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08-18 投稿


upbraiding 发音

英:[?p?bre?d??]  美:[?p?bre?d??]

英:  美:

upbraiding 中文意思翻译





upbraiding 词性/词形变化,upbraiding变形

动词现在分词: upbraiding |名词: upbraider |动词过去式: upbraided |动词第三人称单数: upbraids |动词过去分词: upbraided |副词: upbraidingly |

upbraiding 短语词组

1、upbraiding her ─── 责备她

2、upbraiding def ─── 谴责def

3、upbraiding root ─── 责难根

4、upbraiding meaning ─── 谴责的意义

5、upbraiding synonym ─── 责难同义词

6、upbraiding babla ─── 责难巴巴拉

7、upbraiding voice ─── 责难的声音

8、upbraiding define ─── 责难定义

upbraiding 相似词语短语

1、embraiding ─── 牵连

2、braiding ─── n.编结物;辫子;v.交错编织,编结(braid的现在分词)

3、unbraiding ─── vt.解开;散开

4、abraiding ─── 研磨

5、-briding ─── 系结

6、abrading ─── v.侵蚀;(使)疲倦;磨损(abrade的现在分词)

7、upbraying ─── 提高

8、upbraidingly ─── adv.谴责地;叱责地

9、bradding ─── 布雷丁

upbraiding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but as they left her house, she could no longer restrain her tears, and cried aloud in spite of her husband's upbraiding . ─── 可是看到他们走出门口,她的眼泪便止不住往下直滴,不管她丈夫呵责,竟然放声大哭起来。

2、upbraid v. ─── 斥责,责骂;

3、I think he'd meant to upbraid me for sneaking off, but he didn't ─── 我想,他本想因为我偷偷溜出去训我一顿的,可是他没有这样做。

4、In his own mind he was preparing the biting and angry speeches he would make, upbraiding Kutuzov for his deception. ─── 拉斯托普钦伯爵想出一些愤怒而尖刻的言辞,准备用来对库图佐夫的欺瞒加以责备。

5、Miles Namu upbraid, Jinuo, standing 1.72 meters. The media reported the minorities are not many beautiful women degeneration, the third largest. ─── 咪娜穆吒,基诺族,身高1.72米。媒体公开报道过的少数民族变性美女并不多,可位列第三。

6、Mrs Sturgis had kept up till then; but as they left her house, she could no longer restrain her tears, and cried aloud in spite of her husband's upbraiding. ─── 史笃司太太一直忍耐着;可是看到他们走出门口,她的眼泪便止不住往下直滴,不管她丈夫呵责,竟然放声大哭起来。

7、But Thyestes unexpectedly rose to upbraid Tyrant is, that his bright home is in the setting sun ─── 他用来答复暴君与霸主的豪言壮语是,西方落日所在之处,就是他光辉灿烂的家乡。

8、upbraid sb. with his ingratitude[for being ungrateful ─── 责备某人忘恩负义

9、Upbraid generally suggests a well-founded reproach, as one leveled by an authority ─── 通常指有充分理由的责备,如来自权威的责备

10、He spoke, not to inflame, not to upbraid, but to convince. ─── 他平静地发表讲话,没有煸情,没有责备,唯有说服。

11、1 Tim. 5:1 Do not upbraid an elderly man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, ─── 提前五1不可严责老年人,只要劝他如同父亲,劝青年人如同弟兄,

12、Useless for the patriotic Mrs.Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 不过,即使有这种闲言碎语在背后流传,如果他认为值得的话,他还是可以保持自己的声望的。

13、2. The captain upbraid his men for falling asleep. ─── 上尉因他的部下睡着了而斥责他们。

14、Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 他还说他在街上已看不到穿宽松长裤的人,因此设想那已经"过时"了。

15、-- You will not thank me for detaining you from the bewitching converse of that young lady, whose bright eyes are also upbraiding me. ─── 你正在和这位小姐谈得心醉神迷,如果我耽搁了你,你是不会感激我的,瞧她那了双明亮的眼睛也在责备我呢。”

16、His Oval Office upbraiding of Mr Obama and his adulatory reception in Congress may have given him a bounce in the polls. ─── 内塔尼亚胡总理办公室对奥巴马的谴责,以及他在美国国会受到的热烈欢迎,也许会提升他的民意支持率。

17、and thy pride will not even upbraid. ─── 然而高傲使你不屑于发怒。

18、And he came unto the men of Succoth, and said, Behold Zebah and Zalmunna, with whom ye did upbraid me, saying, Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we should give bread unto thy men that are weary? ─── 捉住疏割的一个少年人,问他,疏割的首领长老是谁。他就将首领长老七十七个人的名字写出来。

19、Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not: ─── 人子来了,也吃,也喝,人又说他是贪食好酒的人,是税吏罪人的朋友。但智慧之子,总以智慧为是。(有古卷作但智慧在行为上就显为是)

20、To serve or to upbraid, whether he could not tell: but scorned to beg her favour ─── 他不晓得她究竟是来伺候的呢,还是来谴责的[66]。然而他不屑于向她讨好。

21、Tom's boss is upbraiding him for his always being late for work. ─── 汤姆的老板正在批评他总是上班迟到。

22、but as they left her house, she could no longer restrain her tears, and cried aloud in spite of her husband's upbraiding. ─── 可是看到他们走出门口,她的眼泪便止不住往下直滴,不管她丈夫呵责,竟然放声大哭起来。

23、16 Incline thy ear, and hear: open, O Lord, thy eyes, and see: and hear all the words of Sennacherib, who hath sent to upbraid unto us the living God. ─── 上主,请你侧耳倾听!上主,求你睁眼垂视,细听那打发使者辱骂永生天主的散乃黑黎布的话。

24、45. Useless for the patriotic Mrs. Merriwether to upbraid her daughter and point out that homespun was the proper bridal attire for a Confederate bride. ─── 爱国心很强的梅里韦瑟太太想批评自己的女儿,并想指出对于一位拥护南部联盟的新娘来说,穿家织布的结婚礼服也很体面嘛,可就是没有用。

25、Consider whether you have satisfied your relations to father, mother, cousin, neighbor, town, cat, and dog;whether any of these can upbraid you. ─── 想想你是否满足了你和父亲、母亲、表兄弟、邻居、城镇、猫和狗之间的关系,是否其中任何一个都可以责备你。

26、18 A fool will upbraid bitterly: and a gift of one ill taught consumeth the eyes. ─── 愚人只会无礼责斥人;悭吝人的恩惠,使人目光消沉。

27、His daughters had but scant respect for his theory and were perhaps constantly upbraiding him for his infatuation. ─── 他的女儿们对于他的理论只报以微小的尊重,也许更常埋怨他的昏头昏脑。

28、Drink and upbraid this old man, let him go out, he is still smiling like this, who knows old man's feeling at heart. ─── 喝斥这位老人,让他出去,他仍然这样笑着,谁知道老人心里的感觉。

29、Here, it develops, the jailer's daughter, Lucy Lockit, awaits her chance to upbraid Macheath for having promised to marry her, and reneged. ─── 在这,监狱长的女儿露西正伺机责骂马奇斯,因为他食言,忘了与她结婚的承诺。

30、He had been five weeks on the road, agonizing weeks for Scarlett. But she did not upbraid him on his return, for she was happy that he had made the trip successfully and pleased that he brought back so much of the money she had given him. ─── 在路上他耽搁了五个星期,这也是思嘉最为焦急不安的日子:不过他到家后,思嘉并没责备他,因为他这一趟跑得很成功,而且还剩下那么多钱带回来了。

31、True, it also throws into relief the incomparable egoism of the prosperous among them. People with no serious cares or worries in the world of course bemoan and upbraid this trifling inconvenience. ─── 当然,它也会把富人的那种极度自私自利揭露出来。那些几乎是无忧无虑地活在世上的人,自然会因为这点小小不便或痛哭流涕,或咒骂不已。

32、upbraid sb with a fault ─── 责备某人犯错误

33、This has led politicians to upbraid the nouveau riche, though so far only in small ways: chastising them for leaving too much food on their plates at banquets, for example. ─── 这导致了政治人物责咎暴富新贵,尽管到目前为止,还没有大事渲染。譬如,他们批评暴发户在宴会用餐时太多铺张浪费。

34、Do not upbraid an elderly man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, ─── 不可严责老年人,只要劝他如同父亲,劝青年人如同弟兄

35、13 For he had taken money, that I being afraid should do this thing, and sin, and they might have some evil to upbraid me withal. ─── 要他恐吓我,使我那样去作犯罪的事,如此给他们留下一种坏名誉,好藉以辱骂我。

36、upbraiding Tom for his absence from school yesterday. ─── 我可以听到老师责备汤姆昨天旷课的声音。

37、For it doth upbraid unto them their own fortunes, and pointeth at them, and cometh oftener into their remembrance, and incurreth likewise more into the note of others; ─── 因为如果别人由于某种优越表现而得到提升,就等于映衬出了其他人在这些方面的无能,从而刺伤了他们。

38、Dalio had no qualms about upbraiding a junior employee in front of me and dozens of his colleagues. ─── 达里奥毫不避讳的在我和其他员工面前批评一位初级员工。

39、upbraid sb for doing sth ─── 责备某人做某事

40、So she sat down to cry again and upbraid herself; ─── 她坐下又哭起来,边哭边生自己的气;

41、She dropped her eyelids with a severe and dignified air, glanced at him, and went on upbraiding the general who had been winning from her. ─── 她严厉地傲慢地眯缝眼睛看了他一眼,并且继续骂那个赢了她钱的将军。

42、He seems to be speaking to an imagined hearer, raising the topic and trying to persuade, convince or upbraid him. ─── 他极具诗歌天赋,开创了“玄学派”,从此掀起了一股新的诗歌浪潮。

43、She blamed herself for it, yet could not refrain from scolding and upbraiding Sonya, often reproving her without cause and addressing her as “my good girl. ─── 她为此而责备自己,但是她不能不唠叨,不能不挑剔索尼娅,常常无缘无故地把她拦住,用“您”与“我可爱的”来称呼她。

44、and thus, as she thought, he spoke: [013] "Lisabetta, thou dost nought but call me, and vex thyself for my long tarrying, and bitterly upbraid me with thy tears; ─── 流着泪,苦苦地埋怨我。可是别再痴心了吧,我再也不能回来和你相见了,因为就在你最后看见我的那一天,你的三个哥哥把我谋杀了。”

45、In our country , we can adopt independent prescroption of hypothec or scheduled period enforcement time in hypothec carry on essential to restrain from during upbraiding. ─── 在我国,可以采用抵押权的独立时效或除斥期间制度对抵押权的行使时间进行必要限制。

46、1.I could hear the teacher upbraiding Tom for his absence from school yesterday. ─── 我可以听到老师责备汤姆昨天旷课的声音。

47、To upBraid Boys and servants ─── 诃詈童仆

48、For it doth upbraid unto them their own fortunes,pointeth at them,cometh oftener into their remembrance,incurreth likewise more into the note of others; ─── 对他们,平辈的升迁不啻是在批评自己的身份,是在对自己进行指责。

49、10. I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance . ─── 我避免责备,少作规劝。

50、Mrs. Sturgis had kept up till then; but as they left her house, she could no longer restrain her tears, and cried aloud in spite of her husband's upbraiding. ─── 史笃司太太一直忍耐着;可是看到他们走出门口,她的眼泪便止不住往下直滴,不管她丈夫呵责,竟然放声大哭起来。

51、1.to upbraid; to scold; to reprimand; 2.to repel; to exclude; to oust ─── 斥

52、People with no serious cares or worries in the world of course bemoan and upbraid this trifling inconvenience. ─── 那些几乎是无忧无虑地活在世上的人,自然会因为这点小小不便或痛哭流涕,或咒骂不已。

53、upbraid a person for [with] a fault ─── 责备某人的过失

54、I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance. ─── 我避免责备,少作规劝。

55、34 These things are grievous to a man of understanding: the upbraiding of houseroom, and the reproaching of the lender. ─── 客人受家主的责斥,债户受债主的辱骂:这等事为有感觉的人是难堪的。

56、What they upbraid the bourgeoisie with is not so much that it creates a proletariat, as that it creates a revolutionary proletariat. ─── 他们责备资产阶级,与其说是因为它产生了无产阶级,不如说是因为它产生了革命的无产阶级。

57、10.The president was upbraiding the chief of delivery with the delay in the shipment of the goods to foreign customer. ─── 公司总裁正在斥责货物投递部主任,因为他没及时向一位外国客户发货。

58、Upbraid sb for wrongdoing,incompetence,etc ─── 申斥某人干了坏事、不称职等.

59、upbraid sb for wrongdoing, incompetence, etc ─── 申斥某人干了坏事、 不称职等.

60、He was about to upbraid his brother for spreading rumors, but caught himself when he saw P'eng-t'u's wife was present ─── 他本要骂鹏图好搬是非,但当着鹏图太太的面,所以没讲出来。

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