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08-18 投稿


spars 发音

英:[spɑ?z]  美:[spɑ?rz]

英:  美:

spars 中文意思翻译



spars 常用词组

iceland spar ─── [矿]冰洲石(方解石的一种)

spars 词性/词形变化,spars变形

动词第三人称单数: spars |动词过去式: sparred |动词现在分词: sparring |动词过去分词: sparred |

spars 短语词组

1、spars sc spars sc

2、spars restaurant galliano ─── 加利亚诺spars餐厅

3、spars account receivable software spars ─── 应收账款软件

4、fibreform spars ─── 纤维状Spars

5、spars portal spars ─── 入口

6、spars sausage buffalo ny spars ─── 香肠buffalo ny

7、spars restaurant des allemands Spars ─── 德国餐厅

8、spars definition spars ─── 定义

9、tars and spars movie ─── 柏油和spars电影

10、spars and rigging ─── 桅杆和索具

spars 相似词语短语

1、soars ─── v.上升;高耸(soar的第三人称单数);n.翱翔;猛增的程度(soar的复数)

2、sparks ─── n.(船或飞机上的)无线电通信师

3、pars ─── n.部分(等于apart);n.(Pars)人名;(土、瑞典)帕尔斯

4、scars ─── n.[医]疤痕;创伤(scar的复数形式);冻结物;v.给…留下伤痕;在…的心灵上留下创伤(scar的第三人称单数形式)

5、sparse ─── adj.稀疏的;稀少的

6、sparts ─── 火花

7、spaes ─── vt.(苏格兰)预言;预示;vi.预示

8、sears ─── v.烧灼;将(印象、记忆)铭刻在心;轻煎(食物);(疼痛)突发;(使)凋谢;(使)变冷酷(sear的第三人称单数);n.(Sears)(美)西尔斯(人名)

9、spares ─── n.备件,备品

spars 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The research of the iceland spar crystal polishing ─── 冰洲石晶体的抛光研究

2、The inflatable spars, for example, will not remain rigid for long because of the inevitable micrometeoroid impacts. ─── 举例来说,可膨胀伸出的帆桅,由于无法避免微流星体的撞击,因此无法长久保持坚硬的状态。

3、furled sails bound securely to the spar; a furled flag; his rolled umbrella hanging on his arm. ─── 卷着的帆安全地缚在桅杆上;卷着的旗;他那收起来的雨伞挂在他的手臂上。

4、one of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys ─── 左右撑杆;从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索


6、a spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail. ─── 从船尾桅杆伸出支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。

7、a light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonally ─── 对角地穿过纵向船帆的轻质圆材

8、A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail. ─── 帆下桁从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端

9、CIS: Just killing time. You wanna spar? ─── 娱乐而已。想来比划比划?

10、Two male bison spar in a field. ─── 两头北美野牛在草场上。

11、Their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull (Samuel Eliot Morison). ─── 他们靠把桅和帆完美地平衡到黑色平滑船壳的曲线上实现了快速驶过大洋的目的(塞缪尔 艾略特 莫里森)。

12、Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink ─── 对于浪里沉浮的落难者,

13、The types of DNA molecular markers include RFLP, RAPD, DAF, SPAR, SSR, SCAR, STS, AFLP, CAPS, SNP, and so on. ─── DNA分子标记类型主要有RFLP、RAPD、DAF、SPAR、SSR、SCAR、STS、AFLP、CAPS、SNP等。

14、This knot is used for securing a rope to a spar, picket or anchorage. ─── 图片右上方文字为:绳身左下文文字为:绳头本结用来把绳索固定在圆材、支柱或锚身上。

15、The main gear are located inboard of each engine, aft of the rear wing spar. ─── 主起落架位于每台发动机内侧,翼尾梁后部。

16、One of Portland spar, barite, magnesite, dolomite and other resources to reserves is the highest in Hebei. ─── 其中兰晶石、重晶石、菱镁矿、白云岩等资源储量属河北之冠。

17、Original 1:48 ship model from builder's drawings, framed and planked in maple, with pine decks, cabins of Swiss pear, masts and spars of Sitka spruce, using 19,000 treenails as in the full-size ship. ─── 48的船模图纸,枫木的肋骨和船壳板,松木的甲板,瑞士梨的机舱,锡特卡云杉的桅杆和横桁,使用了19000个木钉。

18、"Their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull" (Samuel Eliot Morison). ─── “他们靠把桅和帆完美地平衡到黑色平滑船壳的曲线上实现了快速驶过大洋的目的” (塞缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。

19、Characteristics of thermoluminescence of natural Iceland spar ─── 天然冰洲石的热释光特性

20、a spar that extends the bowsprit. ─── 伸向船首斜桅的圆材。

21、Optimum selections of massive materials for iceland spar in half-Rochon prism ─── 冰洲石块料在半洛匈型梭镜中的最佳选择

22、A small or light spar. ─── 帆柱一根小的或轻的桅杆

23、scheduled program for allocating resource (SPAR) ─── 分配资源调度程序

24、Result: ZBPY decoction serum pretreatment can down regulate the SNK mRNA induced by Glu, At the same time the mRNA expression of SPAR and PSD-95 were up-regulated and NR1, NR2A, NR2B were down-regulated. ─── 对PSD-95 mRNA表达具有显著上调作用; 对NR1、NR2A、NR2B mRNA表达均有不同程度下调。

25、Zhengzhou Friendship Comm-erce Group has been in close cooperation with Taiwan Darunfa Inc, SPAR International Group, Orienthome Ltd and Luosheng Group. ─── 与台湾大润发、SPAR国际集团、东方家园、洛升集团等的合作也正在紧锣密鼓的进行。

26、Drive though Knysna Town, past the hospital, until you come to a Quick Spar and Caltex garage on your right.Take the next road right onto George Rex Drive. ─── 取消政策:入住日至29天之前准许取消预订取消预订酒店将收取预订总价的房费的5%。

27、a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull. ─── 一种轻舟的稳定器;定在成型圆木的桅杆或与船体平行的浮筒。

28、One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys. ─── 左右撑杆从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索

29、At the third traffic lights (Spar supermarket) turn left and then immediately right to Cesta v Jagodje street. ─── 如果在入住日当天没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

30、They always spar over trivial matters. ─── 他们总是为一些小事而争吵。

31、A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. ─── 帆桁吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端

32、Specifically, HITCO will fabricate three large composite spars that do not need to be cured by an autoclave. ─── 确切地说,HITCO公司将建造三个不需要进行热压罐固化的大型复合材料翼梁。


34、"But surely," said she, "I may enter his county with impunity, and rob it of a few petrified spars without his perceiving me. ─── 她说:“我一定可以大摇大摆地走进他的故乡,趁他不知不觉的时候,攫取几块透明的晶石。”

35、CHZN adheres to the principle of improving product quality and management, and sticks to the purpose of providing spar quality valves for all customers, become conductor of pneumatic element businesses. ─── 中正气动以不断地完善产品品质和管理为政策,以高质量的产品服务于所有客户为方针,成为气动行业中的主导。

36、A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail ─── 帆下桁从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端

37、Two male bison spar in a field. Males battle for mating primacy, but such contests rarely turn dangerous. ─── 两头北美野牛在草场上。雄性野牛之间为了争夺求偶优先权而打斗,但这样的竞争很少会出现危险。

38、The rope,rod,or spar on which such a ring moves. ─── 可供这种环移动的绳子、竿子或圆材。

39、Spar with her and we'll see what kind of level you're at. ─── 你跟她练练,看看你的底子怎么样。

40、spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull. ─── 定在成型圆木的桅杆或与船体平行的浮筒。

41、a knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a post or spar ─── 临时拴在柱子上或桅杆的结

42、a long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail,lugsail,or lateen ─── 帆桁,吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端

43、Sparse Preorder and Range(SPaR) ─── SPaR模型

44、A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid. ─── 厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。

45、Middle of shaft is enwond by rope tied with two short spars and is shaken up and down, then whistles sound like Chime. ─── 用两根短杆系一根绳,将绳缠在空竹腰间轴,上下抖动,哨口便发出钟鸣般的音响。

46、Repair of the hatch cover hydraulic cylinder of "SPAR EIGHT" ─── "水晶八号"轮舱盖液压油缸的修理

47、Others fear it might be a bureaucratic monster in the making, and that banks will be caught in the middle as it spars with other agencies. ─── 还有人担心它恐怕会酝酿出一个官僚怪物,在CFPB与其它机构唇枪舌战的同时,银行将被夹在中间,左右为难。

48、Shell and the British government caved in.The tug reversed course and took the Brent Spar to a Norwegian fjord port to await a decision about its disposal. ─── 壳牌公司和英国政府屈服了;拖船改变航向,将布兰特史帕尔储油平台拖往挪威一峡湾的海港,等待后续的处置决定。

49、The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons . ─── 这是一个奇怪的沙漠:到处都是破碎的船桅。

50、Spar dir/Sparen Sie sich den Weg bitte! ─── 回去吧! 别送了。

51、a knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a post or spar. ─── 临时拴在柱子上或桅杆的结。

52、Use a square to align each rib at 90 degrees from the spars and perpendicular to the span. ─── 使用一个曲尺以从桅杆和竖直到跨度的90度排齐每个肋。

53、Application of Iceland Spar Polarizing Prism in Spectrophotometric Measurement ─── 冰洲石偏光棱镜在分光光度测量中的应用

54、But I am singl'd out too from all the ship's crew to be spar'd from death; and he that miraculously sav'd me from death, can deliver me from this condition. ─── 在全体船员中,我独免一死;上帝既然以其神力救我一命,也必然会救我脱离目前的困境。

55、The blade according to claim 1 wherein the at least one part of the at least one spar bar which is housed in said shell is surrounded by a film of polyetherimide resin. ─── 刀片根据权利要求1 ,其中至少有一部份的至少有一石酒吧是住在说,壳牌是包围电影聚醚酰亚胺树脂。

56、Fixed horizontal stabiliser of composite construction with machined spars, ─── 复合材料固定水平安定面

57、He will not fall without a fight, as the boxers he used to spar with will attest. ─── 他不会不战而败,这也是与之有过唇枪舌战的斗士们可以证实的。

58、A device, such AS a looped rope, hook and eye, strap, or grommet, used to hold or fASten loose ropes, spars, or oars in position. ─── 环索一种类似于绳圈、钩子和线圈、皮带或金属索眼的装置,用于把松了的绳索、桅杆或桨保持或紧固在其位置上

59、Moving through the air high spars of a threemaster, her sails brailed up on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a silent ship. ─── 一艘三桅船上那高高的桅杆正在半空中移动着。这艘静寂的船,将帆收拢在桅顶横桁上,静静地道潮驶回港口。

60、Based on the behavior of live "Dracula" fish, the researchers think the males use their extralong fangs to spar with each other during aggressive displays. ─── 以活“达丘拉”鱼的行为为依据,研究者认为雄性用它们特别长的尖牙在求偶竞争中互相搏斗。

61、Overageing Technological Tests of Edge Strip LC9 at Front Spar of N5A Mid-wing ─── N5A飞机中翼前梁缘条LC9型材过时效工艺试验

62、a spar projecting from the bow of a vessel. ─── 从船首伸出来的圆材。

63、And their spars were like a forest, and their names were like a song. ─── 圆石如森林,他们的名字像歌一样;

64、The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons. ─── 纸圈挂在这些桅杆上,形成许多长条的花彩。

65、a boxer who spars with another boxer who is training for an important fight. ─── 为了重要的比赛,两个在一块进行对打训练的拳击手。

66、The ground uses laid of white small spar, more outspread action reached since visual space. ─── 地面用白色微晶石铺设,更为视觉空间起到了延伸的作用。

67、furled sails bound securely to the spar; ─── 卷着的帆安全地缚在桅杆上;

68、a spar projecting from the bow of a vessel ─── 从船首伸出来的圆材

69、An industrial television camera system is used to monitor and record the cutting process of iceland spar. ─── 利用工业电视摄像系统对冰洲石的切削过程进行观察和记录。

70、a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull. ─── 舟的稳定器;定在成型圆木的桅杆或与船体平行的浮筒。

71、Thus we must spars on efforts to reform and develop the Chinese Sign Language. ─── 因此我们必须努力去改革和发展中国手语。

72、How many turns e-ray rotates as the Iceland spar spins one turn ─── 冰洲石晶片旋转一圈,e光转多少圈

73、*The bag of hardware contains the bolts for the dish segments,mounting ring brackets, and collector spars. ─── *该袋的硬件包含了螺栓的菜部分,越来越多环方括号和收藏家梁。

74、Spars had been done from very strong wood (unfortunately I do not know the name) which looks like che-tree, but pink-brown colour. ─── 圆材是非常牢固的木材(不幸的是我不知道名字)看上去像桑木,但是粉红棕色。

75、So, a crack in a titanium spar can be detected under a layer of aluminum skin. ─── 因此,它可以探测纵梁蒙皮中钛金属材料以下的铝材裂纹。

76、Make stone with mesa humanness (beautiful spar) , ambry board is crystal board, this is the combination with top price. ─── 以台面为人造石(丽晶石),橱柜板为水晶板,这是价格最高的组合。

77、Suqian is ample in mineral resources. Its reserve of quartz sand, pottery clay, blue spar and yellow sand ranks among the top of the provincial-level cities in China. ─── 宿迁矿产资源丰富,石英砂、陶土、蓝晶石、黄砂储量居全国省辖市之首。

78、There are abundant mineral resources, mainly copper, lead, zinc, mineral deposits, such as Iceland spar. ─── 境内有丰富的矿产资源,主要有铜、铅、锌、冰洲石等矿藏。

79、The judge has a great sense of humor;and he chooses what's good and holdfasts to it.You can't miss the funny verbal spars and those are the best parts of the show! ─── 他幽默、风趣、择善固执、言辞犀利,与敌对者在公堂之上的每一场口水战,都是您不能错过的高潮好戏。

80、A knot used to secure a line to a spar, post, or other object, consisting of two half hitches made in opposite directions. ─── 卷结,酒瓶结:一种绳结,用于把绳索缚在船柱、支柱或其他物体上,包括两个处于相对方向的活结

81、Chinese pottery and porcelain both refer to all pro ducts that ale made of a mixture of clay, feld spar and quartz, through shaping, drying and fi ring. ─── 中国陶瓷指的是用黏土、长石、石英混合在一起,通过型塑、干燥、烘烤制成的产品。

82、The eye-watering entry on its website reads: "The forerunning Shtokman concept is a floating, disconnectable spar able to dodge roving icebergs of the 2m-tonne variety. ─── 其网站上有如下夺人眼球的描述:”什托克曼超前的设计理念:一个浮动的,可分离的桅杆,能够躲开各种各样游移不定的总计2百万吨左右的冰山。”

83、any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or for handling cargo or in mooring. ─── 在停泊处用于延伸帆脚或处理货物的水平的横木或杆子。

84、wingtips are cut out and pockets to hold the spars are made. ─── 从切割看布料的利用率也是蛮高的。。

85、Production of Ice Spar from by - product of Phosphate Fertilizer ─── 利用磷肥副产物制造冰晶石

86、a light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonally. ─── 对角地穿过纵向船帆的轻质圆材。

87、The popular Pietenpol airplane used Western Hemlock in constructing spars for a number of years. ─── 可制作船桅杆、吊杆、横杆和结构龙骨等。

88、A spar that connects the tail surfaces and the main structure of an airplane. ─── 尾桁连接飞机的尾部表面和机身的桁

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