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09-13 投稿


divines 发音

英:[d??va?nz]  美:[d??va?nz]

英:  美:

divines 中文意思翻译






divines 词性/词形变化,divines变形

动词过去分词: divined |动词现在分词: divining |形容词最高级: divinest |副词: divinely |动词过去式: divined |形容词比较级: diviner |名词: divineness |动词第三人称单数: divines |

divines 同义词

tremendous | terrific | ecclesiastic | discover | superb | foretell | deific | providential | omnipotent | churchman | celestial | guess | marvelous | exquisite | almighty | beautiful | inspired | deduce | hallowed | holy | great | presume | godly | discern | Jehovah | predict | excellent | lord | read | Maker | prophesy |heavenly | Creator | sacred | pleasing | lovely | elysian | delightful | perceive | adorable | godlike | God Almighty | forecast | anticipate | blessed | cleric | pure

divines 反义词

animal |human

divines 短语词组

1、Caroline Divines ─── 卡罗琳·迪文斯

divines 相似词语短语

1、diviners ─── n.预言者;占卜者;推测者

2、diviner ─── n.预言者;占卜者;推测者

3、divinizes ─── v.将(某人)奉若神明,使神化

4、divinises ─── 神圣的

5、diamines ─── n.二元胺(diamine的复数)

6、divined ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

7、divinest ─── 最神圣的(divine的最高级)

8、divine ─── adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿;n.牧师;神学家;n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万

9、divides ─── v.(使)分开,分成;分配,分担;分隔;(道路)分叉;使产生分歧;(数)除,除以;n.分歧,差异;分水岭;界限

divines 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Camper Van Beethoven. She Divines Water. ─── 露营车贝多芬。她的教皇水。

2、3.A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的跟风就像是心胸狭窄的妖怪,它被少数的政治家,哲学家以及神学家所崇拜。

3、This is the root of Neology, and the other fine things which in days gone by were so fashionable in Germany, and are now so ensnaring to certain classes of divines. ─── 这也是萌生许多新哲学思想之根源,这些新哲学思想广传流行,迷惑了大群信徒。

4、A foolish consistency is the hoogoblin of little minds, adored by little statement and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的随波逐流代表思想肤浅的幽灵,受到平庸浅薄的的政治家,哲学家和神职人员的推崇.

5、Yet for the hero that thing he does is the highest deed, and is not open to the censure of philosophers or divines. ─── 然而对个英雄来说,他所做的事情是最高的准则,决不交给哲学家或牧师去裁判。

6、Yet for the hero that thing he does is the highest deed, and is not open to the censure of philosophers or divines. ─── 然而对个英雄来说,他所做的事情是最高的准则,决不交给哲学家或牧师去裁判。

7、A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的一致性是头脑狭隘人士的心魔,却尤为政客、哲人、牧师所喜爱。

8、Certains peuple sont des incarnations divines. ─── 有些人是神的化身.

9、2.A foolish considtency is the hobgoblin of little minds,adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的一如既往是些头脑简单的小妖怪,只有那些幼稚的政治家,哲学家和神学家才会去崇拜他。

10、an authoritative person who divines the future. ─── 一个能预测未来的有权威的人。

11、“DIVIN” a table wine made of majority of Merlot.A careful vinification results in a continuity of style. ─── “金帝王”干红葡萄酒主要以梅洛酿成细致的工艺使酒质上乘稳定。

12、"Your divin g suits perfect for capturing honey."Said Poohs muffled voice.Doesnt he look funny? ─── “用你的潜水服来战胜蜜蜂最合适不过了!”维尼瓮声瓮气地说。他穿上罗宾的潜水服,戴上潜水帽,看起来是不是很奇怪?

13、Many divines treat them with contempt. ─── 有些神学家根本就看不起他们。

14、Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines? ─── 我,已经听过迪斯雷利和福赛,斯坦利和麦克米勒,还有一大堆欧洲学者和牧师,为什么要长时间坐在那里去留意他?

15、In the sketch book kept by Lin Hanbin, we can see the original drawing of his father which shows the models of the celebration, harvest, monsters and divines, fighting and so on. ─── 在林汉彬珍藏的绘本上,至今还有他父亲的手迹,呈现着各种喜庆、丰收、鬼神、打斗等各种场面。

16、Caroline Divines ─── 卡罗林神学家

17、The fairy divines a card that was freely named by the spectator. ─── 神仙占卦由观众自由地命名的卡片。

18、A student may easily exhaust his life in comparing divines and moralists, without any practical regard to morality or religion; ─── 一个学生很容易把自己的生命耗费在神性和道德的比较中,不顾道德或宗教的实际情况如何,他也许只是在学习理性而不是学习生活。

19、1.Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit of which nature herself is ... ─── 最佳答案:这是我在网上找的罗丹明言的英文版,感觉第二句似乎是你想要的。其他的供参考:

20、Even in the middle business that divines lowly , business breed is also single . ─── 即使在占比低的中间业务中,业务品种也非常单一。

21、3. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢地坚持随波逐流是心胸狭窄的表现,只被低级的政客,哲学家和神学家所崇拜。

22、Temperance is reason"s girdle, and passion"s bride , the strength of the soul, and the foundation of virtue---Jeremy Taylor,Brithish clergyman,“Shakespeare of Divines”。 ─── 节制是理性的腰带,是激情的 新娘 ,是灵魂的力量,是美德的基础---杰里米.泰勒,英国教士,被称为“神学家中的莎士比亚”。

23、You will be especially compatible with an intuitive lover who divines your feelings when you cannot express them. ─── 你特别适合直觉灵敏的恋人,在你不懂表达感情时他们也能懂得你内心的感受。

24、Many a long dispute among divines may be thus abridged:it is so,it is not so. ─── 句子Many a long dispute 是什么用法,谓语动词用单数还是复数。

25、A foolish considtency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的一如既往是些头脑简单的小妖怪,只有那些幼稚的政治家,哲学家和神学家才会去崇拜他。

26、”As soon as divines by astrology the scientist to put out his telescope to look to that said: “five. ─── 占星学家拿出他的望远镜向上一看,说道:“五个。”

27、1. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. ─── 愚蠢的一致性是头脑狭隘人士的心魔,却尤为政客、哲人、牧师所喜爱。

28、These nations, whose land thou shalt possess, hearken to soothsayers and divines: but thou art otherwise instructed by the Lord thy God. ─── 你要赶走的这些民族,听信了算卦和占卜的人;但上主你的天主为你却不是这样安排;

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