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09-21 投稿


metope 发音

英:[?meto?p]  美:[?met??p]

英:  美:

metope 中文意思翻译



metope 词性/词形变化,metope变形


metope 短语词组

1、triglyph metope ─── 三酸法

metope 相似词语短语

1、metate ─── n.磨刀石

2、metage ─── n.重量或容量检定;称量税

3、metascope ─── n.红外线显示器;红外线指示器

4、metopic ─── 额的

5、metopon ─── n.甲基二氢吗啡酮(一种镇痛药);麦托朋

6、metepa ─── n.甲基涕巴(一种昆虫不孕剂)

7、metaph ─── 后生

8、emmetrope ─── n.正视眼,正视(emmetropia的变形)

9、metopes ─── n.墙面;柱间壁

metope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be opposite in the home before of metope decorate not much, hang kitchenware on the wall so not wholesome, conversely flyblown the wall is cleaned very hard also. ─── 以前家中对墙面的修饰不多,所以把厨房用具挂在墙上不卫生,反过来弄脏了墙也很难打扫。

2、From shallow green metope, to green sofa, still have the green branch in green vase, but most those who give prize still is that quadrate arras on the wall. ─── 从浅绿的墙面,到绿色沙发,还有绿色花瓶里的绿色枝条,但最出彩的还是墙上那幅方形挂毯。

3、Additional, still one is plant simple, interesting adornment practice is stick in metope, draw a few endearment design. ─── 另外,还有一种简单,有趣的装饰做法是在墙面贴,绘一些钟爱的图案。

4、Protruding shows the decorative thread at metope, below lamplight, form the shadow that has the law naturally, make a vision contented, full. ─── 凸现于墙面的装饰线,灯光下,自然而然地形成有规律的阴影,让视觉充实、饱满。

5、If the space is too little, can stand to exchange the word of the shoe only, had better be in so often the wall point that the hand helps does an adornment board, in case flyblown metope. ─── 假如空间太小,只能站着换鞋的话,那么最好在经常手扶的墙壁处做一块装饰板,以防弄脏墙面。

6、In main body (furniture, electric equipment, metope) below immobile circumstance, how already handy the household of economy that lets you " is old appearance changed new colour " ? ─── 在主体(家具、电器、墙面)不动的情况下,怎样既简便又经济的让你的家居“旧貌换新颜”呢?

7、Sit in the choice implement when, the distance that should decide outfall center and metope first (namely hole is apart from) . ─── 在选择坐便器时,要先确定排水口中心与墙面的距离(即坑距)。

8、transparent, clear, do not affect metope adornment effect, firm bonding, don't fall off. ─── 透明、清晰,不影响墙面装饰效果,粘接牢固,不脱落;

9、Thematic wall introduces model of dumb mouth type, form the outspread feeling on the vision, line of a wave foils simple metope livelily. ─── 主题墙采用哑口式造型,形成视觉上的延伸感,一条波浪线将简单的墙面衬托得生动活泼。

10、The armrest of horn of circular arc edge is tie-in aeruginous wood door, stair of ceramic tile inlaid is tie-in ivory metope, natural Mediterranean wind. ─── 圆弧边角的扶手搭配着青绿色的木门,瓷砖镶嵌的楼梯搭配着乳白色墙面,自然的地中海风。

11、Furniture, household decoration, creative lighting, ornament photos, metope adornment, garden art, cane & iron handicraft, soft decoration. ─── 家具、家居摆设、创意灯饰、装饰画、墙面装饰、园林艺术、藤铁工艺品、软装饰品等;

12、In a such space, metope and ceiling chose white tonal in an attempt to consistently to increase dimensional brightness, give a person to be experienced with pure and capacious vision. ─── 在这样的一个空间里,墙面与顶棚一致选择了白色调以求增加空间亮度,给人以纯净宽敞的视觉感受。

13、To avoid exorbitant stimulation, the furniture that can use dark ash and bright grey alternate with in a few places and metope serve as amortize. ─── 为了避免过分的刺激,在一些地方可采用暗灰与亮灰相间的家具及墙面作为缓冲。

14、In this space, large area ground used white metope paint, after sofa advocate metope used bright yellow, the blue-black sofa on collocation and carpet, make whole space moment light beautiful rise. ─── 在这个空间里,大面积地使用了白色墙面漆,在沙发后的主墙面则用了明黄色,搭配上深蓝色的沙发和地毯,使整个空间瞬间亮丽起来。

15、Use material of shallow tonal pure lubricious light to pledge as far as possible in colour respect, white metope can let little shower room look a few bigger. ─── 在色彩方面尽量采用浅色调纯色亮光材质,白色的墙面可以让小浴室看起来大一些。

16、From convenient the angle that decorates 23 to cover sets out, successive spendable metope is the smallest inside hall length had better be in 4 meters of above. ─── 从方便布置二三件套的角度出发,厅内连续可使用的墙面最小长度最好在4米以上。

17、What can manage light color attune or cool color department is tonal for metope chromatically. ─── 可运用浅色调或冷色系的色调为墙面上色。

18、Namely the ceiling among the bedroom, metope all around and ground. ─── 即卧室当中的顶棚、四面的墙面和地面。

19、Must choose illume according to wall and ceiling, for instance, brunet metope can absorb the light, need stronger lamplight. ─── 一定要根据墙壁和天花板来选择照明,比如,深色的墙面会吸收光线,就需要较强的灯光。

20、The stressed skin diaphragm is a structural system that considers profiled sheet of roof and metope working together with framework and purline. ─── 受力蒙皮是考虑房屋屋面、墙面的压型钢板与框架、檩条进行可靠连接而共同工作的结构体系。

21、Next, have mouldproof and moth-proofing function, beardless and afraid climate and environment can produce an effect to metope. ─── 其次,具有防霉防蛀的功能,无须担心气候和环境会对墙面产生影响。

22、If be semifinished product room, the electrical outlet that already installed face plate, want to looked to whether decorate obligate for metope. ─── 假如是毛坯房,已安装的插座面板,要看是否为墙面装修作了预留。

23、Thematic wall introduces model of dumb mouth type, form the outspread feeling on the vision, line of a wave foils simple metope livelily. ─── 主题墙采用哑口式造型,形成视觉上的延伸感,一条波浪线将简单的墙面衬托得生动活泼。

24、Brushed blue metope of the front then, they mutual set off, wonderful, what friends say this is my consistent style is superexcellent reflect. ─── 另外,装修后轻易对家具采购,家居布置产生倦怠感,随随便便的搭配让人后悔莫及。

25、Also some slanting Yu Yanli, make its have free from vulgarity, showily interest, for example white ceramic tile, weak green or bath crock of blue, weak pink or weak yellow metope. ─── 也有的偏于艳丽,使其有脱俗、华贵的意味,例如白色的瓷砖,淡绿或蓝色的浴缸,淡粉或淡黄的墙面。

26、Can design a metope to put aside an installation hereat, 7 broken of 8 dish, bottle of cup, condiment, scoop, ladle receive entirely, avoid them to occupy the mesa space of ambry. ─── 可以设计一幅墙面搁架安装于此,把零七碎八的盘、杯、调料瓶、铲子、勺子等全部收纳,避免它们占据橱柜的台面空间。

27、Weak pink metope matches one integrated mass of new classical furniture, the mature romantic take bit of little girls of lovely. ─── 淡粉的墙面配浑然一体的新古典家具,成熟的浪漫带点小女生的可爱。

28、Ivory the unity with orange concordant, make whole metope appears have infinite imaginary space to hold the post of person freedom to gallop. ─── 乳白色和橙色谐和的统一,使整个墙面显得拥有无限的想象空间任人自由驰骋。

29、With the metope hollow out of the study, those who make a visual sense is penetrable with the space outspread, make home of interior space feeling big, do not suffer short. ─── 与书房的墙面镂空,作视觉的穿透与空间的延伸,让室内空间感家大,不受局促。

30、For example, same colour pattern is applied to have the ground or metope successfully different colorific in space of whole and open mode photograph adjacent area joins together. ─── 例如,在整个开放式空间中运用相同的色彩模式可以成功地将地面或墙面具有不同色彩的相邻区域连接在一起。

31、Marble is commonly used to decorate metope, make the desktop and all kinds of stationery and crafts. ─── 大家常用大理石来装修墙面、制造桌面及各种文具和工艺品。

32、Use mousse forbid surfeit, if therefore cause damage to the company metope, smashed glass accident, it must pay. ─── 使用摩丝的不许过量,如果因此导致损坏公司墙面、撞碎玻璃等事故,必须照价赔偿。

33、Architectural engineering: the ground, metope, toilet, within the areas such as waterproof. ─── 建筑工程:地面,内、外墙面,卫生间等部位防水。

34、Will tell from the angle of convenient life, the chunk space of metope of the head of a bed can make us have a lot of play room actually. ─── 从方便生活的角度来讲,床头墙面的大块空间其实可以令我们有很多的发挥余地。

35、Thematic wall gives a person the sense that forestall one's opponent by a show of strength, whole metope does not have any complex designs. ─── 主题墙给人先声夺人的感觉,整个墙面没有任何复杂的设计。

36、But, the biggest contraindication in sitting room design is all rooms circle hall to decorate, cause open the door too much, complete metope is little. ─── 但是,客厅设计中最大的禁忌是所有房间绕厅布置,造成开门太多,完整墙面少。

37、Because metope is easy flyblown, the family that has a child can be doodle more and the injury shows head. ─── 因为墙面轻易弄脏,有小孩的家庭更会为涂鸦而伤透脑筋。

38、Study: Black desk around move gray metope, formed a L model. Be mixed by book, blueprint on mesa computer equipment stack, what reflected a study adequately is practical with optional. ─── 书房:黑色的写字台围绕着灰色的墙面,形成了一个L型。台面上被书、图纸和电脑设备堆满,充分体现了书房的实用与随意。

39、The coating of same color also had better besmear brush end.If face of construction ending back wall needs to repair, be about to brush whole metope recoat. ─── 在水泥干透之后,用专用的水平尺确定整个地面的平整度,然后再进行下一步的施工。

40、Compare inside winter bedroom dry, metope can appear tiny flaw, mudebanye is possible dehydration is weather-shack. ─── 冬季居室内比较干燥,墙面会出现细小的裂纹,木地板也有可能脱水干裂。

41、The metope of toilet, the ground is used commonly white, reseda, auroral etc. ─── 卫生间的墙面,地面一般采用白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。

42、Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate. ─── 刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。

43、In the meantime, the metope that finds a sitting room to do not let a person too too drab, made wall of one side vicissitudinous again. ─── 同时,为了不让人感觉到客厅的墙面太过单调,又做了一面有变化的墙。

44、Advocate effect of defended metope is likewise contemporary and rich adornment, asperse in bath crock of white full rose valve. ─── 主卫的墙面同样现代而富有装饰效果,白色的浴缸中洒满了玫瑰花瓣。

45、Can use lesser commonly at metope. ─── 一般较少会使用于墙面。

46、The ground, metope sticks ceramic tile, coping can be used plastic board or organic glass condole supports. ─── 地面、墙面贴瓷砖,顶部可采用塑料板或有机玻璃吊顶。

47、This kind reveals used shelf to be able to place beloved photograph to wear, of bottle of small artwork, floret, small horological and so on, can grace for metope many! ─── 因为有了它们以后,两三天擦一次地,也不会觉得脏。浴室门口的地垫更是功不可没,能吸走鞋底的水,使拉拉不会滑倒。

48、Although be not bought, sheet is his " neither wallpaper, also be not general metope lacquer " concept, also can let " decorate gens people " shine at the moment. ─── 即使不买,单是其“既非壁纸,也非一般墙面漆”的概念,也能让“装修一族们”眼前一亮。

49、Can make the small shelf with a few differ accident appropriately on metope, have certain adornment effect already so, can place a few adornment again small perhaps fragmentary. ─── 可以在墙面上适当做一些长短不一的小搁板,这样既起到一定的装饰作用,又可以放置一些装饰品或者小零碎。

50、Graph one: The inner world of goodwife is romantic and sweet, stylist is chosen gentle pink make give priority to tone, harmony of metope, end face, floor is tie-in. ─── 图一:女主人的内心世界浪漫而温馨,设计师选用暖和的粉红色作为主调,墙面、顶面、地板和谐搭配。

51、The cream-colored floor tile of of primitive simplicity and abound furniture of formative Europe type makes whole space warm and vernal, the fireplace model with compact metope is smooth add flavor of how much life. ─── 古朴的米色地砖和富于造型的欧式家具让整个空间暖和和煦,墙面简洁的壁炉造型平添几许生活气息。

52、Check whether the new toilet drain is open, the ceiling and metope is leaking, whether there is any need to repeat. ─── 检查新居的马桶排水孔是否畅通,天花板和墙面是否漏水,是否还有需要补修的地方。

53、Unaccustomed after use the toilet backhand presses average person use strong water button, their design can install pushbutton on the metope of forehand position. ─── 一般人在如厕后都不习惯反手按动冲水按钮,他们的设计就可以把按钮安装在正手位置的墙面上。

54、On the metope of smooth simple but elegant, also can hang buy to wait for the basketwork of material make it with bavin, careless, reed, palm, hemp. ─── 在光滑素雅的墙面上,也可挂置用柴、草、苇、棕、麻等材料做成的编织物。

55、On the choice that decorates material, no matter metope, ceiling still is a floor, should choose material of environmental protection of avirulent dull green. ─── 在装饰材料的选择上,无论墙面、天花板还是地板,应选用无毒无味的绿色环保材料。

56、Mix besides the bed in the bedroom dresser, two metope installed mural ark, use at depositing clothings, joint also does not have the right angle with simple make it, raised a profile however, make quadrate space much change. ─── 卧室里除了床和梳妆台,两个墙面都设置了壁柜,用于存放衣物,连接处也没有做成简单的直角,而是增加了一个侧面,使方形的空间多了变化。

57、On dimensional design, stylist is setting with bright red lubricious metope, reveal the enthusiasm with young and bold and unrestrained habitant and vigor with all one's strength. ─── 在空间设计上,设计师以大红色墙面为背景,全力彰显居住者年轻奔放的热情和活力。

58、Decorate in metope in, qualitative, colour and construction craft are opposite different capable person metope decorates generation very big impact, use up and affect indoor whole to decorate a style. ─── 在墙面装修中,不同的材质、色彩及施工工艺都对墙面装修产生很大影响,尽而影响到室内的整体装饰风格。

59、Wall of one side art is on the right side of, lamplight hides ably in the groove of metope, water is dizzy the dark grain like ases if to dropping off gradually in downy light. ─── 右侧是一面艺术墙,灯光巧妙地藏在墙面的凹槽里,水晕般的暗纹在柔和光线中仿佛正渐渐散去。

60、Additional, can will all around metope and ceiling even the place such as the doorcase of detail part, window frame, skirting brushs same color. ─── 另外,可以将四面墙面和天花板甚至细节部分的门框、窗框、壁脚板等处都刷成相同的色彩。

61、Still can use in hypostatic metope to make local decoration additionally. ─── 另外还可以用在实体墙面做局部装饰。

62、Condense to avoid indoor lunt, should maintain air expedite, can install air exhauster and exhaust fan to wait commonly, be helpful for metope so maintain. ─── 为避免室内水汽凝聚,要保持空气畅通,一般可装抽风机和排气扇等,这样有利于墙面的保养。

63、Multicoloured lamplight and the adornment with abstract metope draw echo. ─── 五彩的灯光与墙面抽象的装饰画呼应。

64、In light apply on, orientaton nature, half tall partition and the smooth shadow game that metope modelling midstream shows are in the space. ─── 在光的运用上,取向自然,半高的隔墙及墙面造型中流露出的光影游戏在空间中。

65、The ground, metope uses ceramic tile, coping can be used plastic board condole supports. ─── 地面,墙面用瓷砖,顶部可采用塑料板吊顶。

66、Can say, what affect bedroom atmosphere truly is furniture, display and artistic adornment, metope, ground and smallpox just provide the backdrop of an expression for its. ─── 可以说,真正影响卧室氛围的是家具、陈设和艺术装饰品,墙面、地面及天花只是为其提供一个表现的背景。

67、From aluminium metope of board condole top, aluminium board lies to fender of metallic mesa, metal, metal cupboard door, even face of bedplate of cover of metallic central heating, window, floor. ─── 从铝板吊顶、铝板墙面到金属台面、金属挡板、金属卧柜门,甚至金属暖气罩、窗台板、地板面。

68、Advocate lie: Quadrate advocate lying metope is modena, below the premise that withholds polygonal cant housetop, brush it white. ─── 主卧:方形主卧的墙面是深紫色的,在保留多边形斜面屋顶的前提下,将它刷成白色。

69、If metope is of blue purple, it is on the choice of cloth art, can try violet white stripe or lily. ─── 假如墙面是蓝紫色的,在布艺的选择上,可以尝试紫白条纹或纯白色的。

70、Can close the door at ordinary times, cupboard door of white and metope harmony are unified, become a whole space. ─── 平时可以关上门,白色的柜门与墙面和谐统一,成为完整的一个空间。

71、It is single block is enchased no matter use, still rectify a metope to use, all can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 不论是单块镶嵌使用,还是整片墙面使用,皆可有画龙点睛之效。

72、Two arrange the echo of orderly small picture frame and colour of quality of gules metope form, abate the excessive make public of large area red. ─── 两排排列有序的小镜框与红色墙面形成色彩的呼应,减弱了大面积红色的过度张扬。

73、Wall cloth and enclothe there should be striking horizontal pattern on the coating layer of metope. ─── 墙布和覆盖在墙面的涂料层上要有醒目的水平图案。

74、Because the area of metope and ground is large, quite important place is had on the vision, must give take seriously. ─── 因为墙面和地面的面积大,在视觉上占有相当重要的位置,必须给予重视。

75、Can envisage: In sorching summer, the reseda vase that on one places to insert Man Zi lubricious orchid before the metope of peak green, it is what kind relaxed, the business with cozy what kind. ─── 可以想像一下:在炎炎夏日,嫩绿色的墙面前摆上一个插满紫色兰花的浅绿色花瓶,是何等清爽,何等舒服的事情。

76、After 24 hours, reexamination all around metope and ground have without leakage phenomenon. ─── 在24小时后,再检查四面墙面和地面有无渗漏现象。

77、Decorate in the family actually in, it is single block is enchased no matter use, whole still metope uses vitreous brick, can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 其实在家庭装修中,不论是单块镶嵌使用,还是整片墙面使用玻璃砖,都会有画龙点睛的效果。

78、Generally speaking, when the toilet in the home and kitchen are being decorated, its ground, metope should use many ceramic tile. ─── 一般来说,家里的卫生间和厨房在装修时,其地面、墙面都要用不少瓷砖。

79、If the metope of your home is enough even, having the wallpaper by the side of adornment can be a right choice, it can add more color for wall. ─── 假如你家的墙面够平坦,有装饰边的壁纸会是个不错的选择,它能为墙壁增添更多的颜色。

80、The light go up by metope meandering, be mirrorred from the ceiling again and fall, can let a few places produce a shadow, you can choose those who buy him place need from inside various type. ─── 光线由墙面迤逦而上,再从天花板反映而下,会让一些地方产生阴影,你可以从繁多的样式中选购自己所需要的。

81、Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate. ─── 刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。

82、Perhaps go up to arrange the photograph of some of pensile family member strewn at randomly in metope again, surround the domestic atmosphere in warmth every day in the center. ─── 再或者在墙面上错落的排放些悬挂家庭成员的照片,日日包围在温馨的家庭气氛当中。

83、Generally speaking, the metope of the study, ceiling is tonal should choose elegance, bright and clean, subdued light color, be like baby blue, shallow cream-colored, reseda. ─── 一般来说,书房的墙面、天花板色调应选用典雅、明净、柔和的浅色,如淡蓝色、浅米色、浅绿色。

84、In the day with beautiful sunshine, on the ground and sit on red carpet, chewing popcorn, recumbent metope skinning texture, enjoy good afternoon time carefree and contently. ─── 同时,配合相应的灯光效果,使卫生间独具风情。

85、Build the bronze mirror on the cask of akin feeling and metope to it, had the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 与之营造同种感觉的木桶和墙面上的铜镜,起到了画龙点睛的作用。

86、On colour, white metope can hang shallow brown or flaxen picture frame. ─── 在色彩上,白色墙面可挂浅棕色或淡黄色镜框。

87、The kitchen can choose ceramic tile of a beautiful type, adorn insipid metope, prepare food for housewife Ping Tianyu is jumped, lively atmosphere. ─── 厨房可以选择一套花式瓷砖,点缀平淡的墙面,为主妇下厨平添愉跃、活泼的气氛。

88、Also have a shower mast the circular arc between bath crock and metope or orthogonal formative, reduce lunt to diffuse to whole bathroom. ─── 也有把淋浴门架在浴缸与墙面间的圆弧或直角造型的,减少水汽向整间浴室弥漫。

89、After 24 hours, your reexamination all around metope and ground have without leakage phenomenon. ─── 在24小时后,您再检查四面墙面和地面有无渗漏现象。

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