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10-02 投稿


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monkhood 中文意思翻译



monkhood 短语词组

1、monkhood initiation monkhood ─── 启动

2、monkhood flower ─── 猴头花

monkhood 相似词语短语

1、smokehood ─── 烟罩

2、sonhood ─── n.儿子;孩子(对年轻人的称呼);男性后裔(son的变形)

3、aunthood ─── n.阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈(aunt的变形)

4、monkeypod ─── 猴荚

5、monkshood ─── n.附子之类;舟形乌头

6、manhood ─── n.成年;男子;男子气概;n.(Manhood)人名;(英)曼胡德

7、dollhood ─── n.洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人(doll的变形)

8、boyhood ─── n.童年,少年时代;男孩们

9、godhood ─── n.神格;神性;神的地位

monkhood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You should look out for short-term monkhood programs too, to taste the monastic life to see if you are ready for it. ─── 你还应该寻找一个短期修行计划,尝试一下出家生活,再看自己是否准备好了。

2、"If they make noise or cheer as they watch, they will lose their monkhood," Phnom Penh patriarch Non Nget told Reuters this month. ─── 金边的佛教长老农吉特说:“如果他们制造噪音,或者在看球时欢呼,那么就失去做僧侣的资格。”

3、Q17 What do you think about to ordain into the monkhood before getting married, is this a must? ─── 你怎么看在结婚前去庙里剃度当段时间和尚,这是必须的吗?

4、if he seeks death, he should be treated as disgusted taken even from his monkhood, i.e. ─── 如果他寻求死亡,人们也不应当厌恶他。

5、initiation into monkhood ─── 受戒

6、be initiated into monkhood or nunhood ─── 受戒(佛教)

7、It is considered to be a sin to just give up being monkhood without valid reasons. ─── 没有任何理由就放弃僧侣身分是被视为罪愆的。

8、His son then joins the monkhood for life to pay for all the sins his father had committed. ─── 他儿子为了替父亲赎罪而选择了出家。

9、Trong was receiving delegations from the Buddhist Sanghas (monkhood) of the Nam Tong Minh Su sect and the Minh Ly sect (Tam Tong Mieu) in Hanoi on July 15. ─── 他表示,两派作为越南大家庭的宗教成员联合其他宗教一起通过将宗教信仰和爱国主义精神及国家荣辱感联系在一起,为越南人民提供了人道主义慈善救助。

10、A young Cambodian boy enters the monkhood in Siem Reap, Cambodia. He is likely to serve for a few years before entering the workforce. ─── 一个柬埔寨男孩走进位于柬埔寨暹粒的修道院。他在去参与正式工作前可能要在这里修行几年。

11、Our heart, body speech and mind are joyous and open and we feel that way because we sacrifice for others and because we practice for our own liberation.This is the true spirit of monkhood. ─── 我们心、身、口、意喜悦开朗,知道为了别人牺牲、为了自己要解脱而修行,这就是出家人的精神。

12、Li Shutong was converted to monkhood at the Ding Hui Temple in 1918. ─── 1918年,李叔同在定慧寺正式出家。

13、If his holiness chooses to be born in Tawang, we would be so happy," he says in his red-carpeted monastic office, as half a dozen skinny lads file in to be inducted into monkhood. ─── 如果圣者选择在达旺出生,我们将无比高兴,”他在他铺着红色地毯的寺庙办公室里说道,这时6个瘦小少年陆续走了进来准备皈依成为僧侣。

14、In Thailand, young men usually spend a period of time in the Buddhist Monkhood. ─── 在泰国,几乎所有的年轻男人都会到泰国的庙宇寺庙中进行一段时间的修行。

15、It is considered to be a sin to just give up being monkhood without valid reasons. ─── 没有任何理由就放弃僧侣身分是被视为罪愆的。

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