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mastitis 发音

英:[m?'sta?t?s]  美:[m?'sta?t?s]

英:  美:

mastitis 中文意思翻译



mastitis 词性/词形变化,mastitis变形

形容词: mastitic |

mastitis 短语词组

1、phlegmonous mastitis ─── [医] 蜂窝织炎性乳腺炎, 乳腺脓肿

2、gargantuan mastitis ─── [医] 乳房巨大性乳腺炎

3、stagnation mastitis ─── [医] 乳汁潴留性乳腺炎

4、mastitis carcinosa ─── [医] 癌性乳腺炎, 乳腺炎性癌

5、mastitis neonatorum ─── [医] 新生儿乳腺炎

6、mastitis chronica fibrosa ─── [医] 慢性纤维性乳腺炎

7、submammary mastitis ─── [医] 乳腺周炎

8、glandular mastitis ─── [医] 实质性乳腺炎

9、chronic cystic mastitis ─── [医] 慢性囊性乳腺炎

10、suppurative mastitis ─── [医] 化脓性乳腺炎

11、plasma cell mastitis ─── [医] 浆细胞性乳腺炎

12、mastitis milk ─── 乳腺炎 ─── 乳

13、parenchymatous mastitis ─── [医] 实质性乳腺炎

14、mastitis purulenta ─── [医] 脓性乳腺炎

15、puerperal mastitis ─── [医] 产褥期乳腺炎

16、cystic mastitis ─── 囊性乳腺炎

17、purulent mastitis ─── 化脓性乳腺炎

18、interstitial mastitis ─── [医] 间质性乳腺炎

19、retromammary mastitis ─── [医] 乳腺周炎

mastitis 相似词语短语

1、mastics ─── n.填补剂;乳香脂;[树脂]乳香(mastic的复数形式)

2、gastritis ─── n.[内科]胃炎

3、mastitides ─── 乳腺炎

4、cystitis ─── n.[泌尿]膀胱炎

5、mastiffs ─── n.[脊椎]獒,大驯犬

6、mastigia ─── 乳癖

7、dartitis ─── n.紧张失误

8、mastitic ─── 乳化剂

9、mammitis ─── 乳房炎;乳腺炎

mastitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mastitis can spread as a bacterial infection.So infected animals should be milked separately from uninfected ones.Flies can also spread the bacteria. ─── 乳腺炎会通过细菌感染而传播,因此,受感染动物应该与其它末受感染的动物分开来挤奶。

2、Study on Effect of Wiping Teat with One-shot Toilet Paper on Milk Quality and Mastitis in Dairy Cows ─── 一次性纸巾擦拭奶牛乳头效果观察

3、BTW, Why did they draw your blood? That did not happen to me last time I had mastitis. ─── 我也奇怪干吗要抽血。大家得了乳腺炎的都没被抽过吗?

4、Polymorphism has been found in the bovine LF gene.However, there is no report on genetic poly-morphism of LF gene and its associations with mastitis in dairy cattle. ─── 关于牛LF基因的多态性研究的报道较多, 但其多态性与奶牛乳腺炎相关性的研究较少。

5、Because of its rarity, IBC is often misdiagnosed as mastitis or generalized dermatitis. ─── 由于其稀有性,IBC被误诊为乳腺炎往往或全身性皮炎。

6、Culturing programs and record keeping can uncover the root of mastitis problems. ─── 养殖计划和保持记录可以发现乳腺炎问题的根源。

7、K.larrySmith,J.s.Hogan et al. Dietary vitaminE and selenium affect mastitis and milk quality[J].J.Anim.Sci.1997;75:1659-1665. ─── 伍义行,黄利权等.奶牛乳腺炎防治的免疫学和药理学机制[J].乳业科学与技术,2001(4);37-43.

8、Isolation and identification of bovine mastitis pathogenic bacteria and treatment by Chinese herbal medicines ─── 奶牛乳房炎病原菌的分离鉴定和中药防治试验

9、Detection of the toxin genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovines with mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎病例中金黄色葡萄球菌毒素基因的检测

10、Fig 3 MSCT of plasma cell mastitis of left breast, sinus and fistula type. MSCT revealed sinus surrounding areola without branches and cavities, accompanied by retracted nipple. ─── 图3左乳浆细胞性乳腺炎MSCT,窦道瘘管型。造影显示乳晕旁窦道,无明显支管及腔形成,同时可见乳头内陷。

11、Summarize of Prevention and Cure and Reason of a Disease Milk Cow's Mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎发生的原因及诊断防治综述

12、Effects of a Chinese Traditional Medicine on the Cell Immune Function of Recessive Mastitis Cows ─── 中药对隐性乳房炎奶牛细胞免疫功能的影响

13、Parenchymatous mastitis associated with childbirth ─── 分娩相关的实质性乳腺炎

14、During the time from April to June of 1984,subclinical mastitis inspection on 2019 quarters of 536 milking cows was made in the way of improved C. ─── 一九八四年四月至六月,在成都市石羊、神仙树和天回镇奶牛场用改良 C.

15、Cows, sheepand , goats and other animals can get mastitis, an inflammation in the udder, the organ where milk is produced. ─── 奶牛、绵羊、山羊以及其他动物都可能得乳腺炎,即产奶的奶头发炎。

16、Teat injury injuries can also cause mastitis, so be careful during milking. ─── 乳头受伤也会导致乳腺炎,因此挤奶时要小心。

17、Teat injuries can also called mass titerscause mastitis, so be careful during milking. ─── 奶头的伤痕会导致乳腺炎,所以在挤奶的时候要小心。

18、Studies on the Prevention Cure Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Subclinical Mastitis and Milk Yield of Cow ─── 中药对奶牛隐性乳房炎的防治作用及对产奶量的影响

19、The objective of this study was to explore new means of dairy cow mastitis treatment. ─── 寻找治疗奶牛乳房炎的新途径。

20、Observations on Curative Effect of 154 Acute Mastitis with CO_2 Laser ─── CO_2激光治疗急性乳腺炎154例疗效观察

21、Teat injuries can also cause mastitis, so be careful during milking. ─── 奶头受伤也会引发乳腺炎,所以在挤奶期间要小心。

22、The postpartum mamma massage used for the prevention mastitis ─── 产后乳房按摩用于预防乳腺炎

23、Medial Treatment on Chronic Mastitis by Chinese Medicine "RU YAN SAN" ─── 中药"乳炎散"治疗慢性乳房炎效果好

24、After a week, suffers were determined by BMT recessive mastitis, and surveyed SCC and milk composition. ─── 一周后,进行BMT检测隐性乳房炎情况,并采混合乳测定体细胞数和乳成分。

25、Nonpurulent mastitis associated with childbirth ─── 分娩相关的非脓性乳腺炎

26、Cow Mastitis is a frequently encountered disease of cow and causes very tremendous economical losses. ─── 奶牛乳房炎是奶牛的一种多发病,它造成的经济损失非常巨大。

27、Treating Cows'clinical Mastitis with Compounds of western and chinese Medicines ─── 中、西兽药配合治疗奶牛临床型乳房炎的效果

28、contagious mastitis of rabbit ─── 兔传染性乳腺炎

29、Analysis of Factors in Mastitis of Dairy Cattle Using General Linear Model ─── 利用一般线性模型分析奶牛乳房炎的影响因素

30、Mastitis can spread as a bacterial infection. ─── 乳腺炎能通过细菌感染传播。

31、Mastitis is an infection of the tissue of the breast that occurs most frequently during the time of breastfeeding. ─── 乳腺炎是一种感染的组织中的乳腺癌发生的最频繁时期母乳喂养。

32、Monitor mastitis events, bulk tank bacteria counts and spikes in somatic cell counts to identify noncompliance. ─── 监测乳腺炎的发生,奶罐中的细菌数量和体细胞计数峰值,以发现异常情况。

33、The Progress of Treating Acute Mastitis With Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中医综合疗法治疗急性乳腺炎的新进展

34、One sign of mastitis is cracked skin on the teats.Also, the udder becomes hurthot, painful and enlarged, and the animal may not eat. ─── 乳腺炎的一个症状就是奶头皲裂,同时伴有乳房发热,疼痛和变大,患病的动物无法进食。

35、After a week, suffers were determined by BMT recessive mastitis, and surveyed SCC and milk composition. ─── 一周后,进行BMT检测隐性乳房炎情况,并采混合乳测定体细胞数和乳成分。

36、Clinical mastitis at calving Yes No ─── 产犊时临床性乳房炎

37、Study on Mastitis Model Infected Experimentally with Staphylococcus aureus in Lactating Milky Goats ─── 奶山羊实验性乳房炎病理模型

38、Mastitis of domestic animals, especially cattle. ─── 喉肿,乳房炎家禽的乳腺炎,尤其指牛

39、One sign of mastities mastitis is quact cracked skin on the tipsteats. ─── 乳腺炎的一个特征是乳头表面皮肤干裂。

40、Purification of the Main Immunogenic Protein of Escherichia coli Isolated from Dairy Cows Suffering from Mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎大肠杆菌分离株主要免疫原性蛋白纯化

41、GLM mostly likely occurred among mothers with feeding problems, such as flat or inverted nipples the baby can not suck, milk production problem, holding milk or mastitis. ─── GLM多发生于有哺乳障碍的经产妇, 例如因乳头扁平、内陷婴儿不能吸允,或排乳不畅,因产妇或婴儿原因有憋奶、乳腺炎现象。

42、Progress on the Changes of Some Factors and Proteins in Mammary Tissue during LPS-induced Mastitis ─── LPS诱导牛乳房炎相关因子及蛋白变化研究进展

43、Bacteriocins can improve the flavor of fermented food and have been studied extensively as a biopreservative.It also expressed its potential on mastitis control and biomedical applications. ─── 其中细菌素作为生物保护剂在食品中的应用得到广泛研究,对改善风味有一定贡献,此外细菌素在控制乳腺癌和生物医药中都展示了其应用潜能。

44、Somatic Cell Count and Its Application to Reducing the Incidence of Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Cattle ─── 体细胞计数及其在降低奶牛乳房炎发病率方面的应用

45、Inducing Acute Mastitis in Milk Goats by Using Three Common Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Dairy Mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎病原菌人工诱发奶山羊急性乳房炎试验

46、Farmers are always looking for effective ways to control mastitis. ─── 奶农在尽心竭力地寻找控制乳房炎的有效技术手段。

47、The paper has introduced the pathology, pathogenesis, immunity and prevention mechanism of mastitis in dairy cows as well as its vaccine categories and research advances. ─── [方法]介绍奶牛乳房炎的病理学、发病机理、免疫与防御机制及其疫苗种类和研究进展。

48、When mastitis problems are detected, knowing the pathogens can make a big difference in treatment success. ─── 发现乳腺炎问题时,了解病原体对于成功治疗有很大的不同。

49、One sign of Mastitis mastitis is crat cracked skin on the tisteats. ─── 乳腺癌的一个现象是乳头皮肤裂开,同时乳腺发热,疼痛变大。

50、The Study on Subclinic Mastitis of Cows in a Dairy Farm of Hefei City ─── 合肥市某奶牛场隐性乳房炎发生规律的研究

51、Effect of compound Chinese medicinal herbs on cell-mediated immunity of dairy cows with subclinical mastitis ─── 复方中草药对隐性乳房炎乳牛细胞免疫功能的影响

52、Advance in Manufacture Method of Bispecific Antibody and Application in Treat of Dairy Cow Mastitis ─── 双特异性抗体的研制方法及其在奶牛乳腺炎治疗中的应用

53、The objective of this study was to produce multi-valent egg yolk immunoglobulin(IgY)against mastitis and detect the content of specific IgY. ─── 本研究的目的是制备抗奶牛乳腺炎主要致病菌的多价卵黄抗体并检测特异性抗体的含量。

54、Study on Pharmacokinetics of Chinese herbal medicine compound prescription "Mastitis Ping" ─── 中药复方"乳炎平"的药代动力学研究

55、One sign of mastitis is cracked skin on the teats. ─── 乳腺炎的一个特征就是皮肤裂开在奶头附近。

56、Interstitial mastitis associated with childbirth ─── 分娩相关的间质性乳腺炎

57、With such highly marketable cattle, Mr.Vilter thinks it is extremely important to catch sub-clinical mastitis in its early stages. ─── 他的奶牛在市场上很受欢迎,但他认为临床症状不显的乳腺炎在发病初期就采取措施是极其重要的。

58、Mastitis was one of the most common disease, usually due to a microbial infection, which caused large economic loses for the dairy industry. ─── 乳腺炎对奶牛的主要疾病之一,主要由病原微生物感染引起,给奶牛养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。

59、The Study of "Ruyuankang" on Treatment Trial of Dairy Cow Mastitis ─── "乳源康"对奶牛乳房炎的疗效研究

60、Treatment of clinical mastitis Yes No ─── 及时治疗临床性乳房炎

61、Curative Effect Observation of Treating 50 Cases with Acute Mastitis by Application and inner- treatment ─── 外敷内治急性乳腺炎50例疗效观察

62、Effects of Mastitis Vaccine in Dairy cattle ─── 乳腺炎疫苗应用效果探讨

63、An Experimental Study and Drug Sensitivity Test of the Common Pathogenic Germs in Cow Mastitis in Baotou District ─── 包头地区奶牛乳腺炎常见病原菌分离及药敏试验

64、Comparison of bacteriostasis in vitro referred to dairy cow mastitis by some Chineses herbal medicines ─── 不同中药对奶牛乳房炎病原菌体外抑制作用的比较

65、Research of experimentally infected mastitis model with colon bacillus in rats ─── 大鼠试验性乳房炎病理模型


67、Fig 1 MSCT of plasma cell mastitis of left breast, quadrant subtype of inflammation type. Coronal cut of 3D reconstruction of MSCT showed lesion location. ─── 图1左乳浆细胞性乳腺炎MSCT,炎症型-象限亚型。三维(3D)重建并行病变乳房冠状位切面显示炎症所在位置。

68、In this experiment, the relationship between clinical aspect and microcirculatory disorder during experimental coliform clinical mastitis was studied. ─── 临床型乳房炎是损害奶业生产的重大疾病之一。

69、Purulent mastitis associated with childbirth ─── 分娩相关的脓性乳腺炎

70、Mastitis can spread as a bacteria bacterial infection. ─── 乳腺癌可以以病毒感染的形式传播。

71、Review on the failure in the antibiotic therapy of bovine mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎抗生素防治失败原因探讨

72、Isolation and Verification on Pathogenic Germ of Dairy Mastitis ─── 奶牛乳房炎病原菌的分离鉴定

73、Poke Root is an excellent aid in cleansing the lymphatic glands throughout the body and is especially helpful in mastitis. ─── 商陆于洁净淋巴系统和乳腺炎方面有极强的功效。

74、Determination Methods of Bovine Mastitis Milk ─── 乳房炎乳的检测方法

75、Sub-clinical mastitis is the most expensive disease of adult dairy cows ─── 在所有的成年泌乳奶牛中,亚临床性乳房炎是最昂贵的疾病

76、Treatment of Mastitis of Dairy Cows by Chinese Herb Medicine and the "Worry-free Milk" ─── 中药治疗奶牛乳腺炎与"放心奶"

77、Use of common mastitis syringe tube ─── 使用普通乳房炎的注射器

78、Family Nursing of Puerperal Mastitis ─── 产后乳房胀痛护理小窍门

79、Thereinto milch cow mastitis and atony of forestomachs are the two important diseases. ─── 其中奶牛乳房炎和前胃弛缓便是其中重要的两种。

80、One sign of mastitis is cracked skin on the teats.Also, the udder becomes hot, painful and enlarged, and the animal may not eat. ─── 乳腺炎的一个症状就是乳头的皮肤开裂,并且乳房的温度会升高并胀痛,动物可能会不吃食物。

81、Mastitis can be localized or widespread, and the Breast's lymphatic system may be involved. ─── 乳腺炎可能是局部的,也可能是扩散的,感染可波及乳房的淋巴系统。

82、mastitis pathogenic bacteria ─── 乳腺炎病原菌

83、Research and Study on Role of Mastitis in Dairy Cow ─── 奶牛乳房炎发病规律的调研

84、Development on the triple inactived vaccine of the dairy cattle mastitis and the evaluation of the immunity effectiveness. ─── [21] 曹丙蕾. 奶牛乳腺炎三联灭活苗的研制及其免疫效力评价. 泰安: 山东农业大学, 动物科技学院,2007 Cao B L.

85、Advance in prevention and cure milch cow mastitis using Chinese herbal medicine ─── 中草药防治奶牛乳房炎的研究进展

86、Oral Administration of the Milk and Cumin Juice in Combination with Manual Massage for the Treatment of Acute Mastitis ─── 口服牛奶小茴香汁联合手法按揉治疗早期急性乳腺炎

87、Mastitis is one of most prevalent and costly diseases in dairy cattle housing, and the incidence rate is very high(25%-60%), which is mainly caused by a broad spectrum of bacterial and pathogens. ─── 乳房炎主要是由于病原微生物引起的,其发病率高(25%-60%),是奶牛最常见的疾病之一,也是造成世界各国奶牛业损失最严重的疾病之一。

88、Mammary duct ectasia is of common inflammatoryd isease of breast.It is also called plasma cell mastitis,comedom astitis,periductal mastitis,granulomatous mastitis and so on. ─── 乳腺导管扩张症是临床较常见的乳腺炎性疾病,还被称为浆细胞性乳腺炎、粉刺性乳腺炎、导管周围乳腺炎、肉芽肿性乳腺炎等。

89、All parts or roots and leaves are used as medicine for urticaria, mastitis, toothache, menorrhagia, dysentery, skin eczema, enteritis, etc. ─── 全株或根和叶用作治疗风疹,乳腺炎,牙痛,月经过多,痢疾,皮湿疹,肠炎,等的药。

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