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09-17 投稿


loutish 发音


英:  美:

loutish 中文意思翻译



loutish 网络释义

adj. 粗野的;笨拙的;无礼的

loutish 词性/词形变化,loutish变形

名词: loutishness |副词: loutishly |

loutish 相似词语短语

1、coltish ─── adj.小马似的;轻佻的;不受拘束的,放浪不拘的

2、brutish ─── adj.粗野的;残忍的;野兽般的

3、flourish ─── v.繁荣,茂盛;茁壮成长,处于旺盛时期;挥舞;炫耀;n.夸张动作;出色部分;华丽辞藻;花彩字;(管弦乐)花彩号声

4、loudish ─── adj.声音稍高的

5、Jutish ─── adj.朱特人(Jute)的

6、snoutish ─── 势利的

7、stoutish ─── adj.略胖的;胖乎乎的

8、clottish ─── 凝块

9、loutishly ─── 轻佻地;

loutish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was not as loutish as his manner suggested. ─── 他举止粗野,但人不是那样的。

2、Dick suddenly changed from a well-behaved child into a loutish adolescent. ─── 迪克突然从一个有礼貌的小孩变成一个粗野的少年。

3、Tom suddenly changed from a well - behaved child into a loutish adolescent. ─── 汤姆突然从一个有礼貌的小孩变成一个粗野的少年。

4、I can hear those loutish grunts of protest. ─── 我能听见一些粗鲁又愚蠢的抗议声。

5、I was appalled by the loutish behaviour. ─── 这种粗野行为令我大为震惊。

6、Children cannot learn in classes where loutish behaviour and disrespect for others are the norm. ─── 他指出,这些“问题孩子”不能够在普通的学校学习,因为他们总是不尊敬老师和影响其他同学。

7、was boorish and insensitive; the loutish manners of a bully; her stupid oafish husband; aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude ─── 是粗野愚钝的;欺凌弱小者的粗鄙的举止;她愚钝的丈夫

8、The British fear their once famously polite nation is now more renowned for binge drinking and loutish behavior than for the popular image of rolled umbrella and stiff upper lip. ─── 英国人担心,素以礼貌闻名的英国现在反而以喜爱狂饮和行为粗鄙出名,而非一般人心目中(对英国绅士)收紧长伞及坚定不屈的形象。

9、Where children respect a parent and know that he or she demands good behavior in school, even mediocre or loutish teachers can pull off the trickof producing modestly literate and numerate children. ─── 如果孩子尊重父母,并且知道父母要求自己好好上学,即便是平庸的或是很笨的老师也能够成功地教出一般水平的能读会算的小学生。

10、He was a London boy, with a loutish air. ─── 他是个伦敦学生,举止粗俗。

11、An awkward, loutish person; an oaf. ─── 笨拙或害羞的人一个不灵活的,粗鄙的人;笨拙的粗人

12、2. Tom suddenly changed from a well-behaved child into a loutish adolescent. ─── 汤姆突然从一个有礼貌的小孩变成一个粗野的少年。

13、An awkward,loutish person;an oaf. ─── 笨拙或害羞的人一个不灵活的,粗鄙的人;笨拙的粗人

14、10.was boorish and insensitive; the loutish manners of a bully; her stupid oafish husband; aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude. ─── 是粗野愚钝的;欺凌弱小者的粗鄙的举止;她愚钝的丈夫。

15、loutish behaviour ─── 粗鄙的行为.

16、Who could imagine a loutish man like me would begin to read books? But, after joining Amway, I see learning as a fundamental step in the quest to help others. ─── 参加安利后我这样的一个大老粗也开始看书了,要进步,就必须充实自己的知识,和培养正面的心态。

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