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10-01 投稿


mutterer 发音


英:  美:

mutterer 中文意思翻译



mutterer 词性/词形变化,mutterer变形

动词过去分词: muttered |动词第三人称单数: mutters |名词: mutterer |动词现在分词: muttering |动词过去式: muttered |

mutterer 相似词语短语

1、flutterer ─── 颤振

2、smatterer ─── n.一知半解者

3、utterer ─── n.发表人;说话人

4、muttered ─── vi.咕哝;喃喃自语;vt.咕哝;抱怨地说;低声含糊地说;n.咕哝;喃喃低语;n.(Mutter)(法)米泰;(德、匈、西)穆特;(英)马特(人名)

5、murtherer ─── 默特勒

6、sputterer ─── n.气急败坏说话的人

7、musterer ─── 牧工

8、musterers ─── 图案

9、putterer ─── 慢条斯理地工作;闲逛;懒汉

mutterer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、NIV] what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long. ─── [和合]并那些起来攻击我的人,口中所说的话,以及终日向我所设的计谋。

2、"Changed!" The keeper of the wine-shop stopped to strike the wall with his hand and mutter a tremendous curse. ─── “变化!”酒店老板停下脚步,一拳揍在墙上,发出一声凶狠的诅咒。

3、Don' t mutter ! I can' t hear you. ─── 别叽叽咕咕的! 我听不见.

4、hum and haw;mutter and mumble;Mince words ─── 吞吞吐吐

5、He suffers from serious bouts of spousal deafness but never fails to hear me when I mutter to myself on the other side of the house. ─── 他患有严重的“配偶失聪症”,但从不会漏过我在房间另一头的喃喃自语。

6、548. The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut." ─── 按钮咕哝着发出声音说:"蝴蝶喜爱涂了奶油的花生."

7、People mutter about nation-building beginning at home: why, many wonder, should American children do worse at reading than Polish ones and at maths than Lithuanians? ─── 人们开始在家中抱怨国家建设:很多人想知道,为什么美国小孩的阅读水平不如波兰小孩,而且数学成绩不如立陶宛小孩?

8、Verflucht sei, wer seinen Vater oder seine Mutter unehrt! Und alles Volk soll sagen: Amen. ─── “‘轻慢父母的,必受咒诅。’众民都要说:‘阿们。’

9、Enjolras did not appear to be listening, but had any one been near him, that person would have heard him mutter in a low voice: "atria." ─── 安灼拉似乎不在听人讲话,可是如果有谁在他身旁,就会听到他在喃喃低语:“祖国。”

10、Not because other people aren't annoying. (My God, there are people who've been put on this earth just to make me roll my eyes and mutter disapprovingly. ─── 不是因为对方不另人讨厌(老天啊,有那些人被带到地球上就是为了让我翻白眼、发出喃喃谴责声。

11、my initial instinct is to dissemble and mutter something about being an investigator, as if that will soften the blow. ─── 我的直觉反应都是装糊涂,然后嚅嗫地说些我是调查人员之类的话,假装这样可缓和对方的攻击。

12、Irate passengers swear at the endless queues and inconvenience, while conspiracy theorists mutter darkly that security firms are in cahoots with the duty-free shops on the other side of the barrier. ─── 排队等候的旅客们怒气冲冲地咒骂着那看不到尽头的队伍,抱怨不便的声音此起彼伏。甚至有阴谋论者暗自嘟囔,安检公司和关卡那头的免税店是一伙的。

13、The head is avoiding my waveringly, the mutter to oneself in the mouth is worn make him fast brush one's teeth. ─── 我摇摆着头躲避着,嘴里嘟囔着让他快去刷牙。

14、They heard him mutter, 'One Hundred and Five, North Tower;' ─── 他们听见他低声含糊地念叨着“北塔一O五”。

15、He liked to mutter furtively under his breath as though every remark he made were a military secret. ─── 他讲话时喜欢窃窃私语,仿佛句句是军事机密。

16、Today, whenever you mutter your usual reminders about cleaning the closet, learning to tango, or finding a new job/boyfriend/oven thermometer, make a note of it on a piece of paper. ─── 今天,不论你什么时候要喃喃自语一些平日里提醒自己打扫壁橱、学探戈舞、或找新工作/男友/烤箱温度计的话,那么将它记录在一张纸上。

17、In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, and the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. ─── 我在梦幻中依稀又听到了大炮在轰鸣,又听到了滑膛枪在鸣放,又听到了战场上那陌生、哀愁的呻吟。

18、you simply sit down somewhere and mutter, 'Siddhi! ─── 仅仅是坐在某个地方上,嘴里咕哝着:‘神功!

19、mutter against sb ─── 抱怨某人

20、He spoke in a mutter. ─── 他嘀嘀咕咕轻声说话。

21、The local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak, and none of them dares even mutter dissent. ─── 土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。

22、From this perspective, With the implementation of the Housing and mutter a reasonable offer blood in sacrifice much zedoary Po. lure for city of Shenzhen is not a "all city". ─── 从这个角度看,作为一个实施微利房?咕诱哂衅湮莪拐?策的城市,深圳并不是一个“所有人的城市”。

23、Mentally Audible: Fully30% of psionic weapons telepathically mutter, croon, recite battle poems, scream, or produce other mental“ noises” when first drawn, at first blood, or when they slay a significant enemy. ─── 心灵可闻:至少30%灵能武器在第一次出鞘、一次见血或干掉一个重要敌人时会以心灵感应方式嘀咕、吟、战诗、叫或产生其他心灵“噪声”。

24、mutter imprecations ─── 低声诅咒.

25、Speak louder because I can't hear you if you mutter under your breath. ─── 你这么小声咕哝我怎么听得见,讲话大点儿声。

26、Weis ihre Mutter eigentlich, wie oft sie Klicken? ─── 你母亲知道吗?你这么多次的点我?

27、It couldn't have been easy," he heard the girl mutter , as if to herself. ─── 我想,这太不容易了,”他听见那姑娘自语般地说道。

28、mutter against ─── v. 抱怨

29、Mutter, ich mache mich ans Kochen. ─── 妈,我去做饭.

30、An indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint; a mutter. ─── 咕哝不清楚的、小声的或者偷偷的抱怨;嘟哝

31、Don't mutter when they are studying. ─── 当他们学习时不要轻声低语。

32、To mutter complaints. ─── 嘟哝着抱怨

33、Towards the end of the trial, has made a low mutter of Zhang raising his voice suddenly cried out: "Judge, can I have a question, I would be able to sentence a few years? ─── 庭审快结束时,一直低言低语的张某突然提高嗓门哭喊:“法官,我能不能问个问题,我能判几年?”

34、Workers continued to mutter about the management. ─── 工人们私下对资方还是有怨言。

35、I heard a mutter of discontent. ─── 我听到有人小声咕哝着表示不满。

36、From his self-imposed dark world, he felt Miss Su's cool fingers touch his forehead and heard her mutter in French, "Pauvre pentit!"He hadn't the strength to jump up in protest. ─── 在这个自造的黑天昏地里,他觉得苏小姐凉快的手指摸他的前额,又听她用法文低声自语:“pauvre petit(可怜的小东西)”他力不从心,不能跳起来抗议。

37、In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange mournful mutter of the battlefield ─── 在我的梦中,我再次听到炮声霹雳、枪声劈啪,和战场上怪异而悲怆的低沉隆隆之声。

38、Mutter said: "My heart goes out to the families and friends who have suffered so much personal loss in the Sichuan earthquake. ─── 在德国,她无疑是时尚界的热门人物,除了专注于音乐事业外,她对于服饰的设计、搭配也很有研究。

39、He growls, stops, looks around: “Damn these stinging bees”, he seems to mutter. ─── 它咆哮一声,停住,四处张望:“该死的蜜蜂”,它好像在咕哝着。

40、A teenager I know ---- tired of adults asking her all the time what she wanted to be ---- decided at a recent family party to just mutter the words “brain surgeon” to any adult in the room. ─── 我认识一个十来岁的孩子,大人们总是问她长大了想干什么。她被问烦了便在最近的一次家庭聚会上向屋子里每位大人嘟囔了一句“脑外科医生”。

41、In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. ─── 我在梦幻中依稀又听到了滑膛枪在鸣放,又听到了战场上那陌生、哀愁的呻吟。

42、Written between 1992 and 1995, my Second Violin Concerto, which I have entitled “Metamorphoses”, is wholly inspired by Anne-Sophie mutter's sublime art of interpretation. ─── 我的第二小提琴协奏曲创作于1992年到1995年,我已经把它命名为“变形”,这部作品完全是由于受到穆特卓越的演奏的鼓舞而创作的。

43、The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut." ─── 按钮咕哝着发出声音说:"蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生。"

44、Written between 1992 and 1995, my Second Violin Concerto, which I have entitled “Metamorphoses”, is wholly inspired by Anne-Sophie mutter's sublime art of interpretation. It is dedicated to her. ─── 我的第二小提琴协奏曲创作于1992年到1995年,我已经把它命名为“变形”,这部作品完全是由于受到穆特卓越的演奏的鼓舞而创作的。这部作品也是献给穆特女士的。

45、Sie hat dunkle,sanfte Augen und die schmalen lippen von ihrer Mutter. ─── 她那又黑又温柔的眼睛和小小的觜唇遗传自她的妈妈。

46、Newspapers run by our Party and all the propaganda work of our Party should be vivid, clear-cut and sharp and should never mutter and mumble. ─── 我们党所办的报纸,我们党所进行的一切宣传工作,都应当是生动的,鲜明的,尖锐的,毫不吞吞吐吐。

47、Hallo, Mutter! Wir haben jetzt geniesst gehen. Danke scho"n. Und Sie? ─── 嗨!妈!我们刚刚吃完晚饭。谢谢,那您呢?

48、Some democrats mutter darkly about “Gosplan” and “Stalinism” and threaten the IPC with legal challenges to its decisions. ─── 一些民主人士对斯大林主义牢骚不断,并怀疑IPC裁定的合法化。

49、(Obstacle of spirit of 2) schizophrenia appearance: Expression is mental motility excitement, verbal and messy, mutter, companion has psychedelic, covet to reach controlled feeling. ─── (2)精神分裂症样精神障碍:表现为精神运动性兴奋,言语零乱,喃喃自语,伴有幻觉、妄想及被控制感。

50、what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long. ─── 并那些起来攻击我的人,口中所说的话,以及终日向我所设的计谋。

51、Mein Vater ist Professor an der Universität Köln. Meine Mutter ist Hausfrau. ─── 我的父亲是科隆大学的教授,我的母亲是家庭主妇。

52、Speak louder because i cannot hear you if you mutter under your breath. ─── 你这么小声咕哝我怎么听得见, 讲话大点儿声。

53、I mutter admiringly, from that part of me which must be immortal and invulnerable ─── 我满怀赞美地咕哝着,这可是发自我那永生不朽且又不会受伤害的内心深处。

54、mutter away to oneself ─── 喃喃自语

55、He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter ─── 他始而大喊大叫,后来声音减低到小声咕哝。

56、“Sorry,” I mutter, helping her up. ─── “对不起。”我小声咕哝着,并且帮助她站起来。

57、To mutter in discontent guarantee vt. ─── 怨言,满腹牢骚。

58、"I don't think there's anything wrong with her," I heard the doctor mutter to Charlie after a moment."Just exhaustion. ─── “我想她没什么大碍,”片刻后,我听到医生小声地对查理说,“只是太疲惫了。

59、We heard a mutter of discontent. ─── 我们听到有人窃窃私议表示不满。

60、He mutter a few words of apology and with that he leave. ─── 他支支吾吾地道个歉就马上走了。

62、We heard the man mutter something as he walked away . ─── 我们听见那个人离开时喃喃地说着什么。

63、I once didn't know how to cherish, but if I were given another chance, I'd mutter: give me another chance. ─── 曾经我不懂得珍惜,但如果再给我一次机会,我会说:再给我一次机会。

64、He mutter a few word of apology and with that he leave ─── 他支支吾吾地道个歉就马上走了

65、My lips certainly will not speak unjustly, Nor will my tongue mutter deceit. ─── 伯27:4我的嘴决不说非义之言、我的舌也不说诡诈之语。

66、To mutter discontentedly; grumble. ─── 不满地嘀咕;发牢骚

67、to diminuendo down to a mutter ─── 把声音渐渐放低,变成小声嘟哝

68、Some analysts mutter that Phelps Dodge embarked on the merger chiefly to save itself from being taken over. ─── 一些分析人士暗自抱怨说,菲尔普斯-道奇公司进行此次合并,主要是为了让自己免于被别人兼并。

69、The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut. ─── "按钮咕哝着发出声音说:"蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生.

70、With no time to think and not wanting to hurtyourfeelings the only thing they'll be able to do is mutter a “thankyou”and/or “I love it,” before placing it back into its box, never tobeopened again. ─── 他们为了不伤害你的感情,肯定会在把礼物丢在一边之前咕哝一句“谢了”或者“不错”。

71、It's impolite to mutter to one another in class. ─── 上课交头接耳不礼貌。

72、In most offices, staff have to be excessively polite on the phone, so it can sometimes be nice, after a particularly trying conversation, to be able to put the receiver down and mutter "wanker". ─── 在多数办公室里,员工在接打电话时要十二分地有礼貌。因此,有时,能够挂掉对方的电话,嘀咕上一句“混账”,可能感觉非常不错,在一次令人恼火的对话之后尤其如此。

73、helenemoi: Als das Maedchen gehoert hat, dass seine Mutter nie mehr zurueckkommen sollte, weinte es sich die Augen aus. ─── 当小姑娘得知,母亲不会再回来了,她伤心地哭了。

74、Some members of the government are beginning to mutter about the prime minister. ─── 一些政府官员开始咕咕哝哝地抱怨首相。

75、A painter held abstract art exhibition, drew a lot of people, a carline stands before a picture, mutter say: "What is this to be being drawn after all? ─── 有一位画家举行了抽象画展,吸引了许多人,有一位老太婆站在一幅画前,喃喃自语的说:“这究竟是在画什么?”

76、Mutter: Erz?hle nicht solch einen Bl?dsinn. Man kann nicht mit dem Taxi in den Zoo. Das wei?t du doch. ─── 孩子,瞧你在说什么傻话。人家不会允许的士进入动物园。这你是知道的。

77、Mein Cousin und meine Cousine konnten das nur v?llig schwer verstehen,ich wurde sogar von meine Mutter geschlagen. ─── 我的表弟和表姐对我的举措表示完全不能理解,为此我甚至挨了母亲的打。

78、The button utters in mutter, The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut. ─── 按钮咕哝着发出声音说:蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生。

79、Jondrette found time to mutter in the ear of his eldest daughter:-- "The scoundrel! ─── 容德雷特觑个空,对着他大女儿的耳朵抱怨:“坏蛋!

80、 双语使用场景

81、All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.' "But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! ─── 使徒行传2:36-39“故此,以色列全家当确实的知道,你们钉在十字架上的这位耶稣,神已经立他为主为基督了。

82、They live only to mutter. ─── 他们只是和睦地低语。

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