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08-18 投稿


retirement 发音

英:[r?'ta??m(?)nt]  美:[r?'ta??m?nt]

英:  美:

retirement 中文意思翻译



retirement 词性/词形变化,retirement变形


retirement 短语词组

1、compulsory retirement ─── [法] 强迫退休

2、application for retirement of bill ─── [经] 赎票申请书

3、compulsory retirement plan ─── [经] 强制退休计划

4、gradual retirement plan ─── [经] 逐渐退职(休)计划

5、age at retirement ─── [法] 退休年龄

6、loss on retirement ─── [经] 退废损失

7、individual retirement account ─── 个人退休金账户

8、live in retirement ─── 过退休生活

9、bond retirement fund ─── [经] 债券(公司债)偿债基金

10、bond retirement reserve ─── [经] 债券(公司债)偿还准备

11、employee retirement funds ─── [经] 职工退休基金

12、gain on bond retirement ─── [经] 偿还债券收益

13、compulsory retirement age ─── [经] 强制退职(休)年龄

14、expense related to bond retirement ─── [经] 收回公司债费用

15、deferred retirement benefit ─── [法] 延迟退休金

16、early retirement benefit ─── [法] 提前退休金

17、asset acquisition and retirement budget ─── [经] 资产购置和退役预算

18、asset retirement ─── [经] 资产退役, 资产报废, 不使用资产

19、depreciation-retirement method ─── [经] 报废法, 退役折旧法

retirement 反义词


retirement 同义词

retrocession | hideaway | superannuation | abandonment | priory | years | abbey | evening of life | disappearance | retrogradation |retreat | refuge | sequestration | recession | withdrawal | solitude | departure | seclusion | privacy | cave | leisure | monastery | of | retired | hermitage | countermarch | desertion | covert | life | resignation | evening | regression | leaving | retrogression

retirement 习惯用语

1、live in retirement ─── 过退休或隐居生活

2、go into retirement ─── 退休, 退职 ─── 隐居

retirement 相似词语短语

1、repinement ─── 令人厌恶的

2、requirement ─── n.要求;必要条件;必需品

3、recrement ─── n.废物;[生理]回吸液;再吸收物质

4、retirements ─── n.[劳经]退休(retirement的复数形式)

5、revivement ─── 使还原,使恢复

6、attirement ─── n.衣服

7、retardment ─── n.减速;耽误

8、refinement ─── n.改进,改善;有教养;精制;文雅;[化工][油气][冶]提纯

9、preretirement ─── 退休前

retirement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was well past retirement age. ─── 他大大超过了退休年龄。

2、The couple had the foresight to plan their retirement wisely. ─── 他们夫妇很有远见,精心安排了退休后的生活。

3、They lived in great retirement. ─── 他们过深居简出的生活。

4、Farve announced his retirement in March. ─── 他曾在三月对外宣布退役。

5、Despite his retirement, the German is still a familiar face around the paddock but insists he is not about to make a committed return. ─── 虽然舒马赫已经退役,但是德国人仍然是围场内令人熟悉的脸孔,不过他坚持表示自己不准备正式回归。

6、He worked as a watchman after his retirement. ─── 他退休后成为一名守夜者。

7、By retirement, they had saved up quite a nest egg. ─── 到退休时,他们已经存了一大笔钱了。

8、A good job should lead to security in retirement. ─── 一个好的工作应该能够保证退休员工的福利。

9、Did you hear the buzz regarding the CEO's retirement? ─── 你有没有听到执行长要退休的传言?

10、Re-tuned distribution of retirement news. ─── 再次调整了退役新闻的发布。

11、He got a payoff for leaving the company before retirement. ─── 他在离开公司退休前得到一笔退休金。

12、He got a payoff before the retirement. ─── 他在退休之前领到了一笔补偿金.

13、He is eligible for retirement. ─── 他合乎退休条件。

14、Ve certainly earned your retirement. ─── 你确已理当退休了。

15、Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander. ─── 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。

16、I regret his early retirement so much. ─── 他早早的退休了,我颇感遗憾。

17、His mind has stagnated since his retirement. ─── 他退休後头脑迟钝了.

18、He lives in retirement in Cornwall. ─── 他在康沃尔郡过退休生活。

19、They show great anxiety concerning their retirement allowance. ─── 他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。

20、You always say you've not putting away enough for retirement. ─── 你总说你没有留够养老的钱。

21、Florida is the ideal place for retirement, weather-wise. ─── 从天气方面看,佛罗里达是理想的退休地方。

22、Because her job had been the pivot of her life, retirement was very difficult. ─── 因为她的工作一向是她生命的支柱,所以退休后日子很不好过。

23、They vouchsafed his retirement. ─── 他们准予他退休。

24、He planned on early retirement. ─── 他指望早点退休。

25、Her retirement is drawing near. ─── 她快退休了。

26、Last year ill health compelled his retirement. ─── 去年他因身体不好被迫退休了。

27、You may also choose to tighten up your spending habits simply to get out of debt or to save more for retirement. ─── 为了还清债务或为存更多的退休金,你可能要改变自己的消费习惯,缩紧开支过日子了。

28、The reason for his retirement is his poor health. ─── 他退休的原因是身体不好。

29、He plans to announce his retirement in a ceremony at the U.S. ─── 他只在美国召开了一个退役发布会。

30、His colleagues wished him happiness on his retirement. ─── 他的同事祝他退休後幸福安乐.

31、After much deliberation and with deep sadness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer today announces his retirement from his playing career. ─── 经过慎重的考虑,今天索尔斯克亚伤感地宣布将结束自己的职业生涯。

32、Do you have a retirement plan? ─── 你们有退休福利计划吗?

33、Payout from an individual retirement account may not begin until a certain age. ─── 从个人退休金帐户里的支出直到某个年龄後才开始。

34、He bought a house in the country, preparatory to retirement. ─── 他在乡下买了一栋房子以备退休后居住。

35、She's long past retirement age. ─── 她早已超过了退休年龄。

36、You're too young to be contemplating retirement. ─── 你考虑退休还太年轻。

37、He was an Air Marshal before retirement. ─── 他退休前是空军中将。

38、He has social security retirement. ─── 他享有社会保障退休金。

39、Triming retirement privileges is an explosive issue in France. ─── 在法国,对退休特权进行裁减是相当轰动的问题。

40、The money was being kept in reserve for their retirement. ─── 他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。

41、In his retirement, he lived a life of ease. ─── 他退休后过着悠闲舒适的生活。

42、She agreed to early retirement. ─── 她同意接受提前退休。

43、Oh, they're fine.Still very active and enjoying their retirement. ─── 噢,都很好,他们依然很活跃,退休生活过得很愉快。

44、He had put aside a lot of money for retirement. ─── 他已经为退休存了一笔数目相当可观的钱了。

45、His wife apparently gave him a long rein, even in retirement. ─── 华盛顿夫人对丈夫显然无为而治,即使他退休后亦然。

46、He thought of it as refuge and a kind of retirement. ─── 他把这个地方当作避难所和隐居处。

47、He was coaxed out of retirement to help the failing company. ─── 他退休之后又被力劝出山帮助濒临破产的公司。

48、So you are to receive a Long Service Medal on retirement? Big deal! ─── 你退休时会获颁长期服务奖章?那可真要感激流涕了!

49、A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death. ─── 人员耗损,减缩人员指逐渐的、正常的成员或人员的减少,如退休、辞职或死亡

50、His mother lives there in a retirement home. ─── 他妈退休了住在那里。

51、The couple have the foresight to plan their retirement wisely. ─── 他们夫妇很有远见,精心安排了退休後的生活。

52、He is headed for retirement. ─── 他即将退休。

53、He lives on the retirement pension. ─── 他靠退休金生活。

54、Forced by the accident to contemplate retirement. ─── 因意外因素而被迫打算撤退。

55、His return from retirement had been spoiled by Romero. ─── 他退隐后欲重返斗牛场却被罗梅罗破坏了。

56、He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement. ─── 他在退休时获赠这块手表。

57、Other countries have retirement systems. ─── 世界各国都有自己的退休制度。

58、Us Savings bonds,and our TIAA-CREF retirement savings assets. 5. ─── 5.我们房子的评估报告,以及贷款余额的信息。

59、The retirement system that fourth, support parents. ─── 四是实行养老退休制度。

60、A couple of weeks ago, we had a fine discussion about how much we should save for retirement. ─── 几周前,我们讨论了我们应该为退休储蓄多少。

61、He lives on his annuity after retirement. ─── 他退休后靠年金维生。

62、His announcement of retirement made a stir. ─── 他宣布退休引起骚动。

63、Ill health forced him into early retirement. ─── 他由于健康不佳不得不提前退休。

64、The man above 60 years can select the time of retirement. ─── 六十岁以上的人该可以选择何时退休。

65、At 60, he was now approaching retirement. ─── 他60岁了,就要退休了。

66、Now he's getting towards retirement age he's started playing golf. ─── 他因接近退休年龄,就打起高尔夫球来了。

67、As part of your financial plan for retirement. ─── 助您建立安稳的退休财务计划。

68、She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement. ─── 她发觉退休后很难建立起新的生活规律。

69、He announced his retirement from football. ─── 他宣布退出足球运动。

70、The police commander who unearthed the irregularities was shunted into early retirement, giving a strong impression of a cover-up. ─── 发现违规行为的警察司令官被削职提前退休,这更让人觉得是在掩盖事实。

71、Many of them are nearing retirement age. ─── 他们中有很多人已近退休年龄。

72、All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. ─── 公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。

73、After his retirement he will try not to run around in circles. ─── 他退休后,不要做没有目标的瞎忙。

74、Several staff members volunteered for early retirement. ─── 几位职员自愿提前退休。

75、She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement. ─── 她为退休生活积攒了几千元钱。

76、Oldest Worker in the World: Who Needs Retirement? ─── 世界上最高龄的工人:谁需要退休?

77、he is ( at ) retirement age , but still working because he is in debt up to his eyeballs. ─── 他到退休年龄,但还在工作,因为他负债累累。

78、He took to gardening in his retirement. ─── 他退休後就搞起了园艺。

79、Before his retirement from the navy,he is a commander. ─── 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。

80、He lives in retirement, away from everyone. ─── 他远离大家隐居着。

81、He then went into retirement until now. ─── 他就一直没出现过(退役)。

82、On his retirement, he handed the business over to his son. ─── 在他退休的时候,他把生意交给他的儿子管理。

83、Upon his retirement, the business devolved on his son. ─── 他退休时, 生意由儿子接管。

84、His retirement was gazetted yesterday. ─── 他的退职昨天刊载于公报上。

85、The office is giving my old man a retirement party. ─── 公司给我丈夫开了个退休派对。

86、You've certainly earned your retirement. ─── 你确已理当退休了.

87、A: What does he do after retirement? ─── 他退休以后干什么呢?

88、He was given a gold watch on his retirement. ─── 他退休时得到了一块金表。

89、Do you offer a retirement plan? ─── 你们提供退休金吗?

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