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09-17 投稿


jotted 发音

英:[?d??t?d]  美:[?d?ɑ?t?d]

英:  美:

jotted 中文意思翻译



jotted 词性/词形变化,jotted变形

动词第三人称单数: jots |动词过去分词: jotted |动词现在分词: jotting |动词过去式: jotted |

jotted 常用词组

jot down ─── 草草记下

jot or tittle ─── [常用于否定句]丝毫,最少量

jotted 短语词组

1、jotted down ─── 草 ─── 草记下

2、jotted down notes upon notes ─── 草 ─── 草记下笔记

3、jotted down the car number ─── 记下汽车号码

jotted 相似词语短语

1、botted ─── n.马胃蝇蛆,肤蝇的幼虫;粘土泥塞;vi.堵塞;n.(Bott)人名;(英、法、德、意、罗、匈)博特

2、hotted ─── adj.热的;辣的;热情的;激动的;紧迫的;adv.热;紧迫地;vi.变热;vt.增加;给......加温;n.(Hot)(塞)霍特(人名);(法)奥特(人名)

3、lotted ─── v.(拍卖前)将(商品)分成批组(lot的过去式及过去分词)

4、jutted ─── v.突出,伸出;将(下巴)翘起(jut的过去式及过去分词)

5、jotter ─── n.笔记本;便笺薄

6、jetted ─── adj.用黑色大理石装饰的

7、cotted ─── n.科特(加拿大自有品牌饮料制造商)

8、potted ─── adj.盆栽的;罐装的;密封的;喝醉的;v.把…装罐;装在盆中(pot的过去式和过去分词)

9、dotted ─── adj.有斑点的,有点的;星罗棋布的;加附点的;v.打点于;星罗棋布于,遍布;点缀,布满;给(音符)加附点;(非正式)击打(某人)(dot的过去式和过去分词)

jotted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be from the education college to primary school, one meter of platform, jot down I pursue. ─── 从教育学院到小学,三尺讲台,记载了我的追求。

2、Meanwhile, the Zhejiang Haining postal savings bank promoted well has borrowed also the jot unsecured loan. ─── 与此同时,浙江海宁邮政储蓄银行推出了“好借好还”小额信用贷款。

3、Let me jot down your phone number before you leave. ─── 你离开以前让我匆匆记下你的电话号码。

4、While rereading, do some kind of pencil - work in which you jot down selected facts, together with formulas or equations. ─── 复习时,你要做好摘记,即记下你要摘选的要点,连同公式或方程式。

5、To earn the tuition,i took part-time jot including family teaching、salesman and repairman from freshman. ─── 为了挣学费,我从大学一年级就开始做兼职工作,包括做家教、做推销员,做修理工等。

6、Experts also advise keeping a notepad on your nightstand to jot down worries to be dealt with the next day. ─── 专家们还建议在自己的床头柜上放一个笔记本,记下第二天将要处理的问题。

7、Maggie: Wow! Let me just run and get a pen and my notepad. I want to jot these down! ─── 哇!让我跑去拿枝笔和笔记本。我想把这些记下来。

8、Jot down the terms, people, places, objects, etc.on scrap paper that might be mentioned in the relevant web pages. ─── 在废纸上迅速地写下网页上可能有的专门词语,例如:人物、地方、物件等等。

9、Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. ─── 18就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。

10、Smelling a rat, he jotted down the licence number: F-AX 160. ─── 他觉出有些不对劲,便草草记下了对方的执照号码:f-ax160。

11、Butynski jotted down each monkey troop and duiker, and stopped to inspect flowers, leaves, and fruits that monkeys had nibbled. ─── Butyski不时停下来记录每一群猴子和小羚羊的行踪,并且仔细观察它们吃过的花朵、叶子和果实。

12、The father died to leave one page paper ago, up jotted down a clan to fasten, all already debauched . ─── 父亲死前就留下了一页纸,上面记载着族系,都已经糜烂了。

13、Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time. ─── Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸赛州北部某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确“日”和“时”。

14、He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone. ─── 他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。

15、As soon as a comment occurs to me, I jot it down in the appropriate box ? fleshing out the skeleton. ─── 听讲过程中,如果我对讲者有任何意见,我就在适当的方格内写下我的看法。

16、Get a Moleskine e Notebook and carry it in your back pocket wherever you go. Don't be a perfectionist with it, just jot whatever comes to your mind in it. ─── 买个日记本,无论去哪里都带上它。不需要文辞华丽,只要记下你心中的点点滴滴。

17、You can also jot down timing notes, and maybe you can even start exaggerating your timing at this stage. ─── 也可以简要记录下时间节点,甚至这时都可以对时间也进行夸张。

18、The clerk jotted down the order. ─── 售货员急忙把订货记下来。

19、He jotted down a note for her and then left. ─── 他匆匆为她写下了一个条子然后离开了。

20、Get a Notebook and carry it in your back pocket wherever you go. Don't be a perfectionist with it, just jot whatever comes to your mind in it. ─── 买个记事本,无论去哪里都带上它。不需要文辞华丽,只要记下你心中的点点滴滴。

21、It is normal to think of additional clauses, wording and issues while writing a contract. Jot these down on a pad as you write; they are easily forgotten. ─── 在书写合同的同时,你可能随时会想到一些需要添加条款、措词和问题,要尽快记在便笺簿上,因为他们太容易忘了。

22、Entomologist Albro T.Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time. ─── 10、有一次,昆虫学家AlbroT、Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸塞州北部某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确“日”和“时”。

23、Hasty dekko, jot information after. ─── 匆匆一瞥,略记见闻于后。

24、This was a letterform that could be jotted down quickly with a reed pen dipped in ink. ─── 芦杆笔蘸下墨水,就可以迅速写下这种字。

25、I mean I jotted down what I thought were the main points , but I have no idea what they mean. ─── 我的意思是我匆匆记下了我认为的重点,可是我完全不知道那是什麽意思。

26、But neither side had anything new to say. Neither of the men budged a jot from their mutually exclusive positions. ─── 可是双方都没有什么新东西可说,两人都没有从各自独特的立场后退一步。

27、He jotted down instances that he came across. ─── 他把看到的例子记下来。

28、There's not a jot of truth in it. ─── 其中没有一点是真的。

29、Get a Moleskine Notebook and carry it in your back pocket wherever you go. Don't be a perfectionist with it, just jot whatever comes to your mind in it. ─── 买个日记本,无论去哪里都带上它。不需要文辞华丽,只要记下你心中的点点滴滴。

30、Don't listen to her. There is not a jot of truth in what she's saying. ─── 不要听她。她说的没有一点是真的。

31、In the dream, he reached for the blue ballpoint pen in his breast pocket to jot something down on his memo pad. ─── 在梦中,他伸手去拿胸前口袋里的圆珠笔,想在记事簿上记点东西。

32、He jotted the name down for fear that he should forget it. ─── 他把名字写下省得他忘了。

33、She does not care a jot or tittle what they think of her bahaviour. ─── 她一点儿也不在乎他们对她的行为有何看法。

34、Many were mere ideas for poems jotted down on whatever scrap of paper lay to hand. ─── 其中有许多只是一些诗的意念,信手写在纸上的。

35、All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass. ─── 他只有一张皱巴巴的纸,上面摘记着一些粗糙的诗句,这是他去以色列警署续签证件时突发的灵感。

36、He jotted on the back of the salesman's pad. ─── 他顺手拿起售货员的本子,在背面草草写下一句话。

37、I jotted down his address. ─── 我匆匆记下了他的地址。

38、He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours. ─── 他记下了闲暇时想到的一些看法。

39、He jotted down his conceits of his idle hours. ─── 他记下闲暇时自己想到的一些念头。

40、Most Shias and many Kurds do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial. ─── 大多数什叶派和库尔德人并不在乎法庭审判上那些细枝末节的错误。

41、Maybe you didn't pay close attention in class.You didn't have to jot down everything the way I did. ─── 也许你上课的时候没留神,没有我那样有闻必录。

42、To help him capture it, he jotted down notes about weather and colours. ─── 为了捕捉光线,他会大略记下天气和色彩。

43、Jot down a name in the margin, a specific act of selfless love you can do for that person, and the date when you will do it. ─── 在本页空白处写下一个名字,还有一个向这个人表达无私之爱的明确行动,以及你要实行的日期。

44、There's not a jot of truth in what he said. ─── 他说的话没有一点是真的。

45、There's not a jot of truth in his story. ─── 他一句实话也没有。

46、He can receive the jot mainly because of his uncle's good relationship with his boss. ─── 他得到这份工作主要因为他叔父与总裁关系很好。

47、He began each session with a series of PowerPoint slides, defined the president's options and constantly jotted down requests on notecards. ─── 每次会议开始,他都用一系列的PowerPoint演示文档作为开场,让总统做出选择,并经常在记事卡片上草草记下总统的要求。

48、The world situation matters not a jot or tittle to you. ─── 你一点也不关心世界局势。

49、He jotted the name down for fear that he might forget it. ─── 他匆匆记下那名字,惟恐忘记。

50、He turned over a sheet of paper and jotted down figures on the back. ─── 他把报纸翻过来,在背面草草记下几个数字。

51、So, as my son,Adam prepared to leave for college,I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder. ─── 因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。

52、But it often felt a whole Jot Longer. ─── 但是它时常一个整个的少量比较长。

53、Having a journal on your USB drive makes it much easer to jot down those ideas, thoughts, and feelings that come to you wherever you may be. ─── 在杂志上的USB驱动器使得很多easer以记下这些想法,思想和感情,来找你无论身处何地。

54、They always keep a notebook handy so that they can jot down customers'comments. ─── 他们手边总放着一个本子,好记顾客的意见。

55、Once you jot down the numbers of the books you are interested in, you are ready to find them on the shelves. ─── 一旦你记下你感兴趣的书码时,你就可以到书架上查到它们了。

56、He jotted a note in the margin. ─── 他在页边草草地加了个注解。

57、So, as my son, Adam prepared to leave for college, I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder. ─── 因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。

58、Did you jot down his telephone number? ─── 你有没有把他的电话号码记下来?

59、I jotted a note to myself to ask a question when I got home. ─── 我记下一个便条,当我回到家时就可以提问。

60、In all 24 albums he pauses perhaps twice to jot down a note. ─── 在全部24个专集中,他大概只有两次停下来匆匆写下一点东西。

61、The development jot credit is certainly ultimately, but its price reduces cannot depend entirely on the market the nature competition to realize. ─── 发展小额信贷当然是大势所趋,但其价格的降低不能全靠市场的自然竞争来实现。

62、Two men in the front seat pulled notebooks from their jackets and, with no attempt at concealment, jotted down license numbers of the other cars parked around the mall. ─── 前排座上的两个人从他们的夹克里掏出笔记本,没有试图隐藏,草草记下停在林荫道周围的其他车的执照号。

63、But has all this goodwill changed their class nature by one jot or little? ─── 但是一切善良的愿望改变了他们的阶级本性的一分一厘一毫一丝没有呢?

64、All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass. ─── 他只有一张皱巴巴的纸,上面摘记着一些粗糙的诗句,这是他去以色列警署续签证件时突发的灵感。

65、In order to jot down Her inspirations at any given moment, Master always placed a small flashlight by Her bed for writing at night. ─── 为了随时记录灵感,师父的睡榻上经常摆放著一只小小手电筒,准备夜里写字照亮用。

66、She jotted down a few notes,and later transcribed them into an exercise book. ─── 她草草做了些笔记,然后誊写在练习本上.

67、Always listen for things that your partner reminisces about and jot them down somewhere ip=”maxcray_” and . ─── 关注对方追忆的事物,并记录下来。

68、She jotted down the telephone number. ─── 她把电话号码记下来了。

69、There's not a jot of truth in his talk. ─── 在他的谈话中没有一句真话。

70、How is your project progressing? Please jot a few lines telling me what you've accomplished so far. ─── 你的专题进展如何?请用几行字告诉我们目前为止你完成了什么?

71、Most Shias and many Kurds seem to welcome the verdict: they do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial. ─── 多数什叶派和库尔德人看起来欢迎判决结果,他们不关心庭审是否存在技术瑕疵。

72、Othello. Not a jot, not a jot. ─── 奥瑟罗一点不,一点不。

73、Today I wrote a letter, jot it down how I feel. ─── 今天我写了一封信,匆匆记下了我最近的感受.

74、No, what gave me away, she said, was the way I jotted down notes in my little blue notebook. ─── 不,她说,使我暴露身份的是我在我的蓝色小笔记本上作记录的方式。

75、She could see from the scrupulous care which he exercised in the matter of his personal appearance that his interest in life had abated not a jot. ─── 他对个人修饰打扮非常讲究细心,从中可以看出他对生活的兴趣丝毫没有减弱。

76、When power is lost, ranks matter not a jot; When families fall, kinship must be forgot.Through a chance kindness to a country wifeDeliverance came for your afflicted life. ─── 势败休云贵,家亡莫论亲。偶因济刘氏,巧得遇恩人。

77、NYQ: Do you carry a pen and notebook with you to jot down stray thoughts and observations, or do you work from what you bring back in your memory at the end of the day? ─── 你随身带着笔同记事本把你流动的思绪与观察写下来呢,或在每天终了时凭你的回忆写作?

78、Haha, never expect that I will write recipes almost everyday lately.It proved that I cooked something special these few days thus I would have to jot down the way of making it. ─── 哈,没想到最近的部落格都是写吃的,原来最近的我都蛮常煮不一样的东西嘛!

79、Before I go shopping,I must jot down a list of things which I want to buy. ─── 去买东西以前,我必须把要买的东西开一个单子

80、Of that law of which the fourth commandment forms a part, Christ declares, "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in nowise pass from the law. ─── 基督讲到包括第四条诫命在内的全部律法时,说:“就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去。”

81、He jotted the address down for fear that he might forget it. ─── 他把地址写下,以免忘记。

82、To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer.Rehearse your answers frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews. ─── 为了帮助你记住关键概念,摘要并回顾每个答案的几个关键词。

83、He would never admit that he had been one jot afraid in the dark house alone. ─── 他从来不承认他独自呆在黑房子里曾经感到很害怕。

84、But first a few notes which I've jotted down after my experience with making it, which you might find useful. ─── 但是开始有一些我匆匆记下的笔记是我制作的经验,你会发现它们非常有用。

85、You can jot down the time and place of your appointments on a calendar. ─── 你可以把约会的时间和地点写在日历上。

86、I don't care one jot or one tittle of what he says. ─── 他所说的我一点也不在乎。

87、He is certain that the mayor is without any jot or tittle of blame. ─── 他相信市长无可指责。

88、There's not a jot of truth in what he says(= none at all). ─── 他没有一句实话。

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