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08-18 投稿


chum 发音

英:[t??m]  美:[t??m]

英:  美:

chum 中文意思翻译





chum 网络释义

n. 室友;密友vi. 结为密友n. (Chum)人名;(柬)宗;(捷)胡姆

chum 词性/词形变化,chum变形


chum 短语词组

chum up

1. 成为好友; 交朋友

She's chummed up with the girl in the next room.


1、chum foon hei chum foon ─── 嘿

2、chum lee ─── 李哲民

3、chumchum ─── 密友

4、chum drum bedrum ─── 鼓楼

5、so chum ─── 所以朋友

6、chum up with sb ─── 与某人成好朋友

7、chum bucket supreme ─── 至尊木桶

8、chum bucket ─── 密友桶

9、chum up with ─── 与…友好, ─── 与…交朋友

10、chum salmon ─── 大麻哈鱼

11、chum up ─── 成为朋友 要好

12、chum vannet ─── 与水亲密接触

13、chum fricassee ─── 炸薯条

14、chum pwt chum pwt ─── 公司

15、chum ai ─── 男朋友

chum 相似词语短语

1、chem ─── abbr.化学(chemistry);n.(Chem)人名;(柬)姜(用于名字第一节),真

2、chug ─── vi.发出轧轧声;发出嘎嚓声;发出轧轧声前进;n.(美)轧轧声

3、chm ─── abbr.化学加工(ChemicalMachining)

4、chub ─── n.白鲑;鲦鱼;n.(Chub)人名;(泰)触;(俄)丘布

5、chump ─── n.笨蛋;大肉片,大块排骨;大木片

6、chur ─── n.河心沙洲;n.(Chur)人名;(西)丘尔

7、cham ─── n.可汗;n.(Cham)人名;(法)卡姆;(柬、老)占;(中)湛(广东话·威妥玛);(冈)查姆;(越)箴;(阿拉伯)沙姆;(东南亚国家华语)詹

8、chums ─── n.室友;密友;vi.结为密友;n.(Chum)人名;(柬)宗;(捷)胡姆

9、chut ─── int.咄!啧!(表示不耐烦、吃惊)

chum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blasco,J.Puppo,J.Sararsquete,M.C Acid and alkaline phosphatase activities in the chum Ruditapes philippinarum 1993 ─── 廖金花.陈巧.林丽蓉.洪燕飞.陈清西鲍鱼碱性磷酸酶的分离纯化和性质研究[期刊论文]-海洋水产研究2005(02

2、Kenny tried to chum up with his new roommate but was only partially successful ─── 肯尼想和他的新室友拉交情,但只取得了几分成功。

3、They reached Se Dang Chum just as the enemy got there, prepared to head straight down the high road. ─── 当他们赶到书堂站时,逃敌也恰恰赶到那里,眼看就要从汽车路上开过去。

4、With sensors on the head, waist, and near the wheels, Pal and Chum demonstrated how they could react to commands. ─── 机器人“好朋友”和“好伙伴”的头部、腰部和轮子附近都装有传感器,它们示范了如何通过传感器对指令做出反应。

5、The lodge - keeper had a son who was a chum of Master Grossjay's. ─── 小屋看守人有一个儿子。他是克罗斯杰少爷最要好的朋友之一。

6、Space and social life are highly regulated within the chum, and the sewing materials will be stored in a special area reserved for women. ─── 在那里,相伴着的人们的生活的空间得到了充分的间隔和足够的利用,还为女人们留出了一方专门放置缝纫材料的天地。

7、You see I would rather chum with the few mechanics there were in that station ─── 你们看,我倒情愿与那站上的那几个机修工交朋友。

8、Risk Analysis of Vibrio Alginolyticus in Imported Frozen Chum Salmon ─── 关于进境冻大马哈鱼携带溶藻弧菌的风险分析

9、So while my husband slept, helped by morphine, I' d clench my teeth, grip the wheel and feel my stomach chum. ─── 当冉迪在吗啡的药效下睡着时,我便咬紧 牙,握紧方向盘,感觉自己的胃都在翻动。

10、If you've got a problem chum. ─── 如果你有个铁杆朋友。

11、How are we gonna get our truck in there, Pal? -just leaves it to me, chum! ─── 我们怎样才能让我们的卡车到那里,伙计? -交给我来办吧,老朋友!

12、Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday! ─── 愿友谊之手愈握愈紧,让相连的心愈靠愈近!我最要好的朋友,祝你生日快乐!

13、good thing you didn't say, 'why so glum, chum?' ─── 你可真厉害,Larry,被你这么一说,我的胃口马上就好起来了。

14、"Women's work in the Nenets nomad culture includes the assembly and disassembly of the family chum, a tent made of larch poles and reindeer skins. ─── 涅涅茨游牧族女人的工作包括家庭帐篷的装卸。帐篷由落叶松木和驯鹿皮构成。

15、boyhood chum ─── 童年之交

16、an old school chum ─── 老校友

17、I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you alugh.I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. ─── 你笑的时候、我也跟着笑,你痛苦的时候,我愿意陪同你一起承受这个痛苦。

18、The lodge-keeper had a son who was a chum of Master Grossjay's ─── 小屋看守人有一个儿子。他是克罗斯杰少爷最要好的朋友之一。

19、They used to chum in with each other in the past. ─── 他们过去关系很好。

20、a new chum ─── 新来的移民; 生手

21、Lam Ka Chum ─── 林家骏(1928-),澳门人,天主教澳门教区副主教。

22、1. Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California. ─── 潜入无人居住的深海之中,金枪鱼是最富有吸引力的,还有岩鱼,正在巡游的是篮海星在水中,这是蒙特里杰海湾,加利福尼亚州。收藏指正

23、Sorry, chum, we got orders to blot you out. ─── 对不起啦,伙计,我们接到命令要把你干掉。

24、CHUM and MUHC will be the first sites in Canada to deploy the integrated software. ─── CHUM与MUHC将是加拿大首批应用这项整合软件的站点。

25、1.Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California. ─── 潜入无人居住的深海之中,金枪鱼是最富有吸引力的,还有岩鱼,正在巡游的是篮海星在水中,这是蒙特里杰海湾,加利福尼亚州。

26、And I'm also not sure that getting her to earn pocket money with a chum of yours is a great idea either. ─── 让她在你的朋友那里赚点零花钱是不是好主意呢?我也说不好。

27、Alstonia pachycarpa Merr.et Chum ─── 小叶灯台树

28、try to be friendly with; try to chum [pal] up with; cotton up to ─── 套近乎

29、Winking conspiratorially at his chum. ─── 对同房间的人狡黠地眨了眨眼。

30、ex: I mean, you see, most girls, they're all like "Stay away, chum ". ─── 我的意思是,大多数的女孩都会有这种反应:"走开,臭男人"

31、At a small stream in southeastern Alaska, for instance, we observed a 200-kilogram female brown bear capture more than 40 chum salmon during several foraging bouts over the course of eight hours. ─── 例如,在阿拉斯加东南部的一条小溪,我们观察到一头200公斤的母棕熊,在八小时内的数趟觅食之旅中,捕到了40条以上的狗鲑。

32、Keywords Malania olceifera chum oil;Cyclopentadecanolide;Ozonization;Macrocyclic lactone; ─── 蒜头果油;环十五内酯;臭氧化;大环内酯;

33、Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh? ─── 多谢了,伙计,你先做我的朋友吧?

34、Hitachi said Pal and Chum, which have a vocabulary of about 100 words, could be "trained" for practical office and factory use in as little as five to six years. ─── 日立公司表示,“好朋友”和“好伙伴”能够识别的词汇量为100个单词,经过“训练”后,它们有望在五六年内进入办公室和工厂从事实际工作。

35、lih: Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday! ─── 一支蜡烛,一颗心愿,一份真情,祝你生日快乐!

36、chum of network ─── 网络波动

37、Deep sea fish: Tuna, tuna (yellow fin tuna), salmon, whale, seal, pacific herring, capelin, chum salmon (Atlantic chum salmon), trout, cod, long-tailed anchovy, black carp, sardine, eel and so on. ─── 深海鱼类:鲔鱼、金枪鱼(黄鳍金枪鱼)、三文鱼、鲸鱼、海豹、鲱鱼、毛鳞鱼、鲑鱼(大西洋鲑鱼)、鳟鱼、鳕鱼、刀鱼、青鱼、沙丁鱼、鳗鱼等。

38、Malania olceifera chum oil ─── 蒜头果油

39、Mr Chum, at UBS, calls it a "classic case of unintended consequences" . ─── 瑞士银行的查姆称之为“无意识后果的经典案例。”

40、How are we gonna get our truck in there, pal? -Just leaves it to me, chum! ─── 我们怎样才能让我们的卡车到那里,伙计?-交给我来办吧,老朋友!

41、chum up with sb ─── 与某人成好朋友

42、Chum Frink chanted, "Oh, say, I got hold of a swell new receipt for home-made beer the other day. " ─── 朱姆·弗林克单调地说:“哦,那天我搞到一个极好的家酿啤酒的新配方。”

43、In Taipei he met a boyhood chum. ─── 他在台北遇见一位童年时期的拍档。

44、At the banquet table , I had the good fortune to sit vis-a-vis an old school chum. ─── 在宴会桌上,我恰巧坐在一位老同学的对面。

45、Silivis H Craig,Ciealinski Robert C,Murray Daniel J,Chum Stephen P.The use of new polyolefin elastomers for impact modification of polypropylene[R].SAE Technical Paper Series 950559. ─── 丁雪佳,徐日炜,余鼎声,等.茂金属聚烯烃弹性体乙烯-辛烯共聚物的性能与应用[J].特种橡胶制品,2002,23(4):18-22.

46、"Listen, old chum," Mel said ─── “听我说,好兄弟。”梅尔说。

47、new chum ─── 新移民

48、Okay, chum! Now, you try it! -If you can do it, I can do it! ─── 好的,室友!现在,你试试!-如果你能做,我就能做!

49、chum in with ─── vt. 与 ... 结为密友

50、And the Tories' sole Latvian chum is a mild-mannered economist, a wing of whose party annually honours Latvians who fought with the Waffen SS against Soviet forces. ─── 保守党在拉脱维亚只有一个孤零零的哥们儿,是一名温文的经济学家,他加入的政党有一部分人每年都会表彰当年协同纳粹党卫军抗击苏联军队的拉托维亚人。

51、Chum un mache mich gesunt, come and make me better, ─── 来吧令我心醉

52、frozen chum salmon ─── 冻鲑鱼

53、They are harmless to humans if left alone and will not be attracted to chum. ─── 牠们对人类没有害,也不会受鱼饵所诱。

54、to chum the fish with minced meat ─── 用碎肉引诱鱼

55、dried chum ─── 干杂鱼

56、customer chum prediction ─── 客户流失预测

57、An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it. ─── 又有一位我十年前的老同学、老室友要我把我写的都念给他听,写得有多快就念多快。

58、An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it. ─── 又有一位我十年前的老同学、老室友要我把我写的都念给他听,写得有多快就念多快。

59、I notice it did not take Julian long to chum up with the new secretary. ─── 我注意到朱利安没多久就和新秘书交上了朋友。

60、frozen chum salmon roe ─── 冻鲑鱼籽

61、For all those who donated through the Union, CHUM will provide receipts for prove, and in the days to come, explanations on how the money were used would be sent to individuals. ─── 故此成都母堂力劝大家不必再往四川协助救灾,宁可将路费捐与成都母堂作灾后重建教堂基金。

62、Two husbands might chum up and slip out for a light ale ─── 两位做丈夫的可能结成了好朋友,溜出去喝淡啤酒了。

63、Chum Ruby International Corporation Pey.Ltd. ─── 澳大利亚淳儒国际实业有限公司。

64、A friend; a chum. ─── 朋友朋友;好朋友

65、For example, an adult male chum salmon on the spawning grounds contains an average of 130 grams of nitrogen, 20 grams of phosphorus and more than 20,000 kilojoules of energy in the form of protein and fat. ─── 举例来说,产卵地的一条成年雄性狗鲑,体内平均含有130克的氮、20公克的磷,以及能量超过20000千焦耳的蛋白质及脂质。

66、When our metal chum tries to evade the US fighter pilots, his agility is mirrored in the sound. ─── 当我们的金属朋友试图躲避美国飞行员时,他的灵活性在声音上真实地反映了出来。

67、customer chum analysis ─── 客户流失分析

68、She's chum up with the girl in the next room ─── 她和邻室的姑娘成了好朋友

69、9. With sensors on the head, waist, and near the wheels, Pal and Chum demonstrated how they could react to commands. ─── 机器人“好朋友”和“好伙伴”的头部、腰部和轮子附近都装有传感器,它们示范了如何通过传感器对指令做出反应。收藏指正

70、Customer chum ─── 客户流失

71、According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticusin imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively. ─── 按照WTO的SPS协定原则,分别对进境冻大马哈鱼携带溶藻弧菌可能对人体安全和水产动物健康造成的影响及其传播进行了风险评估。

72、chume, chum, geselle min. come, come, my love. ─── 求求你快来吧,我的爱人呀。

73、Your kung fu skills may be unparalleled old chum, but your comic delivery leaves something to be desired... ─── 大胆戴世伍德:你的武功也许无人能比,但是你讲笑话的水平还有提升的空间。

74、The essential oil from Malania Olceifera Chum was extracted by steam distillation, and the chemical components were identified and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. ─── 摘要以植物资源蒜头果为原料,采用水蒸气蒸馏法分别提取果实和枝叶挥发成分,用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)定性定量分析了其化学成分。

75、For Chum Mey, it was better to testify in front of a public gallery packed with deeply involved Cambodian villagers, than in the sterile legal atmosphere of the world court in The Hague. ─── 对淳嵋说来,在满是深受其害的柬埔寨村民的旁听席面前作证,要比在海牙的严格的法律氛围下的世界法庭作证更好。

76、He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being. ─── 他只能坐在水里,对别的青蛙呱呱地叫,决不能成为任何人的好朋友。

77、Callicarpa kwangtungensis ChuM. ─── 广东紫珠

78、chum with ─── 与 ... 同一寝室

79、After luring a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) with chum, diver Andre Hartman ends up perilously close to the premier predator off the coast of Gansbaai, South Africa. ─── 在引诱大白鲨和三文鱼,潜水员安德烈哈特曼最终危险地接近第一位猎食者在干斯拜的海面上,南非。

80、As a result, the model, which can make a prediction of customer's chum probability, put forward to the purposes desired are accomplished. ─── 利用该模型能及时准确地掌握客户流失情况,以此可以提高企业决策的针对性,降低客户流失率。

81、He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being ─── 他只能坐在水里,对别的青蛙呱呱地叫,决不能成为任何人的好朋友。

82、Depending on the time of year, fish species such as cutthroat trout, chum and coho salmon and steelhead can be found in the lake. ─── 像所有的 湖和湿地一样,这个地区吸引著广泛与多样的水鸟。

83、8/15/91 CHUM, Bun Rong ─── 春文龙

84、chum up ─── 建立友谊, 交朋友

85、An analysis on treatment effect of digestive canal cancer used Chum Dan and Maxolon with chemotherapy and its digestive reactive ─── 枢丹和胃复安对消化道肿瘤化疗后胃肠反应的疗效分析

86、Old chum. ─── 老朋友。

87、Malania Olceifera Chum ─── 蒜头果

88、He's going to chum with a friend next month instead of having a room to himself. ─── 下个月他不独居一室了,他要和一个朋友一起住。

89、Chum around with sb. ─── [口]与某人成好朋友






















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