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10-03 投稿


unhealthiness 发音

英:[?n?helθin?s]  美:[?n?helθin?s]

英:  美:

unhealthiness 中文意思翻译



unhealthiness 相似词语短语

1、stealthiness ─── n.隐匿性

2、unseaworthiness ─── n.无适航性

3、unhealthiest ─── adj.不健康的;危险的;有害身心健康的(unhealthy的变形)

4、-healthiest ─── 健康的(healthy的最高级)

5、unhealthfulness ─── 不健康

6、healthiness ─── n.健康;健全

7、breathiness ─── 气息声

8、wealthiness ─── 富裕

9、unhealthier ─── 不健康的(unhealthy的比较级)

unhealthiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Factory now causes Unhealthiness with access to Coal or Oil ─── 当有煤炭或石油的时候,工厂产生不健康度

2、The discernable unhealthiness of this hard-working scholar discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in China's academia. ─── 这个勤奋学者的不健康状况显示出中国学术界一个长期存在的现象。

3、In the current economic transition of our Country, Appraising Value of The Enterprises faced lots of traits, such as the unhealthiness of system and the market was forming. ─── 我国转型经济条件下,企业价值评估面临的体制和市场环境存在诸多特点,体制的不健全和市场的不完善决定我国企业价值评估不同于成熟市场经济国家。

4、On the contrary, When collective consciousness makes turbulence, the body and mind will trap in a state of unhealthiness, unhappiness and unpleasure. ─── 相反的,当意识不和谐时,身心就处在不健康、不幸的、不喜悦的状态。

5、First, there is a correlation between unhealthiness and impulsiveness of food items: Unhealthy food items also tend to elicit impulsive responses. ─── 首先,食品的不健康与冲动性购买有联系,不健康的食物会诱发冲动反应。

6、Their unhealthiness is their soundness, and is what carries conviction. ─── 病态是他们的基石,使他们变得具有说服力。

7、Profusion blood and vigor are the base of female physiological activities. A female looking is bad or well that reflect truth human body healthiness or unhealthiness. ─── 中医认为女子以血为本,气血充盈是女性生理活动的基本,气色的好坏与否是人体是否健康的一个真实反映。

8、Nor is this surprising: a branch may be diseased and all the rest healthy, but unsoundness at the root diffuses unhealthiness through the whole tree. ─── 这没有什么好奇怪的,一根树枝有病,所有其余部分仍可能是健壮的,但树根有病却会使整棵树枯萎。

9、Profusion blood and vigor are the base of female physiological activities.A female looking is bad or well that reflect truth human body healthiness or unhealthiness. ─── 中医认为女子以血为本,气血充盈是女性生理活动的基本,气色的好坏与否是人体是否健康的一个真实反映。

10、Human Being was born with "unhealthiness", toughly searching the meanings of life all the time. ─── 人生而"有病",总是固执地探求着生活的意义。

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