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08-18 投稿


gallicism 发音


英:  美:

gallicism 中文意思翻译



gallicism 网络释义

n. (在其他语言中使用的)法国词语、习语或表达方式 法语语言特点,法语风格 法国的特性、习俗、思维方式等。

gallicism 短语词组

1、gallicism define ─── 高卢主义定义

2、gallicism list ─── 高卢主义列表

3、gallicism meaning ─── 高卢主义意义

4、gallicism definition ─── 高卢主义定义

gallicism 相似词语短语

1、gaelicism ─── 盖尔主义

2、phallicism ─── n.男性生殖器崇拜;阳物崇拜

3、gallicas ─── (Gallica)伽利卡;n.法国蔷薇

4、gallicise ─── 加利西亚

5、Gallicised ─── 被阉割的

6、Gallicism ─── n.法国词语

7、gallisise ─── 高斯分布

8、Gallicisms ─── 高卢主义

9、Galliciser ─── 粗毛主义者

gallicism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Fufang Zhenzhou Kouchuang Granule/chemistry;Galla chinensis/chemistry;gallic acid/analysis;HPLC; ─── 复方珍珠口疮颗粒/化学;五倍子/化学;没食子酸/分析;高效液相色谱法;

2、Orthogonal Test for Optimization of Extracting Procedure to Gallic Acid from Dijincao ─── 正交试验法优选地锦草的提取工艺

3、* `Deja vu' is a Gallicism often used in English. ─── deja vu是英语中常用的法语词语.

4、gallic acid ester ─── 棓酸酯

5、encumbered by elephants and horses, he was beset by Gallic tribes, harsh winter weather, and defection of his Spanish troops. ─── 因大象和马的拖累,他受到高卢部落、严寒的冬季气候和自己西班牙军队的背叛等阻挠。

6、Based on the chemiluminescence's(CL) of gallic acid-HCHO-H_2O_2 system in alkaline medium,a static injection chemiluminescence's method was developed to determine concentration of trace formaldehyde. ─── 基于碱性介质中没食子酸-过氧化氢-甲醛体系的化学发光现象,建立了静态注射化学发光法测定微量甲醛的方法。

7、Keywords Sedum Aizoon L;gallic acid;total phenolic acid;HPLC;spectrophotometry; ─── 景天三七;没食子酸;总酚酸;高效液相色谱;分光光度法;

8、In a battle in Cisalpine Gaul he killed a Gallic King by his own hand and dedicated the spoils to Jupiter in the Capitol. ─── 在山南高卢的一次战斗中,他亲手杀死了一位高卢酋长,并在朱彼特神庙把他的战利品献祭给朱彼特。

9、gallic acid lauryl alcohol ester ─── 没食于酸月桂醇酯

10、Keywords gallic acid;gallnut;antimony subgallate;infrared spectrometry; ─── 五倍子;没食子酸;碱式没食子酸锑;红外光谱;

11、Deja vu'is a Gallicism often used in English. ─── 是英语中常用的法语词语。

12、And, in true Gallic fashion, he is not exactly short of confidence as he looks forward to the tournament. ─── 并且,他也不缺少信心。他正期待着世界杯的征程。

13、Using gallic acid as the standard, the optimum conditions for determining of the polyphenols in the apple pomace by Folin method are investigated. ─── 以没食子酸为标准品研究了福林法测定苹果渣中多酚物质含量的适宜条件。

14、Gallic acid was firstly acetylized with acetic anhydride to protect phenolic groups, then reacted with SOCl_2 or PCl_5 to prepare intermediate tricetyl-galloylchloride, in which the yields were 80% and 90% respectively. ─── 将没食子酸先用醋酐进行乙酰化保护酚羟基,后与酰氯化剂SOCl2或PCl5反应,制得三乙酰基没食子酰氯,得率分别为80%和90%;

15、Keywords Sedum Aizoon L.;Gallic Acid;Total Phenolic Acid;Spectrophotometry; ─── 景天三七;总酚酸;没食子酸;分光光度法;

16、There is some reason to believe that this particular gallicism is more frequently found in the feminine vocabulary than in that of men ─── 有理由可以使人相信,这一独特的法语用法妇女使用得比男子多。

17、Determination of gallic acid in Turkish galls by HPLC ─── HPLC测定没食子中没食子酸的含量

18、This usage was objected to as a Gallicism when it was first introduced but has long been standard. ─── 当这种用法一开始出现时,有人把它当作法国式用法而提出异议,但现在它早已成为标准用法。

19、Gallic acid was separated from the fruits of Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc by High Speed Countercurrent Chromatography(HSCCC)and was identified by spectral analysis. ─── 应用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)分离山茱萸中的没食子酸并结合波谱技术进行结构鉴定。

20、Keywords gallic acid;butanol;extraction; ─── 没食子酸;丁醇;萃取;

21、When I saw this picture, my nose gallic acid, my eye has been red, the tear came out ......These are the child! ─── 当我看到这张照片,我的鼻子酸了,我的眼睛红了,眼泪出来了......这些都是孩子啊!

22、We find in Caesar's Gallic Wars the first and fullest account of the Druids. ─── 我们在凯撒的高卢战争中首先发现完整的德鲁伊教说明。

23、Experimental Study on Antitumor Effect of Gallic Acid ─── 五倍子酸抗肿瘤作用实验研究

24、Hydrolysable tannin may be degraded to glucose,gallic acid,ellagic acid and valonia acid in the acid condition. ─── 水解类植物鞣质在酸性条件下能降解,其降解产物可起到还原、蒙囿以及与金属盐络合的作用。

25、the Gallic Wars (Julius Caesar) ─── 征服高卢之) 高卢战役 (58-51 B.C.)

26、Just an hour by train from Paris, the former capital of Flanders marries Gallic traditions with the 21st-century design sensibility of its Low Country neighbors. ─── 仅一个小时的火车从巴黎原子娶佛兰德首府传统与21世纪的设计敏感性低的国家邻邦。

27、Keywords Fructus Corni;Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis;Combination;Loganin;Schisandrin;Gallic acid;High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC); ─── 山茱萸;五味子;配伍;马钱苷;五味子醇甲;没食子酸;高效液相色谱法;

28、blow a (Gallic) gasket ─── 勃然大怒,暴跳如雷

29、gallic oxide ─── 三氧化二镓

30、Keywords HPLC gallic acid gallate tannase; ─── 没食子酸;没食子酸烷基酯;单宁酶;

31、The Content Determination of Gallic Acid of Geranium Sibiricum Collected in Three Provinces in Northeast ─── 东北三省产鼠掌老鹳草中没食子酸的含量测定

32、Containing tannin, gallic acid, pyro-gallic acid, nutgall has many kinds of uses in the industry construction and person's life. ─── 五倍子含有单宁酸、没食子酸、焦性没食子酸,在工业建设和人民生活中具有广泛的用途。

33、Gallic acid, the decomposd product of tannin, was in bright yellow and green color, showing a strong specificity. ─── 亚硝酸钠试剂显色,未见报道,对鞣质的分解产物没食子酸独显亮黄绿色,专属性强。

34、Independently, volanea extract and gallic acid are modified by thermal heat treatment and microwave irradiation. ─── 在改性方案相同前提下,分别在常规加热搅拌和微波加热条件下对橡椀栲胶进行接枝改性。

35、hexose gallic acid ester ─── 己糖酸酯

36、The Uracil and Gallic acid were isolated and identified respectively from Pu-erh Tea in this paper.The Uracil was firstly isolated from Pu-erh Tea. ─── 摘要从普洱茶中分离并鉴定了2个单体化合物,分别为尿嘧啶和没食子酸,其中尿嘧啶为首次从普洱茶中获得。

37、As the gondola is to Venice, so the 2CV was to France. And what better way to see Paris, but in this most iconic of Gallic cars. ─── 2CV对于法国来说就像刚朵拉(船)对威尼斯一样。参观巴黎的最好方式就是乘坐这种最具象征意义的高卢汽车。

38、She was as plump as ever and smelled just the same.Only her style of dress was not as Gallic as when she had first returned from abroad, and the French in her speech had dropped off. ─── 她丰采依然,气味如旧,只是装束不像初回国时那样的法国化,谈话里的法文也减少了。

39、But as French chefs have embraced the quintessentially American food, they have also made it their own, incorporating Gallic flourishes like cornichons, fleur de sel and fresh thyme. ─── 但法国厨师们已经掌握了美式食品的精髓,他们自己制作,吸收了高卢风味,如加入了酸黄瓜,新鲜百里香等。

40、gallic hydroxide ─── 氢氧化镓

41、Keywords Ningmitai capsules;gallic acid;TLC-scanning; ─── 宁泌泰胶囊;没食子酸;薄层色谱扫描法;

42、Vagrancy, that Gallic picareria, accepted the sewer as the adjunct of the Cour des Miracles, and at evening, it returned thither,fierce and sly, through the Maubuee outlet, as into a bed-chamber. ─── 乞丐,即高卢的流氓,把阴渠当作圣迹区,到了晚上,他们奸猾又凶狠,钻进位于莫布埃街的进出口,好似退入帷幕之中。

43、gallic aeid ─── 没食子酸

44、He tries to classify the Gallic tribes according to their origins and tells of one of these claiming that they were colonists who came there from a remote island. ─── 他尝试依照高卢人的起源,把他们归类,讲述了其中一些主张,断定他们是来自一个遥远岛屿的殖民者。

45、At the same time Caesar confirmed his status in Roman historiography by the Gallic War and became the key of development of Roman historiography. ─── 凯撒虽无心为史,但他作为统军将帅亲笔写下了整个战争的经过,从而开创了历史写作的新体裁,也奠定了他在罗马史学中的地位。

46、Methods Artemisia Annuae oil,Menthol,Chlorogenic Acids,Gallic Acid and Glycyrrhizic Acid in HuangJing YanHou Tablet were identified by TLC. ─── 方法采用薄层色谱法对黄金咽喉片中的主要有效成分挥发油类(青蒿油、薄荷脑)及有机酸类(绿原酸、没食子酸、甘草酸)分别进行定性鉴别。

47、What have they given us in exchange for all this,for this great page of Gallic history,for all this Gothic art? ─── 为了代替这一切,代替这整个高卢历史,代替这全部峨特艺术,人家塞给了我们什么名堂呢?

48、trimethyl gallic acid ─── 三甲基五味子酸

49、In cryptography, an early example of monoalphabetic, or substitution cipher used in the Gallic wars. ─── 密码学中,在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码,或称替代密码的早期例子。

50、Keywords plant polyphenos glucose gallic acid chromium dynamic characters; ─── 植物多酚;葡萄糖;没食子酸;铬;动力学特性;

51、Keywords Gallic acid;Flow injection analysis;Biamperometry;Platinum electrode; ─── 没食子酸;流动注射分析;双安培法;铂电极;

52、Determination of Gallic Acid Content in Compound Zhenzhu Kouchuang Granule ─── 复方珍珠口疮颗粒中没食子酸的含量测定

53、Method: The determination was effected by HPLC condition an detection wavelength of 254nm for vitamin c and 271nm for gallic acid. ─── 方法:采用HPLC法,Vc检测波长254nm,没食子酸检测波长271nm。

54、Tannase hydrolyses the ester bonds and depside bonds in gallic acid tannins to release gallic acid and glucose. ─── 摘要单宁酶可水解没食子酸单宁中的酯键和缩酚羧键,生成没食子酸和葡萄糖。

55、However, Gallic honour was saved by Jacques Waynberg, director of the French Institute of Sexology, who said the expectations in France were simply higher than elsewhere. ─── 但法国性学研究所所长魏恩伯保住了法国人的尊严,表示法国人只是期望比其他地方高。

56、'Deja vu' is a Gallicism often used in English.deja vu ─── 是英语中常用的法语词语.

57、There is some reason to believe that this particular gallicism is more frequently found in the feminine vocabulary than in that of men. ─── 有理由可以使人相信,这一独特的法语用法妇女使用得比男子多。

58、Study on the Gallic Acid in Pu-erh Tea ─── 普洱茶中的没食子酸研究

59、Keywords Pinella ternate (Thunb.) Breit;Juglans regia;constituent;anticancer activity;palmitic amide;gallic acid; ─── 半夏;核桃树皮;化学成分;生物活性;棕榈酰胺;没食子酸;

60、Deja vu' is a Gallicism often used in English . ─── 是英语中常用的法语词语。

61、gallic compund ─── 正镓化合物

62、Method The contents of Galla Halepensis were determined by TLC, and Gallic Acid was determined by HPLC. ─── 方法用薄层色谱法鉴别处方中五倍子的主要成分,用高效液相色谱法测定没食子酸的含量。

63、Of All the Gallic Tribes ─── 全体高卢部落

64、gallic sclerosing preparation ─── 五倍子硬化剂

65、Determination of gallic acid contents in Yexiazhu tablets by RP-HPLC ─── RP-HPLC测定叶下珠片中没食子酸的含量

66、The same point is made by Stephane March in his book French Blues, a study of the Gallic condition. (It is a very funny book, which is itself a rarity in French writing.) ─── 斯蒂芬·马奇在他的一本研究高卢人状况的书《法国的忧郁》(一本很有趣的书,本身就是法国作品中的奇葩)中也指出了这一点。

67、Keywords Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc;gallic acid;High Speed Countercurrent Chromatography(HSC ─── 山茱萸;没食子酸;高速逆流色谱;

68、Keywords Euphorbia hylonoma Hand.-Mazz.;Thannins;Gallic acid;Assaying; ─── 九牛造;鞣质;没食子酸;含量测定;

69、However, Gallic honor was saved by Jacques Waynberg, director of the French Institute of sexology, who said the expectations in France were simply higher than elsewhere. ─── 但是法国性学研究所所长魏恩伯保住了法国人的尊严,表示法国人只是期望比其他地方高。

70、FLO One of the finest Gallic spots in town; Authentic French food ─── 地址:新侨饭店二层,东交民巷2号

71、Herba Euphorbiae maculatae; Effective component; Gallic acid; Extraction;Separation; Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacodynamics; ─── 31斑地锦;有效成分;没食子酸;提取分离;药效;药动

72、Keywords Monophenol monooxygenase;Eugenol;Curcumin;Gallic acid;Ecdysone;Drugs;Chi-nese herbal; ─── 一元酚单氧酶;丁香酚;姜黄素;没食子酸;蜕皮激素;中草药;

73、From Chinese gall nut as raw material some derivates of gallic acid were prepared as antioxidant for edible oil. ─── 以我国特有的天然资源五倍子为原料,研制了几种没食子酸衍生物作为油脂抗氧化剂。

74、Keywords Potentilla chinensis;chemical constituents;apigenin;quercetin;benzoic acid;gallic acid; ─── 委陵菜;化学成分;芹菜素;槲皮素;苯甲酸;没食子酸;

75、The results showed that the content of gallic acid was 3.9% in the granule and only 2.8 % in Galla Chinensis which is a kind of raw material in the granule. ─── 9%,明显高于生产用原料五倍子药材中没食子酸含量的2。

76、then subdued the Belgic group of Gallic peoples in the north ... He described the campaigns in De bello Gallico (“On the Gallic War”... ─── 世界历史篇/史学与历史事件(运动、条约、战役)-中文/英文-2005/7/27-相关资料

77、Thus, the Gallic Society, and the committee of organization of the Municipalities. ─── 例如高卢社和地方组织委员会。

78、gallic acid ─── n. [化]五倍子酸, 没食子酸

79、Keywords Chemiluminescence;Flow injection;Gallic acid; ─── 化学发光;流动注射;没食子酸;

80、Keywords Microreactor Reversed micelles Tannase Gallic acid Amyl gallate; ─── 微反应器;反胶束;单宁酶;没食子酸;没食子酸戊酯;

81、Keywords Tannin;gallic acid;sulfuric acid;hydrolysis; ─── 单宁酸;水解;没食子酸;

82、in cryptography,an early example of monoalphabetic,or substitution cipher used in the Gallic wars ─── 密码学中,在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码,或称替代密码的早期例子

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