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09-17 投稿


latency 发音

英:[?le?t?nsi]  美:[?le?t?nsi]

英:  美:

latency 中文意思翻译



latency 词性/词形变化,latency变形


latency 短语词组

1、minimal latency routine ─── [计] 最少等待程序

2、minimal-latency routine ─── [计] 高速存取程序, 高速存取例行程序

3、maximum latency ─── [计] 最大等待时间

4、latency phase ─── [医]潜伏期

5、latency stage ─── 潜伏阶段

6、error latency ─── [计] 错误潜伏期; 错误延迟时间

7、minimal latency coding ─── [计] 最少等待编码

8、minimal-latency program ─── [计] 高速存取程序

9、latency period ─── [医] 潜伏期; 性成熟期

10、minimal latency programming ─── [计] 最少等待程序设计

11、latency time ─── [计] 等待

12、minimum latency code ─── [计] 最快存取代码

13、drum latency time ─── [计] 磁鼓等待时间

14、interrupt latency ─── [计] 中断等待时间

15、fault latency ─── [计] 故障潜伏期

16、minimal-latency subroutine ─── [计] 高速存取子例行程序

17、minimum latency ─── [计] 最快存取, 最快访问

18、minimal-latency programming ─── [计] 高速存取程序设计

19、minimal-latency coding ─── [计] 高速存取编码

latency 常用词组

latency time ─── 延迟时间,等待时间

latency 相似词语短语

1、cadency ─── n.终止式;下降调;韵律(等于cadence);幼子之后裔

2、latence ─── n.潜伏状态

3、latently ─── adv.潜伏地,隐而不见地

4、latens ─── v.使变晚,使晚生长(或晚制造)

5、lambency ─── n.闪烁;柔光;巧妙

6、lately ─── adv.近来,不久前

7、patency ─── n.明显;开放

8、latened ─── v.使变晚,使晚生长(或晚制造)

9、agency ─── n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处;作用

latency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By running more than one such transfers concurrently, FTM facilitates in overcoming network latency and making good utilization of bandwidth. ─── FTM通过同时运行多个此类传输,来帮助消除网络延迟并充分利用带宽。

2、Can the replication solution and expected latency handle the planned Exchange user load and provide a quality client experience? ─── 复制解决方案和预期的延迟是否可以处理规划的Exchange用户负载并提供高质量的客户端体验?

3、When morphine was injected first, intrathecal TRH was unable to reverse the morphine prolongation of tail-flick latency. ─── 先注射吗啡,TRH 不能翻转吗啡的延长甩尾潜伏期的效应。

4、The herpes simplex virus can be dormant for a long time, or what is called a period of latency. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒可以休眠了很久,什么叫做一段潜伏期。

5、Therefore M.fermentans may involve in the long latency of AIDS by inducing IL 10 production. ─── M . fermentans可能通过产生IL 10参与并维持 (acquiredimmunodeficiencydiseade ,AIDS)较长的潜伏期

6、Store and forward is the most reliable operational mode of IP fax because it is able to deal with network latency and packet loss. ─── 存储转发是IP传真最可靠的工作模式,因为它能处理网络滞后和包丢失。

7、Increasing either the user load or the replication distance will result in an increase of the average of RPC latency. ─── 增大用户负载或复制距离将导致平均RPC延迟延长。

8、Assuming the application has been designed with minimal network communication, there are a number of ways to minimize network latency. ─── 假设应用程序的设计已经能够保证最小的网络通信量,那么就有几种方法可以使网络延迟最短。

9、The latency of RP is earlier than that of P300 for three stimulus. ─── RP及P300潜伏期各不相同,RP的潜伏期较P300潜伏期早;

10、Emphasis is on naming, latency, bandwidth, and synchronization in parallel machines. ─── 主要强调命名,等待时间,带宽和并行机的同步化。

11、Latency Changes of Human Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials correlated with Vestibular and Motor HPNS and Time-Dependent Acclimation. ─── 唤起人类脑干听觉的潜在变化与前庭运动神经HPNS与依时驯化相关。

12、Next up is the network latency issue. ─── 接下来就是网络延迟问题了。

13、Latency The time taken between the occurrence of an event and the response to it. ─── 从一个事件触发开始到有了对它的回应的这个时间段。

14、Polysomnography and/or multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) are useful methods to monitor the patients’sleep codition with SDB. ─── PSG和/或多次睡眠潜伏期试验检测,能对SBD的严重程度进行监控,并有指导治疗的作用。

15、The primary reason for building a new datacenter on the east coast was latency. ─── 在东海岸建造一个新的数据中心的主要原因就是“延迟”。

16、The b-wave latency remained constant after the treatment. ─── b波潜伏期在治疗前后无明显变化。

17、Network capacity: Of course, sufficient latency is only half of what needs to be considered; adequate capacity is also required. ─── 网络容量:当然,延迟合理也仅是需要考虑的问题的一半,另外还需要有用足够的容量。

18、The VHP impairment which is characterized by significant elongated latency and declined amplitude has been detected in diabetic rats. ─── DM大鼠的VEP受到明显损伤,态学上可见视网膜血管、病理改变。

19、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Ratio of dragging force and nerve root retractor force;SSEP P1 latency. ─── 主要观察指标:牵拉力与神经根牵拉比率、体感诱发电位P1波潜伏期的关系。

20、Options for real-time OLAP and proactive caching let you balance query speed against latency when you design a partition. ─── 在设计分区时,您可以使用实时OLAP和主动缓存的选项来平衡查询速度以避免发生滞后。

21、On the other hand,the SCEP latency was prolonged by 0.235 79 ms under 0.133 kPa additional pressure while the duration was constant. ─── 压迫时间相同的情况下,压力每增加0.133kPa,SCEP的潜伏期延长0.23579ms。

22、Interrupt latency The time between an interrupt going off and the interrupt being serviced by the operating system. ─── 从发送一个中断请求开始到操作系统开始执行中断为止的一个时间段。

23、Aim: To compare the postnatal development of brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) with that of middle latency response (MLR) in rats. ─── 目的:探讨大鼠脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)和听觉中潜伏期反应(MLR)生后发育模式的异同。

24、The system should have low latency if the replication of incremental changes is required. ─── 如果需要复制增量更改,系统则应具有较低的滞后时间。

25、According to the ancient Brahmans, when a fire was extinguished it went into a state of latency. ─── 根据古老的婆罗门信仰,火焰熄灭时进入一个潜在阶段。

26、Improved multiprocessing performance at high latency when many AudioSnap events are present in tracks. ─── *改善了在音轨中有很多音频贴靠事件时的高延迟的多处理性能。

27、The average latency at which failed approve requests are processed. ─── 失败的审批请求处理的平均反应时间。

28、If the computer is busy doing something else other than playing music, you may hear scratches or have latency problems. ─── 如果计算机除了播放音乐外还在忙于处理其他事情,你也许会听到一些刮擦音或者有一些潜在的问题。

29、What are the connections between locations, including available bandwidth and latency? ─── 位置之间的连接是什么样的?包括可用带宽和滞后时间。

30、Average latency and the trend are shown underneath the graph. ─── 在图的底部显示了平均延时和趋势。

31、However, these solutions radically change the nature of a pre-certified configuration, particularly with respect to timing and latency. ─── 不过,这些解决方案从根本上改变了预认证的配置的本质,特别是对于时间和延迟。

32、Posts a tracer token into the transaction log at the Publisher and begins the process of tracking latency statistics. ─── 将跟踪令牌发布到发布服务器的事务日志中,并开始跟踪滞后时间统计信息的过程。

33、The average latency at which failed checkout requests are processed. ─── 失败的签出请求处理的平均反应时间。

34、The next page will discuss network latency. ─── 下一页将讨论网路延迟。

35、Making this buffer larger can increase video quality but will result in an increased latency during encoding. ─── 增大缓冲区可以提高视频质量,但也会导致编码时的等待时间延长。

36、To reduce handoff latency in mobile IP, two link layer trigger methods are proposed. ─── 为了解决移动IP中的切换时延问题,提出了链路层监测触发和预测链路层切换的两种链路层触发方法。

37、Returns replication statistics about latency, throughput, and transaction count for each published database. ─── 为每个发布数据库返回有关滞后时间、吞吐量和事务计数的复制统计信息。

38、Do you plan on prohibiting whispering from Observers or change their latency or something like that? ─── 你们是否准备对这种情况采取措施?

39、The average latency at which failed delete requests are processed. ─── 失败的删除请求处理的平均反应时间。

40、Latency of Epstein-Barr virus and its relationship to nasopharyngeal carcinomas [J].Chin J Oncol, 1996,18(1): 23-6. ─── Epstein-Barr病毒潜伏状态与鼻咽癌的关系[J].中华肿瘤杂志,1996,18(1):23-6.

41、Is there a network latency problem? ─── 存在网络延迟问题吗?

42、Under synchronous operation, a committed transaction is committed on both partners, but at the cost of increased transaction latency. ─── 在同步操作下,已提交的事务将在伙伴双方上提交,但会延长事务滞后时间。

43、The latency of auditory P?3 and visual P?3 was different among the aphasia patients. ─── 失语患者中存在着视听P3潜伏期变化不一致的现象。

44、The average latency at which failed reject requests are processed. ─── 失败的拒绝请求处理的平均反应时间。

45、If you’re looking for less overhead for DRBD with fast storage (ie BBU) you should be looking at low latency network communications. ─── 发神经,我当然不改,于是算被推却了。后来该文一分为二,在两家其它学报发表,四十年后的今天还被引用。

46、Once the databases are synchronized a committed transaction is committed on both partners, at the cost of increased transaction latency. ─── 在同步数据库之后,已提交的事务将在伙伴双方上提交,但会延长事务滞后时间。

47、These are further influenced by initialization procedures on both sides of the application and on latency effects of the network. ─── 在应用程序发送方和接收方上的初始化过程和网络上的延迟进一步影响了这些方面。

48、The storage for which the latency ( waiting time ) is negligible at all times . ─── 和所有其它操作时间相比,其等待时间可以忽略的存储器。

49、Depending on your network bandwidth and latency, certain virtualization technologies might be unacceptable. ─── 根据网络带宽和延时不同,某些虚拟化技术可能是无法接受的。

50、A fibre channel relay loop was developed to improve the efficiency and latency assurance of fibre channel arbitrated loops. ─── 为解决光纤通道仲裁环线路利用率不高,节点间通讯的延时不确定的问题,提出了光纤通道接力环。

51、For these applications, the low bandwidth and high latency are not a concern, because the low cost makes the use of X.25 affordable. ─── 对于这些应用,低频宽和高延迟时间不是一个重要的事,因为成本低让X.25的使用负担的起。

52、Returns one row for each tracer token that has been inserted into a publication to determine latency. ─── 为每个已插入发布中用于确定滞后时间的跟踪令牌返回一行。

53、After the initial period of infection, these viruses enter a dormant state known as latency. ─── 初期感染之后,这些病毒进入潜伏期的休眠状态。

54、Resulst:SEP s howed obvious delay of latency but the v aries of its amplitude were not obvious. ─── SEP潜伏期变化明显 ,但测量烦琐 ,波幅变化不明显 ;

55、But because of higher latency, or lag times, these systems cannot be used to fly the airplane. ─── 但是由于太高的延迟,或者说是滞后时间,这些系统无法应用于飞机的飞行。

56、The next page will define latency. ─── 下页将定义延迟。

57、A low latency path through which the processor may directly access PCI devices mapped anywhere in the memory, I/O, or configuration address spaces. ─── 一种低等待时间的通路,信息传送机经由它直接访问映像到存储器、I/O或配置地址空间中任何位置的PCI设备。

58、If you want super, super-low latency, you will probably want to go out and get a specialized system. ─── 如果你想要冗员,冗员-低的潜伏,你将会或许想要外出而且拿一个被特殊化的系统。

59、The average latency at which failed enumerate folder requests are processed. ─── 失败的枚举文件夹请求处理的平均反应时间。

60、Repeater latency, propagation delay, and NIC latency all contribute to the four repeater rule. ─── 中继器延迟、传输延迟和NIC延迟全部对四中继器法则有贡献。

61、QCapture latency is colored turquoise, on the bottom. ─── QCapture延时以绿松石色表示,位于底部。

62、The weaknesses of the browser-based server-side solution are clear: high latency and limited interactivity on the mobile device. ─── 基于浏览器的服务器端解决方案的弱点是显而易见的:移动设备中较长的时延以及有限的互动性。

63、The SONET Datacryptors have minimal latency and will allow the network to operate at maximum efficiency while encrypting mission critical applications. ─── 同步光纤网数据加密机具有最小的等待时间,当加密关键任务时能以最大效率运行。

64、The average latency at which failed publish requests are processed. ─── 失败的发布请求处理的平均反应时间。

65、If you see too many of them, increase your latency. ─── 如果你看到过他们中的许多人,增加你的延时。

66、Access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead. ─── 存取时间是寻道时间和旋转等待时间与命令处理开销的和。

67、Client latency can be caused by any number of problems. ─── 各种问题都可能导致客户端延迟。

68、Optimize for responsiveness; accommodate latency. ─── 优化响应能力,调节延迟时间。

69、Class for the specified event class, with the specified latency time. ─── 使用指定滞后时间,为指定的事件类初始化。

70、Average reflex threshold volume, average reflex latency and average reflex duration were markedly different in SIND, MIND and FC group. ─── 但平均反射阈值、均反射潜伏期及平均反射持续时间之间却有显著差异。

71、The commercial EP machines also plot changes in latency between serial EP studies in order to detect trends in peak latency. ─── 为检测波峰潜伏期,可在连续波峰之间标识出潜伏期变化技术应用到商用诱发电位仪上。

72、In the hole-board test, SA (2.1 mg/kg) increased the number and duration of head-dips, and decreased the latency to head-dipping. ─── 在大鼠孔板实验中,SA(2.1mg/kg)对大鼠的探头潜伏期有缩短作用,增加探头次数,延长探头时间。

73、The P300 peak latency of VD patients was shortened(P

74、This was partly necessary in order to provide for the very short latency required by multimedia. ─── 在某种程度上这是为了满足提供多媒体所需的极短延迟。

75、To analyze the relations of P25 peak latency to age and height respectively. ─── 分别将年龄和身高与P25峰潜伏期进行相关分析。

76、Experimental results show that this method achieves good performance in success rate and search latency. ─── 实验结果表明,此方法在查询成功率和搜索延迟等方面都有着较好的性能。

77、Pay close attention to the RPC average latency counter on the server and the client response time after you run LoadSim tests. ─── 密切注意在运行LoadSim测试之后,服务器上的RPC average latency计数器以及客户端响应时间。

78、Group A which were trained for 2 days had clear and regular swim orbit with short latency. ─── A组训练2d后搜索站台的潜伏期短,游泳有规律,路线清晰。 B组和C组训练2d后搜索站台的潜伏期长,游泳轨迹杂乱。

79、The application requires low latency between the time changes are made at the Publisher and the changes arrive at the Subscriber. ─── 从发布服务器上发生更改,到更改到达订阅服务器,应用程序需要这两者之间具有较低的滞后时间。

80、For transactional replication, performance quality is determined by the latency threshold. ─── 对于事务性复制,性能质量由滞后时间阈值确定。

81、The default latency is 10 seconds. ─── 默认延迟时间是 10 秒。

82、Main tested index included latency, wave amplitude and MNCV. ─── MNCV测定指标包括:潜伏期,波幅,MNCV值。

83、At last, the approach employs data prefetch strategy to hide I/O latency and then further improves the rendering performance. ─── 在实时绘制时,采用基于视点的细节层次选择策略进行模型的细化;

84、For the high-imageable words, there was no difference between the latency of forward translation and that of backward translation. ─── 对高表像值的单词来说,正向翻译与反向翻译的加工速度没有差异;

85、Other properties, notably unidirectionality, subjectiveness and latency, are equally important. ─── 就其本身而言,则具有单向性、主观性和隐蔽性。

86、The latency needs to be so small that it gives to the musician the impression of playing a real acoustic instrument. ─── 延迟必须很小,这样可以给音乐家一个正在弹奏一件真正的声学乐器的感觉。

87、Pain threshold was measured by the latency of the escape response (ERL)to radiant heat applied on the skin of the snout. ─── 以辐射热照射家兔嘴侧部皮肤,测量其躲避反应的潜伏期(ERL)作为痛反应阈,简称痛阈。

88、Today's adapters interrupt the host on every received packet to minimize network latency. ─── 今天的适配器在每收到一个包时就中断主机,使网络等待时间降至最校

89、Exchange 2003 servers record both RPC latency and errors on client computers running Outlook 2003. ─── Exchange 2003服务器记录运行Outlook 2003的客户端计算机上的RPC延迟时间和错误。

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