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09-17 投稿


retaliation 发音

英:[r??t?li?e??n]  美:[r??t?li?e??(?)n]

英:  美:

retaliation 中文意思翻译




retaliation 同义词

keep | withhold | hold back | employ | hold on to | hang on to | recollect | keep back | keep on | keep in mind | reserve | conserve | maintain | recall | save | remember | keep hold of | preserve | hold | continue

retaliation 短语词组

1、nuclear retaliation ─── 核报复

2、rumblings of retaliation ─── 隆 ─── 隆的报复声

3、armed retaliation ─── [法] 持械报复

4、attack and retaliation ─── [法] 打击报复

5、non-retaliation ─── [网络] 不报复

6、tariff retaliation ─── 关税报复

7、law of retaliation ─── [法] 同态复仇法

retaliation 反义词


retaliation 常用词组

massive retaliation ─── 大规模报复

retaliation 词性/词形变化,retaliation变形

动词过去分词: retaliated |动词过去式: retaliated |名词: retaliation |形容词: retaliative |动词第三人称单数: retaliates |动词现在分词: retaliating |

retaliation 相似词语短语

1、metalization ─── n.金属化;金属镀层

2、retaliating ─── vi.报复;回敬;vt.报复

3、retaliationist ─── n.报复;反击;回敬(retaliation的变形)

4、retardation ─── n.阻滞;迟延;妨碍

5、reradiation ─── n.[物]再辐射

6、revitalisation ─── 复兴

7、retaliative ─── adj.报复性的

8、retaliator ─── 报复者

9、revitalization ─── n.复兴,复苏

retaliation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They determined on retaliation. ─── 他们决定采取报复行动。

2、Israel says campaign in retaliation for Hamas fire aimed at civilians in southern Israeli towns. ─── 以色列说他们的进攻只是报复哈马斯对以色列南部城镇的火箭弹攻击.

3、They killed two men in retaliation for a bomb attack the previous day. ─── 为了报复前一天的炸弹袭击,他们杀死了两个人.

4、In retaliation for the Gaza arrests, Fatah forces have rounded up dozens of Hamas activists in the West Bank. ─── 为了对加沙地带的逮捕行动进行报复,法塔赫部队在约旦河西岸围捕了几十名哈马斯成员。

5、She and your stepmother had a tiff over a mahjong game. Mrs. Chien felt very much abused and used breaking the mach as a form of retaliation. ─── 原来有一天她在牌桌子上跟现在的大舅母有了意见,自以为受了委屈,才拿拒婚的事来报复。

6、But such an action would have little effect other than to infuriate China and invite retaliation. ─── 但这样的举动除了激怒中国、招致报复以外,几乎不会有其它任何效果.

7、Fehr, and G?chter. "Fairness and Retaliation: The Economics of Reciprocity." Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (2000). ─── 公平与报复:互惠的经济学〉。《经济展望杂志》,第14期(2000年)。

8、Andy Lau Tak-Wah, mobster and big brother of the one Jackie accidentally killed, settle things to be put in jail in order to execute his retaliation himself. ─── 后来监狱长要胁黄伟等四人赴菲律宾押解毒贩,一场混战中将人犯击毙。

9、Training_1 Unique knight's skill. Damage dealt by knight's troops on retaliation strikes is increased by 5%. ─── 主技能>骑士专属特技。骑士率领的部队反击造成的伤害增加5%。

10、However, it is also widely rumored in Jerusalem that Sharon will put his retaliation on hold until President Bush announces his plan to end the 21-month-long conflict between Israel and Palestine. ─── 不过,耶路撒冷也盛传,在布希总统发布结束大约二十一个月以、巴冲突的计画前,夏隆将暂时搁置他的报复行动。

11、Unlimited Retaliation >>>Creature always retaliates after melee attacks by enemies except when attacked by creatures with No Enemy Retaliation ability. ─── 具有该技能的兵种每次都能对敌方的近身攻击进行反击(没有此技能的兵种每回合只能反击一次)。除非攻击它的敌方兵种有不让反击的能力。

12、retaliation against UN workers ─── 对联合国工作人员的报复

13、People have a choice to some extent, including denouncing the practice to the media without fear of retaliation. ─── 只要权力的来源依然来自于“上面”,对“上面”的糊弄就必然会发生。

14、Retaliation: Shield Wall: Recklessness cooldowns have been removed, now requires a Nexus Crystal to activate. ─── 反击风暴,盾墙,卤莽现在没有冷却时间,使用它们需要消耗一块连结水晶。

15、"We were concerned that an early disclosure would increase the risk of confrontation in the Middle East or retaliation in the Middle East," said Mr. Bush. ─── 他说:“我们担心,过早地透露有关信息将增加中东对峙的风险,或中东的报复行动。”

16、The idea is to cripple the other side's ability to wage war without killing so many civilians as to encourage retaliation. ─── 其目的是严重削弱对方发动战争的能力而不杀害大量平民以至引起对方报复。

17、But Lebanon's Defense Minister warned against rocket attacks on the Israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting. ─── 但黎国防部长警告不要用火箭袭击以飞机,因为这样可能会引起报复并再次点燃战火。

18、Employees will only share information when they believe that they can tell their manager about workplace concerns without fear of retaliation. ─── 只有坐席确信不会遭到报复的时候,他才会和领导谈论、分享他的信息和对中心的看法。

19、Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting. ─── 任何敌对行为都可能招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗。

20、Men must devolve for all human conflict, a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation, the foundation of such a method, is love.--- Martin Luther King Jr. ─── 人类必须摒弃所有的冲突和战争,寻找拒绝侵略和复仇的办法,而这种方法的基础,就是爱。---马丁路德金

21、When dealing with specific problems, we must resolutely defend the ground the masses have already gained and repulse any retaliation by landlords and rich peasants. ─── 在处理具体问题的时候,必须坚决保护群众已经得到的果实,击退可能发生的地富反攻。

22、In retaliation, the Zerg counter with a ravaging pack of Ultralisks and Zerglings upon the advancing Templar army. ─── 作为报复性的回应,虫族放出了一大群具有毁灭性的雷兽和小狗来对圣堂武士部队进行疯狂的反扑。

23、Retaliation : Shield Wall : Recklessness cooldowns have been removed, now requires a Nexus Crystal to activate. ─── 反击风暴,盾墙,卤莽现在没有冷却时间,使用它们需要消耗一块连结水晶。

24、In retaliation, Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial. ─── 于是,他毫不留情地把他干掉了。

25、Indeed, as the Soviet Union acquired vastly increased nuclear capabilities, the credibility and prudence of relying on massive retaliation gave way to our flexible response posture. ─── 事实上,由于苏联已经拥有了大量增加的核能力,我们依靠大规模报复战略的可靠性和谨慎态度要让位于我们的灵活反应战略。

26、Capital and labor wouldn't agree on protectionism in developed countries even not taking into consideration of retaliation by other countries. ─── 发达国家的资方和劳方都不会同意实行保护主义,即便是不考虑他国的报复行为。

27、It ties both the injured and the injurer to an endless escalator of retaliation. ─── 复仇永远不能让双方扯平,而只会把受害人和害人者绑在一台永不停息的相互报复的自动扶梯上。

28、The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation. ─── 武装部队保持高度戒备,以防发生任何报复行动。

29、He never said a single word in retaliation. ─── 他从未说过一句反击的话。

30、Ten years later, Breene accepts captain and his professional gang attempts to capture doctor's invention and to carry on the retaliation. ─── 十年后,布林纳上尉和他的职业团伙妄图夺取博士的发明并进行报复。

31、Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations. ─── 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用。

32、Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin boards. ─── 不久,中国一些在线讨论区、博客和电子公告板开始号召实施报复。

33、Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in internation relations. ─── 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用.

34、Shakespeare's famous "retaliation is not brave courageous endure," said the original English text of how? ─── 关键字:莎士比亚名言“报复不是勇敢忍受才是勇敢”的英文原文怎么说的?

35、The cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation. ─── 出生,成长,死亡的循环;冤冤相报

36、She said South Korean students feared retaliation and were gathering in groups. ─── 她说韩国学生害怕遭到报复而都聚在了一起。

37、On May 25th, MEND said it had blown up one of Chevron's biggest pipelines in retaliation for the army's offensive. ─── 5月25日,MEND放出消息说,为报复政府军的攻击,他们炸掉了雪佛龙公司一条最大的输油管道。

38、His last words were those of compassion and kindness instead of harshness and retaliation. ─── 保罗最后的话,满有怜悯与仁慈,没有丝毫的苛责与报复。

39、Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in international relations. ─── 与报复性关税一样, 特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用.

40、Altogether, the DSU strengthened the retaliation system. ─── 总之, DSU强化了报复制度,加强了报复的威慑力.

41、Even if not by retaliation, the conduct itself is so outrageous that malice can be implied. ─── 即使不是出于报复,这种行为本身荒谬至极,它也可能含着恶意。

42、Oh and If you haven't tried Retaliation while tanking yet, it rules. ─── 为何不在坦克的时候试一试反击风暴?

43、What if the evil planned is truly colossal, or may even make retaliation impossible? ─── 如果筹划中的邪恶力量将会大得惊人以致无法反击又该当如何?

44、Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. ─── RobertoAssagioli如果没有宽恕,生命就是由无尽的愤恨和报复主宰.

45、Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall will no longer be cancelled if you switch stances while the effect is active. ─── 反击风暴,鲁莽跟盾墙,在发动后,假如切换状态不会取消效果。

46、Since then, the MDC has been the victim of unbridled retaliation. ─── 此后, MDC成为肆意报复的牺牲品.

47、The Company has established a whistleblower Policy and procedures which allows all the employees to make a report anonymously, without fear of retaliation. ─── 公司已设立举报制度和程序,以鼓励员工匿名举报,不必担心打击报复。

48、Two powers are deterred from attacking each other because of the unacceptable damage that would result from the victim's retaliation. ─── 两国都由于害怕受害国的反击造成难以接受的破坏而不敢进攻对方。

49、Worth while and gratified is, the mankind is after the retaliation that suffers the nature that disafforest brings, begin to know protective forest, cherish Gu Mu. ─── 值得欣慰的是,人类在饱受砍伐森林带来的大自然的报复以后,开始懂得保护森林,爱惜古木。

50、DSU Article 22 "Compensation and the Suspension of Concessions" is the special regulation of trade retaliation, and it stipulates the rulings and procedures of the retaliation in details. ─── DSU第22条“补偿和中止减让”是对报复措施的专门规定,它较为详尽地规定了提起报复的条件、申诉方必须遵循的原则、报复授权和实施等方面的规则和程序。

51、A move made in opposition or retaliation to another. ─── 反作用用来反对或缓和一种作用的作用

52、She had just had to give him the news that in retaliation for his own outspokenness against his country's regime, his mother had been seized and executed. ─── 原来,她刚告诉那个男子,为了报复他对他国家的政权做了公开的反对演讲,他的妈妈被抓住、处决了。

53、Community and church leaders have appealed for calm and no retaliation. ─── 社区和教会领袖呼吁人们保持冷静,不要采取报复行动。

54、Protests against the government on this in Khartoum have been met with brutal police retaliation in the past weeks, including scores of arrests. ─── 反对喀士穆政府的人在过去的几周里面已经遭遇了警察的野蛮报复,包括大面积的恣意逮捕。

55、So why the exceptionally rough treatment for Sarkozy and France, which China is now threatening with possible diplomatic and trade retaliation? ─── 中国正用其尽可能的外交和经济手段对法国进行威胁。

56、They determined on retaliation. ─── 他们决定采取报复行动.

57、To assist the national security organs according to law or prosecution against the citizens and organizations, no person shall repression and retaliation. ─── 国家安全机关在国家安全工作中必须依靠人民的支持,动员、组织人民防范、制止危害国家安全的行为。

58、In retaliation for the imposition of duties on Japanese steel products under the Byrd Amendment, Japan has placed tariffs on US steel imports since the 1st of September. ─── 为了报复《伯德修正案》对日本钢材制品强征关税,日本自9月1日起就已经对美国进口钢材加收关税。

59、Inform against corruption to be able to suffer baleful retaliation, this is afraid is the problem that a normal rational person can weigh in the hand carefully. ─── 举报腐败会不会遭到恶意报复,这恐怕是一个正常的理性人都会仔细掂量的问题。

60、What if the evil planned is truly colossal, or may even make retaliation impossible? ─── 如果筹划中的邪恶力量将会大得惊人以致无法反击又该当 如何 ?

61、One of the upgrades for Orc warrior can take hits, which were targeted on a nearby friendly stacks, also his retaliation attack is two times stronger than normal attack. ─── 兽人武士的一种升级可以替相邻的友军承受攻击,同时他的反击要比普通攻击强一倍。

62、The Group will ensure that there will be no retaliation against you, nor any impact on your professional career, for reporting possible violations in good faith. ─── 公司将确保员工不会因善意地汇报其他员工的不当行为而遭到打击报复,或其职业生涯因此而受到不利影响。

63、But, I had forgotten, the retaliation is one kind of sorrow, cannot retaliate also is one kind of sorrow. ─── 但是,我忘记了,报复是一种悲哀,不会报复也是一种悲哀。

64、Training_2 Unique knight's skill. Damage dealt by knight's troops on retaliation strikes is increased by 10%. ─── 主技能>骑士专属特技。骑士率领的部队反击造成的伤害增加10%。

65、The women, do not play with each to love you the man, perhaps your injury trades loves to your retaliation. ─── 女人们,不要玩弄每一个爱你们的男人,你的伤害也许换来爱对你的报复。

66、Create an environment in which agents feel that they can speak their concerns directly with their manager without the fear of retaliation. ─── 创建一个环境:坐席可以直接谈论他们关心的事情,而不会引起上级和领导的不满。

67、Ru ia has su ended all tra ort and postal links with neighboring Georgia in retaliation for Tbilisi's detention last week of four Ru ian military officers accused of ying. ─── 俄罗斯暂时中断了同邻国格鲁吉亚的所有交通和邮政联系,以报复第比利斯上星期拘押4名被控从事间谍活动的俄罗斯军官。

68、No Enemy Retaliation >>>Enemies never retaliate after melee attacks by creatures with this ability. ─── 具有该技能的兵种在进行近身攻击后敌方无法反击。

69、The revanche du berceau (“revenge of the cradle”) dreamed of by some romantic nationalists as retaliation for the British conquest of 1759 didn't seem so far-fetched. ─── 但一些理想的民族主义者以“摇篮的报复”来回击英国1759年的占领这一梦想,却似乎没有如此深远的影响。

70、Obama just slaughtered a bunch of pirates and put the US Navy off the Chinese coast in retaliation for harassing one of our ships. ─── 奥巴马刚刚宰杀了一群海盗,并且为治一下中国人骚扰我们的船,在中国海岸附近投入了海军兵力。

71、A move made in opposition or retaliation to another. ─── 反作用用来反对或缓和一种作用的作用.

72、His last words were those of compassion and kindness instead of harshness and retaliation. ─── 保罗最后的话,满有怜悯与仁慈,没有丝毫的苛责与报复.

73、But, such " retaliation " often outsmart oneself. ─── 但是,这样的“报复”往往弄巧成拙。

74、Retaliation only escalates a bully's aggression. ─── 然而,一定要使学生知道:他不可用体力来对抗.

75、I slapped him in retaliation. ─── 我还手打了他一巴掌.

76、At the same time can be detected by common virus QQ and MSN Auto repair jumped out and remove IE automatically transferred to the malicious Web site search page retaliation QQ and MSN common virus. ─── 同时可以查杀QQ及MSN常见病毒修复IE清除自动跳出及自动转入搜索页的恶意网站查杀QQ及MSN常见病毒。

77、Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker. ─── 警方说他们认为这起袭击是为那个毒贩的死而实施的报复。

78、In retaliation, Marsden put some of Wales's clothing (left at her apartment in New York) up for auction on eBay and said some snarky things about Wales in the process. ─── 为了报复,马斯登将威尔斯留在她纽约家的衣服放上了易趣上进行拍卖,并在其上说了一些关于威尔斯的丑事。

79、In retaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial. ─── 为了替儿子报仇,波塞冬拉着阿瑞斯到雅典法官面前要求审判战神。

80、Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. ─── 我们的反应远不止一时的报复,也不仅仅是空袭.

81、Detect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns. ─── 侦测魔法-不会引起地精城市卫兵的攻击。

82、As a result, more European companies are being hit by the EU's own retaliation against unfair competition. ─── 全球连锁的供货公司已经遍布世界各地,许多欧洲公司都将生产外包到亚洲。

83、On Monday, Mexico announced it would put tariffs on $2.4 billion of U.S. goods in retaliation for a measure to limit the access of Mexican truckers to U. ─── 墨西哥周一宣布,将对24亿美元的美国商品征收关税,以报复美国限制墨西哥卡车司机使用美国公路。

84、An act in retaliation or response. ─── 反驳报复或回应的行为。

85、In retaliation, he castigated Mr Advani for his divisive past, and won. ─── 在反击过程中,辛格严厉斥责了阿德瓦尼过去的分裂主义行为,并最终获得大选胜利。

86、Chief Joseph feared retaliation by the government and tried to take his people to safety. ─── 约瑟夫酋长担心政府会采取报复行动,于是想要把他的子民带到安全的地方.

87、Repayment in kind, as for an injury; retaliation. ─── 以牙还牙:以同样的方式回报,如伤害;报复;针缝相对。

88、In retaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial. ─── 为了替儿子报仇,波塞冬拉着阿瑞斯到雅典法官面前要求审判战神。

89、He endured hardships to plan retaliation. ─── 他卧薪尝胆, 图谋报复。

90、Community and church leaders have appealed for calm and no retaliation. ─── 社区和教会领袖呼吁各方保持冷静,不要采取报复行动.

91、He told Pakistan that the retaliation for militants' infiltration of the Indian-controlled Kashmir has decreased but it was not what Islamabad firmly held that it had completely stopped the infiltration. ─── 他告诉巴基斯坦,回报好战份子对喀什米尔印度辖区的渗透已经减少,但并未如伊斯兰马巴德所坚称的已经完全停止渗透。

92、His hometown for the sole purpose of assuring had persecuted him, he took the name of retaliation. ─── 他这次回乡的唯一目的,就是要向曾经迫害过他,夺走他心上人的人进行报复。

93、What strength had I to dart retaliation at my antagonist? ─── 可是怎么反抗呢,我有什么力量来回击对手呢?

94、The persons who are directly responsible for retaliation shall be investigated for responsibility according to law. ─── 对打击报复的直接责任人员,应当依法追究责任.

95、The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation. ─── 武装部队保持高度警惕,以防发生任何报复行为。

96、She had just given him the news that in retaliation for his own outspokenness against his country's regime, his mother had been seized and executed. ─── 她刚刚给他的消息是,为了报复他对国家政权的批评,他的母亲已经被捕并执行了枪决。

97、Changes to national legislation last year lifted the ban on carriers becoming civil servants, but not before Zhou Yichao was executed for killing two civil servants in Jiaxing in retaliation for refusing him a job as a non-active carrier. ─── 在周一超由于乙肝携带被拒绝录取为公务员而杀害了两名嘉兴的人事局官员之后,去年对法规的修改为携带者成为公务员打开了门槛,消除了障碍。

98、The damage inflicted is 50% greater, and the Dragon suffers no retaliation from its target. ─── 多造成50%伤害,同时不会遭受反击。

99、He endured hardships to plan retaliation. ─── 他卧薪尝胆,图谋报复.

100、Clinton also said she would launch massive retaliation against Iran if it used nuclear weapons to attack Israel.Obama said the U. ─── 克林顿参议员还说,如果伊朗使用核武器攻击以色列,她会对伊朗发动大规模的报复。

101、Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker. ─── 警察说他们认为这次袭击是针对那个毒犯的死实施的报复。

102、May 30, 1995, on the 3rd Zhuangjian just been abandoned by her boyfriend on the 4th (Yang Caini), to accompany her to find no rivals retaliation. ─── 1995年5月30日,3号撞见刚被男友抛弃的4号(杨采妮),陪她一起去找情敌报复。

103、In retaliation Ms Tymoshenko tried to checkmate Mr Yushchenko by teaming up with Mr Yanukovich instead. ─── 作为报复,季莫申科决定和亚努科维奇联合,将尤先科一军。

104、Last week Israel sealed its borders with Gaza cutting all supplies to Gaza as retaliation for continuing rocket fire against the southern Israeli town of Sderot. ─── 为了报复加沙地带继续向以色列南部城市斯德洛特发射火箭,以色列在上星期封锁了与加沙的边界,切断了对加沙的所有供应。

105、He never said a single word in retaliation. ─── 他从未说过一句反击的话.

106、He has the pain of others made him in retaliation. ─── 他曾经的痛,使他报复别人。

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