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09-21 投稿


crests 发音

英:[krests]  美:[krests]

英:  美:

crests 中文意思翻译




crests 词性/词形变化,crests变形

动词过去分词: crested |动词第三人称单数: crests |动词现在分词: cresting |动词过去式: crested |

crests 反义词


crests 短语词组

1、superficial epidermal crests ─── [医] 皮嵴

crests 同义词

cap | top | insignia | tip | glory | decoration | apex | altitude | summit | topknot |crown | heraldry | zenith | comb | growth | plume | feather | coat of arms | cockscomb | tuft | ridge | emblem | symbol | pinnacle | peak

crests 相似词语短语

1、breests ─── 繁殖者

2、prests ─── n.普雷斯特(英钟表工匠,1820年取得表的无钥匙机能的专利)

3、wrests ─── vt.用力拧;抢夺;歪曲;n.扭,拧

4、cresta ─── 登峰牌汽车;n.(Cresta)人名;(法、西、意)克雷斯塔

5、chests ─── [解剖]胸

6、cressets ─── n.标灯,灯号

7、crestals ─── 晶体

8、crestons ─── n.(Creston)人名;(英)克雷斯顿

9、arrests ─── n.[法]拘留(arrest的复数);停止点;临界点;v.[法]逮捕;阻止(arrest的单三形式)

crests 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crescent on the crest is a special symbol for the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. ─── 伞柄纹章上的弯月是圣母玛丽亚神圣感孕的专有标志。

2、Smale helped develop Crest toothpaste in the 1950's and steadily progressed through the corporate ranks at P&G. ─── 20世纪50年代,斯梅尔帮助公司推出了佳洁士牙膏,而且他在公司的职位稳步上升。

3、A surfboard fin sliced the crest of a wave. ─── 冲浪板尾部划破浪尖。

4、But the ship dived like a swan between them, and then rose again on their lofty, foaming crests. ─── 可是这船像天鹅似的,一忽儿投进洪涛里面,一忽儿又在高大的浪头上抬起头来。

5、Outside, snow crests on my window. ─── 外面,雪堆积在我的窗上。

6、The nymph curses the girl;she grows huge, her hair is replaced by crests and her skin by scales, and she sprouts wings. ─── 她诅咒了这个女孩,让她变得巨大、她的头发变成了头冠、她的皮肤变成了鳞片并长出了双翼。

7、There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell. ─── 翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。

8、Strains in the earth's crest seem to pile up, mail the rock formations break with cracks into new positions, often causing large natural earthquakes. ─── 地壳的应力似乎在积累着。直到岩层产生裂缝移位为止,这往往全引起大的自然地震。

9、The moment Wolf entered his house his crest fell. ─── “狼”只要一走进家里,立刻就垂头丧气。

10、He sipped some beer, leaving a crest of foam on his upper lip. ─── 他呷了一口啤酒,结果上嘴唇沾满了泡沫。

11、It is broken down into categories such as Diffuse, Limited, CREST, and Overlap. ─── 分为弥漫性硬皮病、局限性硬皮病、CREST综合症和复合型。

12、They said that there was likely to be oil in the crests of folds of rock layers. ─── 他们认为在岩层褶皱的顶部可能会有石油。

13、Instead of focusing upon possible negativity, develop an attitude of a surfer enjoying the crests, peaks, valleys, and currents of life's oceans. ─── 与其让注意力落在可能的负向,不如发展如冲浪者的态度去享受生命之海的浪峰、高潮、低谷与流动。

14、Having or forming a crest or crista. ─── 具脊的,成冠突的具有或形成冠状或脊状突起的

15、Urduuk stood atop the crest of the hill and gazed out across the grasslands to the south. ─── 乌尔都克站在山顶上,目光穿过脚下的大草原望向南方。

16、Crest toothpaste:behind that healthy smile,there 's a Crest kid. ─── 佳洁士:健康笑容来自佳洁士。

17、And a period (which is the time it takes a wave crest to travel one wave length). ─── 和周期(海峰走过一个波长所需的时间)。

18、Bernard is on the crest of a wave because he's just won the football pools. ─── 伯纳德真走运,因为他刚刚赢得了每周足球普尔。

19、The vertical distance from crest to spill plane is the closure of the trap. ─── 从圈闭顶部到溢出面的垂直距离称为圈闭的幅度。

20、The rocky crests , the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man --- all belong to the same family. ─── 岩石徽章,在果汁中的草甸,身体热量的小马,人---都属于同一个家庭。

21、The river will crest in two hours. ─── 两小时后河水将涨到最高点。

22、The struggle this year is like a crest in the waves. ─── 今年是斗争的一个洪峰。

23、Photo taken in Wildwood Crest New Jersey.Tons of great old 50`s motels there. ─── 在天然林中五十年代饭店图片 50`s hotel in Wildwood NJ.

24、Soon a red streak became visible in the horizon, the waves whitened, a light played over them, and gilded their foaming crests with gold. ─── 不久,地平线上现出了一道红色的长带,波浪渐渐变成了白色,一道亮光掠过海上面,把吐着白沫的浪尖染成了金黄色。

25、Many hadrosaurs in other parts of the world had head ornamentations, or crests, but Edmontosaurus did not. ─── 世界上其他地方有许多鸭嘴龙长了头部装饰物(或称头冠),但是爱德蒙脱龙没有。

26、Now whatever the exact shape of this curve , it must have a crest. ─── 不管该曲线的确切形状如何,它必有一个最高点。

27、Having coloration or a crest suggesting a hood. ─── 冠状的有象羽冠的色彩或羽毛饰的。

28、Last summer, at the crest of my mountain, I watched an ant city prepare to send forth its young queens. ─── 去年夏天,在我家的山顶,我看到一个蚁巢准备放出它们的年轻蚁后。

29、The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family. ─── 因为降临到大地上的一切,终究会降临到大地的儿女们身上。

30、It is an unusual bird with a striking crest on its head. ─── 它是只不同寻常的鸟,头上长着奇特的羽冠。

31、Across the crest of the grave lay a holly bright Christmas wreath. ─── 墓项跨放着一个冬青做的闪亮的圣诞花环。

32、It rolls over sharp crests, and one second you are looking at the sky and the next you are staring straight down at the ground. ─── 它在陡峭的顶峰翻滚,让你前一秒冲到高空仰望,下一秒却落到地面俯视。

33、The highest point of a trap is the crest, or culmination. ─── 含有烃类的那部分圈闭的最低点称为溢出点。

34、He is riding the crest of a wave of popularity. ─── 他正处于声望顶峰时期。

35、The cock (or rooster) bristled his crest. ─── 公鸡竖起了鸡冠。

36、The redness of her crest makes maples loss color. ─── 她顶冠的艳红让枫叶失去了颜色。

37、As long as the system rides this upwelling crest of evolvability, it surfs along. ─── 只要系统搭乘上进化的上升流峰,它就会随波逐流一直向前。

38、The river is expected to crest this weekend at near record levels. ─── 人们认为这条河的河水最高峰将在周末接近历史最好水平。

39、Originally a German living in Hebei days in the Plaza King Crest after day after purchasing a penthouse. ─── 一位原本在天河北居住的德国人,在逸景翠园看了一天后就选购了一套复式单位。

40、Beneath the crests, the water is calm and reflects light directly back toward MODIS. ─── 在浪尖以下的水是平静的并且把阳光直接反射到MODIS。

41、It originates from Poupart's ligament/inguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium. ─── 从外面就可以看到这些肌肉被三条或更多腱划经过。

42、Their new outpost was on the crest of a hill. ─── 他们新的前哨阵地设在一座小山包顶上。

43、Where a trough and crest coincide we get the total amplitude zero. ─── 在波峰与波谷重合之处,总振幅实际上为零。

44、Communism was riding the crest of history. ─── 共产主义正处于极盛时期。

45、They are working their way along a stream bed that rises toward a distant crest. ─── 他们沿着一条小溪的河床,爬向远处一座山峰。

46、Across the lake, a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest . ─── 在湖的那一边,一抹耀眼的红色爬上了荫郁森林的顶端,映衬出母亲在湖岸的侧影;

47、However, the farmers who began near the crest of a cycle were usually in trouble. ─── 可是在接近这一价格循环的顶点时开始经营的农民往往会倒霉。

48、The band is riding the crest of its last tour. ─── 乐队正处于最近这次巡回演出的顶峰状态。

49、turn, affects how the crests and troughs of the incident and reflected rays fall on each other. ─── 反过来又影响了彼此的反射光和入射光的波峰和波谷下降。

50、Of course, as my mother told me, the Turnbulls on her side also had titles and crests for saving the king from a charging bull. ─── 当然,照我母亲的说法,她那一方的特恩布尔(Turnbulls)因为曾从牛蹄下救出国王,也有头衔和徽章。

51、I must ascend the mountain's crest; it dwarfs all peaks under my feet. ─── 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小

52、The hissing crest of the huge wave bites at your shoulder. ─── 发出啸声的巨浪的浪峰劈头盖脑地向你袭来。

53、Off to one side, just below the crest of a little hill, there was a natural hideout. ─── 在这条小径的一边,在一个小山顶的下,有一个天然的隐蔽处。

54、The handcraft of your family even characterized the crest of your "hometown"! ─── ??家人的手工艺连??“家乡”最高点的特色也刻画出来了!

55、No doubt the place will be covered with gold crests, faux-historic polo gear and red-velvet Napoleonic chairs. ─── 毫无疑问,这个地方将会被金碧辉煌的徽标、仿古马球球具和拿破仑时代的红丝绒座椅装点得贵气十足。

56、They walked in the vehicle tracks and not on the crest of the road. ─── 他们走在车轮留下的印痕里,而不是路中间。

57、For the love but crest! For intimate lover but persist! ─── 为爱情而顶!为亲密爱人而执着!

58、The truck hulked up suddenly over the crest of the hill. ─── 卡车在小山顶上突然像个庞然大物似地出现了。

59、His career is on the crest of a wave at present. ─── 他的事业现在正处于波峰。

60、The surfers were riding in towards the beach on the crests of the waves. ─── 冲浪者们顺着浪头冲向岸边。

61、A natural or geographic projection resembling a nipple, as a mountain crest. ─── 乳头状物类似乳头的任何自然的或地理上的突起物,如山顶

62、It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, and various exotic colorations. ─── 它有时被显示以被羽毛装饰的翼、冠、火热的鬃毛, 和各种各样的异乎寻常的着色。

63、If intermittent small scale breaking is occurring, the average energy density is limited by conditions near the long wave crests. ─── 如果间歇性的小尺度破碎正在发生,平均能量密度就要受到长波波峰附近状况的限制。

64、But at the crest he saw a shallow valley, empty of life. ─── 可是到了山头,只看见一片死沉沉的,寸草不生的浅谷。

65、Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a hill . ─── 在坡顶绝不要企图超车。

66、At issue is Crest Pro-Health Rinse, P&G’s recently introduced alcohol-free mouthwash. ─── 在佳洁士的问题是职业卫生冲洗,宝洁公司最近推出了不含酒精漱口水。

67、Nintendo is riding the crest of an American videogame market that has been punctuated by sharp boom-and-bust cycles. ─── 任天堂现高居周斯性暴起暴落的美国电子游戏机市场之巅峰。

68、Fragments of powdery cloud like spray flung from a wave crest, sprinkled the radiant, lake-blue heaven. ─── 几片碎云,象从海峰上喷出的水花,散落在蔚蓝色的天空,闪烁着银辉。

69、Pheochromocytoma is a neoplasm of neural crest origin arising in the adrenal medulla. ─── 嗜铬细胞瘤是发起于肾上腺髓质神经嵴起源点的一种赘生物。

70、See that your family is safe from flood crests, fire or falling buildings. ─── 务必保证你的家人安全避开洪峰、火灾或倒塌的建筑物。

71、He reached the crest of the hill before dawn. ─── 他于黎明前到达山顶。

72、The river is expected to crest in St.Louis Monday. ─── 周一圣路易斯的水位可能达到顶点。

73、They carried the crest of their family, or families, on their coat of arms. ─── 他们的铠甲上戴有家里,或家族的徽章。

74、Therefore, I decided the righteousness to did not return to attend to a ground of crest! ─── 因此,我决定义无返顾地顶了!

75、The Lachrymal bone, supraoccipital crest, postcleithrum and Pelvic girdle are well-developed. ─── 上枕嵴特别发达。前上颌骨无齿,上颌骨较大,厚实,腭骨有齿,角舌骨有长裂孔。

76、Will there be such a crest every year like those in the Yellow River? ─── 以后是不是年年要来一个洪峰象每年黄河的洪峰要来一样?

77、Now a fire bloomed along the hill's crest, a sign of life amidst the downs and damp and centuries of death. ─── 如今,在这山顶现出了一堆火光,象是唯一的生命迹象,出现在这些山丘中,这些潮湿的夜色下,这些延续了千百年的死亡之间。

78、Along its crest were the Anger Stones, faint gray points against the blue sky. ─── 在山顶上,是那些愤怒之石,看上去,如同蓝色天空下,微弱的灰点。

79、Their growth results from material being scoured from the trough regions and deposited over the crests. ─── 他们的生长是由波谷冲刷和波峰淤积而引起的。

80、Away over their crests opened out a broad, sunny landscape. ─── 从树梢望过去,展现着一片宽阔的阳光普照的美景。

81、Unsightly contour was improed by remoing more bone from crest posteriorly. ─── 从髂嵴后方切除多余骨质后难看的外形得以改善。

82、The BIL is usually expressed as a per-unit of the peak (crest) value of the normal operating voltage to earth. ─── BIL一般表示成对地正常工作电压的标么值。

83、Reached the crest of the hill before dawn. ─── 他在黎明前到达了山顶。

84、If intermittent small scale breaking is occurring, the average energy density is limited by conditions near the long wave crests. ─── 如果间歇性的小尺度破碎正在发生,平均能量密度就要受到长波波峰附近状况的限制。

85、The young women spun around, and looked toward the crest, jambiya poised to strike. ─── 她迅速拉过几捧沙撒在他的头上和身上。只消一刻这人就死掉埋掉了。

86、He is riding on the crest of success. ─── 他现在真是春风得意。

87、The crest of Tokyo represents the sun radiating energy in six directions. ─── 东京的徽章代表朝六个方向放射能源的太阳。

88、Be modest when you are on the crest of the wave. ─── 在最得意的时候要谦虚。

89、He watched him go till he passed over the crest and disappeared. ─── 他看着前面的人远去,直至消没在山顶后面。


a pairing of的中文翻译  a pairing of  一对配对  双语例句  

1  A pairing of the labelled thick filaments was frequently observed.  观察到粗丝在与标记抗体反应后,有侧向偶联现象。  

2  Folds commonly show a pairing of crests and troughs.  褶皱通常显示出成对的脊与糟。

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