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lacunal 发音

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lacunal 中文意思翻译



lacunal 相似词语短语

1、lacunary ─── adj.有孔的;缺项的;有缺陷的

2、lacunas ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

3、faunal ─── adj.动物区系的

4、lacunars ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

5、lacunule ─── 腔隙

6、lacunar ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

7、lacuna ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

8、lacunae ─── n.脱漏;缺损;裂陷(lacuna的复数形式)

9、lacunate ─── adj.有孔的

lacunal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The TCD Obstruct the Analytic Diagnosis in Examination Value with CT to the Brain of Lacuna ─── TCD与CT对腔隙性脑梗死检测分析的诊断价值

2、EM of osteocyte in lacuna. ─── 电镜示骨细胞和骨陷窝。

3、Therefore, the lacuna in harmonization of international/transnational merger control has understandably and deservedly attracted and become a subject in some fora. ─── 从经济学角度观察,现今各国迳自执行其结合管制管辖权者,系罔顾全球消费者福利,仅就各个切割市场划分保护之结果。

4、Morgagni's lacuna ─── [医] 莫尔加尼氏陷窝, 尿道陷窝, 尿道腔隙

5、Mechanism of embolism-resisting capsule treating cerebral infarct of the lacuna ─── 抗栓胶囊治疗腔隙性脑梗塞机理

6、cultural lacuna ─── 文化空缺

7、After durative and rotated pressure experiments, tissue cells in pelvis of wrist cartilage were deformed, cartilage lacuna was nearly disappeared, and vascular was injured. ─── 持续的压力、扭转力造成软骨盘组织细胞变形、软骨陷窝几乎消失;软骨盘内血管受损。

8、air lacuna ─── [医] 空气腔隙

9、Graafian lacuna ─── [医] 格雷夫氏卵泡, 囊状卵泡

10、It is this political lacuna that makes optimists about Brazil so impatient. ─── 正是这块政治上的疤痕使得对巴西的前景很有信心的乐天派们变得像热锅上的蚂蚁,如坐针毡。

11、Havers' lacuna ─── [医] 哈弗氏腔隙, 骨腔隙

12、Fill up a lacuna in one's knowledge ─── 填补知识上的空白。

13、Changes of blood lipid,glucose intolerance and insulin sensitivity in hypertension patients with cerebral lacuna infarction after adalat treatment ─── 拜新同对高血压伴脑腔隙梗死患者血脂糖耐量和胰岛素敏感性的影响

14、polar lacuna ─── 极隙

15、lacuna Blessig's ─── [医] 布累西格氏陷窝(位于视网膜前部的空隙)

16、Repair immediately when the lacuna is discovered. ─── 发现缺陷后立即修理。

17、hole lacuna ─── 孔洞缺陷

18、Effect of substrate poral lacuna characteristics on cutting effect of Pelargonium hortorum ─── 基质孔隙特性对天竺葵扦插效果的影响

19、resorption lacuna ─── 吸收腔隙

20、trophoblastic lacuna ─── 滋养层腔隙

21、Objective: To explore whether there is insulin resistance in patients with cerebral lacunal infarction (CLI). ─── 摘要目的:探讨腔隙性脑梗塞(CLI)患者是否存在胰岛素抵抗的问题。


23、Analysis of Lacuna Reasons and Countermeasure to 100 Nursing Writs ─── 100份护理文书的缺陷原因分析与对策

24、lacuna magna ─── 尿道舟状窝, 大陷窝(尿道舟状窝内最大的腺口)

25、This educes a new research topic for lawmaking and theoretical research field.At present,there is a lacuna in the law... ─── 目前我国的行政精神损害赔偿立法还存在很大缺陷,亟需完善行政精神损害赔偿制度。

26、West's lacuna skull ─── [医] 韦斯特氏蜂窝状颅


28、Abstract: Objective:To study the BAEP changes of the patients with suspicious early brainstem lacuna infarction or patch infarction. ─── 文摘:目的:研究早期怀疑脑干腔梗(或小片状梗死)患者的脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)变化。

29、lacuna resorption ─── [医] 腔隙吸收

30、Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. ─── 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。

31、protoxylem lacuna ─── 原生木质部腔隙

32、great lacuna of urethra ─── 尿道舟状窝

33、By X-ray detector, Electronic microscope and energy pedigree instrument, the dispersion lacuna in ZL101A aluminium alloy cast was analyzed. ─── 摘要采用X射线探伤、电镜能谱等测试手段,对ZL101A铸造铝合金铸件断面上弥散分布的细小孔洞缺陷进行分析。

34、lacuna amatorum ─── [医] 人中, 上唇陷窝

35、trophodermal lacuna ─── 滋养腔隙

36、Keywords Nursing writs;Lacuna;Countermeasure; ─── 护理文书;缺陷;对策;

37、lacuna of urethra ─── 尿道腔隙

38、Keywords Environmental dispute;Alternative Dispute Resolution;lacuna;Consummates; ─── 环境纠纷;非诉讼解决机制;缺陷;完善;

39、lacuna labii superior ─── 上唇陷窝

40、lacuna pharyngis ─── 咽陷窝

41、Application of HRCT Scan to Repair The Insufficiency of Lacuna Diagnose ─── 应用高分辨CT(HRCT)扫描弥补腔隙诊断之不足

42、Furthermore the socially mental needs, the lacuna of Technology Assessment, the technical laws which have leaks and the lacuna of ethic all cause the"new contradictions". ─── 此外,社会心理需求的影响、技术评估的缺失、技术的法律制约存在漏洞、技术的伦理制约缺失等都导致了这些新矛盾的出现。

43、poral lacuna ─── 孔隙

44、Keywords aluminium alloy cast;lacuna;shrinkage porosity;pollution; ─── 关键词铝合金铸件;孔洞;缩松;污染;

45、After 3 months, about the repair tissue, the edge was clear, and the surface was pale and uneven, cartilage cell lacuna was visible. ─── 术后3月修复组织境界仍清楚,灰白色,表面不整,软骨细胞陷窝明显,阳性染色细胞巢(II型胶原)增多,S-100蛋白未见表达。

46、strong lacuna ─── 强的隙窝

47、And with new innovations in microscope technology, the lacuna between imaging speed and resolution continues to narrow. ─── 在创新的显微镜技术下,摄影速度和解析度的缺口正在缩小。

48、Abstract: The lacuna of Chinese banking industrial structure is one of the important reasons why the efficiency of China banking industrial organization is so low. ─── 内容提要 中国银行业产业组织效率低下的一个重要原因是市场结构存在缺陷。

49、30 Cases of cerebral lacunal infarction treated by xanthinol micotinate injection ─── 利邦芬特治疗腔隙性脑梗塞30例

50、Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna. ─── 浮石混凝土在密实成型后,其凝结硬化过程中对于湿养护的敏感性较小,这有利于简化施工养护措施和减少早期混凝土缺陷的产生。

51、His long reticence temporarily distracted attention from a bigger lacuna. ─── 他始终保持沉默,分散了人们对一个更大缺漏的注意力。

52、lacuna urethralis ─── 尿道陷窝, 尿道腔隙

53、!!!I like It !!!!"I Like It" from Lacuna Coil new album Shallow Life ... ─── 本身无太大寄望,但今日听过只碟,比上像中精彩 !

54、EX1: Like most other writers of his generation, he was a profoundly apolitical being, not from any lacuna in his education but as a matter of principle. ─── 他是个非常厌恶政治的人,就跟那个年代大多数的作者一样。这样的性格,不是因为他学生时代造成的阴影,而是原则。

55、Adopting haemolysis lacuna method to observe the effect of American ginseng on delayed hypersensitivity intensity of cavia cobaya; ─── 来用溶血空斑法,观察西洋参对豚鼠迟发型超敏反应强度的影响;

56、Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling. ─── 我们对环境资源稀缺价值意识的增强,让这种忽略令人尤为担心。

57、nucleolar lacuna ─── 核仁空隙

58、interporal lacuna ─── 孔间隙

59、inherent lacuna ─── 本征缺陷

60、lacuna amatoralm ─── 人中

61、lacuna of tonsil ─── 扁桃体小窝

62、absorption lacuna ─── 吸收陷窝

63、EX3: The exodus of wives, relatives, friends and hangers-on had left a big howling lacuna which wrapped the homestead in webs of glorious nostalgia. ─── 在出埃及记里的太太、亲戚、朋友及食客们都烙下了不小的阴影。这样的怀乡阴霾,就像张金碧辉煌的网,把整座农园团团裹住。

64、lacuna cementum ─── [医] 牙骨质腔[隙]

65、lacuna skull ─── [医] 颅骨骨内面凹陷, 蜂窝状颅

66、The peculiar therapy is one of the climatic therapeutics which could make up for the lacuna of traditional medical treatment. ─── 它是一种能弥补传统医疗缺陷的天然康复方法中的气候疗法。

67、lateral lacuna ─── 外侧陷窝

68、Roles of Teaching Practice and its Lacuna in the Process of Authenticating Teacher's Qualification ─── 教育实习的作用及其在教师资格认证过程中的缺失

69、Using lacunal polyester as immobilized carrier,the optimization of conditions of immobilized and production of bioflocculant utilizing semi-successive cultivation was studied. ─── 利用多孔聚酯泡沫为载体,进行了微生物絮凝剂产生菌的固定化条件优化和半连续生产絮凝剂的研究。

70、circumpolar lacuna ─── 环极孔隙

71、Using lacunal polyester as immobilized carrier, the optimization of conditions of immobilized and production of bioflocculant utilizing semi-successive cultivation was studied. ─── 利用多孔聚酯泡沫为载体,进行了微生物絮凝剂产生菌的固定化条件优化和半连续生产絮凝剂的研究。

72、Leaf gap (lacuna) A region of parenchyma differentiated in the stem vascular cylinder immediately above a diverging LEAF TRACE. Lateral connections insure no break in the vascular system. ─── 叶隙:叶迹从中柱分出的上方,初生维管柱上方出现的一些薄壁组织细胞,与茎的维管柱结构不同,它的侧向连接保证了茎叶维管系统的连续。

73、intervillous lacuna ─── [医] 绒毛间腔隙

74、All patients accorded with the diagnostic standard by the fourth Cerebravascular Disease Conference in 1995 and divided into cerebral infarction group(CIG,n=74) and lacunal infarction group(LIG,n=50) according to their image results. ─── 所有病例均符合1995年第四届脑血管疾病会议修订的各类脑血管疾病诊断要点,根据影像学检查结果将患者分为脑梗死组74例,腔隙性脑梗死组50例。

75、incision lacuna ─── 子宫切口假腔

76、a lacuna in the manuscript ─── 原稿中的脱漏.

77、Howship's lacuna ─── [医] 豪希普氏腔隙, 吸收腔隙

78、Lacuna theory was originally developed by the school of Russian ethno-psycholinguistics. ─── 摘要空缺理论是俄罗斯心理语言学空缺理论流派的研究成果。

79、lacuna cf cornea ─── [医] 角膜腔隙

80、Lacuna sativa. L. vat. rornana ─── 油麦菜

81、lacuna cerebri ─── [医] 脑腔隙(脑的小动脉栓塞所致), 脑漏斗

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