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09-21 投稿


laryngoscope 发音

英:[l??r??g?sk??p]  美:[lɑ?r?ng??sko?p]

英:  美:

laryngoscope 中文意思翻译



laryngoscope 短语词组

1、laryngoscope blades ─── 喉镜窥视片

2、electrothermic laryngoscope ─── [医] 电热喉镜

3、foregger laryngoscope ─── 前额喉镜

4、laryngoscope dataset ─── 喉镜数据集

5、laryngoscope investigative sci ─── 喉镜检查sci

laryngoscope 词性/词形变化,laryngoscope变形

副词: laryngoscopically |名词: laryngoscopy |形容词: laryngoscopic |

laryngoscope 相似词语短语

1、laryngoscopy ─── n.喉镜检查

2、pharyngoscopes ─── n.[耳鼻喉]咽镜,咽窥器

3、laryngoscopies ─── n.喉镜检查

4、laryngoscopist ─── n.喉镜检查专家

5、laryngoscopes ─── n.检喉镜,[耳鼻喉]喉镜

6、pharyngoscope ─── n.[耳鼻喉]咽镜,咽窥器

7、laryngoscopic ─── 喉镜检查的

8、myringoscope ─── 鼓膜镜

9、pharyngoscopy ─── n.咽镜检查;鼻咽镜检查

laryngoscope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinical investigation of anesthesia with total venous anesthesia during suspension laryngoscope ─── 全静脉麻醉用于支撑喉镜声带手术的临床观察

2、Anaesthetic laryngoscope can be an effective method used to diagnose and take out foreign body of hypopharynx. This method is simple, convenient and has a high rate of success. ─── 在特殊人群中麻醉喉镜可作为下咽异物诊断和取出的一种有效方法 ,该方法使用简便 ,成功率高

3、Laryngeal microresecting technique combined with radiofrequency under laryngoscope and rigid telescope to treat early period cancer of glottis cancer and precancerosis of larynx ─── 支撑喉内窥镜下吸引旋切技术结合射频治疗声带癌前病变和早期声门癌

4、Pingree TF, Davis RK, Reichman O: Treatment of hypopharyngeal carcinoma: a 10-year review of 1362 cases . Laryngoscope 1987; 97: 901-4. ─── 张燕良、徐茂铭、谢地:下咽癌之治疗---10年间治疗结果之统计分析。中耳医志1988;23:267-73.

5、Emergency medical services laryngoscope kits ─── 急救喉镜工具

6、optic laryngoscope ─── EVO2光学喉镜

7、Keywords fibroptic laryngoscope;vocal nodules;vocal polyps; ─── 关键词纤维喉镜;声带小结;声带息肉;

8、The results of the experiment indicate that this method has many advantages, such as high precision, high speed and getting the comparative position and orientation of the laryngoscope timely. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法具有精确度高、速度快、可实时获得支撑喉镜的相对位置和姿态等优点。

9、multi-function laryngoscope ─── 多功能咽喉镜

10、Laryngoscope showed that arytenoid was significantly within-shifted. The glottic posterior chink vanished in 9 cases and reduced in 3 cases. ─── 喉镜检查见杓状软骨明显内移,声门后裂隙消失9例,缩小3例。

11、Semiconductor Laser Therapy of Laryngopharynx Hemangioma with Fiberoptic Laryngoscope[J]. ─── 引用该论文 马民,张现忠,郭莉,朱琳,乔冰,张现国.

12、magnifying laryngoscope ─── 喉放大镜

13、Wis-Foregger laryngoscope ─── 威-福二氏喉镜

14、laryngoscope blade ─── 喉镜窥视片

15、The Application of Voice Acoustic Analysis in Evaluation of Electronic Laryngoscope Operation ─── 嗓音声学分析在电子喉镜手术疗效评估中的应用

16、A miniature video camera on the tip of the laryngoscope relays a picture to the screen on the monitor to help its correct insertion. ─── 喉镜顶端的小型摄像机将图像传输到监测仪屏幕上从而保证管子的正确插入。

17、suspension laryngoscope ─── 悬吊式喉镜

18、If you cannot see the ocal cords or epiglottis after positioning the laryngoscope blade, you hae probably inserted the blade too far or hae not placed the blade precisely in the midline. ─── 如果在调整好喉镜窥视片位置后,不能观察到声带或会厌,可能是由于窥视片插入太深或未能将其精确地放置于正中线所致。

19、Clinical study of radio-frequency and marsupialization in epiglottic cyst under self-retaining laryngoscope ─── 支撑喉镜下射频加囊肿揭盖术治疗会厌囊肿的临床研究

20、Clinical Observation on the High Frequency Jet Ventilation with the Thin Tracheal Tube During Laryngoscopic Surgery Under Suspension Laryngoscope ─── 小口径气管导管高频喷射通气用于支撑喉镜手术的临床观察

21、disposable laryngoscope ─── 一次性使用喉镜

22、Application of self-retaining laryngoscope combined with bronchofiberscope in the treatment of laryngeal disease ─── 支撑喉镜与纤维支气管镜联合应用治疗喉部疾病的体会

23、Clinical experience on prevention of complications occurred during microsurgery under self-retaining laryngoscope ─── 如何减少显微支撑喉镜手术的并发症

24、Shyh-Kuan Tai, Shyue-Yih Chang (1999) Contralateral hemilaryngotracheal flap reconstruction of the hypopharynx in pyriform carcinoma resection. Laryngoscope 109:221-225. (SCI Journal ─── 戴世光、徐念宗、张学逸(1998)经喉气管纵向切除及喉气管瓣重建术治疗晚期下咽癌。中耳医志33:569-76。

25、Effect of laryngeal microresecting technique under laryngoscope and rigid telescope with video system on reserving vocal function ─── 支撑喉内窥镜下喉吸引旋切技术对保留发音功能的作用

26、Keywords Suspension laryngoscope;Laryngomicrosurgery;Perioperative period;Nursing; ─── 关键词支撑喉镜;喉显微外科;围手术期;护理;

27、Fiber laryngoscope; Nasal endoscopy; Maxillary sinus cyst. ─── 纤维喉镜;鼻内镜;上颌窦囊肿。

28、flicker laryngoscope ─── 喉闪光镜

29、There was blood on the laryngoscope, common in difficult intubations. ─── 喉镜上有血,在插管困难时是很常见。

30、Semiconductor Laser Therapy of Laryngopharynx Hemangioma with Fiberoptic Laryngoscope ─── 半导体激光治疗咽喉部血管瘤的疗效观察

31、Application of the laryngotracheal topical anesthesia kit in micro- self- retaining laryngoscope surery during transnasal tracheal intubation ─── 喉麻管在显微支撑喉镜经鼻插管中的应用

32、I do have difficulty in breathing when I do hard jobs the doctor in the Outpatient Department examined me with the laryngoscope. ─── 我在干重活时确实觉得呼吸困难,门诊医生对我用喉镜进行了检查。

33、Indirect laryngoscope is gradually replaced by magnifying laryngoscope for its faint brightness. ─── 间接喉镜手术光照暗淡,有被间接放大喉镜取代的趋势。

34、Application of dynamic laryngoscope in suggestion therapy of psychic aphonia ─── 动态喉镜在精神性失音暗示治疗中的应用

35、flexible laryngoscope ─── 挠屈性喉镜

36、Objective: To study the diagnostic and therapeutic effects of electronic laryngoscope in treating laryngeal diseases and discuss some problems concerned. ─── 摘要目的:分析应用电子喉镜诊断和治疗喉部常见疾病的疗效,以及手术应注意的问题。

37、health laryngoscope ─── 卫生喉镜

38、There was blood on the laryngoscope, common in difficult intubations. ─── 上有血,在插管困难时是很常见。

39、microsurgery laryngoscope ─── 喉头显微镜手术

40、The connection of these structures became known in the late 19th century. Otolaryngologists use an otoscope to examine the eardrum and a laryngoscope (developed in 1855) to inspect the larynx. ─── 19世纪后期,耳科才与喉科相联。耳喉科医生用耳镜检查耳鼓,用喉镜(1855年发明)检查喉。

41、Pedestal laryngoscope ─── 支撑喉镜

42、Results: All the foreign bodies were taken out with direct laryngoscope or laryngotracheobronchoscope successfully. ─── 结果:103例在直达喉镜和支气管镜下均顺利取出异物。

43、Methods: Sixty-five patients suffering from vocal polyp were operated by the fibre laryngoscope and indirect laryngeal forceps. ─── 方法对65例广基声带息肉病人采用纤维喉镜联合间接喉钳行声带息肉摘除术。

44、Objective To approach the clinical effects of treating leukoplakia of the larynx with mucosa and epidermal stripping under support laryngoscope. ─── 摘要目的探讨支撑喉镜下黏膜表皮剥落术治疗喉白斑病的临床效果。

45、operating laryngoscope ─── 手术喉镜

46、Keywords Laryngoscope;Lighted stylet;Intubation;Hemodynamics; ─── 喉镜;光索;插管;血流动力学;

47、The Application of McCoy laryngoscope in Tracheal Intubation ─── 喉镜在气管插管中的应用

48、Second, the master and slave kinematical models were analyzed separately, and the master-slave model for the motion inside the laryngoscope was proposed. ─── 其次,分别建立了主操作手与从操作手的运动学模型,提出了工具在支撑喉镜下运动的主从对应运动学模型;

49、laryngoscope for children or infants ─── 儿童及婴儿用直接喉镜

50、Objective: To explore the effect of the excision of the huge vocal cord polyp by an electronic laryngoscope. ─── 目的:探讨电子喉镜下巨大声带息肉摘除术的可行性及疗效。


52、Glenn Isaacson. Universal Newbom hearing screening in an InnerCity , Managed care environment[ J]. Laryngoscope, 2000,110: 881. ─── 听力学及言语疾病杂志,2001,9(新生儿听力筛查专刊):16.

53、Different local anaesthesia for excision of vocal cord polyp under electronic laryngoscope ─── 不同表面麻醉药在声带息肉摘除术中的应用

54、Objective To assess the treatment effects of the vocal nodules under microlaryngoscope and retraining laryngoscope and to review the significance of voice rehabilitation after operation. ─── 摘要目的探讨支撑喉镜下声带小结显微手术的疗效及术后发声矫治的意义。

55、Objective:To probe into nursing coordination of laryngeal cancer patients undergoing early resection under laryngeal endoscope combined with shoring laryngoscope. ─── 探讨喉内窥镜联合支撑喉镜切除早期喉癌的手术护理配合。

56、Laryngoscope surgery ─── 喉镜手术

57、Seifert's self-holding laryngoscope ─── 塞弗特(氏)自持式喉镜

58、Keywords Micro-self-retaining Laryngoscope;Transnasal tracheal intubation;Thyrocricocentesis;Laryngotracheal topical anesthesia kit; ─── 支撑喉镜;鼻插管;环甲膜穿刺;喉麻管;


60、rearview laryngoscope ─── 反光喉镜

61、Second,the master and slave kinematical models were analyzed separately,and the master-slave model for the motion inside the laryngoscope was proposed. ─── 其次,分别建立了主操作手与从操作手的运动学模型,提出了工具在支撑喉镜下运动的主从对应运动学模型;

62、laryngoscope for infants ─── 婴儿用喉镜

63、Methods: Surgical incision and drainage of retropharyngeal abscess were done through an intraoral approach with the straight laryngoscope. ─── 方法:直接喉镜引导下经口行咽后脓肿切开引流术,术后辅以全身抗炎治疗。

64、Lingual Nerve Injury After Laryngeal Operation Under Self-Retaining Laryngoscope ─── 支撑喉镜下喉手术后并发舌神经损伤

65、laryngoscope for adults ─── 成人用直接喉镜

66、The nurse handed him the laryngoscope with which to visualize the vocal cords before inserting the breathing tube into the lungs. ─── 护士递给他喉镜,以便他在插入气管导管前暴露声带。

67、Objective To develop a catheter which can treat middle ear disease with cannula in eustachian tube by fiberoptic laryngoscope. ─── 中耳疾患是严重影响人民群众健康的常见疾病之一,尤其是慢性分泌性中耳炎,反复发作,迁延不愈。

68、electrothermic laryngoscope ─── [医] 电热喉镜

69、stainless steel laryngoscope blade ─── 不锈钢喉镜片

70、A comparison of therapeutic effects between the surgical procedures with self-retaining laryngoscope and electronic laryngoscope on vocal polyp ─── 两种不同方式的声带息肉手术比较

71、Emergency medical services laryngoscope bags ─── 急救服务喉镜包

72、38 Cases of Epiglottic Cystectomy under General Anesthesia Self-Retaining Laryngoscope ─── 全麻支撑喉镜下会厌囊肿切除手术38例

73、Compare effects of total intravenous anesthesia and balanced anesthesia on stress response on suspensive laryngoscope vocal cords surgery ─── 全静脉麻醉和平衡麻醉对支撑喉镜声带手术应激反应影响的比较

74、dynamic laryngoscope ─── 动态喉镜

75、Wis-Hipple laryngoscope ─── 威-希二氏喉镜

76、Abstract Objective:To explore the effect and the way of microwave under the fiber laryngoscope to treat the vocal nodules and polyp. ─── 摘要目的:探讨纤维喉镜下微波治疗声带小结和息肉的疗效和方法。

77、anterior commissure laryngoscope ─── 前连合喉镜

78、Macintosh direct laryngoscope ─── Macintosh直接喉镜

79、Keywords Seeing optical stylet;Difficult tracheal intubation;Direct laryngoscope; ─── 可视可塑型硬光纤喉镜;困难气管插管;直接喉镜;

80、Keywords Vocal cord;Polyps;Electronic laryngoscope;Surgical procedures;operative; ─── 声带;息肉;电子喉镜;外科手术;

81、The laryngoscope clicked against the patient's teeth: Her neck was not adequately extended. ─── 喉镜撞倒了病人的牙齿:她的脖子没有得到充分扩展。

82、Observation of the therapeutic effect of the micro-stryker instrument in the vocal cord polypectomy under nasal endoscope and multi-function laryngoscope ─── 多功能咽喉镜及鼻内镜辅助下应用喉吸引旋切刀治疗声带息肉

83、Hypoglossal nerve paralysis complicated by ablation of polyp of vocal cord under self-retaining laryngoscope ─── 支撑喉镜声带息肉切除术后并发舌下神经麻痹

84、opening at side laryngoscope ─── 侧开式直接喉镜

85、Guedel's laryngoscope ─── 古德尔(氏)喉镜

86、Clinical observation of McCoy laryngoscope in difficult endotracheal intubation ─── McCoy喉镜用于困难气管插管的临床观察

87、Keywords Intubation;intratracheal Laryngoscope Light wand; ─── 插管法;气管内;喉镜;气管插管引光器;

88、Keywords multi-function laryngoscope;nasal endoscope;dynamic system;vocal cord polypectomy;micro-stryker instrument; ─── 多功能咽喉镜;鼻内镜;动力系统;声带息肉;旋切;

89、fiber optic laryngoscope ─── 光导纤维喉镜

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