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09-17 投稿


kadi 发音

英:[?kɑ?di; ?ke?di]  美:[?kɑ?d?]

英:  美:

kadi 中文意思翻译




kadi 词性/词形变化,kadi变形


kadi 相似词语短语

1、kai ─── abbr.韩国会计研究院(KoreaAccountingInstitute)

2、gadi ─── n.(Gadi)人名;(以)加迪

3、Sadi ─── n.萨迪(13世纪阿拉伯著名穆斯林诗人,苏菲主义学者,等于Saadi)

4、cadi ─── n.下级法官

5、kali ─── n.猪毛菜(同saltwort);n.(Kali)(印度教)卡利女神;n.(Kali)(美、印度、法、匈牙利)卡利(人名)

6、kadis ─── n.(伊斯兰国家或穆斯林社区的)法官(等于cadi);n.(Kadi)(爱)卡迪(人名)

7、kaki ─── n.亚洲柿树;柿子

8、kami ─── n.(日本神道教的)神

9、khadi ─── n.印度土布(等于khaddar)

kadi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Kadi asked in a whisper, " But how did you arrive at that decision?" ─── 法官低声地问:“你是如何作出这一决定的?”。

2、The Arab started to say, " But, according to our decree. . . " and peeked at the Kadi. ─── 这个阿拉伯人说:“可是根据我们的宗教令……”,他瞥了一眼法官。

3、" One crime leads to another, ya effend," the Kadi said. " If you hadn't got drunk, you wouldn't have made the biggest mistake of your life." ─── “一个罪过导致另一个罪过,先生,”法官说,“如果不是喝醉,你是不会犯下终生大错的。”

4、The Kadi shook his head and said," Your judgment is a real judgment,O Hakham. And I'll put my seal on it." ─── 法官表示同意,说:“你的判断是真正的裁决。啊,哈卡姆,我一定在这个判决书上盖上我的印章。”

5、"I don't see any way out," the Kadi told him. " But if there's no hope left,come with me to the Dayan,the wise man of the Jews. He's a learned and clever man,a hot pepper. Possibly he'll find a scheme." ─── “我想不出让你摆脱困境的方法,”法官对他说,“但即使没有希望,也随我去见犹太智者,他是个学识渊博、聪慧过人的辣椒人物,或许他会想出办法。”

6、The Dayan said to the Arab, " please repeat to the Kadi, may his glory be great, what you said to your wife last night" ─── 智者对阿拉伯人说:“祝法官无限荣光。请对法官重复一遍你昨晚对你妻子说的话。”

7、' 'The plane crashed because of bad weather, not because of technical issues,' Mr.Al Kadi said in an interview. ─── 他在接受采访时说,飞机是因为恶劣的天气坠毁的,而不是因为技术问题。

8、The Kadi replied,"What's done cannot be undone. That's the judgment of the Koran." ─── 法官回答道:"覆水难收,已做的事情无法挽回,这是古兰经的审判。"

9、5. Therefore, the Arab ordered his carriage readied and went with a heavy heart to the great Kadi, he who is the highest judge of the Muslims. ─── 因此,这个阿拉伯人命令备车,怀着一颗沉重的心去见大卡迪,他是穆斯林的最高法官。收藏指正

10、' 'The plane crashed because of bad weather, not because of technical issues, ' Mr. Al Kadi said in an interview. ─── 他在接受采访时说,飞机是因为恶劣的天气坠毁的,而不是因为技术问题。

11、The Kadi replied," What's done cannot be undone. That's the judgment of the Koran." ─── 法官回答道:“覆水难收,已做的事情无法挽回,这是古兰经的审判。”

12、picked this up from a chinese book:When Afandi was the Kadi (judge of the Syrian Court), a man brought his wife to the court, saying that he wanted to divorce his wife. ─── 阿凡提当喀孜(宗教法官)时,有一个巴依领着妻子来到了喀孜堂,说他要跟妻子离婚。

13、I was then writing the poems which came to be published in the volume entitled Kadi o Komal, Sharps and Flats. ─── 那时,我正在写一些诗歌,后来发表在题为《升号与降号》的诗集中。

14、Therefore, the Arab ordered his carriage readied and went with a heavy heart to the great Kadi, he who is the highest judge of the Muslims. ─── 因此,这个阿拉伯人命令备车,怀着一颗沉重的心去见大卡迪,他是穆斯林的最高法官。

15、Author Ma Kadi Lu Weimin (Department of Chemistry;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou;310028); ─── 作者马卡迪;陆维敏;

16、Address by Dr. Kadi Sesay, Minister of Trade and Industry of Sierra leone ─── 塞拉利昂贸工部长卡迪?塞塞博士发言

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