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09-17 投稿


jangle 发音

英:[?d???ɡl]  美:[?d???ɡl]

英:  美:

jangle 中文意思翻译




jangle 网络释义

n. 争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声vt. 使发出刺耳声;使争论vi. 刺耳响;争论,吵架

jangle 短语词组

1、jangle road ─── 奈梅亨路线图

2、jangle pop ─── 砰的一声

3、jingle jangle jungle ─── 叮当声丛林

4、jingle-jangle ─── 丁零当啷

jangle 词性/词形变化,jangle变形


jangle 相似词语短语

1、fangle ─── n.新款式;华而不实的东西;v.装饰

2、angle ─── n.角,角度;视角;立场;角铁;(古)鱼钩;v.斜移;从……角度提供信息;钓鱼;谋取

3、cangle ─── 弹出一个儿童开关

4、jangler ─── n.争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声(jangle的变形)

5、gangle ─── v.笨拙地移动

6、bangle ─── n.手镯;脚镯

7、dangle ─── v.(使)摇晃地悬挂着;提着;炫示;用……来诱惑(或激励);n.(Dangle)(美、印、法)当格勒(人名)

8、jangles ─── v.使发出刺耳声,发出叮当声;刺激,烦扰;争论;闲聊;n.争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声,金属撞击声;闲聊

9、jangled ─── v.(使)发出金属撞击声;(使)烦躁不安(jangle的过去式及过去分词)

jangle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dollar, for example, tends to be bought when investors feel perky and to be sold when nerves start to jangle again. ─── 打比方说,美元,当投资者觉得得意洋洋的时候,他们会买入一下美元,如果他们觉得紧张,他们会开始闭塞,然后卖出美元。

2、You could hear it in every jangle of the bell. ─── 你可以从一下下刺耳的钟声中听见它;

3、you can hear the chains a-jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy. ─── 在他们调转船头到达另一个浮标处时,他们仍然能听到那铁链发出的当啷声。

4、Storms raged around an anguished Lear; the jangle of slot machines must be clanging in Mr Ho's head. ─── 痛苦的李尔王在肆虐的暴风雨中挣扎,而何鸿燊脑海里此刻响起的,一定是老虎机的叮铛声。

5、The children laugh and jangle a tinny time. ─── 孩子们大笑着闹了一会。

6、The creak and jangle of harness grew ever louder. ─── 马具的咯吱咯吱的噪音响彻云霄。

7、Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena. ─── 滴噜噜,滴噜噜,金币滚动的声音。

8、the jangle of the telephone ─── 电话铃声

9、As indeed it does: what should be a quiet, perfectly even motif of sixteenth notes comes out as a skewed, off-tempo jangle. ─── 事实也是如此:原本应该是安详而流畅、由1/16拍音符组成的旋律,却被我弹成歪扭忐忑的噪音。

10、Suddenly, the telephone rang, and its jangle seemed to hold a note of urgency ─── 突然,电话铃响了。唧令令那声音听去是多么焦急。

11、6 Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena. ─── 6滴噜噜,滴噜噜,金币滚动的声音。

12、He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream to a steamy atmosphere that smelled of soapsuds and dirty clothes, and that was vibrant with the jar and jangle of tormented life. ─── 第二天早上他从玫瑰色的梦境中醒来,屋子已是水气蒙蒙,带着肥皂泡和脏衣服的气味,全属都在艰苦生活的碰撞和嘈杂里震颤着。

13、Gaox yaos rangx uat jangl zhit nyaob houd? ─── 你是龙为什么不住在海里?

14、Suddenly, the muffled jangle of a telephone came from the private office next door, and a clerk came into the room and drew Wang Ho-fu's attention to it: ─── 忽然隔壁机要房里的电话铃隐约地响了起来,接着就有一个办事员走到王和甫跟前立正,行了个注目礼,说道:

15、Nerves jangle at every fire-sale, for fear that this will become the new benchmark for sticky assets. ─── 每次低价出售资产都会引起紧张的争论,因为担心这会成为粘性资产的新基准。

16、The three men jangle over trifles. ─── 这三个男人为了小事而争吵。

17、parents should not blindnessly butt in the children's jangle and predirection own child. ─── 当孩子们吵架时,父母都不该插手盲目袒护自己的孩子。

18、to jangle about someone's family ─── 背后议论某人的家庭隐私

19、Suddenly, the telephone rang, and its jangle seemed to hold a note of urgency. ─── 突然,电话铃响了。唧令令那声音听去是多么焦急。

20、jangle one's nerves ─── 使某人十分烦躁

21、2.The three men jangle over trifles. ─── 这三个男人为了小事而争吵。

22、They rode toward us in a cloud of dust. The jangle of harness and bit, the clash of spear against shield, Silver whips glinted at the horses' flanks. ─── 在滚滚的沙尘中,他们骑着马向我们奔驰而来。马具和马嚼子的吵杂声,茅盾的撞击声,银色的鞭子在马的两侧闪烁着。马蹄声像沙漠对面的雷声回响着。

23、to jangle one's nerves ─── 刺激某人的神经

24、8 Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena. ─── 8滴噜噜,滴噜噜,金币滚动的声音。

25、to jangle a bunch of keys ─── 乱摇一串钥匙弄出刺耳的响声

26、The button tin was still on the closet shelf, and a gentle shake released its familiar jangle . ─── 那个钮扣盒仍躺在那个柜橱的架子上,而一次轻轻的摇动就让我再次听到它熟悉的碰撞声。

27、The button tin was still on the closet shelf, and a gentle shake released its familiar jangle . ─── 那个钮扣盒仍躺在那个柜橱的架子上,而一次轻轻的摇动就让我再次听到它熟悉的碰撞声。

28、Jangle Core ─── Jangle核心

29、There was a jangle of metal emitting from the man's wrist, and Kevin glimpsed a tacky gold bracelet wound around an even tackier gold watch. ─── 这哥们的手腕子上戴了个俗气的金表,表外面套了一个更加俗气的金镯子,金表撞击金镯子叮当作响。

30、The children laugh and jangle a tinny time. ─── 孩子们大笑着闹了一会。

31、Gaox yaos zhod uat jangl zhit nyaob rongd? ─── 你是虎为什么不藏在山里?

32、We react to stresses such as the jangle of telephones or the wailing of police sirens. ─── 我们对于电话的叮铃声,警笛的尖啸声之类使人紧张的情况总要作出反应。

33、You'd think with all the chronic masturbation he'd be calm, but he's a jangle of nerves. ─── 你竭尽全力的希望他冷静,但他还是很焦虑。

34、For a while, multiples zoos were like jangle. ─── 在不久以前,多数的动物园都像监狱一样。

35、When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect under standing has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary. ─── 当自由意志和本能的矛盾得到调整,当充分的理性使自由意志具有完全代替本能的力量,人类就不会继续摇摆不定。

36、When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle. ─── 被绞死的辩论者晃荡时,手镯上撕碎的小金属片发出刺耳的声音。

37、so that should she be very old she would still remember and make it jangle again among her memories how she had walked through Regent's Park on a fine summer's morning fifty years ago. ─── 因此当她年迈时,她仍然能记起在五十年前的那个夏天的早晨是如何穿过Regent公园的,又一次让这段回忆中的场景活跃起来。

38、The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman. ─── 这项政策可能会挑动对通货膨胀的紧张,但这实际上是设计来应对通货紧缩这个新的恶魔的。

39、You could hear it in every jangle of the bell. ─── 你可以从一下下刺耳的钟声中听见它;

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