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atropine 发音

英:[??tr?pin]  美:[??tr?p?n]

英:  美:

atropine 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 阿托品


atropine 词性/词形变化,atropine变形

异体字: atropin |

atropine 短语词组

1、atropine hydriodate ─── [医] 氢碘酸阿托品

2、atropine eye drops ─── 阿托品滴眼液

3、hydrochloride atropine ─── 盐酸阿托品

4、atropine methyl nitrate ─── [医] 硝酸甲基阿托品

5、Norris' atropine tests ─── [医] 诺里斯氏阿托品试验(检阿托品)

6、atropine Ointment ─── [医] 阿托品软膏

7、atropine test ─── [医] 阿托品试验(检心机能,检伤寒)

8、atropine flush ─── [医]阿托品潮红

9、atropine methyl bromide ─── [医] 溴化甲基阿托品

10、atropine hydrochloride ─── [医] 盐酸阿托品

11、atropine webmd ─── 韦氏阿托品

12、atropine sulfate ─── [医] 硫酸阿托品

13、atropine conjunctivitis ─── [医] 阿托品结膜炎

14、atropine dose for bradycardia ─── 阿托品治疗心动过缓的剂量

15、atropine hydrobromide ─── [医] 氢溴酸阿托品

16、oleate of atropine ─── [医] 油酸阿托品

17、atropine methonitrate ─── [医]硝酸甲基阿托品,甲硝阿托品

18、atropine poisoning ─── 阿托品中毒

19、atropine nitrate ─── [医] 硝酸阿托品

atropine 相似词语短语

1、tropin ─── n.亲菌素;调理素

2、propine ─── n.[有化]丙炔;vt.赠送(礼品)

3、atropia ─── 子宫颈外翻

4、atrazine ─── n.[农药]莠去津,[农药]阿特拉津(一种除草剂名)

5、atropism ─── 阿托品中毒

6、atropin ─── n.阿托品(含颠茄碱,用于镇痛、缓解平滑肌痉挛和散瞳)

7、tropine ─── n.托品碱

8、tropins ─── 托品

9、antelopine ─── 前视

atropine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、D uring treatment, arrhythmia once slowed down to 46 beats/min and went up to 76 b eats/min after infusing 0.5 mg atropine. ─── 1例术中出现心率减慢至46次/min,立即予阿托品0.5mg静脉注射后心率恢复至76次/min。

2、Results:The Group penehyclidine got a shorter recovering time of M symptom than Group Atropine(P

3、Totally 56 patients with strabismic or anisometropic amblyopia were given 1% Atropine eyedrop once or twice a day, after correction for refraction errors. ─── 摘要本文选择56位(男35,女21)年龄从4岁到14岁,患有斜视性(33)或不等视性(23)弱视的病童。

4、Keywords propofol;atropin;painless;induced abortion; ─── 丙泊酚;阿托品;无痛;人工流产术;

5、Bradycardia can be treated with atropine, although high doses are sometimes necessary . ─── 心动过缓可以通过阿托品治疗,虽然有时候需要大剂量[6]。

6、Assay of atropine sulfate by the pH indicator absorbance ratio method ─── pH指示剂吸收值比值法测定硫酸阿托品

7、Intracarotid injections of either sodium dimercaptosuccinate or atropine elicited a prompt rise of CBF and a fall Of CVR. ─── ?动脉注射二巯基丁二酸?4.8毫克或硫酸阿?品20微克后,均立?u出?CBF加快,CVR减小。

8、Objective To investigate the curative effect of atropin treated with Syringe pumps. ─── 了解微泵静脉推注阿托品救治有机磷中毒的治疗效果。

9、Keywords Body Surface Sinus Node Electrogram;Sick Sinus Syndrome;Atropine Test; ─── 体表窦房结电图;病窦综合征;阿托品试验;

10、Comparison of tropicamide and atropine ophthalmic solution in mydriatic refractometry for juvenile hyperopia ─── 应用托吡卡胺与阿托品眼液对青少年远视散瞳验光的对比研究

11、Determination of Atropine Sulfate in Compound Diphenoxylate Tablets by HPLC ─── 复方地芬诺酯片中硫酸阿托品的HPLC测定

12、Keywords Organophosphorus poisoning;Atropin;Syringe pumps; ─── 有机磷中毒;阿托品;微量注射泵;

13、The adsorption effect of hemoperfusion with activated charcoal on dichlorvos and atropine ─── 活性炭血液灌流对有机磷农药敌敌畏和解毒药阿托品的作用

14、Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester. ─── 阿托品是治疗由于用胆碱酯类不慎而引起的心血管性虚脱的特效解毒剂。

15、Methods The total alkaloids were tested at 420 nm with acid dye colorimetry in which atropine sulfate was used as standard reference. ─── 方法以硫酸阿托品为对照品,利用酸性染料比色法,在420 nm处测定槲寄生总生物碱含量。

16、Combined use of atropine, which is an anticholinergic agent, can effectively avoid overanesthesia. ─── 抗胆碱药阿托品作为辅助麻醉药物,能有效地预防麻醉过深的发生。

17、The xylocaine and atropine used for induced abortion's relieve pain ─── 利多卡因加阿托品用于人工流产术中镇痛

18、Keywords Fructus Kochiae;Gastric emptying;Reserpine;Indomethacin;Atropine; ─── 地肤子;胃排空;利血平;吲哚美辛;阿托品;

19、Objective To verify the microbial limit test for atropine eye ointment. ─── 目的对阿托品眼膏的微生物限度检查进行方法验证。

20、the mgluvitis was given 1% atropine Oculentum. ─── 并发虹睫炎者用1%阿托品眼膏扩瞳。

21、Atropine did not have obvious influence on the response of RNs to the stimulation. ─── 但是,面神经核通过什么途径和机制发挥对呼吸的影响,尚不清楚。

22、The Application of Paracervical Block with Lidocaine and Atropine in Artificial Abortion ─── 利多卡因阿托品宫颈阻滞应用于人工流产

23、Conclusion The microbial limit test of atropine eye ointment could be investigated by conventional method. ─── 结论对阿托品眼膏的微生物限度检查可按常规法进行。

24、Keywords Premedication Atropine Penehyclidine hydrochloride; ─── 术前用药法;阿托品;酸戊乙奎醚;

25、Atropine is an important antidote during acute organophosphate poisoning rescue. But Atropines are often abused during clinical application. ─── 阿托品作为急性有机磷中毒主要解毒剂之一,在临床应用过程中,过量中毒的现象时有发生。

26、The ERP of fast pathway was long at baseline condition whereas it was shortened during isoproterenol infusion and after atropine injection. ─── 基础状态下快径ERP延长,静滴异丙肾上腺素和静推阿托品后快径ERP明显缩短。

27、Objective: To investigate the relationship between atropine and patients temperature in the treatment of acute organophosphorus pesticide (AOPP) to guide atropine dosage. ─── 摘要目的:探讨救治急性有机磷农药中毒中阿托品用量与患者体温的关系,指导临床阿托品用量。

28、Three months later, group DM were divided into three groups: DGP(group D, 20), therapy of Cisapride(group X, 20) and Atropine test(group A, 20). ─── 3个月后再将DM组分为DGP组(D组)、西沙必利治疗组(X组)和阿托品试验组(A组),每组各20只。

29、Methods Hydrocortisone,0 5%Atropine Eye Drops and 0 5% Tropicamide Eye Drops were applied in the early of herpes zoster keratitis and iridocyclitis. ─── 方法在带状疱疹性角膜炎、虹膜睫状体炎的早期应用静滴氢化可的松、0。5%阿托品眼液与0。

30、Ketamine(10 mg/kg) and Atropine(0.5 mg/mL pig) were injected into operated pigs through IM to perform anesthetic inducement. ─── 手术动物使用氯胺酮(10 mg/kg)和阿托品(0.5 mg/只)肌肉注射进行诱导麻醉;

31、Atropine, in clinical doses, completely counteracts the peripheral vasodilatation and sharp fall in blood pressure caused by choline esters. ─── 临床剂量的阿托品能完全对抗胆碱酯类引起的外周血管扩张和血压急剧下降。

32、Part two : Comparing with atropine model group, WCS markedly promoted gastic emptying when gastric motility was delayed by atropine in mice(P

33、Treatment of acute organophosphorus poisoning with large doses of atropine ─── 大剂量阿托品抢救急性有机磷农药中毒

34、Probe into atropine administration methods in rescuing patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning ─── 抢救有机磷农药中毒时阿托品静脉给药方法探讨

35、The Observing of paroxysmal Tachycardia Induced by the Combination of Isoproterenol and Atropine ─── 异丙肾上腺素和阿托品联合应用诱发阵发性心动过速的观察

36、In endothelium-removed aortic strips, the effects of IOF and DTP decreased after treatment with 10 -7 mol/L atropine. ─── 去除内皮细胞后 ,10 -7mol/L阿托品可部分阻断枳实和陈皮的作用。

37、Intravenous injection of atropine sulfate 1 mg/kg yielded a tendency to decreasing CBF and increasing CVR, while 2 mg/kg produced an evidently high CBF accompanied by a low CVR. ─── ?脉注射硫酸阿?品1毫克/千克时,有CBF减少和CVR增大的趋势。 2毫克/千克时,CBF明显增多,CVR同时变小。

38、Investigation revealed that the Rhizoma Atractylodis prescribed had been contaminated with harmful impurities (scopolamine and atropine). ─── 调查研究表明苍术的不良反应是因为含有有害杂质(东莨菪碱和阿托品)。

39、It may be a compensatory reaction permitting the radiation of heat to offset the atropine-induced rise in temperature. ─── 这可能是一种代偿反应,通过热辐射以消除阿托品引起的体温升高。

40、Methods:The first does of Atropine was determined by the state of illness was injetctod droply in the wein. ─── 方法:根据病情和服药剂量决定阿托品首次剂量,采用静脉滴注。

41、Determination of Content of Atropine Sulfate in Belladonna Tablet by Dual Wavelength Thinlayer Scanning Method ─── 双波长薄层扫描法测定颠茄片中硫酸阿托品的含量

42、Keywords Atropine;salivary secretion;premedication;anesthesia; ─── 关键词阿托品;唾液分泌;术前用药;麻醉;

43、Both drug antagonized the inhibitory effect of atropine on salivary secretion in rabbits, and when used in combination even increased salivary secretion in nomal rabbits. ─── 合用后还能促进正常家兔的唾液分泌。

44、Lighter to general ache person, but right amount choose diminish inflammation painful, go painful piece, belladonna piece, yanhusuo piece, atropine. ─── 对于一般疼痛较轻者,可适量选用消炎痛、去痛片、颠茄片、延胡索片、阿托品等。

45、The natriuretic,kaliuretic and diuretic responsesinduced by volume expansion were much less in the animals with icv injectionof atropine than in the control group with injection of ACSF(P

46、The effects on mouse's ileum can totally been inhibited by atropine, eserine, fugutoxin, and morphine. ─── 对小鼠回肠的作用可完全被阿托品抑制,或被毒扁豆碱、河豚毒素或吗啡抑制。

47、Keywords organophosphorus pesticide 654-2 and jielin Atropine and Pralidoxime; ─── 关键词有机磷农药中毒;654-2和解磷;阿托品和解磷定;

48、Although patching has been the standard of care, parents preferred the painless atropine drops, which blurred vision in the good eye, forcing the affected eye to work harder. ─── 尽管,佩带眼罩已作为护理常规,但父母更愿意选择无痛苦的阿托品滴眼液,阿托品滴眼液会使好眼的视力变得模糊,从而迫使不健全的眼睛努力工作。

49、The State Department also approved the shipment of 1.5 million atropine injectors, for use against the effects of chemical weapons, but the Pentagon blocked the sale. ─── 国务院还批准向伊拉克运送150万个阿托品注射器,用以对付化学武器的效力,但五角大楼阻止了这笔交易。

50、The Study of IV Atropine through Syringe Pump in the Management of AOPP ─── 微泵输注阿托品抢救急性有机磷农药中毒的研究

51、Methods:24 cases of periodic esotropia were refracted using 1%atropine. ─── 方法:对24例周期性内斜视者用1%阿托品液散瞳验光检验屈光度。

52、Physostigmine potentiated both PDS and the negative chronotropic effect, however, atropine could not abolish PDS. ─── 毒扁豆碱可加强驱动后阻抑及驱动后的负性变速效应,阿托品不能完全阻断驱动后阻抑。

53、TMB-4, atropine, and benactyzine ─── 双磷定, 阿托品和苯那辛

54、Keywords ketamine;phenobarbitone;atropine;plasma concentration;RP HPLC; ─── 氯胺酮;苯巴比妥;阿托品;血药浓度;高效液相色谱法;

55、Probe into the dose and usage of atropine used to deal with the acute organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning ─── 急性有机磷农药中毒阿托品用法及用量探讨

56、Keywords Painless induced abortion;Induced abortion syndrome;Atropine; ─── 无痛人流;人流综合征;阿托品;

57、Diclofenac in Combination with Atropine Treating Renal Colic ─── 双氯芬酸钠联合阿托品用于肾绞痛镇痛的效果观察

58、In this multicenter trial, researchers from Mexico, the U.S., and Canada randomized 419 children, age

59、Keywords Propofol;Fentanyl;Atropin;Painless artificial abortion; ─── 二异丙酚;芬太尼;阿托品;无痛人工流产术;

60、eyedrops of aethylmorphine and atropine ─── 乙基吗啡阿托品滴眼剂

61、diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate tablets ─── 复方地芬诺酯片

62、Methods Refraction of 320 children with concomilant strabismus was examined after mydriasis with 1% atropine ointment. ─── 方法通过对320例儿童共同性斜视用1%阿托品眼膏散瞳验光后进行屈光状态分析。

63、In addition, the evoked responses could be inhibited by intralateroventricular microinjection of atropine. ─── 侧脑室注射阿托品抑制扣带回前部神经元内脏痛觉诱发反应。

64、Lidocaine is generally ineffective in preventing ventricular arrhythmias, as is cardiac pacing or atropine to increase the heart rate. ─── 利多卡因一般在预防室性心律失常是无效的,就像心脏起搏或阿托品对心率增加没有帮助一样。

65、In myopia children,those younger than 7 years old must use atropine and those older than 10 years old could make some other choice of cycloplegic. ─── 以后光学矫正为目的时,所有远视儿童必须使用阿托品;近视儿童中,7岁以前儿童必须使用阿托品,10岁以上的近视儿童可酌情选择其他睫状肌麻痹剂。

66、Keywords refraction error;atropine;Mydrin-P;optometryby computer;mydriasis; ─── 屈光不正;阿托品;美多丽-P;电脑验光;散瞳;

67、Atropine 0.lmg/kg icv stimulated respiration and slowed heart rate. When DHE was combined with atropine(0.05-0.1 mg/kg icv) , the inhibition of respiration was abolished but the slow heart rate persisted. ─── 侧脑室注射阿托品0.1mg/kg使兔呼吸加快和心率减慢,两药合用,阿托品可拮抗DHE呼吸抑制作用,但不能拮抗其心率减慢。

68、Aim: To establish the chick model of form deprivation myopia (FDM) and observe whether the muscarinic anagonist atropine can effectively reduce or prevent FDM and study its pathway in intraocular. ─── 摘要目的:建立形觉剥夺性近视模型,观察阿托品能否抑制近视的发生并进一步研究阿托品抑制近视发生的作用机制。

69、Application of diazepam with atropine in the active stage of childbirth ─── 安定及其联合阿托品在产程活跃期的应用探讨

70、Objective: To investigate the security and feasibility for the treatment of acute organophosphorus pesticide (AOPP) with atropine by indication of body-temperature and sudation. ─── 摘要目的:探讨以体温和出汗作为阿托品治疗急性有机磷中毒调整用药指征的安全性和可行性。

71、Method:The examination methods of Scopolamine Hydrobromide and Atropine Sulfate in tabellae Belladonnae et al.were studied by chromatographic analysis. ─── 方法:通过纸色谱鉴别颠茄制剂中的阿托品与东菪莨碱。

72、Keywords Magnolol;Intestinal propulsive function;Atropine;Dual control action; ─── 厚朴酚;小肠推进;阿托品;双向调节作用;

73、Keywords children;compound tropicamide;atropin;hyperopia;refraction; ─── 儿童;复方托品酰胺;阿托品;远视;验光;

74、The effect of the drug on emptying liquid and solid of mice, inhibited gastrointestinal movement induced by Atropine and Dopamine, and the level of MTL in blood was observed. ─── 方法:观察莱菔子促进胃肠运动的活性部位对小鼠排空液体和固体、对阿托品和多巴胺所造成的小鼠胃肠运动抑制以及大鼠血浆胃动素(MTL)水平的影响,并与西沙比利对照。

75、The ACh or CCh induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase was significantly suppressed by the presence of 0.1 mmol/L atropine ( P

76、The inhibiting effect of pirenzepineis weaker than atropine. ─── 哌仑西平的抑制作用弱于阿托品。

77、Conclusion Low dose atropine is better than conventional dose atropine in treatment of severe acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. ─── 结论小剂量阿托品治疗急性重度有机磷农药中毒疗效明显优于传统剂量阿托品治疗。

78、METHODS:After used the two kind of mydriatic(Mydrin-P and Atropine) to dilate the pupil,30 patients(60 eyes) amblyopia children were examined with retinoscopy. ─── 方法:对30例(60眼)弱视儿童先后用两种散瞳剂(美多丽与阿托品眼膏)散瞳验光的结果进行对比。

79、Average residual accommodation at the maximum cycloplegia: A, 1% Atropine group 2. 0440 # 0. 95484D , B, Romi eyedrop group 2. 2214 # 0. 6952D, C, Mydrin -P group 2.6656 #0.9999D. ─── 最大睫状肌麻痹时的平均剩余调节力为:1%阿托品组2.0440±0.95484D,罗米滴眼液组2.2214±0.6952D,美多丽-P滴眼液组2.6656±0.9999D。

80、Methods:61 patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide were randomly divided into Group Penehyclidine and Group Atropine. ─── 方法:急性有机磷农药中毒患者61例随机分为长托宁组与阿托品组,对其临床治疗效果进行比较。

81、Atropine had no obvious influence with the effect of high-dose motilin. ─── 昂丹司琼能够完全阻断大剂量的作用;

82、Morphine and Atropine Sulfate Injection ─── 吗啡阿托品注射液

83、Relative to baseline, 79% in the patching group and 74% in the atropine group improved in visual acuity by 26 weeks of treatment, in that acuity was >20/30 and/or improved by >3 lines. ─── 治疗的26周与治疗的初始阶段相比,佩带眼罩组79%的患者、阿托品组74%的患者视觉灵敏度改善,灵敏度>20/30和(或)改善了>3排。

84、Results: Diazepam could remarkably prolong the time of survival, reduce muscles tremor and twitch, and potentiate Atropine. ─── 结果:安定能显著延长中毒小鼠的存活时间,明显改善肌震颤和抽搐等症状,且与阿托品有较强的协同作用。

85、Methods Tranquilizer, Atropine for spasmolysis, bladder purcture, lubricate, and use specialized sharp catheter for the Catheterization. ─── 方法使用镇静剂、阿托品解痉、表面麻醉、膀胱穿剌减压,润滑和利用专科尖头导尿管等措施综合进行操作。

86、Objective To observe the effect of the new cholinolytic Changtuoning and Atropine on the treatment of acute organophosphorus pesticides poisoning. ─── 摘要目的观察长托宁与阿托品治疗急性有机磷农药中毒的效果。

87、Keywords Ametropia Mydrin-P;Atropin;Optometry; ─── 托品酰胺;阿托品;验光;

88、The observation of the effects of baicalin on the contractile activity in the presence of neostigmine, acetylcholine, histamine and atropine respectively were also studied. ─── 在正常克氏液中分别观察黄芩苷对新斯的明、乙酰胆碱、组胺及阿托品存在下平滑肌收缩性的影响。

89、Method Three drugs:Atropine, Nifedipine and Verapamil hydrochloride were taken by different approach to treat the spasm after bladder operation. ─── 方法采用阿托品、心痛定和异搏定三种药物经不同的途径给药治疗膀胱术后痉挛。

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