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10-04 投稿


motif 发音

英:[m??'ti?f]  美:[mo'tif]

英:  美:

motif 中文意思翻译



motif 短语词组

1、leucine zipper motif ─── 亮氨酸拉链基元

2、promoter motif ─── 启动子基序

3、palmette motif ─── 棕榈图案

4、cabinetwork motif ─── 细木工图案

5、guanine motif ─── 鸟嘌呤基序

6、conservative motif ─── 保守的主题

7、Venetian motif ─── 威尼斯的主题

8、consensus motif ─── [医]共有基序

9、helix motif ─── 螺旋基序

10、binding motif ─── 装订图案

11、carved motif ─── 雕刻的图案

12、sequence motif ─── [医]序列基元,基序

13、active motif chip ─── 主动motif芯片

14、trefoil motif ─── 三叶基序

15、decorative motif ─── 装饰图案

16、active motif ─── 活动母题

17、dimerization motif ─── 二聚基序

18、ornamental motif ─── 装饰肘

19、leucine-rich motif ─── 富含亮氨酸的基序

motif 词性/词形变化,motif变形

形容词最高级: mothiest |形容词比较级: mothier |

motif 相似词语短语

1、motion ─── n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;vi.运动;打手势;vt.运动;向…打手势

2、motier ─── 锻炼

3、metif ─── 梅蒂夫

4、motive ─── n.动机,目的;主题;adj.发动的;成为动机的;vt.使产生动机,激起

5、motis ─── 原因

6、motific ─── 母题

7、motifs ─── n.图案;动机(motif的复数)

8、moti ─── n.胖女人,胖女孩;n.(Moti)(以色列、美、印)莫蒂(人名)

9、motile ─── adj.[生理]能动的;显示活力的;n.运动型

motif 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The public is invited to the motif as poet in surrealistic, elegant, enigmatic and surprises. ─── 他邀观众和他一起去诗化一个超现实主义的,优美的,迷人而又惊奇的意境。

2、In this context the simplicity of a geometric motif may be more apparent than real. ─── 在这种背景下,简单的几何图案可能比真实的更明显。

3、The tripeptide, Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif is an integrin-recognition site found in adhesive proteins present in extracellular matrices (ECM) and in blood. ─── Arg-Gly-Asp(精氨酸-甘氨酸-天门冬氨酸,简称RGD)三肽序列是存在于细胞基质中和血液中的粘连蛋白所共有的一个保守序列,它是整合素结合的位点。

4、Wonderful unscramble: Plastic over cap is set outside, behaved beautiful motif likewise. In addition, after the candle is lighted, can replace with common candle. ─── 出色解读:外镶塑料保护盖,同样表现了花的主题。此外,蜡烛燃完后,可以用普通的蜡烛替换。

5、The decor of both places, both have that whole “overly white” motif going, so I can see how the Muse guys would like Wynn Win. ─── 好像学习两语的,一个口语的,一个著述的。现在我住在上海作演员。我拍了几个电视剧,还几个电影。

6、Hair embroidery starts with motif designing. ─── 嘉宾:发绣从打样设计开始。

7、In profile, the curved, sweeping belt line, long cabin and blacked out B pillar creates a strong, dynamic ′sling-shot′ window graphic motif. ─── 在外观上,长车身弯曲流畅的腰线、宽大的座舱、刻意留黑的B柱创造出极富动感的“弹道”形车窗造型。

8、Vif protein has two domains: one binds to APOBEC3G and the other regulates the degradation of APOBEC3G by a conserved sequence, SLQ (Y/F) LA motif. ─── Vif 蛋白有两个结构域,其中一个结合到APOBEC3G,另一个负责分解APOBEC3G,称为SLQ(Y/F)LA 基序。

9、What should be pay more attention is not its thematic long history, but the exotic sentiment behind the motif. ─── 值得关注的不是古已有之,而是母题所昭示的那缕缕引人入胜的“异国风光”。

10、Married to one sector of a Club Road in the civilian clothes, had two sons, four live in a constant motif in general life. ─── 到人界娶了一位会道术的民女为妻,生了两个儿子,一家四口过着世外桃园般的生活。

11、The motif of marrying by contesting, Wushu traces its marrying custom and the source of India Buddhist Sutra from the anthropology and culture crossing perspectives. ─── “比武招亲母题”从人类学和跨文化研究角度,追溯出成婚考验习俗祭起母题的印度佛经来源。

12、Likewise, the dragon, long a symbol of the emperor in China, was a principal motif not only for stately court robes but also for the emperor's accoutrements. ─── 同样的,龙是中国皇帝的象征,它是一个主要的主题不仅用在朝廷的制服上,还用在御林军的军服上。

13、A crushing setback, pluckily overcome, is a good plot motif to carry the yarn forward. ─── 如果你的公司曾遭受过一次毁灭性的打击,但你的勇气让公司度过了难关,那么这个情节也很不错,能推动故事的发展。

14、The mingling of divine animals and stars is a common motif in Han dynasty pictures from Nanyang. ─── 南阳汉画中常见这一类将神兽与星宿交织在一起的画面。

15、Another important motif of the festival is the Christmas tree, around which traditionally people would dance around hinting at the pagan origins of this mid-winter celebration. ─── 圣诞节的另一个重点是圣诞树,在这一天,人们会围着圣诞树跳舞,这也表明圣诞树是圣诞节形成之前的隆冬节日的重要组成部分。

16、It attaches more importance to motif than just to sutra, and makes research on areas such as prose classification, style, language usage, structure, etc. ─── 它推原六经,但更主张以意为主,在文章分类、风格特征、语言运用、篇章结构、文体区分等领域作出了有益的探讨;

17、Then the piece of paper with the motif on it will be placed on a pile of colored paper to be engraved with a knife. ─── 先在一张纸上勾勒出草图,并将图样覆在一叠彩纸上,然后用刻刀刻制完成。

18、However, one certain CpG motif is not always optimal to all host, so it is very important to screen CpG ODN with strong immunostimulatory activity on canine in vitro. ─── 国外已经有关于人和小鼠的最佳基序的研究报道,国内关于CpG的基础性研究尚少,且未见有关犬的最佳CpG基序的研究报道。

19、Studying on conditions and mechanism of the form of harmonious society is a academic motif that penetrating through China's sociology. ─── 今天,党和政府明确提出了构建和谐社会的历史任务。

20、An embroidered motif like an emblem, an insignia or a Coat of Arms. See Emblem. ─── 一种类似徽章,勋章或武器的外套的绣花花边,见徽章。

21、"Red and White," the national colours of Japan and also the corporate colours of New Japan Radio, serve as a design motif for introducing unique new products. ─── 在介绍有特色的新产品时,应以代表着日本和新日本无线的专用“红、白”基调色来展开设计。

22、In order to clarify the function mechanism of this gene,we investigate an important motif of BRD 7, the bromodomain. ─── 为了阐明BRD-7基因的作用机制,我们首先对其溴区结构域进行了初步的研究。

23、One of the prevailing themes is that of the window, a motif that had been considered a paradigm of painting itself since the Renaissance. ─── 在这些作品中,“窗户”是一个比较常见的主题,这是自文艺复兴以来的一个比较典型的主题。

24、As a literature archetype,the origin of the mode can be traced back to ancient Chinese literature.It was a motif of many narrative stories. ─── 作为一种原型现象,“二女+男”模式的发生可以追溯到中国的古代文学,是一个频繁演绎的叙事母题。

25、In his works, Klee has frequently used landscapes, gardens and plants as a motif. For him, there was a strong link between art and nature. ─── 在作品中,克里经常采用风景、花园以及植物作为其绘画主题。对他而言,艺术与自然有着一种强烈的联系。

26、Later covers are slicker and racier-near-naked women, gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motif s. ─── 后来封面是胡子和挑逗性的靠着裸女,闪烁的枪口和钻石是流行的主题。

27、The DECwindows software requires an ECO installation to correctly display the Euro. The ECO installation updates the character sets used by DECwindows Motif. ─── 为帮助我们改进内容,请提供以下反馈意见和附加评论。如果有需要立即关注的问题或疑问,请提交呼叫,或与您的惠普响应中心联系。

28、Following a long silent period inside the venue, piano music and a gospel choir kicked things off with a stained-glass motif in the background. ─── 在场馆内人们长时间默哀之后,钢琴声和唱诗班的歌声在彩色玻璃主题背景前响起,为悼念仪式拉开了序幕。

29、The word motif generally has two meanings in the musical form and music analysis, and it can get new significance from the composer's individual using. ─── 动机”一词,通常在“曲式学”与“分析学”中具有两方面的含义,但在实际音乐作品中还因作曲家独特的处理而可能被赋予新的意义。

30、Shield or inhibition of ER retention motif within C1 cassette of NR1-1a subunit by NR2B subunit when assembling is not dependent on any particular region in NR2B C-terminus. ─── NR2 B与 NR1- 1a装配时 ,NR2 B对 NR1- 1a C1盒中内质网滞留基序的遮蔽和阻滞作用 ,并不依赖于 NR2 B C末端某一特定的区域 ,相反可能仅要求有一定长度的 NR2 B C末端。

31、Under his vest he carries a less pear.However you see at him it is sll the time the alike panorama: netsuke snuffbox, ivory handle, chess piece, fan, temple motif. ─── 他在背心里掖了唯一小梨,不论你咋了看他都是那副尊容,随身带着有个坠子的鼻烟盒,象牙柄的,还有棋子、扇子、教堂地图。

32、Most of the tools use some kind of click-and-drag flowchart motif to model control flow. ─── 大多数工具使用一些拖拉式的流程图来模拟流程控制。

33、Once the Winged Disc had been adopted as a symbol of Zoroastrianism, it entered into the community not only as a graphic symbol but as a folk motif. ─── 一旦有翼的圆盘作为一种琐罗亚斯德教的标记而被采用,它不仅是作为一种图解符号,而且是作为一种人文主题而进入公社(联合体)。

34、The position and nature of the cadres training determined that the party nature education is its perpetual motif. ─── 干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。

35、They may want to design their own greeting cards using the apple print motif. ─── 他们可能想利用自行设计贺卡印刷图案苹果。

36、The company has an absolutely gorgeous building, all decorated in Tahitian motif. ─── 他们有一个美丽的瀑布,在与他们的营养浇筑出来果汁大厅喷泉!

37、It was constructed entirely in a Japanese motif and was beautiful. ─── 它完全按日式风格来建造,是个很美丽的地方!

38、A fuzzy puff playful motif where the ceiling is adorned with dandelion puffs seems to float and drift through the air. ─── 应用绒毛活泼主题的天花板则装饰有蒲公英的绒毛,看起来像是漂浮在空中。

39、Having his eternal motif in the grandeur of the cosmic world, he is also active in working for fine-art pictures and animation-movies. ─── 在宇宙世界的壮丽里有他的永久主题,他在为美术照片和动画电影工作方面也活跃。

40、Sequencing of the SRY motif in an XY female who gave birth to a normal baby showed no mutation. ─── 对一例血核型为46,XY但已分娩正常儿的患者进行了SRY基因保守序列的测序未发现突变。

41、This motif is concealed for a month or two. ─── 他这个念头在头两个月还潜而不露。

42、TDAG51 protein is rich in PQ(praline-glutamine) motif at the C terminal. ─── TDAG51是PQR(proline-glutamine-rich)蛋白,在其C-端富含PQ即脯氨酸和谷氨酰胺。

43、Our work develops a system that combines the motif searching and phylogenetic footprinting. ─── 基于此现象,我们假设在绿色设计方案的评估上,缺乏一个完整而正确的评估模式。

44、Wonderful unscramble: Plastic over cap is set outside, behaved beautiful motif likewise. ─── 出色解读:外镶塑料保护盖,同样表现了花的主题。

45、He then stencilled the ceiling with a moon and stars motif. ─── 他接着用模版在天花板印上月亮和星星图案。

46、The way he layers his paintings is to place a motif of repetitious line drawings from the Chinese Pillow Book, almost like stamps as background. ─── 他采纳中国“房中术”式的重复线条构成的一个母题,对此加以置放,就象作为背景的邮票一样,这成为他处理绘画的方式。

47、SRY represents a transcription factor belonging to the superfamily of genes sharing the HMG-box motif (high-mobility group-box), which acts as DNA binding region. ─── SRY基因是一种转录因子,属于带有高迁移率族蛋白家族,该家族成员的包含能与DNA结合的HMG盒基序。

48、Compared with the CMO from spinach and sugar beet,the AhCMO had one conserved Rieske|Type [2Fe|2S]cluster|binding region and one conserved mononuclear Fe|binding motif. ─── 同菠菜和甜菜中的CMO序列相比 ,山菠菜CMO基因 (AhCMO)也具有保守的Rieske Type[2Fe 2S]簇结合区和保守的多铁原子核结合域。

49、Humanity homes began to emerge monotonous, cold living machines of phenomenon, although such machines were once the Motif of modernism. ─── 人类的家园开始出现单调的、冷冰冰的居住机器的现象,尽管这种居住的机器一度曾是现代主义的母题。

50、For literature, the influence mainly shows that the instrument and music had become the aesthetic object and the motif of literary creation. ─── 对文学而言,此种影响主要表现为乐器和音乐进入当时人们的审美视野,成为文学创作的题材。

51、The CpG motif can promote the product ion of cross-reactive anti-dsDNA antibodies in normal mice. ─── CpG序列能促进正常小鼠产生具有交叉反应特性的抗ds-DNA抗体。

52、Souvenir T-shirt with Kuching, Sarawak or Borneo motif. ─── 以古晋,砂拉越或婆罗洲岛为主题的衬衫。

53、Completing the war motif, sandbags surround the outdoor seating area. ─── 完全战争的主题,沙袋包环绕室外的座位区。

54、As indeed it does: what should be a quiet, perfectly even motif of sixteenth notes comes out as a skewed, off-tempo jangle. ─── 事实也是如此:原本应该是安详而流畅、由1/16拍音符组成的旋律,却被我弹成歪扭忐忑的噪音。

55、A motif in art, literature, or music. ─── 主题艺术、文学或者音乐的主题

56、Under his vest he carries a little pear.However you look at him it is always the same panorama: netsuke snuffbox, ivory handle, chess piece, fan, temple motif. ─── 他在背心里掖了一个小梨,不论你怎么看他都是那副尊容,随身带着有个坠子的鼻烟盒,象牙柄的,还有棋子、扇子、教堂地图。

57、Mutual benefit is motif and constitute sound management system according to the requirements of modern enterprise system to enhance our competitive strength consistently. ─── 互利共赢的主题”,并构成健全的管理制度要按照现代企业制度,以加强我们的竞争力不断。

58、The Olympic Torch PC, a version of Lenovo's Tianyi notebook line for consumers, is black and red, with a decorative cloud motif on the top cover. ─── 作为联想天逸系列笔记本电脑中的一款,奥运火炬个人电脑红黑相间,外观以祥云为主要基调。

59、Two-packs of Spam in an Operation Education paperboard wrap with a camouflage motif are being sold at military commissaries and grocery stores. ─── 两包的垃圾邮件在一次行动中教育与纸板包装伪装序正在出售军事小卖部和杂货店。

60、Her motif was a stinging crosscourt backhand for which Sharapova had no answer. ─── 俄罗斯现在至少有一千万少女投身网球运动。

61、The conserved hexapeptide motif MYPPPY within CD28/CTLA-4 molecules is demonstrated to be essential for binding to B7 molecules. ─── CD28与CTLA-4共有的保守六肽MYPPPY,被认为是与B7分子的结合位点,但B7家族尤其是B7.2分于与受体的结合位点至今仍未阐明。

62、Stainless steel bottle stopper with black rubber seal. Decorative faceted clear crystal top with poinsettia motif in Light Siam and accents in Light Topaz crystal. ─── 在贴着黑橡胶的不锈钢瓶底就是这一系列的创意之作,菱形切面的纯净水晶底座里镶嵌着一品红五叶花,呈现变幻效果。

63、Full of artistic tension in image, emotion and motif, his poetry is like a fantastic flower in blossom on the Parnassus of English literature. ─── 它脱离了伊丽莎白时代的彼特拉克传统,开创了一条新路,无论从意象、情感,还是从主题的角度,都充满了艺术张力感。

64、If I were to write this novel the main theme, or motif, would be buried, at first, and only slowly take over. ─── 如果我写这么一篇小说,就会在开头把主题隐藏起来,然后慢慢地展开。

65、The layered elements become a motif for the house and is able to be seen from multiple rooms through square apertures and openings. ─── 由此,分层式结构成为了整栋住宅的设计主题,透过室外散布的方形孔洞可以窥见多个室内空间的这一主题元素。

66、His conception of the theme was completely dominated by the idea of bringing out the announcement of the betrayl as the dramatic central motif. ─── 他对这主题的想法主要以耶稣宣称其遭背叛之当下为题材。

67、A baculovirus consensus early transcriptional initiation motif CAGT is found at 14nts upstream of the ATG. ─── 在起始密码子ATG上游210nt和227nt处各有一个GATA盒,14nt处有个杆状病毒早期转录基序CAGT。

68、The sox gene of Chinemys reevessi was amplified by using a pair of primers which could amplify the conservative motif of human SRY gene. ─── 参照人SRY gene HMG-box保守区的序列,设计一对引物,扩增了乌龟的Sox gene,并对扩增条件进行了优化。

69、What is the motif of this year? ─── 知道今年教师节的主题吗?

70、In the foreground is a cornucopia (a symbol of abundance that is a common decorative motif at Thanksgiving) labeled 'economy'. ─── 在靠前的地方有一个羊角状器皿(羊角是丰饶的象征,是感恩节时很普遍的装饰图案),上写着"经济"二字,

71、With its Mickey-head shaped motif adorning the exterior and included in the keypad, this GSM Triband phone is sure to sell out in record time. ─── 好像只在香港迪士尼开业的时候才有哦,上面说是3888(不知道是人民币还是港币还是美元?)

72、A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif. ─── 壁柱,半露柱有柱顶和底座的长方形柱子,作为装饰图案置入墙内

73、The motif shows a child confined to bed, but surrounded by teddies, which symbolise security, warmth and care. ─── 本主题显示卧床的孩子,而是由泰迪熊,象征安全,温暖和关怀所包围。

74、The anthemion petal motif was especially popular on the moldings of ancient Greek cornices. ─── 古希腊飞檐的线脚尤其常用忍冬饰花瓣基本图案。

75、For the same motif, the result difference between the different groups is not salient. ─── 发现不同受试组对同一实验素材实验结果的差别不显著。

76、Each elegant link is a modern interpretation of Movado's signature circle-within-a-circle motif. ─── 优美雅致的链环,以现代手法重新诠释了标志性的摩凡陀“环中环”图案。

77、IAP proteins were discovered in baculoviruses and are typically characterized by 2-3 baculovirus IAP repeats (BIR) and a RING finger motif. ─── bcl-2有许多同源体,这些蛋白在体内通过同源、异源二聚体相互作用,而且促凋亡、抑制凋亡蛋白的相互比例决定着细胞对死亡刺激因素的最终敏感性。

78、As the reflection of the "Master" motif, the imagery of "master" has its roots in the soil of Dickinson"s times and culture. ─── 作为“主人”主题在狄金森作品中的具体映像,狄金森笔下的“主人”形象深深根植于狄金森所处的时代和文化环境之中。

79、The WD motif is also called to be Trp-ASP or WD40, approximately composed of 40 amino acid residues, and has GH and WD conserved sequences. ─── WD基元又称Trp-ASP或WD40,由40个左右的氨基酸残基组成,具有保守的GH和WD序列.

80、There are obvious or mystical symbolic meanings in material, motif, color, direction, number, and size etc., which they selected in any artwork. ─── 他们对于艺术作品所选用的材料、主题、颜色、方向、数目、大小等,皆具有明显或是神秘的象徵意义。

81、One side shows off mirror gun metal calfskin embossed with a motif evoking the facets of cut crystal. ─── 一面镜子炫耀枪金属压花小牛皮与序引起了方方面面的水晶。

82、A typical BIR motif and a BIR like motif were found in HaSNPV IAP3 protein. In the C terminal a typical RING zinc finger motif was found. ─── HaSNPVIAP3蛋白的N端发现有一个典型的BIR结构和一个类BIR结构 ,C端有一个典型的RING锌指结构。

83、A classic, cool-weather motif in traditional lambswool. Importent, Dry clean. ─── 一个古典的传统羔羊毛羊毛花纹。注意请干洗。

84、In the art of Mycenaean and Minoan times, the sphinx is a common motif: she is usually winged and crowned. ─── 在希腊古代都市迈锡尼文明和克列特文明时期的艺术中,斯芬克斯是一个共同的主题:她通常是有翼的和戴有王冠。

85、Making a motif automatically by this machine,stick the beads directly on the mylar film, not by hand. ─── 全自动烫图制作机。直接把钻点在烫纸上,略掉了模板的这一块,全部机器完成。无一手工参与。

86、The entire motif conveys bright, clear and joyful warm hue, suggesting healthy and blessed future as well as brilliant vigor. ─── 图案整体明朗愉悦的暖色系,象征健康快乐的未来与新鲜活力的期许

87、A key element in montage, sound plays a vital role in motif reinforcement and characterization. ─── 声音是电影蒙太奇的一个重要元素,对于强化电影的主题和塑造人物形象有十分重要的作用。

88、In fact, the same Tcl script written using Tk will look like a Windows application on a PC, a Macintosh application on a Macintosh and a Motif program on a Unix work-station. ─── 实际上,用Tk写成的Tcl脚本在PC机上看上去像Windows应用程序,在Mac机上像Mac应用程序、在unix工作站上像Motif程序。

89、They settled on clouds, a motif that captured both the essence of ancient Chinese design and the overlapping circles of the Olympic logo. ─── 他们最终选定了祥云,这一图案既吸收了中国古代设计思想的精髓,又与奥运的环形标志有异曲同工之妙。





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