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09-21 投稿


longshanks 发音

英:[['l??????ks]]  美:[['l??????ks]]

英:  美:

longshanks 中文意思翻译



longshanks 相似词语短语

1、longans ─── n.龙眼;n.(Longan)人名;(英)朗根

2、foreshanks ─── n.牛前腿上部的肉

3、longships ─── 长船

4、long drinks ─── n.大杯饮料(尤指啤酒)

5、long marks ─── 长标记

6、longhand ─── n.普通书写(速记或打字);普通写法

7、hindshanks ─── 后腿

8、long hauls ─── 长途运输;长距

9、longhairs ─── n.(嬉皮士之类)留长发者;演奏古典音乐的人;(不切实际的)文人;长毛猫;adj.知识分子的

longshanks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Longshanks did far worse the last time he took a Scottish city. ─── 长腿上次侵占苏格兰城池时更狠。

2、Longshanks to Prince: One day you will be a king. At least try to act like one. ─── 朗山对王子:总有一天你会登基作国王,起码你要有个作国王的样子。

3、Wallace :No, it will numb my wits.I must have them all.For if i'm senseless,or if i wail,then longshanks will have broken me. ─── 华莱士:它只能麻痹我的神经,但我必须保持神志清醒.因为英王梦寐以求的就是看见我神志不清或者放声哀求.

4、King Longshank: The trouble with Scotland. Is that it's full of Scots! ─── 国王:苏格兰的麻烦在于:全都是苏格兰人!

5、It did not have the effect that Longshanks planned. ─── 但结果并非长腿预料的那样.

6、It did not have the effect that Longshanks planned. ─── 但结果并非长腿预料的那样。

7、Longshanks to Prince:One day you will be a king. At least try to act like one. ─── 朗山对王子:总有一天你会登基作国王,起码你要有个作国王的样子。

8、S: Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of England. ─── 长腿爱德华是英格兰有史以来最无情的国王。

9、William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. ─── 威廉华莱士是苏格兰反对英国残暴统治者爱德华起义中的带领者。他有望继承苏格兰统治的王冠。

10、William Wallace: Longshanks desires peace? ─── 长腿渴望和平?

11、Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival, the king of France. ─── 长腿选了他敌手法国国王王的女儿。

12、Sam: Let him go! Or I'll have you, Longshanks. ─── 山姆:放开他,否则我让你好看,长腿人。

13、Longshanks to Prince: One day you will be a king. At least try to act like one. ─── 朗山对王子:总有一天你会登基作国王,起码你要有个作国王的样子。

14、a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks. ─── 被残酷异教徒长腿爱德华。

15、Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival. ─── 长腿选择了他的对手。

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