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10-03 投稿


malaga 发音

[ 'm?l?g?]

英:  美:

malaga 中文意思翻译



malaga 网络释义

n. 马拉加(西班牙南部省名及其首府名);马拉加产的葡萄酒

malaga 同义词

awkward | inelegant | ham-handed | clumsy | unskillful | gawky | insensitive | graceless | ungainly | gauche | inept | unskilful | ham-fisted

malaga 反义词


malaga 词性/词形变化,malaga变形

名词复数: maladies |

malaga 相似词语短语

1、cadaga ─── n.一种有着绿色光滑树干的澳洲热带和亚热带桉树

2、Palagi ─── 总是

3、malanga ─── n.暗绿叶黄体芋,黄肉芋;n.(Malanga)(美、意)马兰加(人名)

4、malmags ─── 马尔马格斯

5、malacia ─── n.软化

6、Malaga ─── n.马拉加(西班牙南部省名及其首府名);马拉加产的葡萄酒

7、Málaga ─── n.马拉加(西班牙南部濒地中海省份)

8、malaria ─── n.[内科]疟疾;瘴气

9、malacca ─── n.马六甲(马来西来一州名);马六甲海峡(位于亚洲东南部)

malaga 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spanish side Malaga are interested to sign Liverpool midfielder Nabil El Zhar on loan according to reports in Spain. ─── 根据西媒体的报道,西班牙球队马拉加对于租借利物浦队中的埃尔扎非常感兴趣。

2、Malaga Airport The new terminal will be officially opened next Easter, and now the Spanish Airport Authority AENA is for the trial operation of recruitment, the recruitment of up to 1,800 people. ─── 马拉加机场新航站楼将在明年复活节正式启用,现在西班牙机场管理局AENA正在为试运营招聘人选,这次招聘的人数多达1,800人。

3、My restaurant favorite is malaga. ─── 描述您在镇里喜爱的餐馆。

4、Other information about flying to Malaga ─── 关于飞往马拉加的航班的其它信息

5、Although Malaga is one of Europe's most popular airports, Malaga itself is being seen more now as tourist location. ─── 虽然马拉加是欧洲最受欢迎的机场,马拉加本身正在越来越看,现在作为旅游地点。

6、During our vacation in Spain we were staying in Nerja, a small town at the "Costa del Sol" (sunny coast), just half an hour drive east of the city of Malaga. ─── 在西班牙度假期间,我们住在一个名叫内尔哈的小镇上。这个小镇位于阳光海岸,距离马拉加市中心东部仅仅一个半小时的车程。

7、Malaga wanted to sign Itandje earlier this summer but could not agree personal terms and a loan deal may now be the best option. ─── 夏天的时候,马拉加想签下这名门将,但是由于个人条款而迟迟达不成共识,而现在租借可能是他是一个最佳的选择吧。

8、We were driving on the way to Malaga airport. I took some pictures in the car again. ─── 在开往马拉加机场的路上,我在车里又拍了些像片。

9、Other numbers, Santander 0:0 Rackow, Greece Hong 2:1 Aosasuna, Bettis 3:0 Maluoka, Malaga 2:1 tower Philippines, Para multi-Lieder 1:1 Vyell tile, Almeria 0:1 Seville. ─── 其他场次,桑坦德0:0拉科、希洪2:1奥萨苏纳、贝蒂斯3:0马洛卡、马拉加2:1赫塔菲、巴拉多利德1:1维尔瓦、阿尔梅里亚0:1塞维利亚。

10、The Malaga players didn't seem to be suffering from their energetic start and their pressure on Barca's midfield was limiting the team's ability to get the ball out to the wingers. ─── 夸雷斯马一次右路突破威胁了对方门将卡拉塔尤德,可惜中路没人包抄,球队也没能制造出真正的机会。马拉加的球员似乎没有因为开局时的精力旺盛而感到疲惫。

11、Independent Villa in a quite area , but well communicated, located in Montemar Alto , Torremolinos(Malaga)-Spain ─── 现有西班牙(马拉加)别墅一栋。面积500平米,总价85万欧元。

12、As my plane touched down at the Malaga airport, my long-awaited vacation could begin. ─── 当我搭乘的飞机降落在马拉加机场,我等待已久的假期就此开始了。

13、Malaga are reported to have made contact with Liverpool in regards to French keeper Charles Itandje. ─── 据马拉加报道他们已经与利物浦就法国门将伊坦杰达成转会协议。

14、crema de Malaga ─── 玛拉加忌廉[西班牙]

15、Now we were waiting for our flight to Munich at Malaga airport. ─── 现在我们在马拉加机场等候飞往慕尼黑的航班。

16、Malaga are desperate to find cover for veteran shot-stopper Francesco Arnau, having recently seen Inaki Goitia head for Real Betis. ─── 马拉加非常希望能够找到替代老门将阿尔诺的位置,而戈伊蒂亚最近投奔皇家贝蒂斯。

17、Even another Spanish clubs, Malaga, is on the player.But, in the last hour the Italian player seems very close to Valladolid. ─── 虽然另一家西班牙俱乐部马拉加也在追求巴罗尼奥,但最后时刻意大利中场似乎已经非常接近瓦拉杜利德了。

18、Before his 50th birthday, the little Spaniard from Malaga had become the very prototype of the modern artist as public figure. ─── 在他的第50个生日之前,来自马拉加的小的西班牙人变得作为民众身材的现代艺术家的最原型。

19、Relies on Villa's Mei Kai two degrees, Valencia 2-0 overcomes Malaga, the integral achieves 10 point bat regiment to rely on goal difference forcing Villarreal to occupy the first place. ─── 凭借比利亚的梅开二度,瓦伦西亚2-0力克马拉加,积分达到10分的蝙蝠军团凭借净胜球力压维拉里尔占据榜首。

20、In addition to Amsterdam and Barcelona, Aer Lingus will serve London Heathrow, Geneva, Faro, Malaga, Budapest and Rome. ─── 除了阿姆斯特丹和巴塞罗那,爱尔兰航空还飞往伦敦的希思罗机场、日内瓦、法鲁、马拉加、布达佩斯和罗马。

21、The 20-year old Moroccan has only featured eight times for Liverpool this season and Malaga have approached him regarding a short-term deal. ─── 这位20岁的摩洛哥球员本赛季仅代表红军出场8次,而马拉加方面正打算和俱乐部就租借一事展开磋商。

22、The teenager added: "I was in Malaga and was expecting to just come back on July 2. ─── 年轻人接着说道:“我本来在马拉加,并且打算7月2号再回来。

23、Soderberg &Partners has offices at 15 locations in Sweden as well as in London , Malaga , Hong Kong and Beijing . ─── 公司在瑞典设有 15 个分支机构,并且已经将业务拓展至英国、西班牙和香港。

24、Xia men to Malaga air tickets xia men to Malaga special airfares xia men to Malaga discount tickets, ─── 厦门到马拉加学生机票,北京到马拉加航班时刻表

25、A sweet fortified wine originally from Malaga, Spain. ─── 马拉加白葡萄酒一种原产于西班牙马拉加的甜味烈性葡萄酒

26、January might find Benedict at the winter festival in Malaga; ─── 一月,班独会参加马拉加的冬季嘉年华;

27、Now it was ready for landing on Malaga airport. ─── 此刻飞机正准备在马拉加机场着陆。

28、Cheap Flights to Malaga - Skyscanner will find you great deals on airfares. ─── 飞往马拉加的廉价航班-Skyscanner将为您找到详细的票价信息。

29、When we arrived Malaga airport, it was already 9pm. ─── 当我们到达马拉加机场时,已经是晚上9点了。

30、Malaga is a lovely city and the architecture is beautiful. ─── 马拉加是个可爱的城市,建筑物都很美丽。

31、The prize was rich: the great ports of Almeria and malaga, 100 fortified towns--and over it all, Granada itself ─── 争夺的目标富有价值:重要的阿尔梅里亚和马拉加港口、100个设防的小镇,最重要的是格拉纳达城本身。

32、This new cargo was destined for the coast of the Duchy of Lucca, and consisted almost entirely of havana cigars, sherry, and Malaga wines ─── 这批新货的目的地是卢加沿岸,货物几乎全都是哈瓦那雪茄,白葡萄酒和马拉加葡萄酒。

33、A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain. ─── 在西班牙南部马拉加的海滩上,一个女人正把一个东西扔进篝火里。

34、Before his 50th birthday, the little Spaniard from Malaga had become the very prototype of the modern artist as public figure. ─── 这位来自马拉加的西班牙仔在他50岁生日之前已经以公众人物的方式,拥有近代艺术家的影子。

35、"He has offers from Spain and the clubs that have shown most interest are Malaga and Valladolid." ─── “他已经收到了一些来自西班牙的收购请求,其中最积极的是马拉加和巴拉多利德。”

36、Elsewhere, Real Sociedad improved their chances of avoiding the drop with a comfortable 3-0 victory against rock-bottom Malaga - who now appear doomed. ─── 在其他的西甲比赛中,皇家社会通过提高避免落球的机会没有悬念的以3-0战胜马拉加。

37、The prize was rich: the great ports of Almeria and Malaga, 100 fortified towns--and over it all, Granada itself. ─── 争夺的目标富有价值:重要的阿尔梅里亚和马拉加港口、100个设防的小镇,最重要的是格拉纳达城本身。

38、This has been this play since 2004 in the Spanish Malaga art festival first performance, tour of the first Asian. ─── 这是该剧自2004年在西班牙马拉加艺术节首演以来,第一次亚洲之行。

39、Malaga - painting for sell nearby the cathedral ─── 马拉加-教堂边待售的油画

40、“Idiomas Plus” is a private institution established 1990 teaching Spanish in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Mallorca in Spain. ─── 是一个私人的语言培训机构,该机构成立于1990年,学校分别位于马德里,巴塞罗那,马拉加和马罗卡。

41、Holiday Inn Express Malaga Airport : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

42、The Malaga achievement is promoted Ma Shouou to refer to despises is the reasonable situation, the followed strength index walks may the first choice 3. ─── 马拉加作为升班马受欧指看低属合理情况,跟随实力指数走可首选“3”。

43、A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain. ─── 在西班牙南部的马拉噶镇,一个女人把一个东西投入篝火中。

44、Airlines operating at the Malaga airport offer a wide variety of flights to and from destinations around the world. ─── 在马拉加机场营运的航空公司提供各式各样的飞机往返目的地全世界。

45、Tickets On-Line - Providing sales for bullfighting in Madrid, Sevilla, Malaga, and Valencia. Includes collection points and FAQs. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

46、variety of large almond from Malaga,Spain; used in confectionery ─── 马加拉和西班牙的大型杏树的变种;用于糖果生产

47、Malaga wanted to sign Itandje earlier this summer but could not agree personal terms and a loan deal may now be the best option. ─── 夏天的时候,马拉加想签下这名门将,但是由于个人条款而迟迟达不成共识,而现在租借可能是他是一个最佳的选择吧。

48、Cadiz,Malaga,and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa ,so they have Moslem influence. ─── 加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。

49、This pic was taken at the Catheral of Malaga, a city in the south of Spain, famous for its beach and it is also the hometown of Picaso. ─── 马拉加大教堂外等待游客的马车,马拉加位于在西班牙南部,濒临地中海,以旅游著名,这里也是毕加索的出生地.T

50、The picture shows the ribbon-cutting ceremony and completion of the Spanish-speaking global technical support center established by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. in Malaga, Spain. ─── 图为华为公司在西班牙马拉加市科技园建立的全球西语技术支持中心落成剪彩。

51、Lescott is cheered by Everton fans every time he touches the ball during a pre-season friendly against Malaga at Goodison Park. ─── 爱华顿球迷在爱华顿于葛迪逊公园友赛马拉加时,每当列史葛触球一次就欢喝采一次,希望会令冷血的他受感动,会选择留队.

52、"He added that he has considered the possibility of playing for his home town team Malaga. ─── 耶罗还说他也在考虑为自己家乡球队马拉加效力的可能。

53、Maybe you can organize something like one English teacher for the whole Malaga or Madrid Centers, for your kids or for yourself. ─── 或许你们也可以组织一下,为整个马拉加或马德里小中心找个英文老师来教小孩,或是你们自己都可以学。

54、variety of large almond from Malaga, Spain; used in confectionery. ─── 马加拉和西班牙的大型杏树的变种;用于糖果生产。

55、Major Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Malaga, Bilbao, Las Palmas, Valladolid. ─── 主要城市:马德里,巴塞罗纳,巴伦西亚,塞维利亚,萨拉戈萨,马拉加,毕尔巴鄂,拉斯帕尔马斯,巴利阿多利德。

56、Musampa, who began his career at Ajax Amsterdam, joined Atletico from Malaga at the start of last season for a reported fee of three million euros ($3.9 million). ─── 穆桑帕的职业足球生涯开始于荷兰的阿贾克斯队,上赛季初他以390万美元的价格从西班牙马拉加队转会到了马德里竞技队。

57、I thought of Malaga: a stunning defeat! ─── 我想到马拉加;一场令人震惊的败仗!

58、People watch as waves crash against the seafront in Malaga October 11, 2008. ─── 10月11日,马拉加,人们面向海面观看海浪碎岸。

59、Final Malaga 2-1 overcome Para multi-Lieder, obtains the season first goal at the same time to harvest the first victory. ─── 最终马拉加2-1力克巴拉多利德,取得赛季首个进球的同时收获首场胜利。

60、These baskets contained four pyramids of most splendid fruit; there were Sicily pine-apples, pomegranates from Malaga, oranges from the Balearic Isles, peaches from France, and dates from Tunis. ─── 这些篮子里盛着四堆象金字塔似的珍果,有西西里的凤梨,马拉加的石榴,巴里立克岛的子,法国的水蜜桃和突尼斯的枣。

61、Ollero, A., Garcia-Cerezo, A., and Aracil, J.,Design of Fuzzy Control System, Dpto.Ing.Sist., University Malaga, Research Report, 1992. ─── 陈昱杰,虚拟震动吸收器应用于三轴机械臂,硕士论文,国立云林科技大学机械工程研究所,云林,2004。

62、Life on Merseyside couldn't be better for the Malaga born striker and he certainly has no regrets about leaving Barcelona to sign for the Reds in 2007. ─── 在默西塞德的生活也使得这位出生在马拉加的射手感到非常的惬意,他表示自己并不后悔自己在2007年从巴萨转投而来。

63、Muslim man prayed during at a mosque in Malaga, southern Spain, Monday. ─── 斋月,一名穆斯林男子在马拉加的一间清真寺内祷告。

64、Malaga, who had won five of their last six league games, took a 31st-minute lead through Uruguay's Seba Fernandez. ─── 马拉加赢得了最近六场比赛中的五场,费尔南德斯在第31分钟为球队取得领先。

65、After a much more painful siege, lasting three months, malaga fell too ─── 经过三个月更艰苦的围攻后,马拉加也遭沦陷。

66、Maybe you can organize something like one English teacher for the whole Malaga or Madrid Centers, for your kids or for yourself. ─── 或许你们也可以组织一下,为整个马拉加或马德里小中心找个英文老师来教小孩,或是你们自己都可以学。

67、But we had not enough time to visit inside, because it was the time for us to go to Malaga airport. ─── 但是我们没有时间进去参观,因为回马拉加机场的时间到了。

68、Airlines that fly to Malaga ─── 飞往马拉加的航空公司

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