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Lombardic 发音

[l?m'bɑ:dik; l?m-]

英:  美:

Lombardic 中文意思翻译



Lombardic 网络释义

Lombardic 相似词语短语

1、Lombardic ─── adj.伦巴族人的;伦巴第式的;伦巴第写体的;n.伦巴第草写体

2、Lombardia ─── n.伦巴蒂大区(意大利经济最发达的地区)

3、Bombardier ─── n.庞巴迪公司(加拿大一家飞机生产商)

4、Lombardi ─── n.(Lombardi)人名;(西、意、英)隆巴尔迪

5、Lombardy ─── n.伦巴第(意大利州名)

6、Lombard ─── n.放债者;银行家;(意大利)伦巴第族人;adj.伦巴族人的;伦巴第语的

7、Lombards ─── 伦巴底人

8、bombarding ─── n.炮击;射击;曝光;碰撞;照射;adj.急袭的;爆炸的(碰撞的)

9、bardic ─── adj.吟游诗人的

Lombardic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Originally a Roman stronghold known as Ticinum, it served as capital of the Lombard kings before 1359 and later became a leading Italian city-state.Population, 85,056. ─── 以前是罗马一要塞,名为提契南,1359年前为伦巴底国王首府,后来成为重要的意大利城邦。

2、Pooches awaiting their masters peek from a window at Fog City Dogs, a high-end care center on Lombard Steet. ─── 意译:三藩市狗的生活图片。等待它们的主人从一个窗户偷看在雾城市的狗群,一个高端照料集中在巴德街。

3、At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets (Lombard Street, Ohio Street, Market Street, and so on) cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are. ─── 在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。

4、Stars buried nearby include the actors Errol Flynn, Spencer Tracy and Clark Gable, the actress Carole Lombard and the comedian W C Fields. ─── 附近所葬的影星还有男演员埃勒耳 - 弗林、斯宾塞 - 特雷西、克拉克 - 盖博,女演员卡罗尔 - 洛姆巴德以及喜剧演员WC菲尔兹。

5、Toby(Yang) Yu posted a photo: It was amazing to drive all the way down the Lombard street, definitely one of my most memorable moment of my life. ─── 一路开下九曲花街的感觉太棒了!可惜同伴只顾自己玩没拍下我开下的镜头实在是遗憾。...

6、At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street;Ohio Street;Market Street; ─── 在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。

7、Lombard loan ─── 中央银行给商业银行的证券抵押贷款

8、With its twists and turns, Lombard Street is known as the most crooked in the world. ─── 曲折拐弯的隆巴德街恐怕是世界上最弯曲的街道了。

9、Lombard's mastoid rongeur ─── 伦巴德(氏)乳突咬骨钳

10、At most of the important cro ings there is a plan of the streets (Lombard Street;Ohio Street;Market Street; ─── 在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。

11、(11)Lombard dropped to his knees and peeped through the keyhole. ─── 隆巴德跪在地上,从锁孔往里窥视。

12、be Lombard Street to a China orange ─── 悬殊极大, 有天壤之别, 几乎确切无疑

13、In the spring and through the entire summer, Lombard Street is alive with color, as the chrysanthemums, and other well tended flowers are in full bloom. ─── 但由于过度的砍伐,政府推动育林保林活动,桧木林也严禁开采,而当时所留下的桧木房却成为现今部落最珍贵的世界级文化资产!

14、Morning, Sightseeing tour of Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman Wharf, Lombard Street, Palace of fine Art, etc. ─── 参观著名酒厂,欣赏田园风光,品尝葡萄美酒。

15、Company ProfileShanghai Lombard Risk Systems International Ltd is a newly established wholly owned subsidiary of Lombard Risk Management Group. ─── 伦杰资讯技术(上海)有限公司是英国伦巴德风险管理集团(Lombard Risk Management plc)在上海新成立的独资子公司。

16、Lombard General Telegraph Code ─── 伦巴德通用电码

17、At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street ─── 在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。

18、A region of south-central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Conquered by the Romans in the4th century b.c., it was ruled by a Lombard duchy from the6th to the11th century a.d. ─── 莫利塞意大利中南部的一个地区,位于亚得里亚海沿岸。公元前4世纪被罗马人征服,公元6世纪至11世纪由伦巴族公国统治

19、After Lombard and Blore leave to get Lombard's gun, talk to Vera and then talk to the Judge.Talk to the doctor seated on the couch. ─── 听法官讲话当Lombard和Blore离开去拿枪时和Vera及法官交谈与长椅上医生交谈Listen to Judge Wargrave.

20、Meet and talk to Blore and Lombard. ─── 遇到Blore和Lombard并与他们交谈。

21、Lombard's voice-reflex test ─── 伦巴德(氏)噪声反射试验

22、And it is also the more high assertion of the Italian creativity, marked Lombard and milanese. ─── 它也是对意大利文化的创造力更高的坚持和主张,典型的有:伦巴第人和米兰人。

23、Lombard test ─── 隆巴德试验(检聋)

24、Hers was not the clipped, patrician charm of Katharine Hepburn, or the coquettish zaniness of Carole Lombard. ─── 小丑,滑稽表演者,马屁精,追随者,糊涂虫,笨人

25、Lombard School ─── 伦巴第画派

26、Talk to all and learn what Blore knows about the history of the island and Lombard's knowledge of the voice in the recording. ─── 与每人交谈,得知Blore知道小岛历史及Lombard对唱片声音的了解。

27、" Lombard Street Research sees an "iron bubble". ─── 伦巴第街研究所曾见过"钢铁泡沫"。

28、lombard architecture ─── 伦巴第式建筑

29、“As soon as one operator adopts convergence, all the others have to follow,” says Mr Lombard. ─── “只要一个运营商接受融合,那么其他运营商将会紧跟其后,”伦巴第说。

30、That [father] role is shared among a number of people, and these are very large extended families," explained John Lombard, director of the Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association. ─── 在那里,父亲的作用是由很多男人来共同承担的,这样一来,家族的延伸面就变得十分广泛。”

31、And just as the first is called Cremonese, the second Lombard, and the third half-Italian, so this last, which belongs to all Italy, is called the Italian vernacular. ─── 正如第一种我们称之为克雷莫纳话,第二种称为伦巴第话,第三种称为半个意大利话,所以,属于整个意大利的,我们称之为意大利方言。

32、Lombard's nasal rongeur ─── 伦巴德(氏)鼻咬骨钳

33、 双语使用场景

34、It was amazing to drive all the way down the Lombard street, definitely one of my most memorable moment of my life. ─── 一路开下九曲花街的感觉太棒了!可惜同伴只顾自己玩没拍下我开下的镜头实在是遗憾。

35、For as long as she could recall, Goldberg had been intoxicated by the old movies she saw on TV, "I wanted to come down staircases like the actress Carole Lombard. ─── 就戈德堡的记忆所及,她一直陶醉于从电视上看到的那些老影片。“我想像女演员卡罗勒·隆巴德那样从楼梯上走下来。

36、A city of northern Italy in the foothills of the Alps northeast of Milan. Originally a Gallic settlement, it later became a Lombard duchy. Population, 2,84'. ─── 贝加莫:意大利北部一城市,位于米兰市东北部的阿尔卑斯山脚下。原为一高卢人村落,后为伦巴第公爵领地。人口2,84'

37、Kingdom of Lombard ─── 伦巴德王国

38、“We take care of connecting you to the cheapest network, wherever you are,” says Mr Lombard[3] of France Telecom, which recently launched a fixed-mobile service called Unik. ─── “无论你在那里,我们都能让你连接到最便宜的网络”法国电信的伦巴第说到,因为最近法国电信已近推出了一种名为“唯一”的固定-移动合并式服务。

39、It is Lombard Street to a China orange that John will succeed. ─── 约翰会成功这是十拿九稳的。

40、Gall, in Switzerland.Arriving in Italy, Columban met with a benevolent reception at the Lombard royal court, but he soon was faced with noteworthy difficulties. ─── 到达意大利之后,高隆邦在伦巴第族的皇家宫廷里受到了友善的礼遇,但是接踵而至的是令他无法想像的困难。

41、Lombard's tests ─── [医] 隆巴德氏试验(检聋)

42、Lombard Street to a China orange ─── [口]几乎确定无疑, 十拿九准

43、Extended families of siblings, uncles, aunts, and others are said to be extremely stable, Lombard added.For example, there are no divorces to destablize the families. ─── 拉姆巴德还说,通过姊妹、叔伯、姑姨及其他亲属而延伸出去的家族,反而非常稳固,例如,这样的家族就不会因为离婚问题而使家庭变得不稳定。

44、Worshipped by his subjects for his mercy, adored by the beautiful fortuneteller Zerata (Karina Lombard) for his valour. ─── 在对抗黑暗邪魔的战事中,他邂逅漂亮的算命家莎拉(嘉莲娜林柏饰)。

45、Peter Lombard ─── 伦巴都

46、Pepin won territory from the Lombard king in two military campaigns (754, 756) and gave it to the papacy. ─── 他经过两次战役(754、756)赢得伦巴底国王的土地,并把土地交给教廷。

47、It's Lombard Street to a China orange against Smith winning the scholarship. ─── 史密斯获得奖学金的机会极小。

48、In Gaul he anointed Pepin III, Charlemagne, and Carloman as kings of the Romans, and in return Pepin led his army against the Lombardic king Aistulf (754, 756). ─── 在高卢他为丕平三世及其子查理曼、卡洛曼行涂油礼,授予罗马人之王称号。返回时,丕平率领军队进攻伦巴底国王艾斯杜尔夫(Aistulf, 754, 756)。

49、London's Lombard Street Research points out there have been only 26 months in the past 140 years when the S&P 500 was further below this trend than it is now. ─── 伦敦研究公司LombardStreetResearch指出,美国标普500(S&P500)指数在过去140年中,只有26个月位于上述趋势线以下比目前更低的水平。

50、China is a multiracial and uniform country which establish by all Lombardic people. ─── 中国是全国各族人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。

51、Hopcroft, R. R., J. C. Roff and D. Lombard (1998). Production of tropical copepods in Kinston harbor, Jamaica: the importance of small species. Mar. Biol., 130: 293-604. ─── 钟家禄。(2001)。屏东大鹏湾内浮游桡足类群聚之时空分布及摄食速率之研究。国立中山大学海洋资源研究所硕士论文。77页。

53、A city of northern Italy in the foothills of the Alps northeast of Milan. Originally a Gallic settlement, it later became a Lombard duchy. Population, 121,846. ─── 贝加莫:意大利北部一城市,位于米兰市东北部的阿尔卑斯山脚下。原为一高卢人村落,后为伦巴第公爵领地。人口121,846

54、I was a junior partner in a bank in Lombard Street, and had four more days of holiday left. ─── 有一天,我和美妮正在花园里闲坐时,女佣送来一封电报。

55、It's Lombard Street to a China orange that you will ever see your umbrella again; by the time you see Jack to ask for it, he will have lost it. ─── 你很可能再也见不到你的伞了;等你去向杰克要伞时,他也许已经把它丢失了。

56、Look around some more and go back to mansion.Talk to Blore, Lombard and Vera by Vera's bedroom door.Dr.Armstrong is missing.Lombard states that only 3 sailor boys are left. ─── 去Shiprock处发现篝火查看四周回到大厦Vera卧室与Blore、Lombard和Vera交谈医生失踪Lombard说只剩三个水手雕像Go to Shiprock Point and see a bonfire.

57、This area was home to Leonardo Da Vinci and the Lombard kings who supported him. ─── 意大利是达芬奇和支持他的伦巴底国王的故乡。

58、Lombard's test ─── 伦巴德(氏)试验:检一侧伪聋

59、Evidence of this can be seen in the rapid expansion of private-sector credit, which is growing at its fastest pace for at least 14 years, according to Lombard Street Research. ─── 这一点可以通过私人部门信贷的快速增长看出来,根据朗伯德街研究的数据,这一增长是至少14年来最快的。

60、I laid it on him one time about his romance with Carole [Carole Lombard, Gable's wife] and he got pale as hell. ─── 有一次我提起他和Carole(CaroleLombard,盖博当时的妻子)之间的一段罗曼史,他脸色变得很难看。

61、Lombard speech test ─── Lombard说话试验

62、After the death of his third wife, Carole Lombard, he joined the Army Air Corps and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal for his wartime bombing missions. ─── Lombard)过世后,加入美国空军,在战时因执行轰炸任务成功而荣获空军奖章。

63、The lack of live-in fathers shouldn't be taken as evidence that the Mosuo don't value family life, said Lombard, of the Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association. ─── 泸沽湖摩梭族文化发展协会的拉姆巴德说,生活中缺少父亲,并不能因此说明摩梭人就不重视家庭生活的价值。

64、Wherever you walk you'll find it hard to lose yourself.At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets (Lombard Street;Ohio Street;Market Street; ─── 长时间走动之后,你可能感到疲倦,很不舒服,想要游泳。

65、Lombard Carole ─── 卡罗尔·隆巴

66、Lombard Street ─── 朗伯德街

67、Lagoutte D, Lombard G. Determination of organic acids in cigarette smoke by HPLC and capillary electrophoresis. J Chromatography A,1994,684:251 ─── 李炎强,冼可法.直接进样法分析烟草挥发性和半挥发性酸性成分.烟草科技,1998(6):22

68、The CSCM-S algorithm proposed by Lombard et al is very attractivefor multidimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. ─── 由 Lombard 等人提出的 CSCM-S 算法是求解 Euler 及 Navier-Stokes 方程的高效率方法。

69、Lombard rate ─── 仓比利率伦巴德利率证券抵押

70、Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. ─── 它在公元5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。

71、" Lombard said. ─── 但是,如果孩子是自己的姐妹生下来的,就能100%肯定孩子和他有一定的血缘关系。”

72、Yu), DuPage Medical Group, Lombard, IL;the Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology (Dr.Zhu), Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL; ─── 既往研究提示单基因在慢性排斥反应中的作用,但并未对多基因的协同作用进行深入研究。

73、But Gabriel Stein at Lombard Street Research said it was hard not to worry that German companies may be expecting too much. ─── 世行下调增长预期的消息,让德国与日本企业信心调查所展现的更多乐观迹象黯然失色。

74、Mr. Galfrey happened to be cashing a check at a banking-house in lombard ─── 高孚利先生碰巧在仑巴德街上一家银行兑张支票。

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