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10-04 投稿


misinformation 发音

英:[?m?s?nf?r?me??n]  美:[?m?s?nf??me??n]

英:  美:

misinformation 中文意思翻译



misinformation 短语词组

1、misinformation effect ─── 错误信息效应

2、misinformation review ─── 错误信息审查

3、check for misinformation ─── 检查错误信息

misinformation 词性/词形变化,misinformation变形


misinformation 相似词语短语

1、misformation ─── 误传

2、noninformation ─── 无信息

3、give information ─── 提供信息

4、misformations ─── 错误格式

5、pass information ─── 传递信息

6、malconformation ─── n.畸形结构;不均衡性

7、disinformation ─── n.故意的假情报;虚假信息

8、disconfirmation ─── n.不确认;失验

9、information ─── n.信息,资料;知识;情报

misinformation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then you can fill in the gaps, clear up misinformation, and, if necessary and appropriate, explain what you know from your own experience. ─── 然后,你就可以填补空白,把他们误解的厘清,而且,如果必要和合适,解释从你自己经验中你所获知的东西。

2、A continuing Fortitude deception plan and campaign of misinformation put out by SHAEF reinforced this German fixed idea. ─── 盟军统帅部坚持不懈批发出来的虚假战役计划强化了德国人的固执。

3、Checks issued for incorrect amounts and those that simply contain misinformation not relating to dollar amounts can, with proper security access, easily be updated and adjusted. ─── 已经发出的支票,但是金额不对和那些只是存有错误,但是和美元数量没有关系的,可以与适当安全介入措施后,被很容易的更新和调整。

4、Over the next days kids are going to hear all kinds of rumors and misinformation from other kids. ─── 在以下的几天你的孩子经常从别的孩子那听说各种谣言和错误的信息。

5、The fear-mongering and misinformation plaguing the faux-sweetener market seems to be rooted in a common misconception. ─── 在人造甜味剂市场上,恐慌和误传似乎深深植根于人们的错误观念中。

6、Let's stop the rumors and misinformation about AIDS. ─── 让我们停止关于艾滋病的流言和误解。

7、We have a problem here. Cut and paste, right and wrong The spread of misinformation isn't always the result of malice. Consider the cut-and-paste problem. ─── 所以,问题产生了。这个问题来自于剪切与复制,关系到正确与错。错误信息的传播并不总是出自于恶意。想想粘贴复制的问题吧。

8、The nurse participates in the profession's effort to protect the public from misinformation and misrepresentation and to maintain the integrity of nursing. ─── 护士要为保持护理专业的诚实正直而奋斗,不使社会公众受蒙蔽。

9、Secondly, there is "selective inclusion" and "misinformation". ─── 其二则是“选择性的包含”及“误讯”。

10、Misinformation factors can be divided into two categories ─── 误报的因素可以分为两类

11、The chauffeur, whom Thomas Hudson disliked very much for his general misinformation and stupidity, his conceit ─── 托马斯·赫德森对这个司机可以说是厌恶之极,他嫌他一问三不知,蠢得要命,还自以为是。

12、Stigma, along with misinformation, are believed to be the main reasons why so few South Africans get tested and treated for HIV. ─── 担心会留下污名与错误观念是南非民众很少会接受爱滋检测与治疗的主要原因。

13、There's so much misinformation out there, I wanted everyone to hear and understand the truth behind this tragedy. ─── 有很多信息误导人们,我想每个人都听到和了解事实真相背后的这一悲剧。

14、Flextronics is concerned that certain articles that have been recently published may lead to misinformation among the general public concerning the labor and employment policies practiced by Flextronics. ─── 伟创力关注最近某些可能引起公众对伟创力劳工雇佣政策误解的报道。

15、chapter two talks about the market malfunctioning theory and misinformation to explain the rationale of legal regulation of financial holding company; ─── 第二章从市场失灵论和信息不对称理论阐述对金融控股公司进行法律规制的理论基础;

16、Don't misinform your doctor or your lawyer. ─── 不要向医生和律师提供错误的信息。

17、It has small volume, low cost, easy to disposal and installation, through practice it has been proved this node has trait that low misinformation rate and strong anti-jamming ability. ─── 该节点可实现自组网、体积小、成本低,便于布置安装,实践中证明其具有误报率低和抗干扰能力强等特点。

18、In addition, the patient or surrogate may correct any historical misinformation at this time. ─── 病人或代诉者还可在此时纠正病史中的一些错误信息。

19、You are being taken out of disinformation and misinformation and you are becoming informed; ─── 你们正在去掉假情报和错误的消息而且你们正在变得见多识广;

20、Democracy depends on an informed citizenry, and the right wing consciously strives to misinform the American public by erasing the distinction between journalism and propaganda. ─── 民主依赖于信息量庞大的公民社会,而右翼势力却通过模糊新闻报道和政治说教间的区别刻意向美国公众传达错误的信息。

21、Much misinformation about the female body circulates in mainstream consciousness. ─── 很多关于女性身体的错误观点在不断流传。

22、Fraud, misinformation and opinions: How do we find legitimate information in this cacophony of written voices? ─── 诈骗、失实和意见:如何找到合法的书面资料,在这个声音的糙?

23、They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. ─── 他们应该尽快回复读者来信,以免有关动物权利的错误信息大行其道,披上真理的骗人外衣。

24、Also they feel that criminal cases offer up misinformation to the public about how the virus is transmitted and its associated risks. ─── 而且,他们认为对此类案件进行刑事立案会给公众传递关于艾滋病毒传播及其危险的错误信息。

25、when people have power and they see that they can, “wink, wink” get by with a dropped hint here or some misinformation there, they do it! ─── 当人们有权有势和他们看到他们能做到时,他们会“眨眼”用这里掉落的暗示或那里的一些错误信息混过去,他们是那样做的!

26、misinformation effect ─── 误导信息效应

27、Results: Eyewitness Identification, Memory for Places and Events were degraded by stress. In addition, a significant effect of misinformation was observed for all types of memory. ─── 结果:证人对地点、事件的记忆和鉴定的准确性随应激程度的增加而下降。而且,各种形式的记忆都会有显著的错误信息。

28、This foolish, recurring misinformation about mineral oil and petrolatum is maddening. ─── 这种针对矿物油的愚蠢,复发的误传使人发怒。

29、Confusion reigned in Internet chat forums as baffled players tried to understand the plague -- often spreading misinformation. ─── 瘟疫的爆发也令魔兽玩家论坛上充斥着困惑情绪和错误信息。

30、"We know who is behind the spate of misinformation and why they are doing it -- to discredit granite and push the sales of quartz-based synthetic stone countertops," Hogan said. ─── 吉姆说:“我们知道是谁在散布这些虚假的消息以及他们为什么要这么做。他们这么做的目的是要摧毁人们对花岗岩的信任,并推动人工台面板的销售。

31、Misinformation from Automation System in Substation ─── 变电站自动化系统的信号误发问题

32、If the Director judges that a player has based an action on misinformation given to him by an opponent see, as appropriate, Law 21 or Law 47E. ─── 如果裁判断定一个牌手基于对手给他的错误信息采取了行动,将酌情按第21条或第47条E款处理。

33、"The rumors and misinformation that persist focus only on igneous stones, like granite, and do not involve stones such as marble, travertine, slate, limestone, soapstone and others," said Mattke. ─── 约翰说:“谣言和误导一直针对火成岩(如花岗岩),并没有波及其它石材如大理石,洞岩,板岩,石灰石,皂石和其它石材。

34、"It's subtitled Misinformation," he said."Odd, don't you think? ─── “副标题是误传,好奇怪啊,你们觉得呢?”

35、Nutrition and cancer research is still in its early stages.It may be hard to sort out dependable, sciencebased advice from misinformation and myth. ─── 目前,营养与癌症关系的研究还处在早期阶段,因此我们很难区分误传、虚假的和可靠、科学的建议。

36、The Causations and Countermeasures to Accounting Information Misinformation ─── 会计信息失真的原因与对策初探

37、Quick detection speed, high accuracy and low misinformation rate achieved by the CPU installed and applied in the equipment. ─── 微电脑控制,鉴别速度快,准确率高,误报率低;

38、And his biggest concern is the amount of misinformation about waste the public takes as gospel. ─── 和他最大的担忧是错误的金额约废物公众需要的福音。

39、China in recent years many have claimed to have discovered a humming bird, in fact misinformation. ─── 我国近几年有很多地方都声称发现了蜂鸟,其实都是误传。

40、The world in bombarding our mind with all kinds of twisted views, misinformation and all out lies. ─── 然而我们虽然知道真理对我们的重要性,我们却不积极将神的话藏在心里,为甚麽呢?

41、Acquire Sir, I'm very sympathetic to your problem. It's evident that you've acquired so much misinformation, that you want to share the surplus with others. ─── 先生,我非常同情你的问题,很显然你得到的错误信息太多了,想要别人把多余的分担一些。注:你演讲时如果有人问一些不着边际的问题,你这样应答。

42、Misinformation from bureaucrats or phony experts who have never crawled into a collapsed building kills you. ─── 来自于从未在建筑残骸中艰难攀行过的官僚分子冒牌专家的错误知识资讯使你丧命。

43、In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation. ─── 换句话说,信息灵通的消费者会留心各种资讯,也会查证各种有误导作用的谣传。

44、Having a certain skepticism about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers and professors even better by clarifying correct answers or correcting mistakes and misinformation. ─── 对别人教给他的东西持有一种怀疑态度能够帮助学生督促老师和教授改正错误,进一步讲清正确答案,纠正错误的表达,从而使他们做得更好。

45、Personally, I believe that since there have been so much misinformation campaigns and potential cover-ups employed by governments and militaries that any information should be considered cautiously. ─── 就我个人而言,我认为,自从有那么多的误报行动以及政府与军队采取的潜在掩饰,因此我们必须谨慎考究所有的信息。

46、A story by the Washington Post caused controversy when it was found to contain misinformation which originated in a Wikipedia article about the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake [28]. ─── 一篇华盛顿邮报的报道引用了来自维基百科一篇关于里斯本1755年地震文章中的错误信息而导致了一场争论[28]。

47、Journalists and campaign workers may think they are acting to counter misinformation by pointing out that it is not true. ─── 记者和竞选工作人员可能会认为他们是反错误而行,是在揭露真相。

48、"I think hate and prejudice are the product of misinformation and miscommunication," Williams said. ─── 威廉斯说:“仇恨与偏见是由错误的信息与沟通不良所引起的。

49、276. The use of information or misinformation can be a very effective fighting tool. ─── 利用信息或利用假信息可能成为非常有效的作战工具。

50、Such advertisements often convey misinformation about how the virus is spread. ─── 这些广告经常误传这个病毒是如何传播的。

51、Search engines are the single most powerful distribution points of knowledge, wealth, and yes, misinformation. ─── 搜索引擎是知识、财富、还有错误信息唯一最有力的分发点。

52、They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. ─── 他们应该对报刊的读者来信及时做出反应,以防止动物权利的误导言论在毫无质疑的情况下横行,从而获得一副真理的面容。

53、insidious misinformation. ─── 诱人上当的

54、recent years, many in China have claimed to have discovered a humming bird in fact misinformation. ─── 中国近几年有很多人都声称发现了蜂鸟,其实都是误传。

55、When the religious group Focus on the Family masqueraded as sex guidance counselors and gave a talk full of misinformation about homosexuality to our students, I was furious but kept my mouth shut. ─── 当宗教组织FocusontheFamily(爱家协会)伪装成性教育导师,在一场演说中向我们的学生宣传种种关于同性恋的谬论时,我感到愤怒,却没有开口。

56、The average individual is not that well versed in how their economy works, therefore they are at the mercy of the massive misinformation that abounds through out the economy. ─── 普通人对自己的经济运转状况不是十分清楚,因此,完全被经济运转过程中出现的大量错误信息所左右。

57、It is shameful that they have to resort to misinformation to make legitimate an unjust and unreasonable action. ─── 这种以散布错误资讯的方式将不公平不合理举动加以正当化的做法,是非常可耻的行为。

58、TGC cites "numerous examples" where BT has "used misinformation and intimidation to stop customers leaving". ─── TGC援引了英国电信“使用错误信息或者利用威胁来阻止客户离去”的“许多例证”。

59、044 Don't misinform your doctor nor your lawyer. ─── 别向医生和律师提供错误的消息。

60、Economics pondering over accounting misinformation ─── 会计信息失真的经济学思考

61、The experiments with the model cars prove that the system can detect accidents accurately without misinformation both in the case of collision and rollover. ─── 经模型车实验表明,系统能有效避免由于路面干扰引起的误报,并准确检测出碰撞和侧翻两种类型的车祸而实现自动呼救。

62、"People are particularly susceptible to having their memories modified when the passage of time allows the original memory to fade, and will be most susceptible if they repeat the misinformation as fact." ─── “随着时间的推移,原始记忆逐渐衰退,这时的记忆很容易被改变,当错误信息被当成事实一遍遍重复时,这种改变最容易发生。”

63、"The misinformation campaign is being driven through front groups that purport to be consumer advocates, but are merely trying to create consumer fears about natural stone. ─── 这次的中伤活动声称是由消费者权益组织举行的,但是实际上,这次活动只是想让人们不敢用天然石。

64、It's amazing how much misinformation is out there that women have picked up. ─── 惊人的是女性找到了很多误导信息。

65、Still, much misinformation about the female body circulates in mainstream consciousness. ─── 不过在我们的视野中,还有很多关于女性健康的错误观点在不断流传。

66、But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard. ─── 关于健康的破坏物铍的无知和误传是很顽固的。

67、But ahead of Copenhagen, he described how “carbon cowboys” have descended on Papua New Guinea and “tried to sign up voluntary deals with our landowning people using misinformation”. ─── 然而,在哥本哈根会谈之前,他却向我们描述了那些“碳牛仔们”是如何出其不意地来到巴布亚-新几内亚,“试图利用错误的信息哄骗我们的土地所有人签下自愿协议。”

68、In such an atmosphere Ms Nalder's findings about misinformation should not be all that surprising. ─── 在这样的氛围下,Nalder女士关于错误信息的发现也就不足为奇了。

69、In practice, character assassination may involve double speak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation. ─── 在实践中,性格暗杀可能涉及双言巧语、散布谣言、影射或蓄意误导,主题涉及主体的道德、诚信和声誉。

70、Misinformation about Forum East was nothing new. ─── 在东部论坛的事情上以讹传讹,不是破天荒第一遭。

71、The corporate names of many well-established companies can be a source of misinformation, thereby limiting communication with their publics. ─── 许多颇有地位地公司名称可能成为误解产生的根源,从而限制了公司与其关系户的来往。

72、Perhaps a teacher would simply unconsciously say the wrong word or pass on some misinformation that the teacher truly believed was correct. ─── 有时老师可能会无意识地说错词或者传达一些自己认为是正确但实际上却是错误的信息。

73、Chris Sigaty: Well, first thing's first, there's a ton of misinformation out there right now. ─── 好吧,先谈最重要的,现在有大量误传信息。

74、There is much misinformation and propaganda that the government puts out. ─── 然而,政府做的很多宣传其实是误导大众。

75、Three Pieces of Misinformation Collected by the U.S. Army before and after the Chinese People's Volunteers Entered the Korean War ─── 志愿军入朝参战前后美军的三次情报失误

76、Contrary to some misinformation and misconceptions, herpes rarely affects pregnancy. ─── 与许多错误信息和观念不同的是,疱疹很少会影响怀孕。

77、However the pretense that there no distinction between Formosan and Mainlander and that Republica of China is a free democratic society in our American sense is to consciously misinform. ─── 但是隐瞒台湾人与大陆人差别的事实,以及中华民国享有美国式自由民主的谎言,则我认为贝克小姐是有意在误导听众。

78、In turbulent economic times, globalisation has become regarded as a dirty word, tainted by a toxic mix of misinformation, misconception and misanthropy. ─── 经济动荡时期,误传、误解、对人类失去信任使得人们对全球化颇多微词。

79、and 80% of those who were in favor of the war cited this bit of misinformation as one of the chief reasons why they favored an invasion. ─── 而在那些赞成这场战争的人当中80%的人引用此错误信息作为他们为什么赞成入侵的主要理由之一。

80、Infantry continues to engage enemy to misinform and keep enemy forces from withdrawing and establishing effective defense. ─── 步兵继续牵制敌军以此迷惑敌军让他们撤退,无法进行有效的防御。

81、MSG, as it turns out, is actually very important to brain development.The Chinese put out misinformation to the rest of the world so that they'll have a leg up in the New World Order. ─── 味精(MSG)实际上有助于大脑发育,中国政府故意散布相反的谣言是因为他们想在未来利用智力上的优势统治新世界;

82、"It was absolute misinformation," he says. ─── “这完全是误传,”他表示。

83、There's so much misinformation out there, I wanted everyone to hear and understand the truth behind this tragedy. ─── 有很多信息误导人们,我想每个人都听到和了解事实真相背后的这一悲剧。

84、spread misinformation ─── 以讹传讹

85、The Internet is viewed as the information superhighway, but it can also be the misinformation superhighway, warns a psychologist. ─── 一位心理学家告诫人们,因特网被视为信息高速公路,但他同样可能成为传播错误信息的高速公路。

86、It needs to consider and resolve the problem that how to distinguish the dithering signals and ensure the SOE not misinformation. ─── 如何正确识别开关抖动信号,保证SOE不误报、不漏报,是我们需要考虑和解决的问题。

87、Just look at the early Christians.False teachers filled their heads with misinformation, saying that salvation and spiritual growth could be attained only through keeping the requirements of the law. ─── 我们来看看早期的基督教会,信徒脑中充满了假教师错误的教导,声称救恩与灵命的成长只能透过遵行律法而得。

88、a campaign of misinformation ─── 传播假消息的活动

89、This was a deliberate piece of misinformation. ─── 这是一条故意提供的虚假消息。

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