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09-17 投稿


lability 发音

英:[[l?'b?l?t?]]  美:[[l?'b?l?t?]]

英:  美:

lability 中文意思翻译



lability 短语词组

1、pathological lability ─── [医] 病理的易变性

2、lability insurance ─── 劳动保险

lability 相似词语短语

1、pliability ─── n.柔软;易曲折;易适应性

2、liability ─── n.责任;债务;倾向;可能性;不利因素

3、ability ─── n.能力,能耐;才能

4、likability ─── n.可爱

5、salability ─── n.畅销;出售

6、lovability ─── 可爱(loveable的名词形式)

7、-ability ─── n.能力,能耐;才能

8、livability ─── n.(家禽,牲畜的)存活率;适于居住性

9、labiality ─── n.唇音性

lability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、exercise lability index ─── 运动易变指数

2、emotional lability and impulsiveness during the testing. ─── 测试过程中,患者容易冲动,情绪有时不稳定。

3、Lability Insurance for Damages by Vehicles ─── 机动车损害赔偿责任保险

4、Such patients are more prone to perioperative ischaemia,arrhythmias,and cardiovascular lability. ─── 这些患者更容易发生围手术期心肌的局部缺血、心律失常和心血管的不稳定。

5、Some people with ALS experience what looks like emotional instability (sometimes called “emotional lability”), with spells of uncontrolled laughter or crying. ─── 一些ALS的患者经历了看起来是情绪不稳定的情况(有时叫做“情绪不稳”),象中邪一样的不可控制的哭笑(强哭强笑)。

6、lability teste ─── 不稳定[激发]试验

7、stabilization technologies of natural pigments were introduced based on its characteristics of lability. ─── 针对天然色素不稳定的特点,介绍了天然色素的稳定化方法。

8、The Effect of NSP on organic and inorganic zinc bioavai- lability in broiler chicken ─── 非淀粉多糖对肉仔鸡锌生物利用率的影响

9、lability of nervous process ─── 神经过程的灵活性

10、The decrease in each of all normal children was less than 9% and their average decrease was 4%. 2) All the asthmatic children were found to have bronchial exercise lability. ─── (2)所有气喘病儿都有气管运动易变性(其运动易变度平均为32%),且四分之三之病儿都在20%以上;

11、complex lability ─── 易变性常数

12、There was some emotional lability and impulsiveness during the testing. ─── 在测试过程中,患者容易冲动,情绪有时不稳定。

13、The trueavai lability of dry matter and the AME AMEn TME, TMEn value of corn were improved by 4. 74%, 2. 28%, 4. 01%, 2. 18%, 3. 88% respectively. ─── AME、AME_n、TME、TME_n,分别提高2.28%、4.01%、2.18%、3.88%;

14、controlled temperature lability ─── 受控制温度变动

15、PRL interrelated well with E2.Factor of emotional lability could not only influence PRL remarkably but also elevate E2 level. ─── 情绪波动等因素不但对PRL有明显影响,且可使血中E2水平升高。

16、The relationship between the lability of the cervical vertebra and the occurring of the sympathetic cervical problem ─── 颈椎不稳与交感神经型颈椎病发病的关系

17、The relationship between the lability of the cervical vertebra and the occurring of the sympathetic cervical problem ─── 颈椎不稳与交感神经型颈椎病发病的关系

18、Application of Red Flag Standard in Identifying the Lability for Infringement of Online Service Suppliers ─── 红旗标准在认定网络服务提供者侵权责任中的适用

19、lability test ─── 不稳定(激发)试验, 压迫-充血(激发)试验

20、This paper presented synthetically Some part of recent result on the rift]lability of rock. ─── 本文综合介绍了岩石可凿性研究的部份最新成果。

21、pathologic lability ─── 病理的易变性

22、moist lability ─── 湿不稳定

23、There was some emotional lability and impulsiveness during the testing. ─── 在测试过程中,患者容易冲动,情绪有时不稳定。

24、Surgical treatment for lability of craniocervical junction ─── 颅颈交界区不稳定的外科治疗

25、lability of affect ─── 不稳定情感

26、Keywords diclofenac sodium;reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography;bioavai lability; ─── 双氯芬酸钠;反相高效液相色谱;生物利用度;

27、make a car lability explode! ─── 就是它的全名了!

28、Fatigue, crapulence and emotional lability are main causes inducing malignant arrhythmias. ─── 疲劳、暴饮暴食、情绪波动是诱发恶性心律失常的主要因素。

29、lability energy ─── 振动能量

30、Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 50 Cases of Lability Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease With ShenzhiHuoxue Decoction ─── 参蛭活血汤治疗冠心病不稳定性心绞痛50例临床观察

31、Internationalized unity of products lability legislation must be based on the internationalization to which individual country legislation of products liability develops. ─── 摘要产品责任立法的国际统一化必须建立在各国的产品责任法朝著国际化发展的基础上。

32、Product Lability ─── 产品责任

33、Diplopia, walking lability and disturbance of consciousness with fever ─── 复视、行走不稳、意识障碍伴发热

34、Surgical treatment for lability of craniocervical junction ─── 颅颈交界区不稳定的外科治疗

35、pathological lability ─── [医] 病理的易变性

36、Limited Lability Company ─── 有限责任公司

37、functional lability ─── 功能不稳定

38、The Practice and Consider in the Working That My School Trained and Certificated Person with Technical Lability ─── 我校在职业技能型人才培训鉴定工作中的作法与思考

39、Diplopia, walking lability and disturbance of consciousness with fever ─── 复视、行走不稳、意识障碍伴发热

40、The stabilization technologies of natural pigments were introduced based on its characteristics of lability. ─── 针对天然色素不稳定的特点,介绍了天然色素的稳定化方法。

41、emotional lability ─── 情绪不稳

42、Application of Red Flag Standard in Identifying the Lability for Infringement of Online Service Suppliers ─── 红旗标准在认定网络服务提供者侵权责任中的适用

43、Pyrethrum possesses some ideal characteristics of environmental compatible chemical pesticide,however its photo lability and expensive price limit its broad use in the field. ─── 天然除虫菊酯虽然具有理想化学农药的一些特性,但光不稳定性和昂贵的价格限制其大面积使用。

44、PRL interrelated well with E2. Factor of emotional lability could not only influence PRL remarkably but also elevate E2 level. ─── 情绪波动等因素不但对PRL有明显影响,且可使血中E2水平升高。

45、Internationalized unity of products lability legislation must be based on the internationalization to which individual country's legislation of products liability develops. ─── 产品责任立法的国际统一化必须建立在各国的产品责任法朝着国际化发展的基础上.

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