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09-21 投稿


lignify 发音

英:[['l?gn?fa?]]  美:[['l?gn??fa?]]

英:  美:

lignify 中文意思翻译



lignify 词性/词形变化,lignify变形

动词过去分词: lignified |名词: lignification |动词过去式: lignified |动词现在分词: lignifying |动词第三人称单数: lignifies |

lignify 相似词语短语

1、magnify ─── vt.放大;赞美;夸大;vi.放大;有放大能力

2、minify ─── vt.使变小;贬低

3、dignify ─── vt.使高贵;增威严;授以荣誉

4、ignify ─── 点燃

5、signify ─── vt.表示;意味;预示;vi.有重要性;要紧;冒充内行

6、lignite ─── n.[矿物]褐煤

7、ligni- ─── 线

8、lignin ─── n.[木]木质素

9、lenify ─── 透镜化

lignify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the Incarnation had lost this ability while in play (due to Lignify, for example) and then was destroyed, the ability would still trigger and it would get shuffled into its owner's library. ─── 如果此化身在场上时已失去了此异能(例如被木质化),然后才被消灭,则此异能依旧会触发,将它洗入其拥有者的牌库。

2、-- If the Incarnation had lost this ability while in play (due to Lignify, for example) and then was destroyed, the ability would still trigger and it would get shuffled into its owner's library. ─── -- 不过,如果此化身进入坟墓场时失去了此异能(例如受异西里狱卒影响),则此异能不会触发,此化身也会留在坟墓场中。

3、Physiological mature of bud is the base of grafting, and semi- lignify is considered as the index of walnut grafting at growing stage. ─── 植物芽的生理成熟是对植物嫁接的基础,核桃生长期嫁接均采用半木质化为指标。

4、-- Effects that happen after the Mimic's ability resolves that change its power or toughness (like Giant Growth) or set its power and toughness to certain values (like Lignify). ─── * 当你从坟墓场使用的追溯牌结算或被反击时,将它置入你的坟墓场。你可以再度利用追溯异能来使用它。

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