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10-03 投稿


manito 发音

英:[?m?n?t??]  美:[?m?n??to?]

英:  美:

manito 中文意思翻译



manito 相似词语短语

1、manitous ─── n.(北美土人的)神灵

2、bandito ─── n.墨西哥强盗

3、manitos ─── 手风病

4、manitu ─── 神灵;妖魔

5、manitou ─── n.(北美土人的)神灵

6、amanita ─── n.伞形毒菌;毒蕈之一种

7、mannitol ─── n.[生化]甘露醇,甘露糖醇

8、manit ─── n.每人每分钟所做的工作(manminutes);n.(Manit)人名;(泰、柬)玛尼

9、Amanite ─── 金刚砂

manito 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The wind of the manito blowed again and the several large or small lands floating in the sea appeared. ─── 大神再动荡一下,于是,下界的情形展现了:一块块大小不一的陆地飘荡在海洋之间。

2、Manito wants to know who would win a fight between Tyson and Ali. ─── 马尼托想知道如果泰森和阿里决斗, 谁会赢.

3、In the long-term history, jade gradually becomes symbol of moral, custom, manito, power and wealth. ─── 在长期的历史进程中,玉逐渐成为道德、习俗、神灵、权力和财富的象征物。

4、man minutes manit ─── 每人每分钟所做的工作

5、In the long-term history, jade gradually becomes symbol of moral, custom, manito, power and wealth. ─── 在长期的历史进程中,玉逐渐成为道德、习俗、神灵、权力和财富的象征物。

6、The manito breathed again and several large or small continents floating in the sea . ─── 大神再动荡一下,于是,下界的情形展现了:一块块大小不一的陆地飘荡在海洋之间。

7、Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being. ─── 摘要妈祖是中国的“海洋保护神”,从宋朝起,为历朝所推崇,形成中国特有的妈祖文化。

8、When the intensity wind which figured the existing of the manito blowed, the clouds of the thearchy was scattered. ─── 表示大神存在的那片强烈气息动荡一下,众神脚下的五彩祥云就荡开去了。

9、After a while,the thearchy assembled around the manito. ─── 片刻之间,天庭中的众神都齐聚到了大神的四周。

10、The Budda was shocked prodoundly by the praises and curses voiced from the manito. ─── 这所有赞颂与诅咒的起始之声,从大神口中发出时,菩萨心中感到了一种深刻的震荡。

11、Manito wants to know who would win a fight between Tyson and Ali. ─── 马尼托想知道如果泰森和阿里决斗,谁会赢。

12、When the origin sound of all the glorification or execrative issued from the manito, Bodhisattva felt heavy shock. ─── 这所有赞颂与诅咒的起始之声,从大神口中发出时,菩萨心中感到了一种深刻的震荡。

13、multichannel manito ─── 多道监视器

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