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09-14 投稿


gurgled 发音

英:[?ɡ??ɡld]  美:[?ɡ??rɡld]

英:  美:

gurgled 中文意思翻译



gurgled 词性/词形变化,gurgled变形

动词第三人称单数: gurgles |动词过去式: gurgled |动词过去分词: gurgled |副词: gurglingly |动词现在分词: gurgling |

gurgled 短语词组

1、gurgled and burbled ─── 咕噜 ─── 咕噜

2、gurgled at ─── 咯 ─── 咯地笑

3、gurgled synonym ─── 咕噜 ─── 咕噜的同义词

4、gurgled def ─── 咯 ─── 咯作响的def

5、gurgled speech ─── 咕噜 ─── 咕噜的讲话

6、gurgled mean ─── 咕噜声

7、gurgled breathing ─── 咯 ─── 咯地呼吸

8、gurgled definition ─── 含糊不清的定义

9、gurgled define ─── 咯 ─── 咯作响的定义

10、gurgled down ─── 咕噜 ─── 咕噜地往下走

11、gurgled meaning ─── 含沙射影的意思

gurgled 相似词语短语

1、gargled ─── v.漱;漱口;(漱口时从喉底)发出(咕噜声);漱喉;用漱口液;n.漱口;含漱剂,漱口剂;咕噜声;含酒精的饮料

2、gurled ─── 咕噜

3、gurged ─── v.(使)起旋涡;n.漩涡

4、gurgle ─── v.作汩汩声;汩汩地流;作咯咯声;用咯咯声表示;n.汩汩声;咯咯声

5、guggled ─── v.发汩汩声;汩汩地流;(婴儿)咯咯作声(同gurgle);n.(人高兴发出的)咯咯声;(水流的)汩汩声(同gurgle)

6、gurglets ─── 咕噜声

7、gurgles ─── v.作汩汩声;汩汩地流;作咯咯声;用咯咯声表示;n.汩汩声;咯咯声

8、gurglet ─── 格格莱特

9、burgled ─── vt.偷窃,破门盗窃;vi.偷窃,破门盗窃

gurgled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The waters of the Whangpoo splashed and gurgled around the laughing, wine-flushed party on deck. ─── 拨拉!拨拉!黄浦的水怒吼着。甲板上那几位半酒醉的老板们都仰了脸哈哈大笑。(同上

2、We gurgled , we cried, we laughed, we explored, we fell down, and we had very little idea about the journey on which we had just embarked. ─── 我们咯咯笑过,哇哇哭过,肆无忌惮地欢笑过,乐此不疲地探险过,也无数次地摔倒过,我们更曾对刚踏上的旅程几乎一无所知。

3、Look a long time, fascinated, as if a crystal-clear mountain streams, gurgled gurgling, into one's mind. ─── 审视良久,心驰神往,仿佛一支清澈的山溪,汩汩潺潺,流入胸臆。

4、The waters of the Whangpoo River splashed and gurgled around the laughing, wine-flushed party on deck. ─── 拨拉!拨拉!黄浦的水怒吼着。甲板上那几位半酒醉的老板们都仰起了脸哈哈大笑。

5、They would twist their bodies for a moment and groan, and sleep the dead sleep once more, while the water in the boat gurgled about them as the craft rocked. ─── 他們的身體會稍稍蠕動一下,發出呻吟聲,然後又死死地睡著了。而船艙裏的水,隨著小船的顛簸,在他們身邊發出汩汩聲。

6、It gurgled through my hometown in the sea. ─── 直接去学校不就可以了吗?

7、The milk gurgled out of the bottle. ─── 牛奶汩汩作响地从瓶子中流出。

8、Water gurgled through the pipes. ─── 水汩汩地从管道中流过。

9、The baby gurgled and Mother lifted her shirt to tuck the baby to her breast. ─── 婴儿闹起来了,母亲卷起她的衣服给他喂奶。

10、"Besides," he added, his voice dropping to a gurgled whisper, "when people are chewing qat, they don't ask awkward questions about where Yemen's oil revenues are going. ─── 另外,"他压低声音补充道:"当人们咀嚼咖特的时候,就不会问那些有关也门的石油收入哪里去了的尴尬问题了。"

11、They paddled easily along while water gurgled on each side of the boat. ─── 她们轻轻划着船,船两边的水哗,哗,哗.

12、He tilted up the pot , and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate . ─── 他扳起铁罐,一股醇厚的热汤哗哗地倒进盘子里。

13、I tried to pour a spoonful of liquid down his throat, and he choked and gurgled on that spoonful for almost a half an hour. ─── 我试图勺一匙液体冲下他喉咙,但这使他呛咳了约半个小时。

14、and gurgled along sometimes. ─── 有时咕哝前行.

15、The water gurgled as it ran down the plug hole. ─── 水汨汨地从塞孔中流下去。

16、He tilted up the pot, and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate ─── 他扳起铁罐,一股醇厚的热汤哗哗地倒进盘子里。

17、The baby gurgled innocently on the bed. ─── 那个婴儿在床上天真地咯咯笑。

18、1. The water gurgled as it ran down the plug-hole. ─── 水汨汨地从塞孔中流下去.

19、The baby gurgled and Mother lifted her shirt to tuck the baby to her breast. ─── 婴儿闹起来了,母亲卷起她的衣服给他喂奶。

20、10. Baby Sally, named for her aunt , gurgled and pulled at Franklin's white wig. ─── 小萨利用了她姑姑的名字,她咯咯地笑着,拉着富兰克林的白色假发。

21、They shone red where it fell, as if drops of blood gurgled up from the water. ─── 刀子沉下的地方,浪花就发出一道红光,好象有许多血滴溅出了水面。

22、Above the noise of the crickets, cicadas, and peeping frogs, water babbled and gurgled nearby. ─── 在一片蟋蟀、知了、偷窥的青蛙发出的噪音中,潺潺的流水在附近汩汩流淌。

23、The wine gurgled out of the bottle. ─── 葡萄酒自瓶中流出。

24、The water gurgled out of the bottle. ─── 水从瓶中汩汩地倒出。

25、The waters of the fiver splashed and gurgled. ─── 河里的水哗哗地流淌。

26、North ditch spring gurgled, streams and waterfalls everywhere. ─── 北沟山泉汩汩,溪水瀑布随处可见。

27、The water gurgled into the paddy field. ─── 水汩汩地流入稻田。

28、His stomach pitched and gurgled like a volcano. ─── 他的肚子叽里咕噜的叫,象火山要爆发。

29、With grim determination he clung to the boulder with his right hand as he noticed the turbid white wake that gurgled from around his shoulders and the soles of his feet. ─── 他死死抓紧了右手攀住的那个石棱,感到急流正在他的两个肩头和两只脚掌那儿哗哗地激起浊白的浪花。

30、Baby Sally, named for her aunt, gurgled and pulled at Franklin's white wig . ─── 小萨利用了她姑姑的名字,她咯咯地笑着,拉着富兰克林的白色假发。

31、(2)The baby gurgled its satisfaction with life. ─── (婴儿咯咯作声,表示心满意足。

32、We gurgled, we cried, we laughed, we explored, we fell down, and we had very little idea about the journey on which we had just embarked. ─── 我们咯咯笑、大哭、大笑、探索、摔倒,我们对于刚刚起步的这条旅途几乎一无所知。

33、A meltwater lake on the Greenland ice sheet that contained 44 billion litres and covered 5.7 sq km gurgled away within 24 hours in 2006. ─── 格陵兰大冰原上有一个融水湖泊,容量达440亿升,覆盖面积达5.7平方公里,在2006年,仅仅用了24小时就流光了。

34、The baby gurgled with pleasure. ─── 这个孩子高兴地咯咯直笑

35、He removed the small stopper from the calabash, and as the sweet water gurgled into it ─── 他扳开葫芦上的小盖,让甜水汩汩地流进葫芦。

36、She gurgled her delight. ─── 她用咯咯声表示她的高兴。

37、The baby gurgled happily. ─── 婴儿高兴地咯咯做声。

38、The river gurgled and burbled. ─── 河水汩汩流淌。

39、Oxygen gurgled in the green tubes above his bed. ─── 氧气在他被子上面的绿管中汩汩作响。

40、The baby gurgled when I came into the room. ─── 我进房间时那婴儿发出咯咯的声音。

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