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09-22 投稿


lilliputian 发音


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lilliputian 中文意思翻译



lilliputian 网络释义

adj. 小人国的;气量小的n. 侏儒;小人国居民

lilliputian 短语词组

1、lilliputian life ─── 小人国生活

2、lilliputian hallucination ─── [医] 显小性幻觉, 视物显小性幻觉

3、lilliputian hitcher ─── 小人国hitcher

lilliputian 词性/词形变化,lilliputian变形


lilliputian 相似词语短语

1、Gilbertian ─── adj.吉尔伯特派的,吉尔伯特式诙谐的

2、milliradian ─── n.(雷达)毫弧度

3、lilliputs ─── n.小人国

4、callipygian ─── adj.臀部线条匀称的(等于callipygous)

5、Aleutian ─── adj.阿留申群岛(居民)的;n.阿留申群岛;阿留申群岛居民

6、Lilliputians ─── 小人

7、lilliput ─── n.小人国

8、Lilliputian ─── adj.极小的;小人国的;n.小人物,小东西;小人国的人;侏儒

9、milliradians ─── n.(雷达)毫弧度

lilliputian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At a time of enormous problems, the politicians seem Lilliputian. ─── 在巨大的问题面前,政客们像小人。

2、lilliputian syndrome ─── 视物显小综合征

3、In the past few years, we have also taken a peek at their infancy, but the study of these Lilliputian bodies is itself in its formative period. ─── 过去几年里,我们已经观察到它们的婴儿期,但对这些极小型天体的研究还处于形成阶段。

4、Lithographic tools for transferring Lilliputian circuitry onto a wafer cost up to $50m a pop. ─── 流行的用来移动微小电路到晶圆上的印刷工具价值5千万美元。

5、Yamen runner people break off in the ground was hit 5 big board later, the youth climbs beg for pardon to say at a draught: "Of Lilliputian trousers on half flax is received. ─── 衙役们劈里叭啦地打了五大板之后,年轻人一下子爬起来告饶说:“小人裤子的上半截是麻布接的。”

6、These crises related to the fact that physicists had assumed that the laws of symmetry applied to the Lilliputian world of elementary particles. ─── 这些问题与这一事实有关,物理学家认为对称性定律适用于基本粒子世界。

7、Perhaps not surprisingly, some of Zettl's more recent achievements in the nanoworld seem to have plumbed the very limits of the Lilliputian. ─── 或许可说是意料之中,塞特尔在奈米领域的某些新成就探究了小人国的极限。

8、a lilliputian chest of drawers; ─── 抽屉的小厨柜;

9、Well, I spent the past four years in an apartment with a kitchen so lilliputian that even making room for a toaster was out of the question. ─── 但是过去的四年中,我都是在公寓里一间小小的厨房里度过的,那里面小得连放个烤面包机都成问题。

10、[Little game of mad Lilliputian war] how to make big definitely? ─── [疯狂小人战斗小游戏]怎样使大决?

11、According to Lilliputian old place sees, old people just assumed important post, certain high and mighty, hold out a bosom dash forward abdomen, after the dress should be done short before long; ─── 据小人多年所见,大人们刚任要职,一定趾高气扬,挺胸突肚,衣服要做得后短前长;

12、a lilliputian chest of drawers ─── 抽屉的小厨柜

13、lilliputian hallucination ─── 小人国视幻觉小人口幻觉视物显小性幻觉渺小幻觉

14、Netizen " Lilliputian bird " say, "Everybody basks in salary, consult each other, can change as oneself working reference " . ─── 网友“小人鸟”说,“大家都晒一晒工资,互相参考一下,能够作为自己更换工作的参考”。

15、Lilliputian lodging, this little blue house lines Golden Lane, a cobblestone street in the Prague Castle complex that was fashioned as a residential area for the Emperor's marksmen. ─── 意译:布拉格地标图片。小人国的寄宿处,这个蓝色小屋室内线金色小巷,一条石子路在布拉格城堡复合体是被雕塑的如同一个居民区为皇帝的射手。

16、The choice of bracket and base or make, must have matched with chimney, cannot " Lilliputian wears the feeling with the maladjusted scale of " of cap of Dai Xiao of thin tall man of old hat " or " . ─── 支架和底座的选择或制作,一定要和灯罩搭配好,不能有"小人戴大帽"或"细高个子戴小帽"的比例失调之感。

17、He and card collect Er are taking a boat to float down aqueduct row, climb a flock of Holand next go making love at the back of Lilliputian. ─── 他和卡罗尔坐着船顺着水道漂行,然后爬到一群荷兰小人后面去做爱。

18、In principle, lilliputian robots have numerous advantages over their bulkier cousins. ─── 原则上,比起笨重的大机器人,具体而微的小机器人有许多优势。

19、Yet her children are tiny!They're more than petite they're Lilliputian. ─── 他们样子不光是可怜,简直就是小人国的人。

20、Lithographic tools for transferring Lilliputian circuitry onto a wafer cost up to $50m a pop. ─── 流行的用来移动微小电路到晶圆上的印刷工具价值5千万美元。

21、He on bended knees entreats: "Lilliputian is Chen Quan, ask grandpa pardon. ─── 他便跪着请求道:“小人是陈全,请公公饶恕。”

22、Yet Lilliputian windmills, water mills, solar panels and biomass furnaces could have a big collective impact. ─── 然而,小人国居民的风车、水轮机、太阳能电池板与生物材料燃炉都能为社区带来共同的好处。

23、At a time of enormous problems, the politicians seem Lilliputian. That's the real reason to be afraid. ─── 面临庞大难题的时候,这些执政们都成了小人国的侏儒,这才是真让我们害怕的。

24、My clapperclaw contain: Lilliputian! ─── 我痛骂涵:小人!

25、Be tortured be tortured of civilian, Lilliputian is much, the price with respect to cheap come down, showing what Lilliputian wears to civilian is mixed at that time also is. ─── 平民、小人受刑多,的价格就贱了下来,说明当时平民和小人穿的也都是。

26、Aesthetic feeling of never mind of a lot of people, decorate those who come out is not Lilliputian suddenly rich feel even if again practical, practical. ─── 很多人没什么美感,装修出来的不是小人乍富感觉就是实用、再实用。

27、lilliputian state ─── 极小国

28、Regular use of those Lilliputian keyboards on personal digital assistants (PDAs) like the BlackBerry can lead to thumb tendonitis. ─── 经常使用那些在个人电子助手(PDAs)上的小键盘,比如说黑莓手机,也能导致大拇指指腱炎。

29、Indeed, the block was formed in 1967 partly to tie Indonesia down in a Lilliputian web of regional commitments. ─── 的确,1967年该组织成立部分原因就是为了在这个地区小国网里拴住印尼。

30、It has do not show off at the cypher after Lilliputian achieve one's ambition, have not after beggar rise to power and position spend money like water. ─── 它有别于小人得志后的自鸣炫耀,有别于乞丐发迹后的一掷千金。

31、diminutive in stature; a lilliputian chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet. ─── 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。

32、Actually, we might as well " the abdomen that the heart with Lilliputian spends gentleman " . ─── 其实,我们不妨“以小人之心度君子之腹”。

33、In late January a brobdingnagian battle erupted over a lilliputian water dweller. ─── 1月底,一种小小的水栖生物掀起了一场大战。

34、His back left many Shi Shuli happy with 3000 child 72 sagely, also stayed 3 from 4 heart and " only what woman and Lilliputian raise " hard is admonitory. ─── 他的身后留下了大量的诗书礼乐和3000弟子72贤能,也留下了三从四德和"唯女子与小人难养"的训诫。

35、a model railway layout peopled with lilliputian figures ─── 带小人儿的模型铁路网.

36、I am national talent, for the world people I should cherish my life, you are unworthy Lilliputian, need not cherish oneself body, you still take off the dress to me to wear. ─── 我是国家的人才,为了天下民众我要爱惜自己的生命,你是不肖的小人,不必爱惜自己的身躯,你还是把衣服脱给我穿吧。”

37、9 see joke: Husband: You so Lilliputian, how to occupy so the earth! ─── 9看笑话:老公:你那么小人,怎么占那么大地儿!

38、The madam wants order about small servant to work, small servant says: "Lilliputian dare not leave, if lark fell wool, want to break my leg. ─── 太太要支使小佣人做事,小佣人说:“小人不敢离开,要是百灵落了毛,要打断我的腿。”

39、our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war; ─── 与战争时期的国家相比,我们的烦恼是微不足道的;

40、a very small person (resembling a Lilliputian). ─── 非常小的人(像小人国居民)。

41、In the feudal society of absolutism, derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily. ─── 在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。

42、4. diminutive in stature; a lilliputian chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet. ─── 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。收藏指正

43、Produce punishment not to go up in those days doctor, of punishment sufferring cutting of the feet can be a few civilian, Lilliputian only presumably. ─── 那时发生刑不上大夫,受刖刑的想来只会是一些平民、小人。

44、Several other little-known worlds are tucked into corners of this Lilliputian state. ─── 另外还有几处不大为人所知的天地隐藏在这个“小人国”州的角落里。

45、Several other little- known worlds are tucked into corners of this Lilliputian state . ─── 另外还有几处不大为人所知的天地隐藏在这个“小人国”州的角落里。

46、Calcaneal also evade gets completely: "Lilliputian I all the time by it two expulsive and outer, how can you know them to who is who wrong? ─── 脚后跟也推脱得一干二净:“小人我一直被它俩逐出在外,怎么能够知道它们谁对谁错呢?”


我喜欢小的蓝色的帽子。英文翻译:I like small blue hats.重点词汇释义:喜欢:like; love; enjoy; be fond of小的:small; little; [法]petit; petty; Lilliputian蓝色:blue; blueness; blove帽子:hat; cap; label; tag; chapeau

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