── [经] 存货按市价计算

8、physical inventories ─── [经] 实地清点, 实地盘存

9、realized inventories ─── 已变现存货

10、ratio of inventories to receivables ─── [经] 存货对应收款项的比率

11、composition of inventories ─── [经] 存货的构成

12、closing inventories ─── 期末存货

13、control inventories ─── 控制库存

14、manufactured inventories ─── [经] 制成品存货库存制成品

inventories 词性/词形变化,inventories变形

动词第三人称单数: inventories |动词过去式: inventoried |名词复数: inventories |形容词: inventorial |动词现在分词: inventorying |副词: inventorially |动词过去分词: inventoried |

inventories 相似词语短语

1、inventorial ─── 发明的

2、inventory ─── n.存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册;vt.给……开列清单

3、invertors ─── n.[电子]逆变器;内转肌

4、inventors ─── n.发明家;[专利]发明者(inventor的复数)

5、inventorying ─── v.为……开列清单;列入清单(inventory的现在分词)

6、inventoried ─── v.开列清单,将……列入清单(inventory的过去式和过去分词)

7、invitatories ─── adj.邀请的;n.请祈祷的赞美诗;宣召

8、inventor ─── n.发明家;[专利]发明人;创造者

9、inventress ─── n.女发明家

inventories 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Companies can also temporarily boost FCF by stretching out their payments, tightening payment collection policies and depleting inventories. ─── 公司能临时地并且促进FCF 由舒展在他们的付款之外, 严密付款汇集政策和耗尽存货。

2、The strong volume gain was aided by the replenishment of trade inventories following the federal excise tax related destocking at the end of the first quarter. ─── 在第一季度末与联邦消费税相关的缩减库存后,销量的强劲增长得到了贸易库存补充的帮助。”

3、Michael Lynch, of Strategic Energy &Economic Research, a consultancy, recalls that just a year ago inventories were high and prices too low. ─── 战略能源与经济研究所的顾问麦克尔.李奇回忆说,就在一年前,石油存储量丰富,价格也非常低。

4、Why does Montaigne think it wrong of others not to make inventories of their habits, tendencies, and biases in this way. ─── 为什么蒙田觉得其他人不像他般,列出习惯、癖好、偏见的清单是不对的?

5、He inventories the minor losses and submitted it to the management. ─── 他将那些较小的损失编进目录,上交给管理层。

6、Oil inventories are high. ─── 石油库存仍然偏高。

7、All the inventories shall be disclosed at historical cost financial statement. ─── 各种存货在会计报表中应当以实际成本列示。

8、An unseasonably mild winter in the Northeast and Midwest has led to a buildup in inventories and, as a result, weaker prices. ─── 东北部及中东部地区意料之外的暖冬导致了存储量的增加及价格的下跌。

9、The objective of CPFR is to improve efficiencies across the extended supply chain, reducing inventories, improving service levels and increasing sales. ─── CPFR的目的是提高供应链的效率,减少库存,提高服务水平以及增加销售额。)

10、Inventories are revealing a fourth-quarter correction, but not at the jarring pace that was feared. ─── 存货显示了第四季的修正,但并没有到所担忧的刺耳速度/令人震惊的幅度。

11、Once this becomes clear, or storage space for oil runs out, carrying crude will become less profitable and inventories will be liquidated. ─── 一旦这点变得明朗起来,或是石油的储存空间耗尽,储存原油的利润将会下降,库存将会结清。

12、Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. ─── 存货乃按成本及可变现净值两者中之较低者入帐。

13、Once it was clear to buyers that the sky was not falling, the excessive inventories of oil had to be sold at much lower prices. ─── 买主一旦确信天不会塌下来,过量的石油库存就不得不按低得多的价格销售。

14、The pace of home sales is still falling; the inventories of unsold homes are rising and prices are plunging. ─── 住房销售的速度仍在下降;未售房越来越多,房价却大幅下降。

15、Measure the traits, qualities, or behaviors that determine a person's individuality; such tests include checklists, inventories, and projective technique. ─── 測量個人獨具的特質、性質或行為模式的測驗,包含檢核表、測驗以及投射技術。

16、Some analysts are skeptical that the recovery in trade will be sustainable once businesses restock depleted inventories and the oomph of fiscal and monetary stimulus fades. ─── 一 些分析人士怀疑,一旦企业把耗尽的库存恢复起来、财政和货币刺激的效力消退,贸易复苏是否可以持续。

17、The increase in business inventories led to tension in the capital, the general mode of financing could be from bank borrowings, but also can be discounted, and other instruments. ─── 企业对于存货上升导致的资金紧张,一般的融资方式可以是从银行借款,也可以进行票据贴现等。

18、Inventories in LME warehouses remain above 50000 tonnes. ─── 伦敦金属交易所镍的库存量保持在50000吨以上。

19、Manufacturing output had increased in recent months, he said, but this in part reflected a rise in inventories. ─── 他说,制造业产出最近几个月已一直在增长,但这也部分反映出库存的上升。

20、People knowledgeable about the annual talks say that much of the information most useful to mining companies would be data on steel prices, inventories and corporate profits. ─── 了解年度铁矿石价格谈判的人士说,对矿业公司来说最有用的信息主要是钢铁价格、库存和公司利润方面的数据。

21、Non pensate di diventare gli inventori del mondo. ─── 不要企图成为这个世界的创造者。

22、Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories, and establish restock levels or just-in-time strategies. ─── 与相关部门会谈讨论目前得物料存货,建立再储存水准或及时战略。

23、But consumer spending rose 2.2 per cent and although inventories saw a record fall, analysts said production could rebound if the destocking cycle had run its course. ─── 但消费者支出增长2.2%,同时尽管库存降幅达到创纪录水平,但分析师表示,如果去库存化周期已经结束,那么企业生产可能会出现反弹。

24、The shrinking LME inventories, especially in warehouses in Asia, reflect the strong Chinese import-driven pull. ─── LME铜库存的减少,尤其是亚洲仓库库存的减少,反映了中国铜进口推动力的强大。”

25、An adjustment will only be required if there is unrealized profit at the balance sheet date,i.e. inventories exist as a result of the trading. ─── 如果有未实现利润的存在(比如:贸易的结果是有着库存货物的存在)那要求的将是这样的一个调整.

26、Systems of accounting for manufacturing operations that incorporate perpetual inventories are usually called cost accounting systems. ─── 使用永续盘存制的会计系统叫做成本会计系统。

27、For example, a company with many factories may have a computer at each location to keep track of inventories, monitor productivity, and do the local payroll. ─── 例如,有许多工厂的一家公司可能在每家工厂都有一台电脑用来跟踪库存量,监控生产力及制作薪酬表。

28、Your inventories will now also auto-sort coins to make your bookkeeping a bit easier. ─── 你的物品清单会自动的帮你记帐,而且不收手续费.

29、Like the US, the euro area has suffered from falling investment, exports and running down of inventories. ─── 和美国一样,欧元区投资下滑,出口减少,商品条目趋于单一。

30、The store inventories its stock once a month. ─── 该商店每月盘点一次存货。

31、As Figure 8 shows, the best leading indicator of US IT capex is the gap between IT new orders (flat) and IT inventories (very low). ─── 如图8所示,美国信息技术资本支出的最佳先行指标是信息技术新订单(平缓)和信息技术库存(十分低)之间的差额。

32、As at 31st March, 2001 and 2002, no inventories were stated at net realizable value. ─── 于二零零一年及二零零二年三月三十一日,概无存货按可变现净值入账。

33、Most dealers will use the funds to clear out current inventories. ─── 大多数交易商将利用资金,明确了当前的库存.

34、Inventories cannot be liquidated forever, and the pace of liquidation need only slow for it to become a positive contributor to GDP growth. ─── 企业不可能永远清空库存,只有当去库存化放缓有利于国内生产总值(GDP)增长时,这一进程才会放缓。

35、In your last report to me you also claimed that you shall resolve all the remaining balance of inventories, except apple conc by end June. ─── 你上次给我的函件中也声称你会在六月底解决除了苹果核之外账目的所有遗留欠款。

36、Warehousing and storage are activities that manage the space needed to hold the inventories. ─── 仓储与库存是管理所需空间以容纳存货的各项活动。

37、Consumers also spent more modestly, and businesses didn't boost spending to buy equipment and to build inventories as much as previously thought. ─── 人们的消费支出更趋谨慎,企业也不像预先想象的那样积极购进设备和增加库存来推动支出。

38、In addition, actual costing uses actual costs to valuate inventories of raw materials, semifinished products, and finished products. ─── 另外,实际成本计算使用实际成本来评价库存物料,半成品,以及成品的价格。

39、In his view, the current economic crisis in these areas should be: good control of cash flow, reduce inventories, industrial upgrading. ─── 他认为,在目前经济危机的情况下应在这几方面注意:控制好现金流、降低库存、进行产业升级。

40、At the same time, the domestic inventories are growing. ─── 与此同时,国内的库存却在不断增加。

41、Measurementof Inventories6. Inventories should be measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. ─── 存货的计量6.存货应按成本与可变现净值中的低者来加以计量。

42、PMMI certified, factory-trained technicians perform and document all service and assist with spare parts inventories. ─── PMMI认证,工厂培训的技术人员和文件执行的所有服务,并协助备件库存。

43、Economists also warned that some of the improvement was the result of restocking by companies that ran down inventories during the crisis. ─── 经济学家们还警告称,一部分好转是企业补充库存的结果,这些企业在危机期间急于降低库存。

44、Therein to purchases of materials depend on inventories and production requirements. ─── 其中材料采购预算数量由存货和产品需求数量所决定。

45、The losses of inventories of the fixed assets shall be included in the current profits and losses. ─── 固定资产盘亏造成的损失,应当计入当期损益。

46、In other cases, such as inventories, inputs and outputs are both continuous. ─── 在另一些情况下,比如存货,其投入和产出都是持续不断的。

47、Rice prices trundled along at relatively low level earlier in the decade after global rice inventories hit 150 million tons in 2000. ─── 2000年,全球大米储备达到1.50亿吨,此后几年米价涨势一直相对不大。

48、As long as companies raise production less than demand they can continue to draw down inventories while contributing to growth. ─── 只要公司使产量低于需求量,那么他们就能在帮助经济增长的同时继续减少库存。

49、Once you approach the expected high prices, local accumulation of large inventories pouring out, steel prices will fall. ─── 一旦大家预期价格高点将至,本土囤积的庞大库存将倾泻而出,钢价又将暴跌。

50、Provide EHC Global with reports containing market forecasts, market research, sales, inventories and other aspects of Licensee's activities on an annual basis. ─── 向依合斯全球提供包括年度市场预测、市场调查、销售数量、库存数量以及被授权人其他市场活动方面内容的整套计划报告。

51、Of which the largest increase in inventories by Johor region is 700 tons to 550 tons by Frederick. ─── 其中增加库存最多的地区是柔佛增700吨,来亨增550吨。

52、Corporate inventories have begun to rise sharply, mainly due to overproduction. ─── 企业库存已开始急剧攀升,主要原因是生产过量。

53、It could be that, anticipating a sudden slowdown in growth, firms draw down accumulated inventories sharply, causing a rapid contraction of trade. ─── 可能因为,公司预计增长会突然放缓,公司也会急剧地减少存货,导致贸易的大量减少。

54、Voracious demand from China, which accounts for almost half of global imports, is a key factor behind the decline in inventories. ─── 中国的大豆进口量占全球的近一半,这种贪婪的需求是全球库存下降的一个关键因素。

55、Growing inventories have plague retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season. ─── 存货增加也让零售商头痛不已,因为他们原本期待圣诞节前后会是个销售旺季,因而进了不少货。

56、Create auditing flowchart diagrams for accounting, financial management, fiscal information tracking, money management, decision flowcharts, and financial inventories. ─── 创建会计核算、财务管理、财政信息跟踪、资金管理、决策流程和财务库存的审计流程图。

57、Another classic sign of a speculative price peak was the sudden appearance of copper inventories where none were thought to exist. ─── 投机价格峰顶的另一个代表性标志就是土壤突然出现的铜储备,而且没有人预料到铜储备的存在。

58、North China pipe prices will remain stable, pipe production, sales and normal, the pipe factory inventories rose slowly, but the pressure is not great resources. ─── 华北焊管价格维持平稳,管厂生产、销售正常,各厂焊管库存量缓慢上升,但资源压力并不大。

59、So when will an owner of oil reduce production or increase inventories instead of selling his oil and converting the proceeds into investible cash? ─── 因此让我们想想,一个产油商何时会降低产量或增加库存,而不是出售石油并将所得变成可投资现金呢?

60、There are inventories of jewels, gold, furs, watches, candlesticks, cameras, fountain pens itemized and priced in neat German. ─── 各种存货清单上列有首饰、金子、皮货、手表、烛台、照相机、自来水笔等,一律用工整的德文逐项列记并标明价格。

61、Bexar County allows for a personal property tax exemption for those companies that manage goods-in-transit or inventories in the manufacturing process. ─── 勃克萨县对经营已发运在途货物和制造过程清单的公司给予免除个产税的优惠。

62、Inventories are required to be stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value (NRV). ─── 存货计量应当采用成本和可变现净值孰低法.

63、In other cases, both the nature and materiality are important, for example, the amounts of inventories held in each of the main categories that are appropriate to the business. ─── 例如,与经营业务相适应的各主要类别存货的持有金额。

64、They don't want a repeat of last year where inventories ballooned as consumer demand waned with the financial crisis. ─── 他们不想去年的情况重演,当时金融危机导致消费者需求下滑,存货则随之迅速增加。

65、To minimize stock-outs, these companies often must carry larger inventories which entail higher holding, or carrying costs. ─── 为了将缺货的可能性降到最低,公司必须持有更大的库存,但这样导致了更高的持有或处理成本。

66、Once it was clear to buyers that the sky was not falling, the excessive inventories of oil had to be sold at much lower prices. ─── 买主一旦确信天不会塌下来,过量的石油库存就不得不按低得多的价格销售。

67、Fourth-quarter broadcast advertising inventories are among the tightest of the year.That means you may get shut out of the most desirable programming if you don't act fast. ─── 一年中的第四个季度正是广播广告的紧张时期,这意味着如果你不尽快行动,你就有可能失去这个促销的大好机会,无法挤入想要的广告时段中。

68、Almost half of the 6.1% annual rate of declinein first-quarter gross domestic product was due to businesses paring inventories. ─── 一季度美国国内生产总值折合年率下降6.1%,其中,接近半数降幅是由于企业削减库存所致。

69、And even for cheap non-durables, the early falls were the sharpest, suggesting that retailers were furiously running down their inventories. ─── 即使是对便宜的非耐用品,最初的下降也很厉害,这表明零售商正疯狂地减少存货。

70、They made strong recommendations, but major bike makers, including Schwinn and Raleigh, decided to use up their inventories of old French freewheels, hubs, cables, and casings. ─── 他们提出的强烈建议,但主要的自行车制造商,包括施温和罗利,决定利用地增加库存的旧法国飞轮,集线器,电缆和外壳。

71、Absent the effect of falling inventories, Mr.Feroli thinks that GDP would be flat. ─── 他认为,如果没有清理库存带来的影响,当季美国GDP数据应当是持平。

72、Improving sectors included electronic machinery, an engine of exports, which had been piling up inventories at the start of the year. ─── 情况好转的行业包括电子机械。该产业是推动出口的一个动力,从今年年初开始,该行业一直在增加库存。

73、The price increases began accelerating in the fourth quarter last year when widespread flooding in Vietnam and the Philippines stoked demand when inventories were falling. ─── 加速上涨始于去年第四季度,当时越南和菲律宾遭受大面积洪灾以及粮食库存下滑一下子令市场需求吃紧起来。

74、Life cycle inventories (LCI) are a tool to show the resources used and emissions generated over the life cycle of a product. ─── 为了在竞争激烈的市场中具有优势地位,企业必须随市场和产品变化做出因应策略。

75、As well as cutting output and running down inventories, companies are also savagely cutting capital investment. ─── 同降低产能和库存一样,公司也大幅度降低投资。

76、But building speculative retail inventories and then having to share profit with the retailer wasn't to Dell's taste, and the relationships ended. ─── 但是建造有风险的零售库存,然后和零售商分享利润不对戴尔的胃口,于是这种关系结束了。

77、Some observers worry that once lean business inventories are restocked, demand for tech equipment and the chips that power them will fade. ─── 一些观察人士担心,一旦贫乏的公司存货得到补充,对科技设备和芯片的需求将会减弱。

78、Inventories of each seem to be holding up, but other disruptions had a more immediate impact. ─── 似乎硅片和BT树脂的库存量目前还能维持一段时间,但其它产品的供应受阻则造成了更为直接的影响。

79、Why might MRP generate discrepancies between physical inventories and paper records? ─── MRP为什麽会在书面记录和实际存货间造成差异?

80、Inventories have shown frequent swings between additions to and subtractions from GDP growth from one quarter to the next since the start of 2006. ─── 从2006年开始,存货对季度GDP增长的贡献经常出现摆动。

81、All inventories shall be taken stock periodically. ─── 各种存货应当定期进行清查盘点。

82、It is followed by accounts receivable, inventories, and any other assets that will soon be converted into cash or consumed in operations. ─── 其后是应收账款、存货和将要变现或在经营过程中消耗掉的其他资产。

83、The result is excess capacity and inventories. ─── 其结果是产能过剩、库存积压。

84、It isn't just in China, or neighboring Japan, where oil stocks are running unseasonably low : Inventories in the U. ─── 不单单是中国和日本是这种情况。日本原油库存也呈现出当前这个季节不应有的下降态势。

85、Mr Calabro said there was already a surplus of fuel oil in the market, in particular in Singapore, but also in the US, where inventories are 25 per cent higher than normal. ─── 卡拉布罗表示,市场中的燃油已经过剩,特别是在新加坡,美国也存在这种情况,美国的库存比正常水平高出了25%。

86、Cottage weaving in India is discouraged by the heavy costs of inventories in thousands of scattered locations. ─── 印度的家庭编织业,由于分散在成千上万个地点,存货成本高,因而发展受到妨碍。

87、Maintain tooling inventories; reorder tooling and consumables as necessary. ─── 保养刀具存货,如有必要应重新订购刀具及消费品。

88、Lewis believes these inventories help kids understand themselves better. ─── 刘易斯认为,这些品质项目可以帮助孩子更好地了解自己。

89、Serving customers mainly in China, EIL makes some inventories(when necessary) and adds value to these products and provides supply chain management and engineering services. ─── 公司拥有现代化的资源管理系统,令客户能获得满意的货期和优质的售后服务。

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