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10-02 投稿


gears 发音


英:  美:

gears 中文意思翻译




gears 词性/词形变化,gears变形

动词第三人称单数: gears |动词过去式: geared |动词现在分词: gearing |动词过去分词: geared |

gears 常用词组

bevel gear ─── 锥齿轮,锥形齿轮;伞齿轮

gear box ─── 齿轮箱

gear transmission ─── 齿轮传动

gears 相似词语短语

1、ears ─── abbr.电声额定系统(Electro-AcousticRatingSystem)

2、gear ─── n.齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置;排挡;vi.适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作;vt.开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好;adj.好极了;n.(Gear)(英)吉尔(人名)

3、dears ─── n.亲爱一族

4、geans ─── n.欧洲甜樱桃(gean的复数)

5、Pears ─── n.皮尔斯(人名)

6、fears ─── n.[心理]恐惧;担心;v.[心理]恐惧;害怕;敬畏(fear的第三人称单数);n.(Fears)人名;(英)费尔斯

7、gars ─── n.雀鳝类(gar的复数)

8、geals ─── 光

9、bears ─── n.熊(bear的复数);空头(卖空的证券交易投机)

gears 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In trade disputes, at least, the Bush team seems to be shifting gears. ─── 至少在贸易纠纷上,布什会谈小组似乎有所改变。

2、A set of gears needs periodicalignment. ─── 一组需要定时调整的齿轮。

3、It gives me great pleasure to gear that. ─── 听到这消息我非常高兴。

4、The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh. ─── 通常,行星齿轮系统包含太阳轮,齿圈和两个或两个以上行星轮,所有齿轮都始终处于啮合状态。

5、Bush gears up for White House. ─── 小布什积极入主白宫。

6、Upon the entire heights of the pylon structure placed 4 racks, on which rolled the gears, so that the ship tank can go up and down. ─── 在塔柱结构的整个高度上铺设4根齿条,由齿轮沿齿条的滚动实现船厢的升降运行。

7、Disengage the clutch (ie from the gear mechanism) before changing gear. ─── 先松开离合器再换挡。

8、Silence: Entirely eliminate the noise caused by high-speed running of gears. ─── 低磨擦、低速成同步电机减少了机械磨损和振动,彻底消除了齿轮及电机高速运转所产生的噪音。

9、Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather. ─── 天气冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结而形成凹槽。

10、A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission. ─── 变速器,换档装置在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置

11、helical gears can be also be used to connect nonparallel, non-intersecting shafts at any angle to one another. ─── 斜齿轮也可以用来连接不平行、相交的轴,在任何角度彼此

12、Pedrico is looking after the skiff and gear. ─── 彼得利科在守着船和船上的东西。

13、In the ensuing 17 years, the gears took a quick beeline to nowhere. ─── 其后17年间,这些齿轮并没有获得很大的成就。

14、A fine for dumping trash on public land; dumped the extra gear overboard. ─── 因在公用土地上倾倒垃圾而受的罚款; 把多余的装备丢到船外

15、A set of gears needs periodic alignment. ─── 一组需要定时调整的齿轮

16、You should use a low gear to drive up the hill. ─── 你开车上山须用低速档。

17、Meshing spur gears must have the same diametral pitch. ─── 互相啮合的直齿圆柱齿轮,必须具有相同的径节。

18、The truck driver changed gear to go up the hill. ─── 卡车司机换挡上山坡。

19、If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping. ─── 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

20、He put the car in gear and drove away. ─── 他使车子上挡然後开走。

21、How do you tell when to change gear? ─── 你怎麽确定何时换挡?

22、His watch got out of gear, and would not run. ─── 他的表出了毛病,不走了。

23、They loaded their gear into the van. ─── 他们把工具装上运货车。

24、In this new type of car, you don't have to bother with shifting gears. ─── 开这种新型车,你不必操心换挡的事儿。

25、Does your car have four or five gears? ─── 你的车是四排挡还是五排挡?

26、The pinions may be configured for engagement with the pair of side gears and each of the pinions may have a tooth with a second tooth flank. ─── 所述小齿轮可配置成与所述一对半轴齿轮啮合,并且每个小齿轮可具有带第二齿根面的齿。

27、Bevel gears: gears which connect two shafts at right angles. ─── 伞齿轮:连接直角相交两轴的齿轮。

28、He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. ─── 他开车很野,发疯似地啪啦啪啦地换挡。

29、When parking on a hill, leave the car in gear. ─── 在山上停车时把汽车挂上挡。

30、Get the gears in motion for a press release. ─── 备妥新闻稿的相关事宜。

31、Additionally, the gears also moved to match the motions of the planet and predicted eclipses. ─── 此外,齿轮也会根据与行星运动的匹配和日食预测而移动。

32、You must carry your camping gear. ─── 你必须携带你的野营物品。

33、But a good climber would have climbing gear. ─── 但是登山好手都有一些登山工具。

34、They picked up the gear from the boat. ─── 他们把东西从船上捡起。

35、Remove pinion gears from differential case. ─── 从差速箱处拆卸主动齿轮。

36、He heard gears grind as the transmission broke down. ─── 他听到齿轮碾磨的声音当传送带断掉的时候。

37、He ground the gears on the car. ─── 他把汽车排挡踩得嘎嘎作响。

38、The low gear configuration of a transmission. ─── 低速齿轮传动的低速齿轮构造

39、The components are driven by synchronous belt abd gears. ─── 各部件采用同步带及齿轮传动。

40、They portaged their gear around the rapids. ─── 他们把装备转到陆上搬运以绕过湍滩。

41、From this saving must be subtracted the cost of gears or belts and pulleys . ─── 从这笔节省费用中,必须减去齿轮或者滑轮组的成本。

42、It's like you're always stuck in second gear. ─── 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。

43、One of the 'gears' is called the tzolkin, or Sacred Round. ─── 一个“齿轮”称为卓尔金历,或者是神圣圆周。

44、Reducers and worm gear sets can also be made. ─── 减速器及蜗杆副。

45、Disengage the gears when you park the car. ─── 停车时应该把排档脱开。

46、The workers can manipulate the gears and levers of a machine skillfully . ─── 工人们能熟练地操纵机件。

47、A driving gear is different from a drive gear. ─── 一个主动轮是不同于一个被动轮的。

48、The worker detached a gear from the machine. ─── 工人从机器上拆下了一个齿轮。

49、You can change into a higher gear now you're going faster. ─── 你既然已加快了速度,就可以换上高挡了。


51、But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. ─── 但是,在换档变速的时候,他的手再次滑向她的腿。

52、Inside the box, bronze gears would have rotated the displays. ─── 盒子里,青铜齿轮转动着显示屏。

53、They were all togged up in their skiing gear. ─── 他们全都身着滑雪服。

54、All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack. ─── 他的野营物品全都放在背囊里了。

55、Can you recharge our magic gear? ─── 你能补给我们魔法能量吗?

56、The Bending Stress Analysis of Model 81 Double Circular Arc Gears. ─── 81型双圆弧齿轮的弯曲应力分析

57、If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping. ─── 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

58、Should change gear the engine's starting to labour. ─── 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了。

59、You haven't got the feel of the gears in this car yet. ─── 你对这辆汽车的排挡还不熟悉。

60、You'll need to change into a lower gear when going up this hill. ─── 上这座山时得换低挡。

61、RUGGEDNESS. Automotive ring gear differential. ─── 强度:自动环形齿轮差动器。

62、His audience were disappointed at first, but then the speaker suddenly changed gear and delivered some really exciting arguments. ─── 一开始听众们很失望,但随后发言人便突然改变了说话的方式,发表了一些确实让人激动的论点。

63、Headstock gears ground with low noise. ─── 主轴箱齿轮精密磨削,噪音低。

64、In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. " ─── 在豪车中,Mortdecai感叹说,“齿轮印记提醒我从事于鱼子酱一样温暖的环境中去。”

65、Disengage the clutch before changing gear. ─── 先松开离合器再换挡.

66、In the schematic diagram (fig.9), gears C, E, G, and K are sliding gears. ─── 如图9所示,齿轮组C,E,G及K是变速齿轮组。

67、The driver changed down from third to second gear. ─── 司机从三档换成二档。

68、Her career is moving into top gear. ─── 她的事业正如日中天。

69、Fine tension adjustment with eccentric gear. ─── 偏心齿轮式张力微调。

70、Life is like a the-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. ─── 人生如一辆十速的自行车,多数人从来不用其变速装置。

71、Engage the clutch before selecting a gear. ─── 先踩离合器再挂挡。


73、My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. ─── 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。

74、The gears locked in second and would not come unstuck. ─── 变速箱有一会儿锁住了,无法松开。

75、It can only be reached using scuba gear. ─── 它只能用潜水到达。

76、Spindle feeds and speeds are controlled by selector levers which engage the proper gears in the drill head. ─── 主轴的进能量和转速是通过选速杆使主轴箱中的适当齿轮相啮合而控制的。

77、Large modern-day aircraft utilizes either bicycle or tricycle landing gears. ─── 大型的现代飞机不是采用双轮式着陆架,就是采用三轮式着陆架。


79、Everything is in gear for the visit. ─── 为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。

80、Do you have a bike with gears? ─── 你有齿轮自行车吗?

81、The engagement of gear teeth. ─── 啮合齿轮的互相咬合

82、Install the pinion mate gears and thrust washers. ─── 安装小齿轮配合齿轮和止推垫圈

83、Why are low gears important for folding bikes ? ─── 为什么低速档对折叠车如此重要?

84、Going up the steep hill, the lorry shifted gears. ─── 卡车在爬陡峭的山坡时换档变速。

85、You should change gear the engine's starting to labour. ─── 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了。

86、"Pedrico is looking after the skiff and the gear. ─── “佩德里科在看守小船和打鱼的家什。


88、Most cars have four forward gears. ─── 大多数汽车有四个前进挡。

89、You must use a low gear to drive up the hill. ─── 开车上山你要用低速档。



















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