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08-18 投稿


Mohawk 发音


英:  美:

Mohawk 中文意思翻译



Mohawk 短语词组

1、mohawk college ─── 莫哈克学院

2、mohawk exchange ─── 莫霍克交易所

3、mohawk arms ─── 莫霍克手臂

4、mohawk dsp ─── 莫霍克dsp

5、Mohawk people ─── 莫霍克人

6、Mohawk Synchronous Communications ─── [计]莫霍克同步通信 ─── [MSC]

7、mohawk haircut ─── [网络] 莫霍克发型

8、mohawk flooring ─── 莫霍克地板

9、mohawk industries ─── 莫霍克工业公司

10、Mohawk River ─── [网络] 莫霍克河;摩和克河;莫哈克河

11、mohawk warriors football ─── 莫霍克勇士足球

12、Mohawk data language ─── [计] 莫霍克数据语言

13、mohawk racetrack ─── 莫霍克赛马场

14、mohawk carpet ─── 莫霍克地毯

15、Mohawk Revision Program ─── 莫霍克修订计划

16、woodbine mohawk racetrack ─── 莫霍克赛马场

17、mohawk group ─── 莫霍克集团

Mohawk 词性/词形变化,Mohawk变形


Mohawk 相似词语短语

1、mohair ─── n.马海毛,安哥拉山羊毛;马海毛织物;adj.马海毛制的

2、chawk ─── n.(Chawk)人名;(阿拉伯)舒克

3、mohawks ─── n.摩霍克族,摩霍克语(Mohawk的复数形式)

4、Mohawk ─── n.莫霍克语;莫霍克族;n.莫西干头(发型)

5、mohwa ─── n.长叶雾冰藜木

6、-hawk ─── n.鹰;鹰派人物;掠夺的人;灰泥托板;v.叫卖;清嗓子;严密监视;放鹰袭击;飞行觅食;n.(Hawk)奥克(人名)

7、to hawk ─── 鹰派

8、dorhawk ─── n.欧洲夜鹰

9、goshawk ─── n.[鸟]苍鹰

Mohawk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" Readers of World's End won't ever hear the word "Mohawk" in quite the same way. ─── “读者世界的结束将不会以往任何时候都听到这个词“莫霍克”在不尽相同的方式。

2、sides were short but when we touched the actual mohawk there were these bumps on either side of his neck at the nottom of his head. ─── 两侧的头发很短,于是我们摸他脑袋的时候,很惊讶的发现他头后面靠近脖子的两侧,有一些肿块。

3、The Boston Tea Party: a crowd of colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians dumps 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor as a protest against the British Tea tax. ─── 1773年的今天,波士顿倾茶事件:一群打扮成莫西干印第安人的殖民地居民将342箱茶叶倒入波士顿港,作为对英国茶叶税的抗议(最终导致美国独立战争的打响)。

4、1773 - The Boston Tea Party: a crowd of colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians dumps 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor as a protest against the British Tea tax. ─── 1773年的今天,波士顿倾茶事件:一群人打扮成莫西干印第安人的的殖民地居民将342箱茶叶倒入波士顿港,作为对英国茶叶税的抗议(最终导致美国独立战争的打响)。

5、Dekanawidah’s ef-forts led to the formation of the Iroquois Confederation of the Five Nations, a league of five Iroquois tribes: Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca, Cayuga and Onondaga. ─── 德卡纳维达努力的最终结果形成了五族伊罗奎伊斯联盟,这个联盟由五个说伊罗奎伊斯语的部落组成:莫霍克,欧内达,赛内卡,卡由加和昂昂达嘎。

6、Niagara Mohawk Energy Marketing Inc ─── 尼亚加拉莫霍克能源营销公司

7、The last day was spent reviewing and using the Mohawk Professional Leather line of products. ─── 在培训的最后一天,我们给学员全面回顾了木器修补技术,并进行了莫霍克专业皮革修补产品的相关培训。

8、A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cherokee, Erie, Huron, and Wyandot. ─── 易洛魁语系加拿大东部和美国的北美印第安语言一语系,包括卡尤加语,莫霍克语,奥内达语,奥农达加语,塞纳卡语,塔斯卡洛拉语,彻罗基语,伊利语,休伦语和怀恩多特语

9、Y., one mile from the Mohawk River.The Herkimer Diamond Mines are eight miles from the bed and breakfast. ─── 赫基默 -配有 网络连接 的酒店:The Bellinger Rose Bed and Breakfast is located in Herkimer, N.

10、Mohawk Revision Program ─── 莫霍克飞机改装计划

11、The Mohawk gets its name from a Native American tribe that used to put their hair into a strip during battle. ─── 这个名称源自美国原住民摩霍克族,该族在作战时习惯将头发削成一条。

12、He bought land on the Mohawk River in upstate Oneida County, where he eventually retired. ─── 他买了土地,莫霍克河在北部奥奈达县,在那里他最终退休。

13、The big guy in the bright red mohawk was right. ─── 留大红莫西干头的球迷是对的,火箭在劫难逃。

14、The first and second days covered general introduction and demonstration of the products utilizing the Mohawk wood training DVD. ─── 在培训的前两天,通过播放莫霍克木器修补dvd以及带领学员全面了解和示范了莫霍克专业木器修补技术。

15、"New York Central Railroad: It was founded in 1853 to consolidate 10 railroads that paralleled the Erie Canal Between Albany and Buffalo, the oldest Being the Mohawk and Hudson, New York state's first railway (established 1831)." ─── 纽约中央铁路公司:1853年建立,将十条奥尔班尼与水牛城之间与伊利运河平行的小铁路联合起来,其中最老的是摩和克和哈得逊铁路,是纽约州的第一条铁路(1831年建成)。

16、Stylist: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut. ─── 发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。

17、The decision also angered Mohawk leaders, who cited federal case law providing that Native Americans cannot be deported. ─── 这个判决也激怒了莫霍克族的领袖,他们引用联邦判例,判例规定政府不得将美洲原住民驱逐出境。

18、The Iroquoian language of the Mohawk. ─── 莫霍克语莫霍克族的易洛魁语

19、Although four of his children returned home with him, his daughter, Eunice Williams, remained in Canada, joining the Mohawk tribe. ─── 虽然他四个孩子都跟着他回到鹿田,但他的女儿,欧耐丝威廉斯,却留在加拿大,添加莫霍克族。

20、But after the Lakers held the Rockets to 16 points in that third quarter, taking a 12-point lead, the big guy with the bright red mohawk sidled up to me behind the press table. ─── 但是当湖人在第三节让火箭只得到16分,造成12分的领先优势时,这些狂热的火箭迷们偷偷溜到了挡板后面。

21、With the acquisition of IP's lines, Mohawk is now the largest producer of premium uncoated paper. ─── 通过此次收购的IP的路线,莫霍克现在是最大的非涂布纸的溢价。

22、Mohawk's newly launched Renewal Folding Board 80% PC White is FSC-certified, and has the highest PCW content available. ─── 莫霍克最新推出的更新折叠局80 %的PC白宫是金融监督委员会认证,并具有最高的PCW的内容。

23、The daughter of an Algonquin Christian mother and a non-Christian Mohawk father, she was born in what is now Auriesville, N. ─── 她的母亲是阿尔冈昆族基督徒,父亲是摩和克人非基督徒。

24、The Mohawk style originates from a tribe of Native Americans called the Mohawk by white settlers. ─── 莫霍克发型起源于美洲的一个土著部族,该部族被白人殖民者称为莫霍克族。

25、Command new Elite units specific to each American Indian factionincluding Mohawk Elite Warriors, Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, Navajo ScoutWarriors and many more. ─── 率领全新的精锐部队上阵搏杀!每个印第安派系都有专属的精锐单位,包括精锐战斧武士,夏安猛獒战士,那瓦霍斥候等等

26、The original design of Anakin had him sporting a mohawk, a tattoo on his right arm and a shredded looking design to his Jedi robes. ─── 阿纳金原来的造型包括他擅长花式溜冰,在他的右臂上有一个纹身然后他的武士长袍是破烂的造型。

27、Takes place in the days before Christmas near a little-known border crossing on the Mohawk reservation between New York State and Quebec. ─── 故事发生在圣诞节前夕,在纽约与魁北克之间有一个几乎无人知晓的莫霍克族居住地。

28、Takes place in the days before Christmas near a little-known border crossing on the Mohawk reservation between New York State and Quebec. ─── 故事发生在圣诞节前夕,在纽约与魁北克之间有一个几乎无人知晓的莫霍克族居住地。

29、4.2 The prices on Mohawk Distributor Price List are exclusive of any sales related taxes, such as Value Added Taxes. ─── 4.2价格莫霍克经销商报价单是不包括任何有关销售税,如增值税。

30、Police investigate a two-car accident on the Crescent Bridge over the Mohawk River in Colonie, N.Y. The drivers of both cars were seriously injured. ─── 在纽约州科勒尼市莫霍克河上的新月桥上发生了一起严重的交通事故。

31、Although I am not brave enough to get a mohawk, I would be willing to try out a faux hawk. ─── 尽管我没有勇气剃光两边只留中间,但我愿意试试“小贝”头。

32、A wide range of scripted Xeikon papers are made by Mohawk Fine Papers. ─── 各种各样的脚本赛康的文件是由莫霍克细论文。

33、This 5 day training event covered all aspects of wood touch up and repair that will benefit the distributors in promoting and selling the Mohawk line of products. ─── 在5天的培训中,主要培训了各种木器修补技术,从而达到进一步推动莫霍克销售的目的。

34、A city of east-central New York on the Mohawk River northwest of Albany. Settled in 783, it was named Amsterdam because many of its early inhabitants were from the Netherlands. Population, 20,74. ─── 阿姆斯特丹:美国纽约州中部偏东城市,在莫霍克河沿岸,阿尔巴尼西北部。783年有人定居后被命名为阿姆斯特丹,因为这里的早期居民来自荷兰,人口20,74

35、A city of central New York on the Mohawk River west - northwest of Utica.Because of its location as a portage point, the city was strategically important during the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolution.Population, 44, 350. ─── 罗马美国纽约州中部一城市,位于尤蒂卡西北偏西的莫霍克河沿岸。由于该市处于水陆交通要道,它在法国对印第安人的战争及美国独立革命时期具有重要的战略意义。人口44,

36、Mohawk babbitt alloy ─── 莫霍克巴比特合金

37、Mohawk's studies also found that paper specification is very important: over 70% of designers say quality was the top request. ─── ”莫霍克的研究还发现,纸张的规格是非常重要的:超过70 %的设计师说,质量是最高的要求。

38、There is no sign of an end to the standoff between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police. ─── 莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵局没有结束的迹象。

39、A city of central New York on the Mohawk River west - northwest of Utica. ─── 罗马美国纽约州中部一城市,位于尤蒂卡西北偏西的莫霍克河沿岸。

40、Mohawk leader who supported the British in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. ─── 布兰特,约瑟夫1742-1807莫霍克族领袖,在法印战争和美国革命中支持英军

41、Chinese boy with a Mohawk holds up a poster of Novak Djokovic of Serbia at the Qizhong Tennis Stadium in Shanghai on Nov. 13, 2007. ─── 去年十一月十三日,一个留著鸡冠头的中国男童在上海旗忠网球场,手举一张塞尔维亚球星诺维克.德约科维奇的海报。

42、A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga,Mohawk,Oneida,Onondaga,Seneca,Tuscarora,Cherokee,Erie,Huron,and Wyandot. ─── 易洛魁语系加拿大东部和美国的北美印第安语言一语系,包括卡尤加语,莫霍克语,奥内达语,奥农达加语,塞纳卡语,塔斯卡洛拉语,彻罗基语,伊利语,休伦语和怀恩多特语。

43、Mohawk data language ─── [计] 莫霍克数据语言

44、The name, of course, is a play on the mohawk style, which it resembles only in principle: The hair is noticeably longer on top than on the sides. ─── 当然,这个名称是模仿莫霍克发式造出来的。它与莫霍克发式仅仅大体上相似;仿霍克式的头发头顶部分显著地比两边长。

45、Two women - one white, one Mohawk, both single mothers faced with desperate circumstances - are drawn into the world of border smuggling across the frozen water of the St.Lawrence River. ─── 故事的两位主人公都是单身母亲,为环境所迫,她们也加入了走私的行列,而这一次的路线将要穿过圣罗伦斯河冰冻的河面。

46、He goes to the hairdresser and he gets a Mohawk that's huge and it's orange. ─── 他去理发店理了一个硕大的橙色莫霍克发型。

47、About two years ago, pictures showed up everywhere of Angelina Jolie's adopted son Maddox Jolie, who was four at the time, sporting a Mohawk . ─── 约两年前,安洁莉娜.裘莉四岁的养子麦杜斯.裘莉顶著一颗鸡冠头的照片随处可见。

48、Boy: (stops yelling and smiles) Yeah, mohawk! ─── 小男孩:(孩子不闹了却笑了起来)好啊,就那个发型!

49、A warm, August breeze blew through his turquoise hair which, for once, wasn't spiked into a mohawk. ─── 一阵温暖的、八月的清风拂过他那青绿色的头发,这头发头一次没有变得如同尖钉一般的莫霍克发式[这句话很没有把握]。

50、a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living along the Mohawk River in New York state. ─── 以前生活在纽约州的莫霍河沿岸的易洛魁族人。

51、The response from all that attended was very positive and all felt as if this training would be very beneficial in promoting Mohawk products to their customers. ─── 最让我们感到欣慰的是大家踊跃的练习使用各种产品,因为他们坚信这次培训能对莫霍克产品的推广起到非常积极的作用。

52、a city of eastern New York on the Mohawk river; it prospered after the opening of the Erie Canal. ─── 美国纽约州东部的一座城市,位于莫霍克河岸;在伊利运河开通后开始繁荣。

53、A city of east-central New York on the Mohawk River northwest of Albany. Settled in1783, it was named Amsterdam because many of its early inhabitants were from the Netherlands. Population,20, 714. ─── 阿姆斯特丹美国纽约州中部偏东城市,在莫霍克河沿岸,阿尔巴尼西北部。1783年有人定居后被命名为阿姆斯特丹,因为这里的早期居民来自荷兰,人口20,714

54、A city of central New York on the Mohawk River west-northwest of Utica. Because of its location as a portage point, the city was strategically important during the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolution. Population,44, 350. ─── 罗马美国纽约州中部一城市,位于尤蒂卡西北偏西的莫霍克河沿岸。由于该市处于水陆交通要道,它在法国对印第安人的战争及美国独立革命时期具有重要的战略意义。人口44,350

55、- Last-soundtrack hard-rock, inked-god, mohawk, rusted-plastic, the-quiet-scream, trashed, undecapped-vinyl; ─── -最后音轨的硬摇滚,签署神,莫霍克,生锈,塑料,静音,尖叫,垃圾桶,undecapped乙烯;

56、Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology ─── 莫霍克应用艺术及技术学院

57、Mohawk Synchronous Communications ─── 莫霍克同步通信

58、Think about that the next time you see a male lion's mane at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked Mohawk hairstyle at the mall! ─── 当你下次在动物园看到一只雄性的狮子长长的鬃毛,或是在商业街看到一个留着莫霍克族麦穗头型的十几岁少年时,你就会明白了。

59、For example, you might associate someone with a "Mohawk" with the "punk" scene. ─── 比如,你可以在"朋客式"的地点与一个"莫霍克人"来往。

60、Sales Department 6 Mohawk held a 5 days' training workshop for distributors in their training facility at Taiho Dalingshan on Mar 19. ─── 3月19日,业务六部莫霍克在东莞大宝培训中心举办了为期5天的经销商培训。

61、Mohawk Babbitt ─── 莫霍克巴比合金

62、Well, at least one of them had a feathered mohawk tail in a subdued palette of chestnut and white stripes. ─── 嗯,至少有一只恐龙的摩霍克尾巴覆盖了浅栗色的羽毛,上面有白色条纹。

63、A kindergarten student with a freshly spiked Mohawk has been suspended from school. ─── 有一个幼稚园小朋友因为新理了一颗刺刺尖尖的鸡冠头而被学校休学。

64、A city of east-central New York on the Mohawk River northwest of Albany. Settled in 1783,it was named Amsterdam because many of its early inhabitants were from the Netherlands. Population,20,714. ─── 阿姆斯特丹美国纽约州中部偏东城市,在莫霍克河沿岸,阿尔巴尼西北部。1783年有人定居后被命名为阿姆斯特丹,因为这里的早期居民来自荷兰,人口20,714。

65、The Mohawk were the easternmost member of the Iroquois confederacy. ─── 今天的人口主要在安大略湖以南和纽约州最北部。

66、Most of the dogs in the competition were also Chinese Crested, a breed that has a mohawk, bug eyes and a long, wagging tongue. ─── 多数参赛犬都是有著冲天冠毛、凸眼,长长的舌头还挂在嘴边晃的中国冠毛犬。

67、a city of central New York on the Mohawk River west-northwest of Utica. Because of its location as a portage point,the city was strategically important during the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolution. Population,44,350 ─── 罗马,美国纽约州中部一城市,位于尤蒂卡西北偏西的莫霍克河沿岸。由于该市处于水陆交通要道,它在法国对印第安人的战争及美国独立革命时期具有重要的战略意义。人口44,350

68、Mohawk Options premium cover-weight sheet is 100% post-consumer waste (PCW) fiber with improved opacity and ink holdout for crisp dot definition. ─── 莫霍克期权溢价盖重资产负债表是100 %消费后废物( PCW )纤维的改善不透明性和油墨抵抗的清晰点的定义。

69、Mohawk leader who supported the British in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution ─── 莫霍克族领袖,在法印战争和美国革命中支持英军

70、The Mohawk gets its name from a Native American tribe that used to put their hair into a strip during battle. ─── 这个名称源自美国原住民摩霍克族,该族在作战时习惯将头发削成一条。


莫西干,北美印第安人的一个分支,随着考古学家不懈的努力和遗传科学的迅速发展,学术界普遍认同,印第安人的祖先是由亚洲跨越白令海峡到达美洲的,亚洲的蒙古利亚人种与美洲人土著印第安人的祖先有渊源关系。  操阿尔冈昆语的印第安人,居住在哈得逊河流域上游的卡兹奇(Catskill)山脉。国内对这个莫西干有个的翻译错误,就是2002年世界杯时小贝的发型,小贝的莫西干头引起了新的莫西干发型热。但是其实莫西干人并没有留那种发型。两边低中间立起来的发型英文对应的是Mohawk ,翻译过来应该是摩霍克,也是印第安的比较闻名的一族。可能音译的原因导致的错误。




国内对这个莫西干有个翻译错误,就是2002年世界杯时小贝的发型,小贝的莫西干头引起了新的莫西干发型热。但是其实莫西干人并没有留那种发型。两边低中间立起来的发型英文对应的是Mohawk ,翻译过来应该是摩霍克,也是印第安的比较闻名的一族。可能音译的原因导致的错误。

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